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09 外语运用能力测试.docx

1、09 外语运用能力测试第四部分 外语运用能力测试(英语)(50题,每题2分,满分100分)Part One Vocabulary and StructureDirections:There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single

2、 line through the center.1.He added that the state government has made _ arrangements for the conference.A.accurate B.absoluteC.adequate D.active2.This video may be freely reproduced _ commercial promotion or for B.except forC.thanks to D.up to3.You _ engage in serious debate or discussion

3、 unless you are willing to endure attacks.A.have better not B.had better notC.have better not to D.had better not to4.Coffee has been a favorite drink for centuries, _ the time when we were drinking it strong and black, without sugar.A.during B.forC.before D.since5.By 2050 the world will have about

4、2 billion people aged over 60, three times _ much as that many as those of6.Saffron returned to London to _ her acting career after four years of modeling.A.follow D.pursue7.He has fancy dreams about his life, and nothing ever quite _ his expectations.A.matc

5、hes B.makesC.reaches D.realizes8._ my neighbors kid with his coming exam, I spend an hour working with him every day.A.To help B.HelpingC.Helped D.Having helped9.When I worked as a bank clerk, I had the opportunity to meet a rich _ of people: students, soldiers and factory workers.A.diversity B.kind

6、C.range D.variety10.Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it _ replaced.A.should have been B.would have beenC.could have been D.might have beenPart Two Reading ComprehensionDirections:In this part there are three passages and one chart, each followed by five q

7、uestions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:Happy hours are not necessarily happy, nor do they l

8、ast for an hour, but they have become a part of the ritual of the office worker and businessman.On weekdays in pubs and bars throughout America, there is the late afternoon happy hour. The time may vary from place to place, but usually it is held from four to seven. After the workday is finished, of

9、fice workers in large cities and small towns take a relaxing pause and do not go directly home. They head off instead for the nearest bar or pub to be with friends, co-workers and colleagues. Within minutes the pub is filled to capacity with businessmen and secretaries, office clerks and stock execu

10、tives. They gather around the bar like birds around a fountain or forest animals around a watering hole and chat about the trifles of office life or matters more personal. This is their desert garden, the place to relieve the days stress at the office.At these happy hours, social binding occurs betw

11、een people who share the same workplace or similar professions. They may chat about each other or talk about a planned project that has yet to meet a deadline. In this sense, these places become extensions of the workplace and constitute a good portion of ones social life.11.For office workers and b

12、usinessmen the happy hour is their _.A.professional requirement B.regular practiceC.refreshing break D.unpaid work12.Happy hours are held because office workers need to _.A.have a good rest after work B.stay away from household workC.make new friends D.celebrate their achievements13.The phrase “fill

13、ed to capacity” in Paragraph 2 means the pub is _.A.too crowded B.rather entertainingC.completely full D.very noisy14.Happy hours contribute to office workers _.A.cooperation in society B.promotion in their companyC.connection in society D.loyalty to their company15.Which of the following statements

14、 is NOT true?A.The happy hour is a social gathering in America.B.People avoid talking about work at happy hours.C.Happy hours are held on weekdays only.D.People exchange work experiences at happy hours.Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage:Lazy? Shy? Live in a cave? Those might not be p

15、ositive attributes for the average human, but they sure are good for animals trying to survive in a changing environment. According to a new study, beasts that hibernate (冬眠) or crawl into holes are less likely to be listed as endangered than those that dont.Following up a previous study on extinct

16、animals, which showed that species exhibiting “sleep or hide” (SLOH) behaviors did better than others, the researchers wanted to see if the same was true of modern creatures like moles and bears. To find out if our more timid animals have a leg up in the survival game, researchers made a master list

17、 of 443 sleep-or-hide mammals.With their list in hand, the team compared their 443 to the “red list” of endangered species published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. As suspected, a sleepy or hiding animal was less likely to be on the red list than a regular animal, and a red-l

18、ist animal was also less likely to be a SLOH-er.This makes a lot of sense, as animals that hide away in a cave or a tree hole are protected by their physical shelters from a variable environment outside, while hibernators enjoy a flexible metabolism (新陈代谢) that can help them adapt to a changing clim

19、ate.16.On the list of extinct animals studied, there were _.A.fewer SLOH-ers than regular animalsB.more SLOH-ers than many SLOH-ers as regular animalsD.hardly any SLOH-ers17.The phrase “a leg up” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_” instinct advantageC.a fight D.a chance18.The st

20、udy of modern creatures unrelated to the study of extinct animalsB.finds evidence missing in the study of extinct animalsC.has findings similar to those of the study of extinct animalsD.reveals a different pattern from the study of extinct animals19.According to the passage, red-list animals

21、are more likely to lazy long D.sleep less20.In the last paragraph the author _.A.compares the behaviors of sleepers and hidersB.offers an explanation for the survival of sleepers and hidersC.analyzes how a changing environment affects SLOH-ersD.emphasizes what can be learned

22、from SLOH-ersQuestions 21-25 are based on the following passage:In computing, passwords are commonly used to limit access to official users. Yet the widespread use of passwords has serious drawbacks. Office workers now have to remember an average of twelve system passwords. In theory they should use

23、 different passwords for each site, but in reality these would be impossible to remember, so many people use the same password for all.An additional problem is that the majority use simple words such as “hello”, or names of family members, instead of more secure combinations of numbers and letters,

24、such as 6ANV76Y. This permits computer hackers to download dictionaries and quickly find the word that allows them access.When system users forget their passwords there is extra expense in supplying new ones, while if people are forced to change passwords frequently they often write them down, makin

25、g systems even less secure. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of passwords,which have been used as security devices for thousands of years, may need rethinking.One possible alternative has been developed by the American firm Real User, and is called “Passfaces”. In order to access the system a wo

26、rker has to select a series of photographs of faces from a randomly (随机地) generated sequence. If the pictures are selected in the correct order, access is granted. This concept depends on the human ability to recognize and remember a huge number of different faces, and the advantage is that such a s

27、equence cannot be told to anyone or written down, so is more secure. It is claimed that the picture sequence, which used photographs of university students, is easier to remember than passwords, and it has now been adopted for the United States Senate.21.What is the disadvantage of passwords as ment

28、ioned in Paragraph 1?A.They do not ensure security.B.They are difficult to remember.C.They have to be changed frequently.D.They limit computer accessibility.22.One can make a password safer by _.A.inserting pictures between numbersB.avoiding the use of letters altogetherC.setting up a firewall again

29、st computer hackersD.using complicated combinations of numbers and letters23.“Passfaces” is a method to get access to a system through _.A.remembering a large number of facesB.selecting photographs of faces one likesC.recognizing a sequence of face picturesD.showing ones face in front of the compute

30、r24.One advantage of “Passfaces” over a password is that is easier to is more takes less time to log allows one to write less25.What does the author think of the password?A.It is an old system that needs improvement.B.It provides as much security as before.

31、C.It should be abandoned by computer users.D.It has developed to an advanced stage.Questions 26-30 are based on the following chart:26.Which of the following might be a proper title for the chart?A.FedEx Freight Measurements and MethodsB.FedEx Shipment Regulations in US and Other CountriesC.FedEx International Freight Customer Service GuideD.FedEx Expr

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