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1、英语应用文写作之邀请信英语应用文写作之邀请信一、邀请信及复信 ( Letters of Invitations and Acknowledgments)& w+ t; 3 h0 g% M# N 邀请信包括宴会邀请、午餐和晚餐邀请、聚会邀请、舞会邀请、婚礼邀请等。邀请信分为两种:一种是正规的格式(formal correspondence),也叫做请柬;一种是非正规的格式 (informal correspondence), 也就是一般的邀请信。b5 Y/ n$ K/ Q s邀请信虽然看起来不象请柬那样正规、庄重,但是,也是很讲就的。写好邀请信,需注意以下几个问题:- y3 w$ d, N& D

2、1. 邀请信一定要写得明确、完整,不可给收信人留下任何疑问。如: “ Id like you and Tom to come to dinner next Wednesday.” 这样的写法就不够明确,需要加上具体的日期和时间。该句应写成: “Id like you and Tom to come to dinner on Wednesday, June 14, at seven oclock .”5 V: I% j F6 $ A4 ?$ e 2 b C, H 2.在欧美国家,夜晚的邀请,除了那些只允许男人参加的社交活动之外,不论是正式的,还是非正式的,都应该邀请夫妻双方参加。$ l8 J:

3、U! s2 u8 K$ Y; G3.别人对你的邀请是对你的尊重,因此,无论能否赴约,都应该给与及时的、有礼貌的答复。/ |4 _% s- o- K1 7 R5 q4. 对于邀请信,在复信时应该明确地说明是接受邀请, 还是不能接受邀请。不能使用模棱两可的话。如: “ Ill try my best to come.” “ Ill come if Im in town.” 等等,那样会使邀请人感到十分不安,应该明确说明去还是不去,以便让邀请人早做安排。, 2 ( f& M3 S8 t+ K 5.接受邀请时,在回信时要重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如: 几月几日、星期几、几点钟等等。不应该这样写:“

4、Ill be delighted to attend your luncheon” ,而应该写成: “ Ill be delighted to attend your luncheon on Thursday, May tenth, at one oclock.” 这样写,可以纠正你或邀请人可能弄错了的日期和时间。 G6 L/ p) l% v, p: : b(一)宴会邀请信及复信 ( Dinner Invitations and Acknowledgments)9 e3 f* Y& U/ T5 K邀请朋友赴宴 (Inviting a Friend to Dinner). D) g7 a+ x)

5、 f 8 _! v) xDear Zhang Ning, : l; O, & O8 7 # H1 d* M Will you and Mr. Wang Yi have dinner with us on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven oclock?/ r ; V0 w8 n! y2 wIts a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing you and we do hope you can come.( c B V: y( x! w; d/ O Sincerely yours, x/ o, h

6、8 _4 G. T/ B& w3 M Elizabeth K. Benton8 Ig. y% _; v; N7 u9 S/ n译文: m, J U5 D9 Q6 y; a8 _亲爱的张宁:; ; G- V5 1 x3 h 请您和王义先生于五月五日(星期二)下午七时与我们共进晚餐,不知是否能来??. 7 h: N# m; g) 自上次见面以来,又有很长时间未见面了,非常希望你们能够光临。1 p# o- J; n. q6 S& t 您真挚的: A; _0 m! H7 M. C7 P! K2 r: o3 伊丽莎白K本顿- M( u. b/ b$ A. x/ Y接受邀请(Acceptance)8 X0

7、 z5 I7 x2 W% KDear Mrs. Benton,5 E8 r2 + g M8 o; x3 VWang Yi and I will be delighted to dine with you on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven oclock. How nice of you to ask us!2 B n) V9 N, aF1 t8 B We are both looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr. Benton again.3 5 yd# L0 E ( z- E6

8、 o# D) T! o Q Very sincerely yours,& u2 f7 R! w& 7 ; V2 F/ % u( Z% % Zhang Ning W# g+ H# S- H- p+ y) z! Q- r3 D/ V& Y! f$ I9 U/ B 译文- K- w% h& I9 M, P亲爱的本顿夫人,9 3 4 Z4 $ W; L; O( P王义和我将在五月五日(星期二)下午七时愉快地与您们共进晚餐,承蒙您们邀请,非常高兴!pG5 T& e8 C; p我们将以极其愉快的心情,盼望着再一次和您以及本顿医生见面。* . g7 x# z/ l o 您们非常真挚的 Vn/ Q3 d3 J

9、: 5 I: i张宁* ) r7 u1 o+ t# T) 不能赴约 (Regret)/ g% D/ l t8 F0 SDear Mrs. Benton,& O( S+ O* I8 L$ i+ i Ive been putting off this note until the last possible moment, hoping and hoping Wang Yi would get back from Shanghai in time for your dinner party. But now I must regretfully write that hell still be o

10、ut of town on Tuesday, the fifth; and we therefore cannot accept your kind invitation for dinner on that day.t2 K- c w; K* r! p1 pIt was sweet of you to ask us; and I know Wang Yi will be as sorry as I am to miss an evening with you and Dr. Benton. We know how delightful such evenings at your house

11、usually are! Q. _4 y! W; r u; t- Sincerely yours,/ K7 S) & ?/ |% ( u! ?) w/ I Zhang Ning7 j2 B D- R( R译文( t2 m8 0 u& w2 E8 D) r8 j0 k亲爱的本顿夫人, y0 s4 K5 f- v0 ? 我一直盼望着王义能从上海及时赶回来参加您们的宴会,以致迟迟未写回信。据悉,在五日(星期二)以前,他不能返回本市,因此,我们不能参加您们的宴会。为此我们深表遗憾,特此告知。* f5 j! E* O6 H$ Y感谢您们的盛情邀请,我们不能同您及本顿医生共度那个夜晚,我想王义一定和我一样

12、感到遗憾,因为在您家中度过这样的夜晚总是令人十分愉快的。0 O1 T) F/ E7 9 C您真挚的+ H9 j r( * W7 g7 F; N 张宁0 p6 h4 T i+ a3 w/ S( f: E0 w2. 邀请朋友赴宴和看电影 (Inviting a Friend to Dinner and the Movie ): 6 Q9 u9 4 h0 ; | 现代人由于忙忙碌碌,邀请信总是写得很简短,邀请朋友赴宴和看电影,通常只写上几行字,但是,他们认为这并不是草率和不恭敬的表现,只是为了速度快些罢了。例如:: i2 u7 H; t$ w# X; _# v7 LDear Li Ming, ) ?

13、5 C5 h; M$ L3 d2 eWe have four tickets for a new movie Brokeback Mountain this Friday, the tenth. Will you and He Yi join us here for dinner at six sharp; and then go on with us later to the movie? Well be looking for you Friday night, so dont disappoint us! ; 6 ( zK/ t1 r U7 V8 r$ z9 q Affectionate

14、ly yours,# F# R7 m) O8 y Q( Doris 8 k( E x# G9 , W; z$ U( w译文3 X- 7 k% . A/ A4 l r: n亲爱的李明,1 tB: - 0 9 L* j3 S; o C7 m9 S本月10号(星期五)我们买到了新电影断背山的四张电影票,请您和何毅在六点整前来共进晚餐,然后我们同去看这部新电影,好吗?盼望您们星期五晚上前来,别让我们失望!- h* * |$ Q+ Q2 Q 您亲爱的 y1 A& S: _6 Y 多丽丝3 0 J) M8 z 1 x0 O+ p接受邀请 (Acceptance)6 A2 X1 z( T: C$ A) bD

15、ear Doris, / b! O: n$ p9 Q* R3 q* Delighted! Well be there Friday at six, and go with you afterward to the cinema. How wonderful of you and Frank to ask us! .; A K; 2 n- g( a Affectionately yours,0 E$ w5 v7 M4 k1 U Li Ming $ 5 q j+ y* f% ) r* N1 P7 L! M3 o9 H$ c 译文# c- B% e 3 m2 H8 lm, y亲爱的多丽丝,, d-

16、# f ) w7 N6 Y: l3 b. x 好极了!我们将在星期五下午六点到您那里,然后一起去电影院。您和弗兰克能邀请我们,真是太好了!* H& H2 X q, p+ Y8 |0 您亲爱的 q+ y! j, i8 M0 O5 j 李明9 # q+ C0 C$ |5 B& , 不能赴约 (Regret)* C4 L- Y2 A4 y& & A0 sQDear Doris,. Z* g7 B4 UG I think youd better ask some other couple for Friday. He Yi is in Shanghai and wont be back for ano

17、ther week. Wait till he hears what a wonderful evening he missed with you and Frank! Thanks for asking us, Doris. Im certainly sorry we cant say “yes”!; * T) l3 l! R3 u 7 E, p! f6 C+ r1 Affectionately yours,) R/ F5 S& H5 t Li Ming % Q. ! 1 8 N7 译文% G3 F: X) K& s) _) e7 m8 R亲爱的多丽丝,% O! |, J0 K, j3 %

18、b* a 我想最好您在星期五另行邀请一对夫妇。何毅去上海了,整个下星期都不能回来。事后他会因失去一个同您和弗兰克一起欢聚的机会而感到遗憾的!感谢您对我们的邀请,多丽丝,我不能应邀前往,深感抱歉!* L: n; E* b* a5 I! % Q 您亲爱的3 6 x* e7 h0 S7 N/ g5 k& o | 李明- o+ , i8 S! b# n; Z& N3. 取消非正式宴会的短笺 ( Note to Recall an Informal Dinner Invitation) i6 B. v& x* Y) g# Q有时候,由于生病或其他原因,需取消原定的宴请,如果时间紧,可以用电话通知已邀请的

19、客人,如果有时间,应该写一封短信表示歉意。+ Y) e2 B7 Z8 m d l5 MDear Mrs. Jennings, W- H% t2 E0 W% I3 UI have just learned that my son, who is at school in Shanghai, was injured in a basketball game. Although the injury is not very serious, Lin Kai and I feel we must go to him at once; and we are leaving tomorrow mornin

20、g.2 z7 X% |: e/ _: I( m k Under the circumstances, we must recall our dinner invitations for Tuesday, the fifth of May and plan on a later date for our party. D6 c0 Q$ K: Im sure that you and Mr. Jennings will understand our anxiety, and will forgive this last-minute change in plans.2 Z* f7 p1 q8 H5

21、 ! j5 j Sincerely yours,+ V- p* s8 9 Li Li5 7 Ay+ m6 M) N! b8 g译文+ R) m! d& C0 b k: u; N) q亲爱的詹宁斯夫人,* x% Q( W( ecL. J$ |$ M 获悉我的儿子他正在上海读书在打篮球时受了伤,虽然伤势不算太严重,但是林凯和我都觉得我们应该去看望他。我们将于明天上午前往。9 m( N7 p3 Y/ s$ d+ M9 b) K! t 因此,我们只好取消五月五日的宴请了,改日再举行。* wV9 j+ a% 7 x! 9 K% ?8 q我深信您和詹宁斯先生一定能够理解我们焦急的心情,并能原谅我们在这最后

22、时刻改变了原计划。1 G- i& y* G k 您真诚的* F& C; D |# s李丽. f% O7 |; q0 S: P* U. n% d 4. 对于非正宴请的不能如期赴约的短笺 (Note to Break an Informal Dinner Engagement)5 q7 H. d* / g6 u, Q: 1 h) & N按照英美人的习惯,应邀者因为生病或其他原因而不能如期赴约时,应该打个电话或写一封短信告诉邀请人。当然,只有在万不得已时才能做出这样的改变。3 o0 m2 s. w& a/ dDear Mrs. Benton,% 9 C) H# B1 J8 d1 sIm very s

23、orry to have to write you this letter! After accepting your kind invitation for dinner on Tuesday, May the fifth, I now find that we cannot be there after all.% D3 J* s 4 O: C Li Yong has just been called to Shanghai on business; and although he tried very hard to postpone the trip until after the f

24、ifth, he was unable to do so. ) V3 e - % F7 g6 y. DWe had been looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr. Benton; and we both feel very badly about this unexpected development. We hope you understand, and that you will not be inconvenienced. % 4 H+ U# i1 U& H7 D( r & I W3 g! a$ L$ c1 S0 C 5 L) M, l, N9 X r 4 p) t8 n Sincerely yours, m6 j d* I6 K- 8 b

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