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1、DreamTalk教育送你四六级必背作文二DreamTalk教育送你四六级必背作文(二)修仙的小哥哥小姐姐们,距离渡劫的日子只有一天了,你们准备好了吗?是不是很紧张?不用担心,最后一天DreamTalk教育再次神助攻,帮你渡劫升上神!和DreamTalk教育一起来助攻作文吧!1. 一带一路和亚投行中国领导人习近平分别于2013年9月和10月出访中亚和东南亚国家,在此期间他提出联合建立丝绸之路经济带(the Silk Road Economic Belt )和21世纪海上丝绸之路(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)的倡议(initiative)。实质上,丝绸

2、之路经济带指的是那些位于古代丝绸之路上的中亚、西亚、中东和欧洲的国家。21世纪海上丝绸之路包括南亚和东南亚的国家,他们中的大部分国家也是亚洲基础设施投资银行(the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank / the AIIB)的成员。一带一路倡议呼吁通过基础设施建设、增加文化交流和扩大贸易的方式实现区域经济融合。这一倡议有望缩小亚太地区(the Asia Pacific area)和中东欧地区国家间的基础设施差距,并加速这些区域国家的经济发展。此外,该倡议还将为各国提供一个新的途径来打造人类命运共同体(a community of shared future

3、 for mankind)。译文When Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October 2013 respectively, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. Essentially, the Silk Road Economic Belt refers to coun

4、tries situated on the ancient Silk Road through Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road includes countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia, many of the which are also members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The Belt and Road Initiative

5、calls for the integration of the regions economy through building infrastructure, increasing cultural exchanges, and broadening trade. This initiative is expected to bridge the infrastructure gap and accelerate economic growth across the Asia Pacific area and Central and Eastern Europe. In addition,

6、 this initiative will provide the countries with a new approach to create a community of shared future for mankind.2. 经济类(扶贫脱贫)在帮助国际社会于2030年前消除极端贫困过程中,中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色。自20世纪70年代末实施改革开放以来,中国已使多达四亿人摆脱了贫困。在未来五年中,中国将向其他发展中国家在减少贫困、发展教育、农业现代化、环境保护和医疗保健等方面提供援助。中国在减少贫困方面取得了显著进步,并在促进经济增长方面做出了不懈努力,这将鼓励其他贫困国家应对自

7、身发展中的挑战。在寻求具有自身特色的发展道路时,这些国家可以借鉴中国的经验。 译文China is playing an increasingly important role in assisting the international community to eliminate extreme poverty before 2030. Since Chinas launch of the reform and opening-up policy in the end of 1970s, China has lifted more than 400 million people out o

8、f poverty. In the next five years, China will provide aid to other developing countries in many aspects, including poverty alleviation, education, agricultural modernization, environmental protection and medical care.China has made prominent progress in alleviating poverty and has made unremitting e

9、fforts to promote economic development, which will encourage other poor countries to address challenges in their own development. These countries can draw upon Chinas experience when pursuing their own development path with distinctive features. 词汇拓展减少贫困 poverty alleviation / reduction使脱贫 life sb ou

10、t of poverty / enable sb to get rid of poverty城市化 urbanization对外贸易foreign trade发展理念 development concept繁荣的 flourishing / prosperous服务业 service industry改革开放 the reform and opening-up赶超 exceed / surpass计划经济 planned economy结构性障碍 the structural barrier借鉴中国的经验 draw upon Chinas experience经济特区 special econ

11、omic zone可持续发展 sustainable development企业家 entrepreneur启动改革 launch the reform前所未有的 unprecedented欠发达地区 underdeveloped area全球第一 rank first in the world社会保障 social security社会不平衡的问题 social imbalance社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy试验田 pilot zone外来务工人员 migrant worker显著的成就 remarkable achievement医保 medical

12、insurance增长速度 growth speed / rate做出不懈努力 make unremitting efforts to do sth.3. 环境保护类 北京计划未来三年投资7600亿元治理污染,从减少PM2.5排放入手,这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要污染源,包括500多万辆机动车的尾气(exhaust)排放、周边地区燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的建筑灰尘。另有850亿元用于新建或升级城市垃圾处理和污水(sewage)处理设施,加上300亿元投资未来三年的植树造林(forestation)。市政府还计划建造一批水循环利用工厂,并制止违章建筑,以改善环境。另外,北京还将更严厉地处

13、罚违反限排规定的行为。译文Beijing is going to invest 760 billion yuan in next three years to control pollution, beginning with cutting down the emission of PM 2.5. This newly announced project aims to reduce four major sources of pollution, including exhaust from 5,000 thousand motor vehicles, coal-burning in su

14、rrounding areas, sandstorms from the north and local construction dust. Another 85 billion yuan is used to build or upgrade the facilities of disposing garbage and sewage of the city. In addition, 30 billion will be used to support forestation programs in next three years.The municipal government al

15、so plans to construct some plants to use cycle water to ban illegal constructions and to modify the environment. Furthermore, Beijing will punish those who violate the rules of emission-reduction more severely.词汇拓展物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilization小康社会 a well-off society与时俱进 keep pace wit

16、h the times综合国力 overall national strength贫富分化 disparity between the rich and the poor社会保障 social security 全国人口普查 nationwide census老龄化 aging of population人口出生率birth rate水污染water pollution/water contamination环境质量恶化deterioration of environment沙漠化desertization淡水资源短缺shortage of fresh water沙尘暴dust storm全球

17、变暖 global warming动物灭绝the extinction of animal水资源缺乏water scarcity生态失衡disruption of ecological Balance过度使用农药over-usage of pesticide节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction经济型交通系统 economical transportation system可持续发展 sustainable development能源效率energy efficiency增长速度 growth speed / rate资源节约和环境友好型

18、社会 resource-saving and environment-friendly society 4. 科技类最近,中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences )出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的年度系列报告。系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告、高技术发展报告、中国可持续发展战略报告。第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破,该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的突破。该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域。如3D打印和人造器官研究。第三份报告

19、呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。 译文Recently, Chinese Academy of Science published an annual report about its latest scientific findings and the prospect of the next year. The report consists of three parts: the science development, the high-technology development and the sustainable strategy of Chin

20、a. The first one includes the latest findings of Chinese scientists, such as the research of new particle and the breakthrough in the study of H7N9 virus. Furthermore, it highlights some problems we need to focus in next few years. The second one announces some heated fields in applied science. A ca

21、se in point is the 3-dimension print and the study of human organs. The third one suggests that people should enhance the top design in order to get rid of the structural obstacles in industrial upgrading and to promote the saving of energy and emission reduction.词汇拓展数码科技 digital technology网络世界cyber

22、 world 网络文化cyber culture 网络犯罪cyber crime 网上购物 online shopping 高产优质 high yield and high quality 高科技园 high-tech park 工业园区 industrial park信息港info port 信息革命 information revolution 电子货币e-currency 人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)虚拟银行virtual bank虚拟现实 virtual reality (VR)生物技术 bio-technology 克隆 cloning基因工程

23、genetic engineering转基因食品 genetically modified food (GM food)三维电影 three-dimensional movie信息高速公路 information superhighway新兴学科 new branch of science; emerging discipline纳米 nanometer生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture技术密集产品 technology-intensive product电子商务 e-business; e-commerce 电子管理e-management 办公自动化

24、 Office Automation (OA)信息检索 information retrieval电话会议 teleconference无土栽培 soilless cultivation超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice科技发展 scientific and technological advancement国家重点工程 national key projects5. 教育类在中国,父母总是竭力帮助孩子,甚至为孩子做重要决定,而不管孩子想要什么,因为他们相信这样做是为孩子好。结果,孩子的成长和教育往往屈从于父母的意愿。如果父母决定为孩子报名参加一个课外班,以增加其被重点学校录取的机

25、会,他们会坚持自己的决定,即使孩子根本不感兴趣。然而在美国,父母很可能会尊重孩子的意见,并在决策时更注重他们的意见。中国父母十分重视教育或许值得称赞。然而,他们应向美国父母学习在涉及教育时如何平衡父母与子女间的关系。译文In China, parents always spare no efforts to help their children and even make important decisions for them regardless of what their children want, for parents think what they do is for thei

26、r childrens sake. As a result, childrens growth and education are likely to surrender to their parents will.Once parents decide to send their children to an after-school class to get higher possibilities of being admitted by key schools, they will insist on their own decisions even if their children

27、 show the slightest interest.By contrast, in the United States, parents tend to respect their childrens opinions and more consideration is given to their childrens ideas when making a decision.Chinese parents value education greatly and this may earn our applause. However, they should learn from Ame

28、rican parents about how to balance their relationship with children.词汇拓展素质教育 quality-oriented education 希望工程Project Hope 走读生 non-resident student 研究生 graduate student; post-graduate (student)应届毕业生 graduating student校园数字化 campus digitalization校园文化 campus culture学汉语热 enthusiasm in learning Chinese高等学府

29、 institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering师范学院 teachers college / normal college高分低能 high scores and low abilities高考 (university / college) entrance examination教育投入 input in education九年义务教育 nine-y

30、ear compulsory education课外活动 extracurricular activities必修课 required / compulsory course 选修课 elective / optional course 基础课 basic courses 专业课 specialized courses 课程表 school schedule 教学大纲 teaching program / syllabus 学分 credit人才战 competition for talented people 升学率 enrollment rate学龄儿重school-ager学前教育 pr

31、eschool education学生减负 alleviate the burden on students应试教育 exam-oriented education职业道德 work ethics / professional ethics职业培训job training智商 intelligence quotient (IQ)助学行动 activity to assist the impoverished / poor students6. 文化类中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。新年的庆祝活动从除夕开始一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festival),即从农历

32、(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。为驱厄运、迎好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets),对联的主题为健康、发财和好运。其他的活动还有放鞭炮、发红包和探亲访友等。译文Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Years Eve, the last day of the

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