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1、广东省深圳市中考一模英语试题12021年广东省深圳市中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1-Wendy, you are not fixing your mind on what you are doing!-Im very sorry. Because I was thinking about something happened just now.Apreparing well for Bpaying attention to Cmaking sure about2-The piano you bought for her is really a white elep

2、hant. She doesnt like music at all.-Youd better take her to some concerts, and then she will be interested in it.Aboring Buseless Cwonderful3-Those clothes and shoes are out of date, and I want to throw them away.-I suggest you send them to the children in rural areas.Aare not fashionable Bare broke

3、n Care dirty4-Do you know where tomatoes were first grown?-In Central and South Americas.Atreated Bplanted Csearched5-Which pet do you prefer, a dog or a cat?-I prefer a dog as my pet because dogs are faithful to their hosts.Aknow much about Bdont have interests in Cdont cheat6-Why the Uranus(天王星)is

4、 lifeless?-Because it doesnt have the atmosphere.Ahave nothing living Bhave something living Chave something interesting7-Nathan is ahead of me in English. Maybe I can ask him for help.-I think so. But I think he is very kind because he always help others with English.Ais more interested in Bis bett

5、er than me at Chelps me learn8-What do you think of the baseball coach?-Hes like a breath of fresh air for the team. Hes got great ideas for making us better players.Asomething new and exciting Bsomething easy and relaxing Csomething old and boring9To something means you have enough money to buy som

6、ething like cars, mobile phones, etc.Alose Bappear Cafford10 means the question is as easy as ABC and almost everyone can answer it.Aunder the weather Ba piece of cake Ca great deal11-Oh, no! Mountains of water is the tub. You are wasting water!-Sorry, granny. I took a phone call and forgot to turn

7、off the tap just now.Afull of Brunning over Cgoing away12To be a green consumer means we should buy things which .Aare green in colour Bare not cheap Cdo little harm to the environment13-A passenger on the bus yesterday.-Sounds terrible. How about the passenger at last?Apassed by Bpassed out Cpassed

8、 away14-TFBOYS is a group which is as idol group.-Of course, and I like Roy Wang the best.Astrange Bwarm-hearted Ccelebrated15-Frankie, dont give too much information to strangers on line. Its very dangerous.-OK, Dad. I promise I will learn your words .Apersonal; by heart Bpopular; in mind Ccommon;

9、in general二、完型填空 We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had bought me to this place in a small Italian town far from home in Rome. I wondered 16 .“Look, Alice,” my father said. I gathered all my courage and 17 . I saw the square in the centre of the town. And I saw many streets aro

10、und it.“See, my dear,” my father said gently. “There is 18 one way to the square. Life is like that. If you cant get to the place where you want to go by one road, try 19 .”Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do 20 about the lunch at school. Because she is th

11、e head of our school. But she 21 . Because she couldnt believe the lunch was as bad as I said. When I turned to father for help, he said nothing 22 brought me here to give me a lesson the value of an open mind. By the time we reached home, I had a 23 . At school the next day, I secretly poured my lu

12、nch soup into a bottle and brought it home.Then I asked the cook to serve it to my mother at dinner. The plan worked 24 . Mother had just one spoonful and shouted, “The cook must have gone mad!”Quickly I told her the truth. Mother said she would 25 the matter the next day.16Awhere Bwhy Chow17Alooked

13、 down Blooked around Clooked back18Aat most Bmore than Cfewer than19Awalking Bagain Canother20Anothing Bsomething Canything21Arefused Bwondered Cagreed22Aor Band Cbut23Amind Bplan Cbottle24Aperfectly Bhardly Cmadly25Alead to Bpass out Cdeal with三、阅读单选Face recognition technology is being rolled out a

14、t Beijing West Railway Station, offering a quicker option for passengers to get their tickets checked.To reach the train stations, passengers simply need to insert their ticket, along with a second-generation ID card into checking machine, and face the camera for a few seconds. As long as all the in

15、formation matches, the gate will open, and passengers can then take their tickets and ID cards back.An amusement park in Japan has been forced to close its skating rink after a torrent of online criticism over its centerpiece: thousands of fish frozen into the ice.The out cry was prompted after the

16、fish were featured in a local TV report in December. Space Worlds Facebook page was inundated(淹没)with complaints and calls for the attraction to close.NASA has launched a contest for inventors to solve this uncomfortable issue, and promises to award $30,000 to the best “space poop(排泄)” solutions.Inv

17、entors have until December 20 to submit designs for a personalized waste-wicking system that will handle everything, hands-free, for a period of up to six days.26According to the passage, if you get into Beijing West Station, which step will you do first?AInsert your train ticket. BInsert your secon

18、d-generation ID card into checking machine.CFace the camera for a few seconds. DBoth A and B27What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in the article?A批评 B表扬 C赞赏 D嫌弃28Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AFacing recognition technology is to offer a quicker option for passenger to get the tic

19、kets checked.BHundreds of fish has been frozen into the ice in Space World in Japan.CNASA has launched a contest for inventors to solve the uncomfortable issue and the deadline is in December 20.DIf you win the contest, you will get $30,000 for award.29Which page may these articles be put in the new

20、spaper?AScience and Health. BSports.CNews. DEntertainment. Fortune or disaster, we will never know which will happen tomorrow. What we can do is to live every day like its your last. Enjoy it and make it meaningful.Make it your daily habit to show thanks. Show thanks for another day to breathe, to d

21、ream and to achieve the goals for your life. Hug and kiss your family and your friends. Write cards. Send positive communications.Learn to laugh. E.E. Cummings once said, “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” Laughing and smiling are the best medicine of all illnesses. They keep a l

22、ife of joy. Never be too busy to laugh, or too serious to smile. Learn to laugh. Laugh when you succeed, face problems and fail. But dont laugh at others. Stay with fun people and dont get caught up in your own sense of importance.Try to improve 1% each day. Big things can result from taking small s

23、teps. As Lao Tzu once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It means tying to get a little bit closer to fulfilling your dreams and goals. As long as you are making progress, you will feel happy and the life meaningful. So try being 1% happier and healthier than yesterday.

24、30The article mainly tells us .Ahow to enjoy your life Bhow to get a better futureCwhy to live a meaningful life Dthe most important things in your life31The good ways to show thanks include .achieving your goals kissing your friendswriting positive emails staying with fun peopleA B C D32The author

25、mentions Lao Tzu to .Aencourage people to show thanks Btell people laughing in importantCadvise people to take small steps Dremind people of a happy life33We can infer from the article that .Awe can control every day of our life Blaughing is good for our healthCits necessary to set a big life goal D

26、living quality depends on your mood Students at a primary school in Fuzhou, Hast Chinas Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits. But some parents are strongly against the idea. They cant see the advantages of students doing such chores (杂亊). They th

27、ink that the school should provide students with a proper education, not the chance to be school cleaners.In fact, parents, schools and society play an equally (同等地)important role in developing the character of students. It is good for schools to give students such tasks,because few of the students

28、will do them at home. Their parents want them to do homework only.In recent years, some parents will make mountains out of molehills when students are asked to do some chores in schools. Some complain about the teachers if their kids get hurt in schools; some even challenge the schools teaching meth

29、ods and management. As a result, many primary schools, especially those in big cities, do not let students join in outdoor activities during breaks, fearing that they might get hurt. This is bad for the development of students best qualities.What the primary school in Fuzhou is doing is worth praisi

30、ng. Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students minds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamwork. Also, it can make students in-school experiences more meaningful.34A primary school in Fuzhou required the students to_.Ado homework only Bfinish homework at schoolCclean th

31、e playground Dclean the school toilets35Some parents think that the school should provide students with_.Aa proper education Ba chance to be cleanersCa chance to be teachers Dmore housework36The underlined phrase make mountains out of molehills meansA愚公移山 B山穷水尽 C小题大做 D眉飞色舞37What is the main idea of the passage?AStudents shouldnt do any chores in school.BParents require students to do some chores in school.CSome paren

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