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1、Unit6王焯一、单项选择1. Sheep by farmers producing wool and meat.A. is kept, for B. are kept, to C. are kept, for D. is kept, to2. The key for locking the classroom.A. uses B. is used C. is using D. use3. The two shirts are very nice. I cant decide .A. where to buy B. why to buy C. which to buy D. how to bu

2、y4. Many more trees by the farmers in a few years time over the mountains.A. planted B. was planted C. will be planted D. will plant5. A new bike by a boy a moment ago. A. took away B. was taken away C. were taken away D. had taken away1. Ive already finished the work.A. did B. go C. to do D. doing2

3、. travelers come to visit our city every year.A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. hundred3. Can I a message for you?A. have B. take C. give D. carry4. Is that tom speaking? A. Yes, I am B. Yes, Who are you?C. Sorry, hes out at the moment . D. No. Who are you?5. Will that film on TV soon

4、?A. is shown B. shown C. be shown D. is showing辅导11. Now you can connect to the Internet! 现在你可以上网了。connect to意思是“连接到”如:Its easy to connect to the two islands.Be connected with和有关如:Are you connected with the matter?Connect to/ with 表示把与连接起来,同义词是jointo 如:Collect the fridge to the electricity supply.2.

5、 Lets turn on the computer.让我们把电脑打开。Turn on 意思是“打开,拧开”如:Turn on the light , please. It is dark here.Turn on 的反义词是turn off,意思是“关掉,拧上”如:Turn off the computer . It is time for to have a rest.Turn up和turn down分别表示“调高和调低音、亮、光线”等。3.The computer makes a noise.电脑发出声音。此处noise是较大的声音,噪音。Noise指较大的声音,噪音,sound可以指

6、任何声音,voice指人的嗓音。4. Then the screen says “Connect failed . Try again.”然后,屏幕上显示“连接失败,请重试”。Fail意思是失败,不合格的。Fail to do sth. 或fail in doing sth.表示不能,没有。如:If you dont work hard, you may fail .Failure是fail的名词,success是succeed的名词。如:Failure is the mother of success.5. Open your e-mail program.打开你的电子邮件程序。Progra

7、m 指计算机程序、编码指令,也可以写成programme.6. Click on that.点击它。Click原来指短而尖的声音,此处为动词,意思是使发出短而尖的声音,点击。如:Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.7.This is your e-mail menu.这就是你的电子邮箱菜单。Menu原来意思为餐馆里的菜单。8 Type the e-mail address of the person you want to receive the e-mail.输入收信人的地址。You message will be s

8、ent to the person you address.你的信息将会被送到你写的地址。Do you want to receive e-mail somebody has sent you?你想收到别人发给你的电子邮件吗?这几句话都包含定语从句,而且先行词都在定语从句中定语。这就是这几句中的关系代词都省略了的原因。Type此处作动词,意思是打字,键入。如:Li Ming typed a letter to Danny on the computer.Unit6辅导21. The printing press is a machine that can make lots of books

9、in a short time.印刷机是能在短时间内制造很多书的机器。That can make lots of books in a short time 是定语从句,先行词machine在定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词that不能省去。如:He is the person who can give us great help.2. Before the printing press, books were written by hand.印刷机出现之前“通过的方式”如:The room is heated by gas.3.Information began to travel much

10、faster and much farther. 信息开始传播地更快更远,much修饰比较级。修饰比较级的词还有a little, a bit, even, far, 等, so, very, quite不能修饰比较级。如:Its a little hotter today.(2)begin to do sth.意思是开始做某时。Begin可以用不定式作宾语,也可用v-ing作宾语。如:I began to pack my things three hours before I left.但是有三种情况必须用不定式作宾语:当主语是物时。如:The ice begins to melt.当beg

11、in在句中是beginning形式时如:He was beginning to set off.当begin后面的动词是表示心理活动的词,如:realize, know, think, understand,等时。如:He began to realize how his parents loved him.4. If you forget something , you could look it up. 如果你忘了什么,你可以查一下。Look up意思是在词典或参考书中查阅,词或资料。如:If you want to know how a word is used, look the wo

12、rd up in the Advanced Learners Dictionary.如果参考一本词典要用refer to. 如:If you meet any new word, dont refer to the dictionary at once and guess its meaning.5. A mouse is a little animal with a long tail.老鼠是一种长着尾巴的小动物。With a long tail作animal的定语,with表示具有。如:Do you have a house with a big garden?6. Heres a les

13、son you wont want to miss! 这是你不愿耽误的一课。Miss此处意思是错过,没有感上。如:Dont miss that good chance.Miss还有思念的意思。如:“I miss you very much , my son” said Mother.另外,miss还有没有看见,没有听见,没有明白的意思。如:You can search around the world for information you wont forget.1. Distance does not matter,距离不是问题。When you search the Internet当你

14、上网的时候。You can search around the world for information you wont forget!你可以在全世界范围内找你永远不会忘的信息。Search意思是搜,后面加搜索范围。如:They searched the cave.如果表示要找的对象,在搜索范围后加for,再加搜索对象。如:He searched his pocked for money.2. Im sorry , but he is not here right now.不好意思,他现在不在家。He is not here./ He is not in ./ He is out.意思都是

15、不在家。Right now指“就在此刻,相当于at this morning. 它的另一个意思是立刻,马上,相当于at once 或immediately.3. Please wait a moment.请等一等。本句中的wait后面省略了for.持续时间如果直接放在某些持续动词之后时,for可以省略。如:The meeting lasted for two hours.4. He wont be home till eight oclock.他知道八点钟才能回来。Not. till/ until意思是直到才。5. I need to get a pen and paper。 我需要一只笔和纸

16、。此处need 用作实义动词,need还可以用作情态动词,但仅用于否定句和疑问句,或用于if及whether之后,或与hardly, scarcely, no one等连用。6. They also try to help their mother all day, so their mother can rest.他们还一整天努力帮他们的妈妈,好让他们的妈妈休息。此处中的,try to do sth.意思是努力或尽力做,而try doing sth.意思是试着做如:He tried to climb the tree, but he could not.Rest意思是休息,用作动词,它可以用

17、作名词,如:Class is over and lets have a rest.7. IN English in the 1600s, people celebrated “Mothering Sunday.”早在17世纪的英国,人们就庆祝“母亲节”.Celebrate意思是庆祝(节日或生日等特殊的日子)。如:People in different countries celebrate New Years Day in various ways.8. She asked the president of the United States to make it special day.她请

18、求美国的总统把这一天定做一个节日。Make后可以接宾补,宾补可以是形容词,不带to的动词不定式,名词等。如:His words made everybody in the room happy.注意这个句势的被动舆台应该在do 前面加上to.所以上面的句子若改写成被动句则应为 We are made to memorize 注意当make的宾补是表示职位或官衔的名词时,其前面不加任何冠词。如:We made him monitor of our class.Unit6辅导41. She wanted children to say “thank you “ to their mothers,

19、while their mothers were still alive. 她想让孩子们在自己母亲还活着的时候,对他们说声“谢谢”。(1)while意思是当时候,引导时间状语从句,表示持续的时间段。如:They arrived while we were having dinner.(2)alive形容词“活着的”,不能用作前置定语修饰名词。2. Many countries of the world celebrate Mothers Day, but not all of them celebrate it in May.世界上许多国家庆祝母亲节,但并都是在五月庆祝。Not all of

20、them意思是并非所有都,否定词加all或both表示部分否定,其全部否定分别由none 或neither 表示。如:Not all the birds can fly.3. On Fathers Day, fathers can do whatever they want !在父亲节,父亲们可以做他们想做的任何事情!Whatever意思是无论什么,不管什么,在这做宾语,也可引导 anything that, whatever还可以做主语,也可引导状语从句,相当于no matter what.4.Since his wife had died young, he alone had taken

21、 care of his five children. 自从他妻子早早去世以来,他一一个人照顾他的五个孩子。(1)since介词,连词自以来,自以后如:I have been there many times since the war.(2)alone 意思是独自地,单独地,lonely 意思上是孤独的,荒凉的。如:The old man lives alone in a lonely house.(3)take care of =look after照顾、,照看。5. Li Ming said that you would be happy if you heard from me.李明说

22、,如果你收到我的信,你会很高兴的。Then , I waited to see if he would write back. 然后,我等着看他是否会回信。两句中的if意思不一样,第一句中的意思是如果,第二句中的意思是是否。6. I feel like Im connected to everybody in the world.我觉得好象和世界上每个人都联系在一起。本句中feel like相当于feel as if/though, 意思是觉得好象, 其后可以跟句子,也可以跟名词。如:When I knew I had made a stupid mistake, I felt like a

23、fool.另外,用feel like表示想做某事时,后要接v+ing形式,用would like 表示想做某事时,后接动词不定式。如:I didnt feel like eating anything this morning.此处be connected to表示抽象意义的连接,联系,而connectto表示把和(一般实物)连接起来。练习I 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式1. fail (反义词)_ (第三人称单数)_ 3.mouse(复数)_ 4.question(同义词)_ 5.hero(复数)_ 6.till(同义词)_ 7.careful(名词)_ 8.key(复数)

24、_ 9.candy(复数)_ 10.agree(过去式)_II 单项填空1. Tom succeeded in _ a job yesterday.A. got B. getting C. getting D. to get2. Theyre old enough _ to school now.A. goes B. going C. went D. to go3. You must take care _ yourself.A. of B. to C. in D. with4. Danny _ already _ me ten e-mails.A. do; sent B. is; sent

25、C. has; sent D. have; sent5. My father told me _ yesterday.A. something strange B. strange something C. some strange D. anything srrange6. I _ my parents since last year.A. hear B. dont hear from C. hadnt heard with D. havent heard from7. You think he is right. I cant agree _you.A. to B. at C. with

26、D. for8. Can you teach me _ this machine?A. how to use B. use C. using D. what to use9. Everyone in our class _ our English teacher.A. likes B. like C. liking D. to like10. We say search for lots of _ _ the Internet.A. information; in B. informations; on C. informations; at D. information; onIII.用所给

27、动词的适当形式填空1. It is going to rain. Dont forget _ (close) your window.2. Have you finished _(read) that e-mail?3. I _(hear) from my friend yesterday.4. They _ (not finish) their homework yet.5. Why didnt you see the film yesterday? Because I _ (see) it before.IV.句型转换1. He is looking for his pen in the

28、bag. (改为同义句)He is _ the bag _ his pen.2. He exercises every day. (就划线部分提问)_ _ does he exercises?3. I received a letter from my friend yesterday. (改为同义句)I _ _ my friend yesterday.4. He has already read the book. (改为同义句)He _ read the book _.5. We have learned how to use a computer since two years ago.

29、( 改为同义句)We _ how to use a computer two years _I. 1.secceed 2. searches 3. mice 4. problem 5. heroes 6. until 7. care 8. keys 9. candies 10. agreedII. 1-5: BDACA 6-10: DCAADIII. close 2.reading 3. heard 4. havent finished 5. had seenIV. 1.searching; for 2. How often 3. heard from 4. hasnt; yet 5. learned; ago

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