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1、2UnittwoTheboyandthebankofficer教案Unit 2 Half a Day教学时间安排(8学时)Part One and Two: (1学时)Warm-up and Background InformationIn class presentation Part Three: Text Appreciation(4学时) 1. Theme 2. Structure 3. Further Discussion Part Four: Language point (1学时)Part Five: Homework and Exercises (2学时)教学目的Teachin

2、g Objectives:1) to enable the class to read and write the dialogues.2) to enable the class to learn the idiomatic use of words and expressions3) to enable the class to get familiar with the situation in a bank.教学重点和难点Teaching Focus1) The style of telling a story mostly as a dialogue.2) The plot of t

3、he story Possible DifficultiesCultural background of New York. 教学方法和手段Teaching techniques:elicitation; explanation; illustration; recitation and discussion, presentation.教 学 基 本 内 容备 注Unit 1 Half a Day1. Questions for Pre-class reading:1. How do you understand the authors friends attitude toward ban

4、ks? He hates the bank. A banker is a man who lends you un umbrella when the weather is fair and takes it away from you when it rains.2. What can banks do for us? And what about churches? Keep your money. Churches represent God, give people moral advices and preach moral lessons, tell people what to

5、do and what not to do.3)3. Why did the author go to bank one day? To open a checking account.4. What did he see in the bank? A school boy tried to withdraw money from the bank.5. Why did the officer refuse to have the boy withdraw money?A fourteen-year-old is not able to withdraw money without a let

6、ter from his parents. 6. What did the author do then?He thought the bank policy is very ridiculous. He thought what he saw confirmed his friends comment on banks. He decided not to open his account and found it a good chance to attack the bank policy. 74)888. What do you think of the ending of the s

7、tory? What effect may it bring to the story? The exaggeration of the speakers anger and determination to attack produces comic(喜剧的;逗人的;幽默的) effect.2. Appreciation of the text:Plot: a boys withdrawal of money from bankSetting: at the bankMain characters: the bank officer, the boy, “I”Theme: tradition

8、ally, poor people and people who sympathize them regard bank as evil, or as enemy of the poor. Such suspicions and misgivings still linger on. This article seems to prove that prejudices of people like the author are ungrounded. Structure of the text:Part ( para.1) : the attitude of the authors frie

9、nd toward the bank.Part( paras. 2-23): the boy managed to withdraw money from the bank but was kindly refused.Part ( paras.24-32): the bank officer cleared the fact. Theme of the storyThe following are a few possible understandings of the message the story conveys. Which one do you agree with? Argue

10、 with your group partners. Time and tide wait for no man. Life is a tragedy. There is nothing permanent in life but change. Education can never keep up with changes in society. Life is short and time is precious. Life is a dream. Do not take anything seriously.Time goes by quickly and many things ca

11、n take place in your lifetime. Before you know it, a new society is born.Symbolism is used in the story to play up the theme: Life is like a day of a child, bitter, rich, colorful and short, which is a process of growing up, exploring and acquiring.3. Language Points happen to do: occur by chance, t

12、ake place She happened to be out when he called yesterday.When the fire broke out, I happened to be passing by.She happened to be out when he called.I happen to know sth about medicine, so he couldnt fool me.happen: -refer to accidental or unplanned eventoccur: -refer to accidental or unplanned even

13、t; moreformal than happentake place: suggest that an event is/was planned in the first / secondplace: -firstly / secondlyin my / your place: -in my situation or circumstances. overlighted: - having too much lightover-: 1)above; outside; across overcoat overhead overhang overall 2) to excess; too muc

14、h overtime overeat over-rich overburden overcharge overweight overstaffed overwhelm fortyish: at about the age of forty-ish:a). reddish greenish bluish yellowish darkish brownish b). foolish childish babyish boyish womanish snobbish clownish c). English Irish Polish Scottish Finnish Spanish Swedish

15、d). selfish bookish e). fiftyish fortyish f). publish polish punish accomplish abolish astonish establish mustache: hair on upper lipbeard: hair growing on mans chingoatee: short pointed beard authority: 1)powers to give orders and make others obey The leader must be a person of authority.2) person

16、or group having the power to give orders or take actions The health authority is investigating the matter.3) person with special knowledgeShe is an authority on phonetics. 7)more than (para. 4): (colloq.) very; extremely; beyond They were more than willing to help. Some of the stories were really mo

17、re than could be believed.more than: The child was more frightened than hurt. He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a more than: 1)only; just It cost me only $5 to buy the book. Before long her white sails were no more than a speck upon the waters. 2) the same as Hes no

18、more able to read Spanish than I am. wear an expression of open dismay (para. 5)She look at her plate with an expression of disgust. Hold ones attention He is able toholdthe audiencesattentioneven before he speaks.他甚至能在开口之前就吸引住观众的注意。It is hard toholdtheattentionof children a long time.要长时间吸引孩子们的注意力是

19、很难的。 Now if youll excuse me. (para. 9)Ifyouwillexcuseme, Miss Virtue, I need to call Josh about an assignment.对不起啦,美德小姐,我得打电话给乔希问功课啦。I hopeyouwillexcusemeifI have to leave early.如果我必须早些离开,希望你能原谅我。WillyouexcusemeifI have to arrive ten minutes late?如果我不得不迟到十分钟的话,你会原谅我吗?Iffor any reason a guest has to

20、leave the table during a meal, he should ask the hostess, Willyouexcusemefor a minute?如果客人因故得中途离开餐桌,他得对女主人说:“请原谅,我得离开一会儿。”Willyouexcuseme, I am afraid I have to go and seeifI can catch the last bus .请你原谅,恐怕我得走了,看看能否赶上末班车。 think twice about / doing sth (para. 10): -think carefully before deciding to

21、do sth because you know about the dangers or problemsYou should think twice about employing someone youve never met.Ill think twice before taking out such a big loan.Alwaysthinktwicebefore paying out large sums of money.支付大笔款项时总要三思而行。If I were you, Idthinktwiceabout it.如果我是你我会三思而后行。You mustthinktwic

22、ebefore you take this step.你在走这一步之前, 应当三思。Once bitten, twice shy. -(saying) after an unpleasant experience one is careful to avoid sth similarLightning never strike in the same place twice. -(saying) an unusual event, or one that happens by chance, is not likely to occur again in the exactly the sam

23、e circumstances or to the same people. as to +whether : concerning / about / regarding who when I cant decide as to when we should start. Its still unclear as to whom this car belong to. may but (para. 14) You may be rich, but you cant buy anything.You may lead a horse to water, but you cant force i

24、t to drink.You may get high mark this time, but it doesnt mean youve learned everything. have no choice/alternative but toHe had no alternative to resign/leave the company.She had no choice but to sell her house.We have no choice but to continue our reform. (do / did/ does) + nothing but do: I did n

25、othing but follow the rules. but: one cannot / couldnt but do sth: -(fml) have toI couldnt but admit that he was right and I was wrong.(negative word) + but + clause: -without the result thatNo man is so cruel but he may feel some pity.but for sb / sth: - without sb / sth But for the rain, we would

26、have had a nice holiday. opening (16): good opportunity to do or talk about stha businessopening经商的好机会The lawyer waited patiently for heropening, then exposed the inconsistency in the testimony. 律师耐心地等待着她有利的机会,然后揭露其证据的不连续性。Seize anyopeningyou can. 只要有机会就要抓住.The last speaker gives me theopeningI am w

27、aiting for. 最后的发言者给了我等待已久的讲话机会。He suffered an injury in training, creating theopeningfor Shaw. 他在训练中受伤,为肖创造了这次机会 move in for sth: - become active in doing sthmove in for the kill: prepare to finish off the opponentI moved in for the kill.TheMongols would harasstheenemy fromthesides untilthelatter we

28、re exhausted, then close inforthekill.蒙古军会从四面八方不断侵扰敌人,直到敌人筋疲力尽,再包围并一举歼灭。From time to time they would stalk, press their bodies totheground, swish their tails and give every sign of goingforthekill.有时,它们偷偷接近它,身体贴向地面,嗖嗖地摆动着尾巴,现出要去杀戮的一切迹象。Thejet was in range. Its shining nose was on us as it closed inf

29、orthekill.喷气机确实在射程以内。它闪亮的鼻子对着我们,似乎它要靠近来进行屠杀。move in on sb / sth: -converge on sb / sth, esp. in a menacing way The police moved in on the terrorists. zero in on sb / sth (para. 20)1)aim guns, etc. at or find the range of ( a particular target) 针对;瞄准Artillery and mortars(迫击炮) were zeroed in on all av

30、enues of approach.2)fix attention on sb / sth; focus on sb / sthWe should zero in on the key issues for discussionIts a good idea tozeroinon what the two of you haveincommon, and make conversation based on those similarities.确认你们两个的共同之处,并且以其为基础进行交谈是个好主意。The senatezeroinon the Latin-American problem.参议院集中注意拉丁美洲问题。The goal of targeting is tozeroinonthat20 percent.因此锁定旨在瞄准20消费群体。 you really shouldnt have interfered.“Shouldnt/ might not have done” : cr

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