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1、商务英语教案travel教案docModule 3 Business Travel教师Liu bin科目Business English课题Module 3 Business Travel课时2班级时间教学目标知识目 标:1.Familiar with the words and expressions related to business travel;2.Know the way to prepare a business travel能力目标:1 Grasp how to have a boarding pass;情感目 标:1. know some cultural backgrou

2、nd knowledge about business travel;教学重点1 Get Ss to know the basic knowledge about business travel;2. Lead Ss to grasp the skills of go through customs and check-in教学难点Lead Ss to make up an efficient dialogue about check-in研究点Encourage and promote Ss9 ability to pick up useful information and to fini

3、sh the given task in groups教学方法Collaborative Task-based Method; Situational Experiencing Teaching Approach教学手段Multimedia教学资源Teaching plan, PPT, Course Website教学准备T: Design the teaching plan and prepare the power-pointSs: Collect the relevant information about travel and prepare for a three-minute pr

4、esentation教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动时间分 配Presentation1.Ss,presentation2.Comments1 .give instruction;2. make comments1. presentation; 2. comment onothers15 minsNew knowledge and skills1.Two dialogues2.Reading and discussing3.Completing travel order1.give tasks2.check the answerand commentstry to finish the giv

5、en tasks alone or in groups55 minsConsolidationCheck-in and Going through the customs1.give instruction2.check the answerand commentstry to finish the given task in groups15minsAssignment1 exercisesAssign the homeworkTake notes; think about thehomework5 mins教学反馈意见对课程培养方案、授课计划 的意见对本教案的意见其它Task I Simu

6、lation Exercises (模拟练习)Work in groups. Role-play the following situations with your partnersy acting as the Chinese speaker English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.、W、r 述戎w:尿& buswsvui06Cg ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti 照食嚥澈回嘶z;:;:;:;:;:;:;: 1L

7、TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL lb TLTL TL TL TL TL TL TLL m w 卸ZWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWTk 35gv3Ja&tejHWmzwWihw-111 A/Toy/ wwwA、W、fiXu pf / 1 .aWOwXShbppingzmwyzw侵欣按 zzzz:Task 2 Vocabulary Development (词汇扩展)Read the following words and expressions. Try to keepthem in mind and find more to enrich yo

8、ur language bank.A. Useful Words & Expressions办理出/入境手续to go through theexit/entry formalities日程安排schedule旅行路线itinerary起飞时间departure time机场大楼terminal building航班资料显示牌flight information board候机室departure lounge贵宾室VIP Room问讯处information desk安全检査security check外交/公务护照diplomatic/servicepassport一次性/多次性入境签证

9、single-entry/multiple-entry visa再入境签证re-entry visa旅行/居留签证travel/residence visa出境/入境/过境/访问签证签证有效期入境日期及口岸抵达/出境日期卫生证明/黄皮书居留事由/期限旅行/居住证海关海关关员关税填写报关单免税/应税商品免税店个人物品进/出口许可证照章纳税行李提取处 exit/entry/transit/visitor visavalidity of visa date and port of entry date of arrival/departure quarantine certificate purpo

10、se/duration of stay travel/residence permit the Customs customs officer customs duty to fill in/out the declaration form duty-free/dutiable goods/articles duty-free shop personal effects import/export permit to pay customs duty according to the regulations baggage/luggage claim行李寄存处随身行李行李牌行李手推车bagga

11、ge/luggage depository carry-on baggage luggage check;baggage/luggage tag luggage trolley/handcart/pushcartB. Sample SentencesInquiring aboui flightWhat flights are there from New York to Shanghai?Is there a non-stop flight to Beijing?What time is the plane due to arrive?When does the plane take off?

12、How much does it does it cost to fly to London?Please let us know the full cost, including t! overweight charge.How much is the fare?BookingDo I have to change planes?Are there any vacanciesCan I book/ have/ reserve/ keep a single room for the rd like to make a reservation of a double room for night

13、s.SpecificRequirementI booked/ reserved a single room for tonight.I believe you have a room reserved/ reservationme.The travel agency has arranged for a double roomme.Fd like a single / double room with a bath.Could you manage / let me have 2 doubles and singles for 3 days?I prefer a room facing sou

14、th / on the sunny side / wi a balcony / with a front view / on a higher floor overlooking the sea for a week.Fll be staying overnight only.There will be three people in our party.Can I have my breakfast in my room?Do you have / provide room services?Does the hotel have a sauna?Is there a phone in th

15、e room?What sort of amusements / sundry services dooffer? What if Fve got something to be sent to the laundry? What is the rate for a single room?What is the price difference between a doubleand a twinroom? How much is a suite for two nights?How much do you charge for the cheapesttwin-room? Is there

16、 a discount / reduction for company booking?Do we have to pay the full price for children?Does that include attendance / the use of telephone?I want to check out, please. My names isFm checking out today. Fd like my bill readymorning.Could I settle my bill now? Fm leaving around ten.Task 3 Cultural

17、Salon (文化沙龙)cultural knowledge about business travel.In a large company or firm there is a department which is in charge of the travel arrangements for the staff. In many companies, however, most of the arrangements for the bosss travel is usually made by the secretary. Before making the reservation

18、s, the secretary should first takethe following information into consideration:Departure time and datePlaces to be visitedDuration of visit to each placePurpose of the visit to each placesScheduled appointmentScheduled dinner meetings, lunch meetings or breakfast meetingsPreferences as to means of t

19、ravel or accommodationNumber and identity of people travelingBased on the information above, a tentative itinerary should be worked out. Then follows the action of further confirming the appointments, accommodation, transportation arrangements, eating locations, etc. and the initial travel plan shou

20、ld be modified. If there is not a department responsible for travel arrangements in a company, travel is usually arranged via a travel agency, such as transportation bookings and accommodation reservations.The information related to the travel itinerary include:Detailed information about the dates a

21、nd times of amval in each place to be visitedTypes of transportation, travel preferences, e.g. seating preference, in flight meal preference, smoking / non-smoking and accommodationpreferred.The following information should be provided:Bosss nameBoss business and home mobile phone numberBosss freque

22、nt for the travelers club membership detailsMethod of payment for the travel arrangements and credit card detailsIf the boss travels abroad, the secretary should also ask the travel agency for the certificates required, such as passport, visa, health or police certificates and how to obtain them. Wh

23、en necessary, the secretary should also arrange the health and baggage insurance for the general manger and help to collect the travelers checks.The final itinerary presented to the boss should consist of all the activities concerning the travel and the reservation receipts from the travel agency. T

24、he itinerary should at least be three copies One copy is for the secretary and the other two for the boss.Task 4 Interpreting Practice (口译实践)A. Sentence Inteipreting1.Wherever you go, you,ll see drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, drive-in churches and drive-in movies.2.Drivers are expected to kno

25、w and understand the local laws even if they dont live in a particular state.3.Australia is the worlds smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land4.A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the worlds most attrac

26、tive countries from the touristviewpoint.5.Tourism is a major industry in Australia, representing about six per cent of the gross domestic product and providing, directly or indirectly, around 440,000 jobs.Self-assessment (自我评价)Go over this unit and try to make an assessment on whatyour have learned

27、 and performed with the followingself-assessm ent formStudent Self-assessment Form1 InterpretingSkillsDiscourseAnalysis1.1Identification of the four speech types 口 口Two levels for the identification of the main ideas口 口2 Linguistic Notes about Business Travel2.1Useful words and口 口2.2Sample口 口3 Cultu

28、ral Notes about Business Travelexpressionssentences3.1Secretarys 3.2Atentative 3.3Travelagencys job itineraryjobChinese-EnglishEnglish-ChineseChinese-EnglishEnglish-ChineseA4. Phrase Interpreting about Business Travel4.1口 口4.2口 口5 Sentence Interpreting about Business Travel5.1口 口5.2口 口6 Text Interpr

29、eting about Business Travel6.1 Text 6.2TextB 6.3TextC 6.4TextD 7. Simulation Exercises about Business Travel7.1SituationA 7.2SituationB Points to Remember (单元要点)IFIrlrlFIFIFIFIrlrlrlrlrlFIFIrlrlrlrlF. wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxwwwwwwwww xxwwwwwwwwvx 、/w/wm/vx XXXXXXXK mi im xwwww wxxxxw xwwwwwww wwwwwwwvVWKww ay xxxw xww xww xww xww ay、z/ 、-WKi 、X冬xxmw xw mi im mm% x xxx xxxxxww xwmm% xvxxxvffixx xwxxxxxxxs

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