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1、上海南洋模范学年高三下三月考试word部分答案2017-2018学年南洋模范第二学期高三年级3月月考 2018.3.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for

2、 the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.An“invisibility cloak”has been developed that makes animals disappear.Created using glass prisms(核柱),the cloak could eventually be used to shield security guards from views.In one demonstration of the system,researchers from China,Singapore an

3、d the US made a goldish disappear 21_ it swam inside a tank of water.In another,the bottom half of a cat vanished as it explored an invisible box.Its one of 22_(striking)examples yet of a cloaking device,but the science behind it is surprisingly simple.The high-quality glass prisms used to make the

4、cloak 23_(arrange)to form an enclosure.In the fish experiment,six prisms formed a hexagon,while the cat trick used eight prisms to 24_(form)a square.“The prisms refract(折射)incoming light rays,25_(bend)them around the enclosure so any object placed inside becomes invisible,says-Prof. UIf Leonhardt,an

5、 expert on invisibility at Israels Weizmann Institute of Science.Its fun experiment that shows 26_ we can go with simple technology”.Previous efforts to create cloaking devices 27_(focus)on meta materials(超材料)-artificial materials with physical properties not 28_ (find)in nature.Some of these can gu

6、ide electromagnetic radiation such as infrared radiation and microwave around an object,like water around a rock.However,the materials structure must be finer than the radiations wavelength for this to work,meaning that a good-sized cloak for visible light-29_wavelengths are just a few hundred billi

7、onths of a meter-is still beyond our capabilities.While the new cloak can control visible light, it is not perfect-the glue holding the cloak together is still visible,for instance, and it only works from a small number of 30_(view)angles.Nevertheless,the researchers say that their cloak could be us

8、ed in surveillance and security - an airport officer might sit inside one,watching obvious passengers as they walk past.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can be used only once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.demonstration B.exhau

9、stion C.resolution D.prohibiting E.campaigningF.escaping G.absorbing H.participating I.marching J.applying K.conversationThe summer heat has reached its breaking point for a group of high school students in Wales,as the boys decided to protest their schools strict uniform policy 31_wearing shorts(短裤

10、)no matter what weather,by showing up to school in skirts.After 32_to the bathroom to change into all-black skirts,seventeen White church High School students emerged wearing skirts on campus,and they were 33_in the campaign to resist the customary uniform trousers.The boys34_ was less an act of pol

11、itically urged civil disobedience than it was a way to beat the heat.While none of the boys were punished for their protesting efforts,the movement was short-lived.After proudly 35_into the headmasters office shouting,“We want to wear shorts!they were quickly ordered to change back into trousers.“We

12、 had a 36_ with some boys and they have worn trousers,”said Principal Jones Williams.Protester Tyrone Evelyn,15,told Wales Online that the group would continue 37_for a change.Its just appropriate for the weather.Over the last few days Ive had a few headaches and skin irritations.Girls can wear skir

13、ts,so I dont see why we cant wear shorts.Its a reasonable protest.”The boys agreed to write a letter to their Students Union,38_for a rule change by next summer.Heat 39_ and heat stroke are the two most common illnesses that occur when temperature rises.According to Mayo Clinic,wearing loose-fitting

14、 and light-colored clothing helps protect a person from trapping sweat or 40_ too much heat.I.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrasesmarked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.If y

15、ou feel your toddler can understand directions and is able to sit still for a time-out,remember to tell him or her why you are giving them the time out.Dont just call a timeout without giving them the 41_.42_,“When you do not eat your lunch, you cannot have a snack Mommy does not like it when you th

16、row a temper tantrum(发脾气) and that is why you are getting a time-out.You need to sit here and 43_.Toddlers also dont need to sit for 44_of time.They only need to sit along enough to calm down and focus their attention on something else.Generally thirty seconds to a minute is plenty of time.Perhaps h

17、ave them say their ABCs or count to ten.Keep in mind that you are 45_ a toddler.Toddlers are 46_ in nature and will get into stuff that they are not supposed to and they will also 47_their limits with mom and dad.With this in mind,use the time-out method when they are acting or behaving in a way tha

18、t you have told them many times not to do.Dont use the time-out method for the toddler who is 48_the world and might do something and not know it is wrong.The time-out method may 49_ work the first or second or even third time you try it,but 50_it will work.Also make sure to 51_your child for those

19、times that you child does listen to you or does something that you like.This will also help you enforce the good behavior and show that you are 52_of him.Positive reinforcement can consist of things like a hug or a cookie.53_,let your toddler know that you are not mad or angry at them,but you dislik

20、e their behavior.Getting mad at them might scare them and that is not going to get your point 54_.That will just make them afraid of you or not want to be around you. Even when you are putting your children in time-out,let them know that you 55_them.41.A.expectation B.explanation C.opportunity D.pun

21、 addition B.Above all C.For example D.On the contrary43.A.make up back C.stay up D.calm down44. A.long periods B.plenty C.a number D.a short period45.A.caring about B.turning toC.learning from D.dealing B.curious C.anxious D.naughty47.A.break B.test C.prove D.enter

22、48.A.inventing B.making C.exploring D.spoiling49.A.only B.not C.just D.well50.A.firstly B.hopefully C.largely D.eventually51.A.praise B.remind C.warn D.blame52.A.proud B.tried C.aware D.confident53.A In all B.First of all C.Above all D.Altogether54.A.understand B.across C.hear understood55.A lo

23、ve B.fear C.respect D.need Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you

24、 have just read.(A)In the early 20th century,the valleys of South Wales boasted more than 600 coal mines,and employed some 200,000 men in a region that ranked as the worlds largest coal exporter.But during the period of increasing industry losses,post-war governments first shut down the state-owned

25、mines,and by the end of the 1990s,only a handful remained.To a generation of miners,a way of life seemed over for good.Now,for the first time since the Thatcher era(撒切尔首相时代),British companies are re-opening those old Welsh mines,hoping to supply nearby power plants and steel-works with coal while co

26、mpeting against foreign competitors on prices,Two mines are already back in operation.More may follow,with the promise of a few hundred jobs - welcome news in an area where government attempts to introduce new high-tech industries to replace the dirty old coal business have met with limited success.

27、Unemployment in some of the worst hit mining areas remains continuously high at 10 percent or more,with few jobs for the young in many of the communities.The reopening of Welsh mines reflects the rising global demand for energy,as well as high oil and natural-gas prices.Compared with gas or oil,coal

28、,once thought to be out of favor,is plentiful and relatively cheap to find and exploit,and now accounts for 25 percent of the worlds energy consumption,up 2 percentage points since 2001.Result:prices are a expected to more than double this year,to more than $300 a ton for the costliest coal.Coal Y p

29、orts in Australia and South Africa are facing bottlenecks trying to meet the rising demand from the biggest consumers,China and India.The demand is also reviving(使复苏)the fortunes of other coal businesses worldwide,including larger export mines in the United States.But regulatory procedures(监督程序)and

30、start-up costs are too high for a small businessman to start reopening old mines in Pennsylvania or West Virginia.Not so in Wales,where there is little local opposition and a ready supply of labor in a region that never quite managed to overcome the loss of the industry decades ago.Much of the avail

31、able work is low-paying,in shopping centers or stores.since the mines there shut down,thousands of young people have left in search of work elsewhere.But Welsh miners can now earn far above the national minimum wage of $12 per hour.Brian Thomas,a skilled worker in coal industry,earns $1,2000 a week at least double what his salary would be in the supermarket. “If I didnt have this job I would probably be ranging shelves in the supermarket,” he says.56.The phrase “for good” in the paragraph means .A.temporarily B.permanently C.automatically D.definitely57.The main reason of reo

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