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1、HDPE硅芯管工厂检验报告中英文工厂验收报告Factory In specti on ReportHDPE硅芯管工厂验收报告HDPE silicore duct Factory Inspection Report测试目的Test Purpose确保HDPE硅芯管出厂产品质量指标符合合同技术标准要求。测试依据Test Sta ndard合同约定技术要求。产品名称ProductNameHDPE 硅芯管 HDPE silicore duct规格型号ProductModel40/33mm买方Buyer卖方Seller测试人员Tester工厂验收结论Inspection Results该批HDPE硅芯管

2、420000米经现场随机抽样检测, 各项技术指标均符合合同约定技术要求,准予出厂买方. *卖方: *代表签字:代表签字:日期:日期:验收人员Factory Tester List姓名Name单位Compa ny职务Positi on签字Sig nature高级经理SeniorMan ager副经理DeputyMan ager经理40/33mm HDPE硅芯管一工厂测试记录40/33mm HDPE silicore duct -Factory Inspection repor项目Items检验标准及方法Test sta ndard andmethod要求Requireme nt实测值Test v

3、alue说明Remark外观Appearance在自然光线下目测。Checked by eyes un der n atural light颜色均匀一致、外壁 平整、光滑,无明显 杂质、气泡,产品上 标识完整、清晰。Uniform color,in side andoutside walls aresmooth, noimpurities,bubbles, productidentification iscomplete andclear.用分度值0.02mm n尺测平均外径量。 400.3mmMeasured by n ruler withAverage ODdivisio n value

4、0.02mm. 400.3mm用分度值0.02mm卡尺测壁厚 3.6 0.2mm尺寸量。Wall thick nessDime nsiMeasured by caliper with3.6 0.2mmondivisio n value 0.02mm.用分度值1mm的卷尺测测量米标长量。长度 1500+o.3%-m度,用读数Measured by tapeLen gth值乘记码数measure with divisio n1500+0.3%-0mMeasuri ngvalue 1mm.meterlen gth, readi ng records multiplyi ng code No.包装Pa

5、ckage按用户确认的包装要求检验Check ing as per customerspackagerequireme nt标记Marki ng1、 目测标记清晰度;Visualcheck ing marking defi niti on.2、 米标误差土 0.5刑etermark tolera nee 0.5%.按用户确认 的要求印字 容检杳Check ing as per customers marki ng requirement几何尺寸GeometrVerification of the ratio of thepipe diameter to wallthick ness (SDR)

6、 检杳硅芯管直SDR11y径和壁厚的比值环刚度按照 GB/T24456-2009 检测。Ri ngTested accordi ng to三 50KN/m2stiff nessGB/T24456-2009.外壁硬度按照 GB/T24456-2009 检测。Hardn essofTested accordi ng to三 59HDexter nal wallGB/T24456-2009.Air用不透气的堵头封闭硅芯管pressure2端,加压至0.2 MPa,保持test此压力24小时,看压力值(不(leaks)变)The whole cylinder of空气压力the duct is tak

7、en and测试sealed at both ends with不破不裂air-tight plugs and theNo crack.system is the n in flated upto a pressure of 0.2 MPa.After keeping it at suchpressure for 24 hours,read the pressure withoutproduci ng losses.用不透气的堵头封闭硅芯管两端,加压至1.27 MPa,保持1小时后泄压,(做3个循环),看压力值(不变)。短期压力Blocked both ends of测试silic one d

8、uct with不破不裂Short-tergas-tight plug,No crack.m stresspressurized up to 1.27testsMPa for one hour (3cycles), the n check thepressure value.(withoutloss)硅芯管服务寿命用加速老化测试证实, 80。持续165小时后测试性能,至少达到加速老化未试验前60%性能。经老化后,各项性能测试Accelerated aging test三60%设计值Accelerto prove the service life ofAfter aging, allatedsi

9、lic on duct. The duct atperforma neeag ing80 C for 165 hours, then=60% designtesttest the performa nee, atvalue.least with 60%performa nee beforetest ing.扁平试验Flatti ngtest两端各200mm的样品置于 平板的上下端之间,加压速 率为10 mm/min ,垂直加压 至外径变形量为原来的50% 时,持续30分钟后测量偏向 指标。Two samples with 200mm in dividually placed betwee n

10、the top and bottom of the plate, pressurized vertically un til the outer diameter deformed of origi nal 50%, and last ing for 30 minutes, then test deflect ion in dex.试验后能够在10分 钟回复到原外径的 70%。Within 10 minu tes after testi ng, it can revert to 70% origi nal OD.拉伸屈服强度Ten sile stre ngth按 GB/T8804.2-1988

11、 规 疋的方法,取五个冲裁试样, 分别夹持在试验机上,拉伸速 度为100mm/mi n,直至将试 样拉断,记下拉伸过程中的最 大拉伸值为试验结果,取五次三 20MPa有效试验的算术平均值为测 试结果。According to the method prescribed inGB/T8804.2-1988, putt ing5 samples to nip in the test equipme ntin dividually, with theten sile speed 100mm/min un til the sample break ing, note the Max. ten sile

12、value duri ng ten sileprocess, and keeprecord of average valueof five times.断裂伸长率Elon gatio n at break根据 GB/T 8804.2-1988 取 5 个样品,以100 mm/min 速率拉伸直至样品断裂,看断裂时的延伸指标,取5个样 品结果的平均值。Taking 5 samples accordi ng toGB/T 8804.2-1988, with the ten sile speed100mm/mi n un til the三 350%sample break ing, checkthe

13、 elon gati on valuewhe n it breaks, and keep record of average value of five samples.断裂力Breaki n gtension取二段长度为200mm的元 整硅芯管试样,试样两端应垂 直切平。用专用夹具将试样 夹持在试验机上,拉伸速度 为450mm/min ,直至试样 屈服时,读取试验的屈服负 荷为试验结果。若试样在夹 具边缘断裂,则试验无效, 应重新更换试样。取三个有 效试验的算术平均值为测试 结果。Taking three 200mm silic one duct samples, both ends sha

14、ll be cut flat vertically. The samplefixed in the testequipme nt with specialclamping, with the tensile speed 450mm/min un til三 8000NTake 10 full length of150mm silicon core duct as sample, the ends of samples should be cut vertically and flat without any rupture, cracks and other defects. Put one s

15、ample on the platform of test machine for each impact test. The shape and size of the hammer head as follows:Put samples into the test ing case andmai ntai n the con sta nttemperature of -20 C for 2hours. Taking one sample each time and impacti ng once un der thecon diti ons of the drop hammer heigh

16、t of 2m, hammer diameter of50mm and weight of15.3kg. The sample is qualified whe n there is no break and crack or the crack is not greater than 0.8mm. In accorda nee with GB/T24456-2009,more tha n 9 of 10 samples passed the test are qualified for the drop hammer impact testi ng.热收缩率Heat ingShri nk根据

17、 GB/T 6671 -2001 测试, 烤炉的温度达到110 oC oC。Tested as per GB/T 6671 -2001, the oventemperature up to 110 oC 2 oC.2三3%摩擦系数In ternal frictio n coeffici ent根据JT/T 496-2004方法测 试。Tested as per JT/T496-2004.动态三0.15 (圆鼓法)Dyn amic = 0.15(drum method )管材管件取两段长度为200mm的元三 5000N的连接力The connec ting stre ngth of fitt i

18、n gs整硅芯管,用硅芯管专用连 接头按生产企业提供的工具 和方法连接好组成试样,用 专用卡具将该试样夹持到拉 伸试验机上,拉伸速度为 100mm/min ,直至管连接头 被拉破裂或硅芯管被拉出 时,读取试验的取大拉伸负 荷为试验结果。如此共进行 三组试验,取三次试验结果 的算术平均值为测试结果。Tak ing two 200mmsilic one duct samples, the conn ectors which isspecial for silicone duct to connect with factory suppl ying tools andmethod. The samp

19、lefixed in the tensile test equipme nt with specialclamping, with the tensile speed 100m m/min un tilthe connector breaks orsilic on duct isout,reading the Max.test ingtensile load as theresult.Testi ng three samples likethis, tak ing averagevalue of three times asthe test result.炭黑含量Black carb on content按照 GB/T13021-1991Tested asGB/T13021-1991.检测。per三 2.25%橙色无此要求校核:Checked by:by:测试:Tested

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