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最新 七年级英语下册阅读理解解题技巧及练习测试题.docx

1、最新 七年级英语下册阅读理解解题技巧及练习测试题最新 七年级英语下册阅读理解解题技巧及练习测试题一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读理解 There are some advertisements(广告). Read them and answer the questions. A big townhouse with a big yard for a big family. There are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big living room and a great kitchen. The house costs $5,

2、 000 a month. Call Mrs Morris at 45690987. Great location! A nice new flat building with a swimming pool. There is a big living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a nice kitchen. It is $1,200 a month. The phone number is 76109201. You can ask Dana for more information. Here is your new home! It is a bi

3、g flat with three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and a bathroom. The flat has a good parking place but no yard. It is $1, 600 a month. Call Wilson at 53320202. There is a townhouse for you. The ground floor is for playing games, and the first floor is for living. On the first floor, there is

4、 a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a nice big kitchen. There is also a great yard behind the house for children and a large garage (车库) for parking your car. It is $6, 000 a month. Please call Nathan at 46452436.(1)Miss Green is a student, and she doesnt have much money. Its better for

5、her to call _. A.4569-0987B.7610-9201C.4645-2436D.5332-0202(2)Mr and Mrs Black with their son, John, want to rent a house with a yard for children and a place to park their car. Which house is good for them? A.Mrs Morris townhouse.B.Wilsons flat.C.Danas flat.D.Nathans townhouse.(3)The flat with a pa

6、rking place costs _ a month. A.$1, 200B.$1, 600C.$5, 000D.$6, 000(4)There are (is)_ kind(s) of houses in these four advertisements. A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)B(4)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是表格广告,介绍了出租房屋信息。 (1)细节题。根据 The house costs $5, 000 a month. It is $1,200 a month. It is $1, 600 a month. It

7、is $6, 000 a month.可知最便宜的是$1,200 a month.没钱应租便宜的,故选B。 (2)细节题。 There is also a great yard behind the house for children and a large garage (车库) for parking your car.可知有花园有车库,故选D。 (3)细节题。The flat has a good parking place.It is $1, 600 a month.可知 ,故选B。 (4)细节题。根据 A townhouse 和a flat两种房屋类型,故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理

8、解。本文涉及细节题,细节题注意从文中找答案。2阅读理解 Once there was a parrot on sale in a pet store. It was a beautiful red and blue bird. It sat on a perch in the middle of the store so that everyone could see it when they came in. The owner was very proud of it and asked a high price for it. One day a man went into the st

9、ore. Thats a beautiful bird, he said to the pet store owner. But why is it so expensive? Is it an unusual bird? No, its not very unusual. Its expensive because it can talk, the pet store owner said. I see. How can I make it talk? the man asked. The pet store owner asked him, Do you see those strings

10、 tied to each of the birds legs? Yes, the man answered. Well, you pull those strings, the pet store owner told him.That will make the parrot talk. The man asked, Do you mind if I try? Not at all, the pet store owner said. The man walked up to the parrot and pulled the string on its left leg. The par

11、rot said, Good morning. The man pulled the string on the parrots right leg. This time the parrot said, How are you today? Thats not very interesting, said the man.Any parrot could do that. Then he laughed, But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time? Ill fall off my perch, you fo

12、ol!the parrot said. (1)The parrot was expensive because _ . was pretty could talk with was a very unusual was in the middle of the store(2)The parrot would talk when _. A.people came into the pet saw the pet store ownerC.people said it was beautifulD.

13、people pulled the strings on its legs(3)Which is the first sentence that the parrot said to the man? A.Good morning.B.How are you today?C.That wasnt interesting.D.Ill fall off my perch, you fool!(4)From the story we know the parrot was _ . A.kindB.sillyC.cleverD.crazy(5)The best title (题目) for the p

14、assage should be _ . A.Unusual ParrotB.Parrot TalkC.Silly ManD.Clever Owner【答案】(1)B(2)D(3)A(4)C(5)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要写了一个宠物商店店主有只会说话的鹦鹉,价钱很贵。一个男人试着让这个鹦鹉说话的故事。(1)细节理解题。根据 Its expensive because it can talk 可知鹦鹉贵因为它会说话,故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据“ Well, you pull those strings,” the pet store owner told him. That w

15、ill make the parrot talk.”店主说,你拉绳子鹦鹉就说话了。可知在拉绳子时鹦鹉就说话。故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据The parrot said, “ Good morning.”可知鹦鹉的第一句是“早上好。”故选A。(4)推理判断题。根据 Then he laughed, But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time? Ill fall off my perch, you fool!the parrot said.这个男人笑着说,如果我两个绳子一起拉,会怎样?这个鹦鹉说,傻瓜我会从横杆上

16、掉下去的。可知鹦鹉很聪明。故选C。(5)主旨大意题。由整篇文章可知,本文主要是关于鹦鹉讲话的,故选B。【点评】此题考查阅读理解题。快速阅读短文;通读测试题,明确考查点。先读题,明确题目要求,弄清考点,然后带着问题去读文章。看完短文后,对整篇短文的内容有了大致的了解,然后马上看后面的问题,带着问题去找答案。如果属于客观信息题,就可直接在短文中找到出处。如果是主观判断题,则应迅速再读全文,仔细分析思考,将近似的答案对照原文反复比较,推敲,选出最佳答案。3阅读理解 John was a very strong man. Once he got a job of cutting wood in a f

17、orest. His boss gave him an axe(斧子) and showed him the area where he should work. The first day, John cut down 18 trees. Good, the boss said, keep it up! John was encouraged by the words of the boss and tried harder the next day, but he could only cut down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harde

18、r, but he could only cut down 10 trees. Day after day he was cutting down fewer and fewer trees. I must be losing my strength, John thought. He went to the boss and said that he could not understand what was going on. When was the last time you had sharpened(使锋利) your axe? the boss asked. Sharpened?

19、 I had no time to do it. I have been very busy trying to cut more trees. said John. While John was working hard, he didnt think about how to do his job better. (1)John was cutting down fewer and fewer trees. He thought_. A.he needed to sharpen his axeB.the boss should help was wrong to cut d

20、own treesD.he must be losing his strength(2)Whats the meaning of the underlined word it? A.The job to cut down trees.B.The way to do the job.C.The work to sharpen the axe.D.The time to have a rest.(3)What can we learn from the story? A.It is wrong to cut down trees.B.Hard work is the only key to suc

21、cess.C.Its important to take time to sharpen our skills.D.Its a waste of time to sharpen the axe.【答案】(1)D(2)C(3)C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:约翰是一个非常强壮的男人。他找到了一份在森林伐木的工作。他的老板给了他一把斧头。第一天,约翰砍了18棵。但第二天他只能砍15棵。第三天他甚至感觉困难,他只能砍10棵。一天又一天的砍伐,树木越来越少。这个故事的寓意是:在工作的时候,要先考虑怎样才能将工作做得更好。(1)细节理解题。根据I must be losing my strength, J

22、ohn thought.约翰想“我一定是失去力气了。”可知约翰认为他失去力量了。故选D。(2)细节理解题。根据 When was the last time you had sharpened(使锋利) your axe? the boss asked.你最后一次磨斧头是什么时候?老板问。Sharpened?磨斧头?可知此处是说磨斧头。故选C。(3)推理判断题。这个故事告诉我们“磨斧不误砍柴工。”在做事情之前先做好准备工作是很重要的。故选C。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。首先为节约时间,要先看问题。做到心中有数,带着问题看文章,快速浏览全文,了解大概内容。有些可以直接根据原文找出答案。推断题就需要

23、自己根据整篇文章,认真归纳分析,不能主观臆断。4根据材料内容,选择正确答案。D By about 2020 a new company from India will be opening dollar stores all over the world to sell their products. They will be a huge success, selling a lot of big things for low prices. At these stores, they will sell a car that is customized(定做) to the custome

24、rs needs. So you will buy your car piece by piece. Whats the point of buying a top if you dont need one? Why buy sides to your car if you want a good view? If you always drive alone, whats the point of buying four seats? The solution is to buy only what you need; pay a dollar for each wheel, a dolla

25、r for the engine, a dollar for the floor, a dollar for a seat, and away you go. When it looks like rain, run back and buy a roof. When winter comes you can buy the sides and top; or fold up what you have and store it. Reliability(可靠性) wont be a problem because when something breaks down, just throw

26、it away and buy a new one. When you get tired of the color of style, just replace it. While it may feel like you are always dishing out money, by the time youve done, you might only pay $12.00 for the entire car, so lets not complain. This store will be such a big hit in India.(1)Why does the writer

27、 say the stores will be successful?A.The stores sell big things for low prices.B.The stores are all over the world.C.The stores sell cars customized to customers needs.D.The stores are from India.(2)When something about the car breaks down, what can you do with it?A.You can fold it up and take it ho

28、me.B.You can run back to the store.C.You can throw it away and buy a new one.D.You can replace its colour and style.(3)Why does the writer ask us not to complain?A.Because the entire car costs you so little as to $12.00.B.Because the car has the color or style that you like.C.Because when something breaks down, you can replace it with a little money.D.Because you can be always dishing out money.【答案】 (1)C(2)C(3)A 【解析】【分析】(1)细节理解,从第二段的第一句可以得出。因为这样的商店能根据人们的需要来定制汽车,所以这样的商店会很火,而不是因为数量多。故选C。(2)细节理解

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