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1、高中英语综合复习练习题1.【题文】It was ugly. It was, in fact, the worst Chrismas present I had ever received. I quickly 1 to be delighted. After all, the giver was Michael, my four-year-old son, who had 2 the distasteful item at his schools Christmas bazaar(集市).“I bought it for you Mama,”he 3 yelled, offering it u

2、p to me, arms outstretched, face beaming, eyes big, blue and bright. At his young age, he had 4 way of knowing that this cheap-looking thing, was the antithesis(对立)of all I 5 about Christmas dcor(装饰风格). And did I mention that it was ugly? Really, really ugly!“Wellput ithereonon the kitchen table,”I

3、6 said.The rest of the house was decorated with beautiful, 7 materials from the garden. And each year, I demonstrated unique and attractive ways to bring the outdoors 8 with creative decorating ideas.How awkward and 9 my sons addition looked in the midst of all this natural beauty. He must have noti

4、ced my 10 with decorating and thought I would be pleased with such a gift.Soon my older children 11 through the back door, excited to relay the 12 of their day and display their precious purchases. Within 13 , the kitchen table was piled with crude(粗制的)snacks:“Where are the rest of the things you bo

5、ught?”I turned and asked Michael, 14 he hadnt eaten the snacks at school or on the way home.“I spent all my money on your present,”he said proudly, not the least bit 15 by the chatter and delight floating in the air as the others 16 their booty(战利品).Suddenly, this ugly, boring gift took on a new 17

6、.“You spent all your Christmas bazaar money on me?”I asked, unconvinced that a four-year-old boy would 18 candy and cupcakes and things designed to 19 kids in order to buy a present for his mom. Ugliness 20 blossomed into beauty. I was delighted. No. Overjoyed. Wholeheartedly, I hugged both my son a

7、nd his gift.1Adecided Bbegan C pretended Dtried2A. purchased Bborrowed Csold D. stole3Apolitely Banxiously Cproudly Dhurriedly4Asome Bno Cevery Deach5Adiscovered Bvalued C remembered Dabandoned6Adesperately Bpurposely Chesitantly Djoyfully7Afashionable Bhomemade Cartificial Dnatural8Ain Bout Calong

8、Doff9Aout of control Bout of place Cout of order Dout of shape10Aconnection Bharmony Csatisfaction Dfascination11Aarrived Bburst Cpulled Dleft12Alabour Benergy Cdiscoveries Dadventures13Aseconds Bweeks Cdays Dhours14Aassuming Bdoubting Choping Darguing15Amoved Blimited Cattracted Dbothered16Astored

9、Badmired Cjudged Dsold17Acolour Bappearance Cresponsibility Dsignificance18Aignore Bproduce Cexchange Denjoy19Aappeal Bcheat Cattract Denjoy20Afinally Bsuddenly Cgradually Dlargely 【答案】CACBB CDABD BDACD BDACB【解析】1C 从上文看出,这是作者收到的最差的礼物,再根据下句中的“After all”可知,毕竟那是作者四岁的儿子送的,所以作者很快地假装(pretended)高兴。2A 结合空后的

10、“at his schools Christmas bazaar(集市)”可知,作者四岁的儿子在学校圣诞集市上买到了(purchased)这件不招人喜欢的东西。3C 他自豪地喊道:“妈妈,我买给你的”。用proudly表示孩子很自豪能够给母亲买礼物。4B 在他这么小的年纪,他无法知道这件看起来廉价的东西和作者所看重的圣诞装饰的风格截然相反。上文已经提到作者不喜欢这件礼物,但儿子自豪地喊,说明他并不知道他的礼物不招人喜欢,故选B。5B 参见上题解析。value“重视,珍视”。6C 用hesitantly(犹豫地)反映出作者不愿意让这样的东西来破坏自己所精心设计的装饰风格,但又不想伤害孩子的心,所

11、以犹豫着说可以放在厨房。7D 从空后的“materials from the garden”以及下一段第一句话中的“this natural beauty”可知,D项正确。8A 每年作者都会用有创意的点子展示着独特而又吸引人的把旷野(此处指花园)搬进室内的方法。9B 在所有这些自然美中间,作者儿子的添加(指礼物)看起来多么难堪和不合适。out of place “不得体,不适当”。10D 上一段讲到作者每年都会用不同的创意来展示她独特而又吸引人的装饰风格,由此可以看出作者对装饰很着迷,所以这里是说孩子注意到作者对装饰入迷,就以为买这样的礼物作者会很高兴。fascination“入迷,着迷”。1

12、1B 很快,大孩子们从后门拥了进来。burst“猛冲,突然出现”,用以表示孩子们兴奋的情绪。12D 根据空前的“_through the back door, excited to relay”以及空后的“display their precious purchases”可以推知,孩子们当时非常兴奋,他们在购买这些东西时精挑细选,所以说他们这天的经历就像冒险一样,adventure 最符合语境。13A 几秒钟的时间,厨房桌子上堆满了劣质的零食。14C 作者以为小儿子也会和大孩子们一样,买了许多劣质的零食,又没有见他拿出来,担心他在路上吃掉了。既然是劣质食品,作者自然希望(hoping)他没在学

13、校或回家的路上吃掉它们。15D根据空前的“he said proudly”可知,大孩子们的聊天和欢乐一点儿都没有使他感到不安。bother“使烦恼,不安”,符合语境。16B 大孩子们欣赏着(admired)他们的战利品。用admire表示孩子们的兴奋。17D significance“重要性,意义”。突然这个丑陋的令人生厌的礼物呈现出新的意义。18A 作者不相信一个四岁的孩子为了给他的妈妈买一件礼物会不理睬糖果、杯形蛋糕和为了吸引孩子而设计的东西。ignore“不顾,不理”。19. C 参见上题解析。attract “ 吸引”20B 丑陋突然(suddenly)变成了美丽,此处是对倒数第二段内

14、容的再次强调。【试源】2015届湖北省部分重点中学高三上学期期末联考【结束】2.【题文】Last week I saw Allan, a person I went to high school with. Allan has severe Cerebral Palsy. He is disabled. He is in a wheelchair. Thankfully his mind is sharp. He had so much trouble getting around from class to class. Our school was very old. It had man

15、y floors and so many stairs.It had been about thirty years since I saw him last. Nothing had changed. He was still the same, still as clear as then. That same big vibrant smile was on his face. And it seemed somewhat fitting as he was being lifted into a vehicle when I saw him.When Im on the highway

16、 cycling or other sports I perform, I think of people like Allan, and how lucky we are to have our health.We have to use our bodies. They will fail when we dont use them. Exercise improves your mood. Physical activity stimulatesvarious brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more rela

17、xed than you were before you worked out. Youll also look better and feel belier when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression. Exercise combats chronic diseases. Regular physical activity can help

18、you prevent or manage high blood pressure.It is stated that when one exercises there is a sixty percent decrease in getting breast cancer. Why wouldnt one exercise?I just hate seeing people cheat themselves of it.God creates this beautiful body full of muscle and detail and one doesnt use it.What a

19、sin!It goes hand in hand. People arent happy in their lives, yet they really do nothing to correct this. They think they should, that they should do something more with their life.Well, when does this happen? When does this occur?We make that decision. We get just this one life.If waiting for it to

20、happen, then one is in for a long, dark wait. Unlike Allan we can exercise in many ways in which he may be limited. We should never take that for granted.Today is that day that flash of light.1What is the purpose of the first two paragraphs?A. To prove us the necessity of making use of bodies.B. To

21、praise Allans persistence.C. To state that we are luckier than Allan.D. To illustrate nothing is impossible in life.2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Physical activity used to make people happier and more relaxed.B. Physical activity can help you prevent all type

22、s of cancer.C. People are making full use of their own body.D. Physical activity can strengthen peoples confidence.3What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence?A. The idea that God creates human is wrong.B. People cant live without regular exercise.C. Its regretful for us not to m

23、ake use of our body.D. Its shameful for us to cheat in exams.4Whats the authors attitude to future? -A. Disapproving. B. Positive. C. Upset. D. Doubtful.【答案】ADCB【解析】【试源】2015届湖北省部分重点中学高三上学期期末联考【结束】3.【题文】On Friday night, after a three-hour weather delay, passengers boarded a Beijing-bound flight in Dh

24、aka, Bangladesh that had astopoverin Kunming, aprovincialcapital in southwest China. Scheduled to leave Kunming at 8:45 p.m., the connecting flight was delayed until 11 p.m. by additional poor weather. This did not make the passengers happy. Several refused to board and demanded compensation, but by

25、 1:45 a.m. the airline had persuaded everyone to board.But that wasnt the end of the passengers problems. After they boarded, the airport staff had to clear snow from the runway, which took over an hour. Finally, the plane began totaxiat 3:15 p.m.15 minutes after the pilotinexplicablyshut off the ai

26、r conditioning. When passengers complained, the pilot reportedly asked: Are you going to die soon? If not, just wait. Two passengers then burst open the emergency exits, which resulted in their arrests.The journalist Matt Sheehan, who in 2013 described a Chinese airportmelee(混乱)in hugely entertainin

27、g fashion, told MSNBC that “Chinese people have just begun waking up to this idea that as a consumer youre entitled(给予的资格) to certain protections, but they dont have any of the institutions like consumer rights groups that do this professionally.”Airlinesand the airline industryare a usefullensfor v

28、iewing Chinas development as a whole. In his excellent book China Airborne, Atlantic national correspondent and aviation buff (航空爱好者) James Fallows described how China is attempting tocondensea centurys worth of developments in aviation into a few decades. This breakneck pace has resulted in a dazzl

29、ing array of new airports scattered across the country, but has included some serious growing pains.1What mainly caused the two passengers to open the emergency exits ?A. The connecting flight was delayed for three hours .B. After they boarded, the airport staff spent over one hour clearing snow fro

30、m the runway.C. before the plane began totaxi, the pilotshut off the air conditioning for i5 minutes.D. When passengers complained, the pilot reportedly insulted them by saying something rude and impolite .2. What does the underlined word “inexplicably” mean ? A. on purpose B. for no reason C. by ch

31、ance D. without delay3. According to Matt Sheehan , the passengers _ . A. should refuse to board and demand compensation . B. should complain about the delay by saying something bad . C. should take immediate measures like opening the emergency exits to protect themselves . D. should appeal to institutions like consumer rights groups for their rights .4. According to the passage, what has this too fast development in Chinese aviation brought about ?A. Many new airports have been built across the country, and some serious growing problems

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