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Business Writing of English.docx

1、Business Writing of EnglishBusiness Writing1. Writing Guides Punctuate your writing用英语写作的时候,请遵照以下标点符号使用规则。这些规则因美国英语、英国英语或其它英语而略有不同,每个公司和个人会有不同的偏好。 但最重要的是在同一篇文章里使用的标点符号规则需一致。地址信件上方的地址可以不用标点;在美国地址中,州名后用逗号,如:World of Carpets或 World of Carpets78 Rockland Avenue78 Rockland AvenueNew YorkNew York, NY 1004

2、3NY 10043日期日期应该写全,不应用数字来表示,否则会引起误会。因为有的国家将日放在前面,而有的国家将月放在前面。如:November 12, 2004 而不是11/12/04您可以选择将月或者日放在最前,如:April 27, 2005 或 27 April, 2005您可以选择是否使用逗号,如:January 31, 2005 或January 31 2005您可以选择是否用缩略语-st、 -rd、 -th,如:August 3rd, 2005 或 August 3, 2005注:在美国,广为接受的商业规范是是将月份放在前面,用逗号,而不用缩略语-st,-rd,-th,如:March

3、 15, 2004开篇问候和结尾致意习惯上Dear、对方的称呼和名字的首字母需大写,如:Dear Mr. NolanDear Jenny您可以选择是否在称谓后加点号,如:Dear Ms. Green 或 Dear Ms Green注:美国的习惯是在人名后加点号。.在称谓和名字中间应该留有空格,如:Dear Mr.Kirkham您可以选择在问候语之后放逗号、分号或不用标点符号。但是如果您在问候语之后用了逗号或分号,就必须在结尾致意之后用逗号,如:Dear Mr. Arnold, Yours sincerely,Dear Ms. Fisher: Yours sincerely,Dear Susan

4、 Best wishes注:美国习惯是在称谓之后加逗号或分号,在结尾致意时加逗号。在结尾致意处,只在第一个单词需首字母大写,如:Yours sincerely 而不是 Yours Sincerely标题和附注如果您在文章开头用标题,请用粗体字或下划线(两者都用):Danner Cosmetics: Mid-term sales summaryDanner Cosmetics: Mid-term sales summaryDanner Cosmetics: Mid-term sales summary文章主体开篇问候之后,用大写字母开始文章主体, 如:Dear Mr. Allen,Thank y

5、ou for your letter of April 6每一个句子开始务必用大写字母,结束务必用句号。 句与句之间留有一个空格:I am writing to apologize for the delay in your delivery.Unfortunately we are out of stock of parts GH56 and GH58.We expect to问号如果句子是个直接问句, 必须在句子结尾用问号“?”,如: When is a convenient time for you to meet?Is the hotel swimming pool open this

6、 time of the year?如果您用问句的句式提出请求但并不需要回答,您可以选择用句号或者问号,如:Could you please confirm your attendance by November 12.或Could you please confirm your attendance by November 12?在间接引用问句时,请不要用问号, 如:I asked the receptionist if I could use the fax machine.逗号逗号“,” 用来标明您说话时应当停顿的地方,如::Once again, our apologies for t

7、he problem.If you need any further information, please contact us.Some publications are not available in this country, including the books you ordered, which are only available in France.注: 在美国,还习惯于在下列情况下用逗号:在列举事物之前以及列举事务的过程中间,如:We would like to reserve three single rooms, two twin rooms, and one do

8、uble room for the night of September 19.在 but 和 so之前:I received an invoice today, but there is an error on it.We have never had any problems with their products or services, so I am happy to recommend them.破折号破折号 “”的语气比逗号强, 比句号弱。破折号可以用来插入额外信息。 您可以选择是否在破折号的两边加空格,如:We received our order yesterday, but

9、 found that the CDs in boxes 4 and 5 were damaged some were scratched and some were split.The second quarter saw a 3% rise in sales of our core productfacial creamwhich did well in our key markets.连接号连接号(“” )是稍短一点的破折号,相当于“through”或“to”。连接号可以用来表示两个日期、时间或地点之间的联系。您可以选择是否在短破折号旁边加空格, 如:April 3 April 72:0

10、0 3:00New YorkLondon括号括号“( )”用来插入非至关重要的额外信息,如:I am writing to complain about the late delivery of our order (Ref:48/610).冒号冒号“:” 用来引入信息,比如列表或参考数字, 也可以放在标题和附标题之间,如:Our pizzas are available in 3 sizes: regular, large, and extra large.Reference: Invoice 0004Re: late deliveryDanner Cosmetics: Mid-term s

11、ales summary时间书写时间可以用句号或冒号,如:6.30 OR 6:30注:在美国,习惯用法是用冒号。 Structure your writing组织框架从而使您的写作简明易懂,这点很重要。文章的内容和页面布局都要做到结构清晰。请确保做到: 包含所有必要信息。 不要包含不必要信息。 按照逻辑顺序列出您的要点。 分段组织您写作的内容。 正确地处理空格,使写作内容一目了然。文章内容规划开始写作之前最好先使用笔记的方式规划一下您打算讲述的内容。将写作内容要点记下来,并且按照逻辑组织起来,比如: Invite clients to meeting December 9 10:00 a.m.

12、 Place: Morley House Subject: improving services Lunch at Morley Plaza Restaurant Reply by Dec. 1段落将您的写作内容组织成段落。 一段内容表达一个主题或中心,以下是非常典型的商务写作框架:起始段落: 标题或问候语之后的第一个段落, 向读者表明您写这篇文章的原因。通常非常简短,有时只有一个句子。中间段落: 文章的主体部分,包含您要表达的主要意思。建议每个段落只包含一个要点。结尾段落:除了非常简短的文章,否则就应写一个段落,包含最后要点,并礼貌地结束全文。例如:您可以再次致以歉意或谢意,或者,如果对方需

13、要其它信息,让他与您联系之类。结尾段落通常很简短,只有一句话。布局在商务写作中,通常将文章内容分为块,块与块之间留有间距。为做到这一点,请: 将称谓、问候语、每一段、结尾、落款紧贴页面左边,不留空格开始。 在问候语和起始段落之间留一行的间距。 在段与段之间留一行的间距。 在最后一段和结尾致意之间留一行的间距。 电子邮件中,在结尾致意和您的落款之间留一行的间距。 在结尾致意和落款之间留下足够的间距可以手写签名。地址和日期在正式信件中,您应当写下您的公司地址、收信人的地址以及您写信的日期。 将您的公司地址写在信纸的右上方。 将收信人的地址写在您的地址的下面,信纸的左边。 将日期写在收信人的地址的下

14、面,两者空出至少一行的间距。您可以将日期写在信纸左边或右边;您还可以将日期写在收信人地址的上方,例如:Sample您公司的地址BQT services185 Green StreetCambridge,MA 02139收信方的地址Amber Products Ltd.321 George RoadCambridge,MA 02138日期May 6, 2004问候语Dear Mr. Martin,起始段落We are having a meeting on December 9 and we would like to invite you to it.中间段落1The subject of t

15、he meeting is how to improve services for our clients. There were many big changes in the textiles business last year. We are asking our clients to make suggestions as to how to develop our partnership.中间段落2The meeting will take place at Morley House, Bunn Street, at 10:00 a.m. Afterward, there will

16、 be a buffet lunch at Morley Plaza Restaurant.结尾段落I would be grateful if you could reply by December 1. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.结尾致意Yours sincerely,您的亲笔签名Roger Beck您的落款Roger Beck Style and Tone为了准确、高效地进行商务交流,写作时要用合适的风格和语气。风格指的是您运用什么样的语言。语气指的是您传达给读者

17、的态度和写作主题。风格您的写作风格决定于: 您的读者是谁?(客户?同事?上司?您对他们的了解程度如何?) 您为何写信?(道歉?询问?还是报告工作?)商务写作中最常用的是正式或半正式的风格。但是如果您的读者是熟悉的同事或相处已久的客户,您就可以采用非正式的风格。一篇正式的商务文章通常运用较长、较复杂的句子,较正式的单词和短语,较被动和间接的形式。值得注意的是上述方式不要过多运用,否则您的文章会不够明了、高效。一篇非正式的商务文章通常运用较简短和直接的句子,诸如were和Id等简写形式,或许还会用习语或俚语。半正式的商务写作介于正式和非正式中间。长句和短句、正式和非正式用语同时运用。习语和俚语不太

18、常用。问候语问候语的使用取决于您的风格是正式、半正式还是非正式。在写给您熟人的非正式或半正式的信件中,您可以选择用或不用姓氏及问候语。在对方写信给你,只用他/她的名字时,你也可以只用您的名字,如:Dear Mike,Mike,如果您对收信人一无所知或了解甚少,您就应当用上对方的称谓和姓氏,如:Dear Mr. Adkins,在正式写作当中,您还应当用对方的全名尤其在您不知对方性别的时候,如:Dear Chris Adkins,在称呼女性时,不管她是否已婚,均用Ms. 而不用Mrs. 但是如果对方已用Mrs.称呼自己,您就可以沿用Mrs. 称呼对方,如:Dear Ms. Mackintosh,如

19、果您不知道对方的姓名,您可以根据对方的性别用Sir或Madam,如:Dear Sir,Dear Madam,注意: 在美国英语中,您可以用Maam取代Maam。如果在正式的写作中,您不知道对方的姓名和性别,您可以用:Dear Sir or Madam,Dear Sir/Madam,To Whom it May Concern,注意:To Whom it May Concern非常正式。结尾致意结尾致意的方式很多,采用哪一种取决于您的写作风格是正式的、半正式的、还是非正式的,取决于您在开头如何称呼对方。如果您很熟悉对方或交往已久,您就可以不用致意,或者用:With best wishes,Bes

20、t wishes,Regards,在正式信件中,如果您在开头用了对方的称谓和姓名,您就可以用:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,Respectfully,如果您在开头没有用对方的名字,而是用的Sir, Madam,,或T To Whom it May Concern,,您就应当写:Yours faithfully,Yours truly,在非正式或半正式的信件中,您可以只在结尾时写自己的名字,可以用也可以不用致意。在正式的信件中,必须用全名。您还可以根据需要写上您的职衔和部门,如: SarahSarah OliverSarah OliverCu

21、stomer Services语气用错语气,会给读者造成负面影响。 例如:如果您在提出抱怨,您的语气应当是坚决的,而不是生气的。如果您在致以歉意,您的语气应当是礼貌的,但不是过于礼貌。 下面的两个例子都是抱怨宾馆的服务。比较可以看出,第一封信的语气过于直接和愤怒,显得粗鲁和幼稚。第二封信的语气坚决、明了但不粗鲁。第一封信: 错误语气特别注意:红色字体部分使得整个文章粗鲁而幼稚,这会给读者造成负面影响。Dear Mr. Dupont,I am very angry about the service at the Clamharp Hotel.I tried to use the Busines

22、s Center four times early in the morning, but it was always closed. I complained to your receptionist, but she was very rude to me. She did not let me use the fax machine in the reception. This wasted a lot of my time and money. I want a refund immediately.Yours sincerely,Sam Svensson第二封信:正确的语气特别注意:

23、 红色字体部分使得整个信件的语气坚决却礼貌。这封信会给读者积极的影响,因而会更有成效。Dear Mr. Dupont,I am writing to complain about the service at the Clamharp Hotel (October 913). Before arriving, I called to ask about the 24-hour Business Center. I was told there would be no problems.I tried to use the Business Center four times early in

24、the morning, but it was closed. When I complained about this, your receptionist was very unhelpful. I asked to use the fax machine in reception and was refused. This cost me time and money. I would like to discuss a refund as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,Sam Svensson2. Social Thank a client for

25、taking care of youThanking a client for taking care of you on an international business trip-Low LevelDear Andrew,Thank you very much for taking care of me on my trip to Paris.It was a successful week and you and your team were very helpful throughout. The organization was excellent, my hotel was co

26、mfortable, and I was happy with all the arrangements. I especially enjoyed the entertainment on my final evening in Paris.Please say thank you to the team.I look forward to seeing you soon.Best wishes,Tim Useful Language Thank you for taking care of me during my business trip. The trip was very succ

27、essful. Everyone was very helpful and the organization was excellent. Please say thank you to the team. I was happy with all the arrangements. I enjoyed the entertainment on my last night.DOs 国外旅行归来要及时致谢。 感谢对方对您的亲自照顾。 告知对方本次旅行您最惬意的事情。 提及您的下次拜访(如果您有此计划的话)。DONTs 不要说太多的感谢的话,或者说太多好话这些看起来会有些虚伪。-High Leve

28、lDear Rosa,I just want to say thank you very much for your hospitality on my recent trip to Colombia. We achieved everything we set out to do and the meetings went smoothly from my point of view. Thank you especially for the wonderful evening in the restaurant.I am now planning the itinerary for a f

29、ollow-up visit early next year. I will let you know the details at a later date.I look forward to returning to Colombia in the near future.Best wishes,Peter Useful Language Thank you very much for your hospitality. We achieved everything we set out to do. The meetings went smoothly from my point of

30、view. I am planning the itinerary for a follow-up visit. I will let you know the details at a later date.DOs Thank someone soon after you return from an international trip. Make sure you thank them for taking care of you in the first line. Mention specific things that went well or that you enjoyed. Tell them if or when you will make a follow-up visit.DONTs Dont say thank you too much or say too many nice things it will seem as if you dont mean it.Thanking a client for taking c

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