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76210 包装通用程序Packing general procedure.docx

1、76210 包装通用程序Packing general procedure1. 目的Objective 此文件对供应商送到立达及从立达发出的零件、产品和物料的包装方式提出了具体的规定。General requirements for packaging to be used to ship parts, products, and materials to and from Rieter Changzhou.2. 术语和定义Terms and Definitions术语/缩写词 Terms / Short Forms 定义DefinitionsSAPERP System ERP体系BOMBil

2、l of Material物料清单QtyQuantity数量PDEProduct Development Process产品开发过程PRDProduction Department生产部3. 概述General 所有的机器,分包装配件或零件发送时,必须有一份包装指导说明或样例图纸。(见SAP-BOM)。All machine, subassembly or part has to be sending, need there a proofed packing instruction or drawing. (See in SAP- BOM) 产品包装应根据产品的特点及储运条件采用不同的包装方

3、法,产品包装应符合科学、经济、美观、牢固的要求。All packaging vary according to the types of products and transportation. And they must be suitable, economical, good-looking, and reliable. 包装必须适于直接用机器搬运(包装应与地面相距100mm)。It must be possible to lift the packaging directly with the handling machine (space between floor and pack

4、aging 100mm) . 装运必须安全,不允许包装对操作者或产品有潜在的危险。The load must be secured during transport. Any packaging representing a potential source of danger for the operators or for the parts is prohibited. 如果用户有特殊要求,包装遵从顾客具体要求进行。If customers have special requirements, the packaging is implemented according to custo

5、mers.4. 内包装internal packaging 这儿的内包装是指用于运输到顾客那里的包装之前的保护包装。遵循如下要求:Internal packaging here means packaging for protecting parts before packaging for handling and transport between the company and the customer. Requirements follow as: 有防锈要求的,应涂防锈油或包VCI防绣纸。The parts that can rust have to be protected wi

6、th anti rust oil or with VCI paper. 易碎的零件,应该包上发泡塑料并用胶带缠绕或置于小栅格中或固定。Fragile parts have to be protected with bubbly plastic paper and film wrap, or placed in honeycomb containers, or fixed. 对于小体积数量大的零件,成十上百地用小塑料袋包好(确保表面不会被损坏),放入小纸盒箱,并附上标签(包括件号,数量,批次等)。零件应容易点数,包装容易贮存于仓库,每箱不超过8-12公斤。Very small and large

7、 number of parts has to be put in plastic sachets in tens or hundreds (when is no risk to damaged the surface). They should be put in small cartons, attached with list (include no. Qty. dispatch). The parts have to be easily counted and the packages have to be easily stored in their warehouse. Max.

8、Weight per pack = 8 - 12kg. 与丝道接触的每个零件如陶瓷件、抛光零件、压送辊、摩擦盘必须仔细包装。电子零件也必须很好地保护。Every part that is in contact with the yarn must be very carefully packaged such as ceramics, polished parts, nip rollers, friction discs. Electronic parts must also be very well protected.- 有表面处理要求的零件,如油漆件、镀锌件、磷化件等,在包装中互不接触,

9、可用纸板分隔零件或用发泡纸包裹,并防止零件在包装箱内移动。For the parts with surface treatment, such as painting, zing plating, phosphate parts, the parts mustnt touch each other, use carton to separate the parts or wrap each part with bubble paper, and prevent any movement of the parts in the packaging box. 5. 外包装external pack

10、aging 产品经过内包装后开始外包装,所有产品都有防雨淋要求。外包装有以下几种形式:After packaged internally (if necessary), products are put in external packaging. All products are protected not suffering from rain. The types of external packaging follow as: 纸箱:适用于大而轻的零件,如尺寸较大厚度较薄的钣金件。包装后用金属带子扎紧。底部加托盘。Cartons: They fit to parts whose vol

11、ume are big and weight are light, such as sheet metal parts of big dimension and thin thickness. Metal straps close them. And the pallet is added at the bottom of carton. 木箱:铺上防潮材料如沥青纸或加入干燥剂,要求牢固可靠,木板间用铁钉联接,底板可做托盘使用。Wood boxes: Moisture proof material such as asphalt paper or desiccant should be pla

12、ced in wood box. And wood plates are connected with metal staples. They should be reliable. The bottom of box can be used as pallet. 简易包装:涂防锈油后固定于托盘(如服务小车等)或支架上(如横梁等)并罩上塑料薄膜。Naked packaging: Parts are fixed on pallet (for service trolley etc.) or transporting frame (for beam etc.) after being protec

13、ted with anti rust oil. And they are protected with plastic film. 包装箱的选择包括型式和尺寸大小应根据产品特点、装卸条件、运输条件确定。如需要,应符合集装箱尺寸的要求。Selection of packaging box including type and dimension depends on performance of products, condition of loading and unloading, condition of transporting. If necessary, packaging shou

14、ld meet the requirement of containers.6. 包装箱外的指导说明Indifaction on packing box包装外部的警示标记和指示标记Warning marks and indication marks outside on the package: 装箱单Packing list 小心轻放Handle with care sticker 向上This side up sticker 防雨Rain prevention sticker 重心标贴Center of gravity sticker 易碎(如包装指南里有描述)Fragile sticke

15、r (when in the packing instruction described) 特殊起重规则(如包装指南里有描述)Special lifting rules (when in the packing instruction described)参见服务器See in drive: P:Production Engineeringpackage7. 包装材料packaging material 我们公司主要包装材料包括:发泡塑料、塑料薄膜、铝薄膜、VCI防锈纸、沥青纸、胶带,纸箱、木箱、钢结构架等。In our company main packaging materials inc

16、lude: bubbly plastic paper, plastic film, Aluminum film, VCI paper, asphalt paper, film wrap, carton, wood box, steel structure frame, etc.出口物料的包装根据国际相关条例。Packing material use for sending to other country has to be according international rules.-木箱包装参见ISPM 15标准(见P:Production EngineeringpackageISPM 1

17、5)。 For wood see norm ISPM 15 (See in drive P:Production EngineeringpackageISPM 15).-包装时干燥剂的用量(见P:Processe Manual7.62.20 and 7.62.25),有些国家则不允许使用干燥剂。Dry pack amount for packing (see in drive P:Processe Manual7.62.20 and 7.62.25) some country dont allow importing machine with dry pack in the packing.8

18、. 包装责任packaging responsibility PE和PDE:如果需要,设计包装图纸,制作包装程序。PE and PDE: To design packing drawing and when need packing procedure. 车间:对产品和备件进行合格的包装。Workshop: To make good quality packaging of products and spare parts. 发运部:发运包装好的产品,管理各种包装文件。Shipping: To dispatch packaged products, manage all the expedit

19、ions documents.9. 详细描述Detailed description 9.1概述 Summary of the requirement- 为便于操作者参阅,此指南含有图片及文字描述 To facilitate the handlers to take reference, the guide contains pictures and text description- 所有的零件被分成几大类,每一类零件都有基本的包装要求。每一种零件被指定属于某一类别,操作者可根据零件类别参考零件的包装要求。All the material being classified to severa

20、l categories, every category has basic packing requirements. Every part being defined to a certain category, the handlers can deal with the single part accordingly. 9.2 包装基本要求General packaging requirement9.2.1 除非另外有规定,发货商有职责确定货物的包装方式以符合该指南。如果特殊的包装需求与该规范有冲突,以本规范为准。It is shippers responsibility to det

21、ermine the method of packaging consistent with these guidelines, unless otherwise specifically instructed. Special packaging requirements that conflict with this specification shall take precedence.9.2.2发货人员有职责在包装和装卸零件时采取适当的措施保证外包装和零件都不受损伤。It is the shippers responsibility to package and load parts

22、in such a manner as to ensure damage free delivery of both the container and its contents.9.2.3 除非另有特别要求,供应商有责任决定采用与本规范一致的最经济的包装方式。 It is the suppliers responsibility to determine the most economical method of packaging, consistent with these requirements, unless otherwise specifically instructed. 9

23、.2.4如有可能,所有的包装材料都必须易于垃圾分类回收利用。All packaging material shall allow for easy segregation into their appropriate waste recycling streams when at all possible. 9.2.5所有的零件,除了成套零件、无定型五金件和组件外,需要单独包装,以避免搬运或运输途中零件发生变形或损伤。All items are to be packaged individually except matched sets, bulk hardware items and ki

24、ts, individual boxing may be required to prevent deformation or other damage during handling and shipment. 9.2.6所有的零件都不允许有可见污染物,包括但不限于灰尘,锈斑,碎屑,包装表面污染物,零件生产过程中所达到的清洁度不能因为包装而降低是基本的要求.All parts shall be free of any visible contaminates including, but not limited to dust, corrosion, shavings or contamin

25、ants prior to packaging, It is essential that cleanliness levels attained during parts fabrication are not degraded by the packaging being used. 。9.2.7零件之间必须充分相隔,避免碰撞。All parts must be adequately separated to prevent entanglement with one another.9.2.8所有零件的包装都必须避免移位或摩擦, 必要时,分开包装以免损伤。All parts must b

26、e packed to prevent shifting or rubbing of contents, and when necessary, separated to prevent damage. 。9.2.9空隙处需按要求填满,但是“花生”, “爆玉米花”之类的垫充物是禁止使用的Voids should be filled as required, however, use of loose-fill dunnage (“peanuts”, “popcorn”) is prohibited. 9.2.10填充物不能太多,以至于包装箱鼓出。 Packages should not be

27、filled to the extent that they bulge. 9.2.11在搬运和处理过程中,保护包装的零件避免受到刺伤,磨损, 或接触其他突出物,使零件受损。rotect all bagged items from punctures, abrasions, and protrusions to prevent contamination of parts during the handling and distribution cycle. 9.2.12对比较重的零件或产品需要放置在包装箱的最下面。Heavier parts, and products should alwa

28、ys be placed on the bottom of the container. 9.2.13不允许超出包装箱设计许可的承重量。Do not overload a container to the point where the contents weight exceeds the containers designed capability. 9.2.14需要在包装箱外面贴上合适的标签,比如“易碎物品”,“小心轻放”,“此端向上”或者“禁止堆放”User proper labeling to mark packages such as “FRAGILE”, “HANDLING WI

29、TH CARE”, “THIS END UP”, “DO NOT STACK”, AS REQUIRED.。9.2.15确保所有的包装对环境和对人都是安全的(比如:突出的铁钉,松散了的包装带)。Ensure that no package is unsafe to the environment or personnel. (i.e., protruding staples, nails, loose banding, etc.). 9.2.16所有的托盘都必须可以从四个方向托起。 All pallets shall be of the 4-way entry variety. 9.2.17如

30、果包装箱的重心不在正中心,其重心位置必须在包装箱的四个方向标出,帮助运输人员保持装载平稳。When the center of gravity is not in the center of the unit or unitized load, the location of the center of gravity shall be marked on all 4 sides to help. Maintain load stability during material handling. 9.2.18所有螺栓都需要有螺帽尖角和刀口都必须做好防护,避免伤人和/或损伤其他零件。All st

31、uds must be capped and all sharp corners and knife-edges protected to prevent damage to personnel and/or other parts. 9.2.19所有的包装材料不可以影响所包装的零件,也不可以黏附在零件上,导致腐蚀/氧化等。All packaging materials must be compatible with the parts contained within the packaging, packaging must not adhere to parts, produceCorr

32、osion / oxidation, etc. 9.2.20 相同零件在每批发运时,包装的容器和每个容器中零件数量必须一致。 Same parts must be packaged consistently from shipment to shipment, both in the containers used and quantity of parts per container for a givenpart number. 9.2.21 所有的供应商送货和立达发货都必须经过检验。如果不符合上述规范,立达保留拒绝收货的权利,或者向供应商索赔因为重新包装引起的所有经济损失。All inbound and outbound shipments are subject to inspection, Rieter reserves the right to reject any shipment which is not in compliance with these specifications, or to charge back to the supplie

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