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1、江苏牛津7年级预备课程学案+随堂七年级英语学案 编号:001 编写人:班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! A Meeting new friends学习目标:学习遇见新朋友应如何打招呼,互相介绍。自主预习:一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍(注意大小写) 1_ C _ 2 _ F _ 3_ E _ 4 _ B _ 5_ D _ 6_ H _ 7_ e _ 8_ d _ 9_ j _ 二、默写下列单词。1、你,你们 2、同班同学3、好看的,令人愉快的 4、朋友5、遇见,会面 6、堂兄弟,堂姐妹7、我们 8、新的9、这,这个 10、他(

2、她、它)们11、也,太 12、学校13、我的 14、很高兴认识你三、写出下列单词的完全形式。1、Im _ 2、Youre_3、were _ 4、Hes_5、Shes _ 6、Theyre_7、Its _七年级英语随堂 编号:001 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! A Meeting new friends一、 从II栏中找出适合I栏的正确答语。 I II( ) 1.Good afternoon! A. Bye!( ) 2.Good morning! B. Nice to meet you too!( ) 3.How ar

3、e you? C. Hi! Im Lily.( ) 4.Hi! Im Millie. D. Good morning!( ) 5.Nice to meet you! E. Good afternoon!( ) 6.Goodbye! F. Im fine, thank you.二、根据汉语及提示完成句子。1. (这)is Nick .2. (他) is my brother .3.- Are you_(同学)?Yes, we are.4. Its a n school.5. Hello, Peter, this is _(I) cousin Andy.6. Whats this? I_ is a

4、 cat.7. This is my new _ (朋友)Lucy.8. His _(堂妹)is 12 years old.三、写出下列单词的缩略形式。1. I am _ 2. You are_3. We are _ 4. He is_5. She is _ 6. They are_7. It is_七年级英语学案 编号:001 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! B Photos of friends学习目标:学习be动词的用法自主预习一、下列各组字母书写占格要求相同,有一个例外,请找出来。( ) 1. A. t c B.

5、 a e C. y n D. a m( ) 2. A. H K B. F L C. g i D. M N( ) 3. A. n c B. i e C. m c D. c e( ) 4. A. G J B. I K C. J L D. j h( ) 5. A. b d B. A F C. g f D. H I二、翻译下列短语。1、早上好 _ 2、矮又瘦_3、高又壮_ 4、让我看一看_5、我知道,我明白了。_6、我这儿有一些照片。_ 7、你好吗?我很好,谢谢。_8、他们不是同班同学。_9、你是莉莉吗?是的。_三、写出下列主语后的正确的be 动词。I youhesheit weyouthey七年级英

6、语随堂 编号:002 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! B Photos of friends一、用be动词的适当形式填空。1.-What _ your name ?- I_ Li Xia .2.My cousin _ a teacher . 3.- _ you Peter ? - Yes, I_ .4.- _ it a dog ? -Yes, it _.5.This _ Cousin Tony . He _ a student .6. He _ tall and strong.7. We _ good friends.8

7、. _ I happy? Yes, you _.二、从B栏中找出适合A栏的正确答语。 A B( ) 1. Whos she ? A.She is a doctor. ( ) 2.Whats this ? B.Yes, he is.( ) 3.Is this your father ? C. Its a photo of my family. ( ) 4.What is your mother ? D. Hes my cousin, Tom. ( ) 5.Whos he ? E. Shes my sister. ( ) 6.Is your mother a nurse? F. Yes, she

8、is.3、单项选择。1. ( ) -Are we classmates? -_. A. Yes, I am B. Yes, we arent C. Yes,we are D. Yes, they are2. ( ) I think _ are friends.A. I B. Millie C. Jill D. Jill and Millie3. ( ) - Are you teachers? -_.A. Yes, I am. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, were D. No, were not 4. ( )-_she?- Shes my cousin Millie.A. Wh

9、ats B. Whos C. Who D. How5. ( )- _ are you? -Im fine, thank you.A. What B. Who C. How D. Where七年级英语学案 编号:003 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! C Greeting each other学习目标:学会简单的自我介绍并向别人问好自主预习一、英汉互译1.你的名字_ 2.谢谢_ 3方老师_ 4.Im Millie._ 5.Mrs Wang _ 6.再见_ 7.下午好_ 8. 你今天好吗?_ 9. Whats your na

10、me? Im Millie._二、下列各组字母书写占格要求相同,有一个例外,请找出来。( )1. A. t c B. a e C. y n D. a m( )2. A. H K B. F L C. g i D. M N( )3. A. n c B. i e C. m c D. c e( )4. A. G J B. I K C. J L D. j h( )5. A. b d B. A F C. g f D. H I三、句型转换:Are you sad ?(做肯定回答和否定回答)_, _ _ . _,_ _.2. She is happy . (改为一般疑问句)_happy ?3. They ar

11、e happy . (改为否定句) They _ _ happy .4. Im fine. (对划线部分提问) _ are you ?学法指导 Whats your name? 这是一个十分地道、有用的句型。意为询问对方的名字、称呼。在表示此意时。除了用“Whats your name?”之外,也可简说“Your name, please?”其回答是My name is 或I am。七年级英语随堂 编号:003 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! C Greeting each other一、词汇A) 根据句意和所给中文写出

12、句中所缺单词。1.Good morning, _ (夫人) Wang.2.My _ (名字) is Andy.3._(今天)is Wednesday.4._ (再见), Miss Fang.5.How are you? Im _(很好), thank you.B) 根据句意,用be动词(am, is, are)填空6. How _you today?7. I _Millie.8. You _Jill, right?9. What _ your name?10. “I” _ a letter (字母). 二、单项选择。( )1. - Good afternoon! -_! A. Good nig

13、ht. B. Good luck. C. Good afternoon. D. Good morning.( )2. - Hi, Nick! -_, Andy! A. OK B. Fine C.Hi D. And you( )3. - How is she? -_! A. Im fine, thank you. B. She is fine, thank you. C. She is 40. D. She is Millie.( )4. -Is she a nurse ? -_ . A. She is a teacher B. No, she is C. Yes D. Yes , he is

14、( )5. Its 8:00 a.m. We say “_”. A. Good night. B. Good afternoon. C. Good morning. D. Good evening.( )6.当你离开学校时,你会对同学说:_ A. Hi. B. Hello. C. Good morning. D. Goodbye.( )7.- Whats your name? -_ name is Jack. A. I B. Is C. My D. I am ( )8.别人帮助了你,你应该说_ A. Hi. B. Thank you. C. Good morning. D. Goodbye.七

15、年级英语学案 编号:004 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! D My classmates学习目标:学会用形容词描述人的特征。自主学习1、你知道划线词的反义词吗?1.The box isnt small . Its _ .2. Millie isnt short . She is _ .3. His brother is not fat (胖) . Hes _ .4. This isnt a new photo . Its _ .2、用be动词的适当形式填空1.That_my sister Kate.2.My broth

16、er_ a doctor.3.Jack and I_ classmates.4.You and Tom_ American.5.Your mother _a nurse.6. They _ good friends.7. -_ you tall?-Yes,I _.8. -_ your brother a doctor? -No, he _.3、翻译短语。1、我的新同学 _ 2、高而瘦_3、又矮又小_ 4、高大而强壮_5、既聪明又友善_6、好朋友 _七年级英语随堂 编号:004 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_星期:_Starter Lesson 1 Nice to meet you! D My c

17、lassmates一、根据首字母及中文提示完成句子。1. Is she your sister? _(不), she isnt.2. Look! Its a _ (照片) of Simons family. 3. Andy is my cousin. He is _(聪明)and _(友善).4. My father is very _(强壮).5. Is the boy s_? Yes, he is not tall.二、单项选择。( )1. Hello, Lucy, _ Millie. A. she is B. her name is C. this is ( )2、This is Mr

18、Wang. _is my English teacher. A. She B. It C. He( )3、How _ your mother? Fine. A. is B. am C. are( )4、-Is this _ classroom? A. your a B. a your C. your D. you( )5、-Are Kate and Tony classmates? -No, _. A. they are B. we arent C. they arent D. you arent( )6、Let_have a look. A. I B. she C. we D. me三、补全

19、对话。 Andy: 1 afternoon, Miss Fang. Miss Fang: Good 2 , Andy. 3 are you? Andy: 4 , 5 you. 6 you? Miss Fang: 7 fine, 8 you. Andy: Goodbye, 9 Fang. Miss fang: 10 1._ 2._ 3. _ 4._5._6._ 7._8._ 9._10._七年级英语学案 No.5 班级: 姓名: 学号: 审核 Lesson2 A happy family(A) 学习目标及重难点 1.学习一些表示家庭成员及职业的词汇。2.初步学会用She/He is.介绍他人 自

20、主预习一默写单 家庭 医生 谁 妇女 和 长的 头发 教师 祖父母 爷爷 奶奶 父亲 母亲 年 二汉译英1.多大,几岁 2.岁3.我家庭的一张照片 4.我的妈妈5.你的祖父母 6. 你的爸爸 三写出同义词 Dad mun Grandpa grandma 七年级英语随堂 No.6 班级: 姓名: 学号: 审核 Lesson2 A happy family(A)一. 根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词,使句子完整、正确。1.My _ (祖父) is an old teacher. He is 60 years old now.2.Who is she? She is my _ (妈妈).3. Is _(

21、这) your father? Yes, he is.4.I s she your sister? _(不),she isnt.5. Look! Its a _ (照片) of Simons family. 6. My _ (表弟) is only two years old. We all like him. 7. Who is she? She is my _ (爸爸).8. There are three people in my _(家庭).二. 按要求句型转换,每空一词。(30分)1. She is my sister. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she ?2. This is m

22、y cat . (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ _ _ cat? _, _ _ .3. Nick is a student. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ a student? _, _ _. 3.单项选择,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. What is your mother? _.A. She is my mother B. She is a policeman C. She is a nurse( ) 2. _ is the boy?He is my brother.A. How B. Who C. What( ) 3. is your mother?Thirty(三十) A.

23、 How B. How old C. Who 七年级英语学案 No.6 班级: 姓名: 学号: 审核 Lesson2 A happy family(B) 学习目标及重难点 1.学习一些表示家庭成员及职业的词汇。2.初步学会用英语描述年龄。自主预习一默写单词 学生 医院 发言 英语 有 兄弟 或者 姐妹 但是 父母 伯母 看上去 年轻 伯伯 二汉译英1.在一家大医院 2 说英语3.没有兄弟 4.玛丽阿姨5.乔叔叔 6. 看上去年轻 三写出120 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 的英语表达 120 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 七年级英语随堂 No.6 班级: 姓名: 学号:

24、 审核 Lesson2 A happy family(B)一 根据句意、首字母提示或汉语提示,拼写单词。(10分)1.He is a good t_ in Sheyang Foreign Language School(射阳外国语学校).2.My mother is a _ (医生) in that hospital.3. (多大)are you? Im thirteen.4.-Who is he? - He is my u_.5.-W_ is your sister? -She is a worker.二. 单项选择,选择最佳答案。(15分)( )1. Who is she? She is _. A. a woman B. Mrs Wang C, a nurse(护士)( )2. _? It is a picture of Andys father. A. How is it B. What is it C. Who is he ( )3. Is this

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