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本文(最新推荐版高考英语外研版一轮复习课时提能练12 必修2 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

最新推荐版高考英语外研版一轮复习课时提能练12 必修2 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes.docx

1、最新推荐版高考英语外研版一轮复习课时提能练12 必修2 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes课时提能练(十二)必修2Module 6Films and TV Programmes课时作业A:基础层面.单句语法填空1She had Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon characters(character) on her sweater.2It is agreed that traffic accidents are largely due to drivers carelessness.3I found them arguing(

2、argue) in the next room.Both of them were getting very angry.4His books arent particularly wellwritten, but they are always entertaining (entertain)5Occasionally(occasional) we go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home.单句改错1He didnt tell me when his new book would be come out.去掉be2It was what

3、 he said which gave me a big surprise.whichthat3He came back after a trip, tired but happily.happilyhappy4It is very moved to see so much strangers can care about each other.movedmoving5He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them interesting in his lectures.interestinginter

4、ested.选词成篇 A new category of film es_out in China, which is called DOCUMENTARY, a work just like film or television programmes.People 2.are_in_love_with it, because it 3.tells_of political, social and historical subjects in a informative(增长见闻的) manner.The documentary first appeared in the New York S

5、un in February 1926 as a review written by John Grierson, of the film “Moana” by Robert Flaherty.Now, documentaries 4.play_a_part_in the film industry.5.Every_now_and_then,_festivals are held to help the development of the documentary industry.The history of the documentary in China began when Weste

6、rn photographers came to shoot news programmes of the Opium War(鸦片战争) at the end of the 19th century.At first, Chinese photographers observed it 6.in_surprise.And later they 7.fell in_love_with documentaries during the 1911 Revolution. 8.To_our_ surprise,_ documentaries have covered a wide range of

7、recordings, including the Republic of China era, AntiJapanese War, Liberation War, the founding of Peoples Republic of China and Chinas development ever since.Some producers 9.care_about social problems, while others focus on nature.Both attracted a large crowd of audience, some of whom are just 10.

8、at_the_age_of four or five.In a word,documentaries are really popular at present.根据提示补全句子1让我最感兴趣的是这些地方的历史。(interest)What_interests_me_most is the history of these places.2这是我们可能会争论很长时间的一个话题。(argue)This is a subject about/over_which_we_might_argue for a long while.3我们所关心的是他们的产品的质量。(care about)What_we

9、_care_about_is the quality of their products.4正因为这本书涉及了这么多的问题,所以过了很长时间才出版。(强调句,come out)It_was_because it raised so many difficult questions that_the_book_took_a_long_ time_to_come_out.5又惊又怕,汤姆从房间里跑了出去。(形容词作状语)Surprised_and_afraid,_Tom ran out of the room.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解 (2019湖北武昌区调研)Historians and

10、archaeologists have defined periods of human history for centuries by the technologies or materials that made the greatest impact on society.This includes the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.But what age are we in now? That question can be answered with one word for some researchers.Plas

11、tics.“Plastic has redefined our material culture and the artifacts we leave behind.It will be found in stratified(分层的) layers in our trash deposits(沉积层)” Thats according to John Marston, an archaeologist.The wide variety of synthetic polymers(合成聚合物) would not exist if it werent for human action.Abou

12、t six billion tons of plastics have been made and spread around the planet.They have been spread from forests to oceans ever since the first plastic polymers were invented.Plastics are one of the most significant changes that humans have made to the Earths makeup.Most plastics dont easily degrade.Th

13、is only adds to the problem. Recycling isnt an adequate solution.Not all types of plastic are easily recyclable.And there are only a few recycling plants that can process all varieties of plastic.According to Debra Winter, writer for The Atlantic, this means that many of the materials thrown into re

14、cycling bins can cross the planet several times before they are processed.They are made into rugs, sweaters, or they are used to make other bottles.Millions of tons of plastics are recycled every year, but millions more end up in landfills or the ocean.The problem has reached the point where its pos

15、sible that in just a few decades there might be more plastic in the worlds oceans than fishes.“Plastics have a supposed lifespan of over 500 years, so its safe to say that every plastic bottle you have used exists somewhere on this planet, in some form or another,” Winter writes.The damage may alrea

16、dy be done.It may be too late for human populations worldwide to change their plastic using ways.So the Plastic Age might soon take its place next to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in the history of human civilization.【语篇解读】在我们所处的时代,塑料给我们的生活带来了很大便利,但是也给环境造成了巨大损害。1Why do people call our age the Plas

17、tic Age?ABecause plastics are not naturally made.BBecause humans create plastics.CBecause plastics influence the world greatly.DBecause historians and archaeologists think so.C推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,历史学家和考古学家是使用对社会造成最大影响的技术或材料来界定人类历史时期的,由此可推知,我们称现在这个时代为塑料时代的原因是塑料极大地影响了世界,故C项正确。2According to the passage, h

18、ow are most plastics dealt with currently?AThey are recycled.BThey are degraded.CThey are thrown away.DThey are made into bottles.C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Millions of tons of plastics are recycled every year, but millions more end up in landfills or the ocean”可知,可回收的塑料垃圾较少,更多的塑料垃圾最终被扔到垃圾场或海洋中了,故C项正确。3What is

19、the authors attitude to the Plastic Age?ANegative. BAmbiguous.CFavorable. DUnconcerned.A观点态度题。根据全文内容可知,作者在文章中描述了塑料垃圾对社会的巨大的负面影响,尤其在最后一段中作者提到,塑料垃圾对社会可能已经造成了损害,人们改变使用塑料的方式可能太晚了。由此可推知,作者对塑料时代持消极态度。故A项正确。4What is the main idea of this passage?APlastics have ruined our environment.BWe must stop using pla

20、stics altogether.CHuman beings are in the Plastic Age.DPlastics are significant to human development.C主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是我们人类现在处于塑料时代并解释了我们这个时代被称为塑料时代的原因,由此可推知,C项最符合文意。.阅读七选五(2019沈阳市教学质量监测一)Whoever wrote the song must have never experienced the holiday blues.Fortunately, psychological research sug

21、gests some effective ways you can use to beat the holiday blues.The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid._1_.Here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season.Dont force cheerAt family gatherings with cousins you

22、 secretly cant stand, you tend to put on a happy face.Indeed, that might even seem like the most mature responseno drama, no conflict.But a 2011 study followed dozens of bus drivers, looking to see when they gave forced or honest smiles at their passengers.The results showed when the drivers pretend

23、ed to have a good mood, their actual moods got worse._2_.Let out sadnessThe results of the busdriver study can be explained by researchers, who find that negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them._3_.We dont like contradictory behavior.Respond cautiouslyRecent

24、ly, scientists have been paying special attention to the benefits of caution. When you respond cautiously to an emotional trigger, you pause rather than react at once._4_.Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits._5_ Of course, the holidays will bring a m

25、ix of highs and lows, but the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall wellbeing.In other words, sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions are nothing to fear.Just make sure youre balancing them with lighter experienc

26、es.And dont forget to give yourself a break.ARelax your mindBEnjoy a mix of emotionsCWe tend to deny the important function emotions serveDInstead, they can help contribute to a healthy and happy lifeESo trying to force happiness seems to have the opposite effectsFA cautious response to a negative e

27、vent reduces sadness we experienceGWe feel bad when our appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了缓解假期忧郁的四种策略。1D承接上文“The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid”可知,负面情绪不是我们应该试图避免的,且与下文中的“Here are four strategies to help you make

28、 your own happiness recipe this holiday season”衔接,并结合下文介绍的策略可推知,此处表示负面情绪反而有助于健康、快乐地生活,故选D。2E结合本段小标题Dont force cheer和对本段的整体理解可推知,强颜欢笑会适得其反,故选E。3G根据上文中的“negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them”和下文中的“We dont like contradictory behavior”可推知,此处表示当我们的外表和内心的情感不一致时我

29、们会感觉不开心,故选G。4F根据本段小标题Respond cautiously以及空前一句中的“When you respond cautiously”和空后一句“Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits”可推知,F项符合语境,其中的“cautious response”也是提示。5B根据空处所在位置可知,空处是段落小标题;根据对本段的整体理解可推知,本段主要讲的是享受混合情绪,故选B。.语法填空(2019陕西咸阳检测)Chaplin was once invit

30、ed to join the New York Motion Picture Company.A representative who 1._(see) his performances before thought he could replace another star who intended to leave.Chaplin liked 2._ idea of working in films because it would mean a new life.He met with the company and signed a $150perweek contract.Chapl

31、in arrived in Los Angeles 3._early December, and set about 4._(work) for the Keystone studio on January 5, 1914.However, Chaplins boss expressed concern that the 24yearold looked too young.He was not used in a movie 5._late January, during which time Chaplin attempted to learn the processes of filmm

32、aking.The short film Making a Living marked his first filmacting 6._(appear) and was released on February 2, 1914.Chaplin 7._(strong) disliked the movie, but one review described him as “a comedian of the first water”For his second appearance in front of the camera, Chaplin selected the costume with which he be

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