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上海市长宁嘉定区届高三一模考试 英语.docx

1、上海市长宁嘉定区届高三一模考试 英语上海市嘉定区2016学年度第一学期质量监控试卷 高三英语(满分140分,考试时间120分钟) 2016.12.27I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speaers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be ased about what was said. The conversations and the q

2、uestions will be spoen only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Fascinating. B. Useful. C. Difficult. D. Boring.2. A. In a restaurant. B. In a factory

3、. C. In a department store. D. In an office.3. A. A librarian. B. A psychologist. C. A Publisher. D. A teacher.4. A. He prefers to join the woman later. B. He intends to eat out tonight. C. He wants to watch the basetball game. D. He hates to lose the championship.5. A. It was quite delightful. B. I

4、t was not well organied. C. Careful preparations had been done. D. People made a mess on the ground.6. A. He is quite unhappy with the woman. B. He is eager to now the womans reply. C. The woman should mae full use of her time. D. The woman doesnt have to be in a hurry.7. A. Go on smoing B. Cry out

5、his heart. C. Tal with the doctor. D. Carry on with eercise.8. A. Boss and shop assistant. B. House agent and client, C. Interviewer and job hunter. D. Manager and customer.9. A. She had better stay up late tonight. B. She has to get more sleep at night. C. She should avoid distractions in class. D.

6、 She must improve her grades gradually.10. A.The man only filled his tan half full. B. The man cant read the instrument. C. The car is breaing down on the way D. The car has run out of gasoline.Section BDirections In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be ased three questions o

7、n each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoen only once. When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following pa

8、ssage.11. A. purchasing less epensive objects available. B. Buying only essentials and a treat on occasion. C. Learning to coo for yourself at home. D. Living on less money than you earn.12. A. To have a better health B. To eep their promises. C. To avoid being hurt easily. D. To gain a desired frie

9、ndship.13. A. Life sills needed to be learnt at an early age. B. Great ways of saving money in the early years. C. Practical sills to coo nutritious food at home. D. Methods of gathering wisdom instead of bitterness.Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage.14. A. To wor on the rent

10、ed land peacefully. B.To get used to the terribly cold weather. C. To tell his ids stories every night. D. To brea the poverty cycle of his family.15. A.He wored in the dairy with his mother. B.He learned to mend his own clothes. C. He had a strong passion for words. D.He got well educated at school

11、.16. A. 25. B. 27. C. 28. D. 37.17. A. He was considerably influenced by his mother. B. Farm wor turned out to be quite easy for him. C. He had already become famous before his father passed away. D. people in Scotland regarded him as a successful farmer singer.Questions 18 through 20 are based on t

12、he following conversation.18. A. Harbin is her favorite city. B. She doesnt lie places in the south. C. Russia is a beautiful country. D. She cant stand the heat in summer.19. A. Driving a car by themselves in the local country. B. Getting a group of ten people traveling together. C. Flying at the w

13、eeend with special fare ticets. D. Inviting more friends to share the happiness.20. A. Not nowing any local people. B. Unable to find a fellow traveller. C. unable to spea Russian. D. Not having any interpreter II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections After reading the passage below, fill in th

14、e blans to mae the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blans with a given word, fill in each blan with the proper form of the given word; for the other blans, use one word that best fits each blan.Is sport always fun ?One afternoon in the last wee of term, I saw three children form m

15、y sons school in tears being comforted by teachers. That morning, my 11-year -old had stomach pains and (21) _(throw ) up several times when I noticed his sicness. Taling to other mothers, I heard about other children with stomachache or difficulty sleeping the night before.What caused so much suffe

16、ring ? Sports day - not sports day at a highly competitive independent school, but at a large village primary. (22) _ it causes no problem to the children who can fly (23) _ the wind, for those who are poorly coordinated (动作协调), overweight or just not good at sport, it is terrible. Even for those wh

17、o enjoy (24) _(run ) but who fall halfway down the trac in front of the entire school and their parents, it can prove a disaster.As for the reason (25) _ we put our children through this annual suffering, some May say that competition is character-buliding or it is a tradition of school life; some m

18、ay assume (26) _ really matters is taing part not winning. I just felt pity for those children in tears or in pain.Team games at the end of the “sport” were fun (27) _ (watch) because they produced some close races, enormous enthusiasm and lots of shouting. More importantly , (28) _(hide ) a little

19、form everyones gae, the children who were not so fast or so quic at passing the ball had the ecitement of being on the winning side.I wish that sports day could (29)_(abandon) and replaced with some other summer event. perhaps an afternoon of team games, with a few races for those who want them, wou

20、ld be (30) _(stressful )for the children and a lot more fun for the spectators.Section B Directions Fill in each blan with a proper word chosen from the bo. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. attached B. commercially C. epectations D. managed E. obstac

21、les F. personal G. positive H. relatively I. samples J. sensitive . shelved This invention, commonly used in offices and households throughout the world, came about as a result of a series of accidents. In 1968 Spencer Silver, who was woring for a company called 3M at the time, was trying to produce

22、 super-strong adhesive, a substance maing things sticy together, to be used in the building of planes. This, however, wasnt successful and instead he succeeded in creating an etremely wea adhesive that was 31 to pressure. This new adhesive had two advantages it could be removed from surfaces quite e

23、asily and it could be reused. In spite of these two 32 features, nobody could see any practical use for it. In the end, the invention was 33 . A few years later, Art Fry, a product development engineer woring for 3M, decided to use this adhesive for 34 use. He stuc strips of paper in a boo as page m

24、arer and a whole new concept was born. However, the idea still wasnt without 35 . The challenge was to mae the glue stay on the sticy note itself, rather than peeling off and staying on the surface it was 36 to. Two more 3M employees were brought in and set the tas of producing a coating for the adh

25、esive so that it wouldnt come off and they 37 just that. Unfortunately, 3M bosses still believed that this invention wasnt going to be 38 successful and people would continue to use crap paper(小纸条) for their notes rather than sticy notes. This is why sticy notes were only tested within the company,

26、where they became etremely popular. It wasnt until many years later that 3M bosses finally decided to give out a vast amount of free 39 to other companies to see if anyone would be interested in buying them. To their surprise, 90 per cent of the companies approached went on to order more sticy notes

27、. This went beyond anybodys 40 . Nowadays, sticy notes come in a variety of shapes and colours and are sold in more than 100 countries.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections For each blan in the following passage there are four words or phrases mared A, B, C and D. Fill in each blan with the

28、word or phrase that best fits the contet. About five years ago, when the first generation of wearable fitness tracers became popular, they were announced as the dawn of a revolution. Health eperts and busniesspeople alie said that giving people access to real-time calorie (卡路里)- burning and step-cou

29、nt data would inspire them to lose weight, eat better and -most important- _41_ more. But even as the U.S. maret for _42_ devices hits $7 billion this year, theres evidence that their promise isnt quite paying off. The U.S. has an eercise problem, with 28% of Americans ages 50 and over considered wh

30、olly _43_. That means 31 million adults move no more than is necessary to perform the most basic functions of daily life. Wearables, eperts _44_, were going to change that. But limited academic research has been done to figure out whether wearables _45_ peoples behavior in the long term. The little

31、research that does eist isnt _46_. For a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers wanted to see whether activity tracers would help overweight people lose more weight over two years than if they just did a weight-loss intervention(干预) alone. They didnt. “We found

32、that just giving people a device doesnt mean its going to _47_ something you thin its going to lead to,” says John Jaicic, the author of the study, from the University of Pittsburgh. “These activity tracers dont engage people in strategies that mae a _48_ in terms of long-term change” Another new study highlighted a different challenge user _49_. By the end of a yearlong study of 800 people, jus

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