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1、第一单元教案修改与补充备课组成员:刘晓霞 顾秀文主 备 人:刘晓霞Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 1教学目标: 1.Let the students can replay and describe themselves by the new sentences: Hello./ Hi. Im Whats your name? My names Goodbye./ Bye. 2.Be able to introduce themselves to the teacher and the others.教学重点:Let the students can replay and describ

2、e themselves by the new sentences: Hello./ Hi. Im Whats your name? My names Goodbye./ Bye.教学难点:Be able to introduce themselves to the teacher and the others.教学准备:Words cards.The recorder tape.Courseware.教学模式:“Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教学过程: Step1 Warmup:1.Greeting!2.Review some phrase

3、s and words about greeting.Ss: Hello./ Hi.Ss: Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!Ss: How are you? T:Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too!Step2 Presentation:1.After review these words about greeting, Listen and sing the song: Hello.2.Greeting to each other.T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss:

4、Hello.修改与补充3.The teacher introduce myself: Hello, Im /Hi, Im 4.The teacher take a mask of Sarah, introduce : Hello! Im Sarah. /Hi! Im Sarah.(教师在示范时,应定要用手势语言辅助学生理解。对于初学者来讲,体态语言和手势语可帮助他们理解和记忆,因此教师要适时利用手势和动作甚至表情来配合教学。)5.Let the students take the mask of Sarah, Chen Jie , Mike, Wu Yifan,use the sentence

5、s introduce themselves : Hello! Im6.Listen to the tape about Lets talk.Step3 Practice1. Let the students introduce themselves2. Practice in groups. 两到四个人一组练习自我介绍。3. Play a game.Step4 Consolidation自由结合或自己下位子了解、结识新伙伴,尤其是了解伙伴的英文名字。再次练习Hello, Im /Hi, Im Goodbye. /Bye-Bye。Students read the new words by t

6、he words cards.Step5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Introduce yourself to others.Blackboard Design:Unit 1 HelloHello/Hi Hello, ImGoodbye!教学后记: 修改与补充备课组成员:刘晓霞 顾秀文主 备 人:顾秀文Lesson 2教学目标: 1.Let the students can replay and describe themselves by the new sentences: Hello./ Hi. Im Whats y

7、our name? My names Goodbye./ Bye. 2. Be able to understand and study some new words : crayon, pencil, eraser, ruler.3. Be able to introduce some learning appliance.教学重点:Let the students can replay and describe their learning appliance by the new sentences: I have a Me too.教学难点:Let the students can r

8、eplay and describe their learning appliance by the new sentences: I have a Me too.教学准备:Words cards.The recorder tape.Courseware.教学模式:“Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教学过程: Step1 Warmup:1. Greeting! T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello.2.Review some phrases and words about greeting.Ss: Hello.

9、/ Hi. Im Ss: Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!Ss: How are you? T:Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too! 3.Greeting to each other.Step2 Presentation:1. Listen and sing the song: Hello.2.The teacher introduce a pencil: Hello, look at me, I have a pencil.3.Teache the new word :pencil.4.T

10、he students read the words and do action by the teacher: Show me your 修改与补充5.Students speak school things after the teacher.6.The students listen to the tape and let students feel these words.7.Teach these new words in the same ways.8.Teacher show the word cards and let students read these new words

11、.Step3 Practice1. Let the students introduce their school things. 2. Practice in groups. 两到四个人一组练习自我介绍。3. Play a game. Guess the words小组竞赛,将crayon, pencil, 等文具放在一个大盒子里,请一名学生选一种文具,攥在手中放于背后,让其他学生猜是什么,猜对者为小组赢得一分。Step4 Consolidation1.Students read the new words by the words cards.2.让学生听录音,边说边做 Lets do 部

12、分的活动。3.Listen and point the pictures.4.Listen and do the actions 5.Pair work. Practice the sentences: Show me your Step5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.复习英语课本上的人物名称。读一读已学过的内容.3. 预习下一课,熟悉26个字母。Blackboard Design:Unit 1 Hello! Crayon pencil eraser ruler I have a Me too. 教学后记: 备课组成员:刘晓

13、霞 顾秀文主 备 人:刘晓霞Lesson 3教学目标: 1Correct recognition of the size of the 26 letters, will be recite the alphabet.2. Can find the same letter.3 .Be able to introduce themselves to the teacher and the others.教学重点:The memory of a large capital letter of distinction and change.教学难点:The memory of a large capi

14、tal letter of distinction and change.教学准备:Letters cards.The recorder tape.Courseware.教学模式:“Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教学过程: Step1 Warmup:1. Greeting! T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello.2.Let the students introduce themselves.3Let the students describe their learning appliance by the s

15、entences: I have a Me too.3Play a game. What is missing?Step2 Presentation:1.After review these words about greeting, Listen and sing A B C song.2. The teacher asked a student to bring everyone to sing, show 26 letters, including the size of writing.3. All sing together again, can clap and sing. Giv

16、e good performance to the students.4. Read in alphabetical order.5. The courseware is produced in a single capital letter.6. Matching game:将大小写字母连起来(回答问题时要求先大声念出大写字母,再和哪一个小写字母相连)。Step3 Consolidation1.请学生在限定时间内找出在小村庄里出现的字母,对于找得又快又好的的学生要加以奖励,有能力的学生让他们读出这些字母。2. Teachers and students together to check.3

17、. Let the students follow the tape and learn to sing the song A B C song.4.Start to read.5.Prctice the writing of 26 letters.Step4 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Review and consolidate 26 letters of recognition.Blackboard Design:Unit 1Hello! 26个字母卡片修改与补充修改与补充教学后记: 备课组成员:刘晓霞 顾秀文主 备

18、人:顾秀文 Lesson 4教学目标: 1.Let the students can replay and describe themselves by the new sentences: Im Whats your name? My names Goodbye./ Bye. 2.Be able to introduce themselves to the teacher and the others.教学重点:Let the students can replay and describe themselves by the new sentences: Im Whats your nam

19、e? My names Goodbye./ Bye.教学难点:Be able to introduce themselves to the teacher and the others.教学准备:Words cards.The recorder tape.Courseware.教学模式:“Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教学过程: Step1 Warmup:1.Let the students introduce themselvesSs: Hello./ Hi. ImSs: Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good

20、 evening!2.After review these words about greeting, Listen and sing the song: Hello.Step2 Presentation:1.The teacher introduce myself: Hello, Im Liu. Then use the new sentences: My names. introduce again. 反复说三到四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问Whats your name(用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My name

21、s.教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他/他小奖品,以鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿教师说的新句型。2.Listen, imitate, practice the sentence : My names. 注意学生对name一词中 a 的发音。3. Listen, imitate, practice the sentence :Whats your name? 4.The ball game.接到球的介绍自己的名字。5.教学告别语 Goodbye/Bye, tell the students that the meaning is “再见”或“一会见”。6.Listen to the

22、tape about Lets talk.Step3 Practice1. Let the students introduce themselves2. Practice in groups. 让学生戴上头饰,表演书上Lets talk 的对话。3. Play a game. Guess : Who am I ?Step4 Consolidation自由结合或自己下位子了解、结识新伙伴,尤其是了解伙伴的英文名字。再次练习Im Whats your name? My names Goodbye./ Bye.Step5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read

23、after it.2.Introduce yourself to others.Blackboard Design:Unit 1 Hello!Hello./ Hi.Whats your name? My names Goodbye./ Bye. 修改与补充修改与补充教学后记: 修改与补充备课组成员:刘晓霞 顾秀文主 备 人:顾秀文Lesson 5教学目标: 1.Be able to understand and study some new words : bag, pencil box, pen, book.2.Be able to introduce some learning appli

24、ance.3.Listen and do.教学重点:Be able to understand and study some new words : bag, pencil box, pen, book.教学难点:Let the students can replay and describe their learning appliance.教学准备:Words cards.The recorder tape.Courseware.教学模式:“Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教学过程: Step1 Warmup:1.Review some p

25、hrases and words about greeting.Ss: Hello./ Hi. Im Ss: Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!Tt: Whats your name? T:My names 2. Greeting to each other.3. Review some words of learning appliance.Step2 Presentation: 1. Listen and sing the song: Hello.2.Play a game. Listen to the teacher and do th

26、e actions: Show me your 通过图片和单词卡片复习学过的单词crayon, ruler, eraser, pencil. 3.The teacher introduce a pencil: Hello, look at me, I have a pen.4.Teache the new word :pen.5.The students read the words and do action by the teacher: Show me your 修改与补充6.Students speak school things after the teacher.7.The stu

27、dents listen to the tape and let students feel these words.8. In the same ways teach the new words: bag, pencil box, book.9. The students listen and follow the tape. 10.Teacher show the word cards and let students read these new words.11.教师边做打开书的动作边说Open the book.用同样的方法教Show me your pen. Carry the b

28、ag. 等句子。12.让学生听录音,边说边做Lets do 部分的活动。Step3 Practice1. Let the students introduce their school things. 2. Practice in groups. Show me your 两到四个人一组练习自我介绍。3. Play a game. Guess the words小组竞赛,将crayon, pencil, 等文具放在一个大盒子里,请一名学生选一种文具,攥在手中放于背后,让其他学生猜是什么,猜对者为小组赢得一分。Step4 Consolidation1.Finish Read and count

29、on Page9. 2.Listen and do the actions. Step5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Recite the words and sentences.Blackboard Design:Unit 1 Hello! bag pencil box pen book Open your pencil box.Show me your pen .Close your book.Carry your bag. 教学后记: 修改与补充备课组成员:刘晓霞 顾秀文主 备 人:顾秀文Lesson 6教学目标:1.

30、Be able to understand the story.2.Be able to act the story. 教学重点:Students could understand the story.教学难点:Students could act the story.教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode教具准备:Words cards.The recorder tape.Courseware. 教学过程:Step1 Warmup:1.Greeting!2.Sing a song.3.Guessing game.T: I can swim in this season. Its warm amd windy.Students guess which season it is.Step2 Presentation:1.Teacher show the picture1 and let students make the story.T: I have some peanuts for

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