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1、最新初三补全对话的特点及解题技巧补全对话的特点及解题技巧hold 拿住 held held补全对话是考查交际会话能力的主要题型.它可考查课标和教材中出现的所有交际功能项目, 如打电话, 谈论天气, 度假, 看病, 购物等。强调了语境的作用,加大了对语言运用能力的检测力度。内容上更加接近学生日常生活,在一段对话中留出若干空白,要求学生从所给的选项中选出恰当的句子或填写合适的单词,使补全后的对话完整、通顺、意义正确。它要求学生根据上下文的逻辑关系,在整体把握对话的基础上,去分析、判断与综合,初步考查学生口语运用的能力。有利于考察学生理解和应用英语知识的能力。复习和解题中要注意以下几点:1.通读对话

2、全文,摸清对话发生的地点、时间,人物的身份,对话的内容。2.理清上下句的逻辑关系,使你填入的话和整篇对话文理通顺,融为一体。答题时, 依据语言环境补全对话,逐句推敲。3.符合说英语国家人的习惯。答题时,语言要得体,表达要地道。要注意口语交际中的一些习惯用语,特别是汉语和英语表达方式的不同,要认真通读对话。4.应将一些常见情景下经常运用的句型,词组背熟。比如:看病, 问路, 邀请等常规用语。5.注意空白处的标点。是问号,就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。sow 种植 sowed sown / sowed知识清单一.社会交际:1.问候(1)A:Hello/Hi.B:Hello/Hi.(2)A:He

3、llo.How are you?B:Fine, thank you.And (how are)you?A:Very well, thank you.(3)A:Good morning/afternoon/evening.B: Good morning/afternoon/evening.(4)A:Hi, Jim!B:Hi, Li Lei.Nice tomeetyou again!(5) A:Hi, Sam!How are you today?B:Oh, hello, Lin Tao.Fine, thanks.What about you?(5)Please say hello to your

4、parents.Please give my best wishes to your parents.2.介绍(1)自我介绍:A:My name is Lin Yan.Glad to meet you.B:Nice to meet you.My name is Li Lei.A:Excuse me.Whats your name, please?B:My name is Robert Thomas Brown.A:May I call your Robert?B:Certainly./Of course.(2)介绍他人:A:This is Mr Huang.B:How do you do?C:

5、My name is Lin Ping.How do you do?/Nice to meet you.A:This is Mr.Huang.B:Nice to meet you.C:Glad to meet you.注意:在交际场合,介绍常常伴随着问候,可参见问候用语。3.告别(1)告别前,客方表示要离开的常用语:I am afraid I must be going now.I am afraid I must go now.I think its time for me to leave now.I think its time for us to go now.(2)双方相互道别时的常

6、用短语:Goodbye! Bye-bye! Bye! See you later! See you!4.感谢和应答(1)感谢某人: Thank you./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. Thank you for you help. Its very kind/nice of yoou. Thank you all the same.(2)回答感谢时的答语: Its a pleasure./With my pleasure. Thats OK./Thats all right. Youre welcome. Not at all.5.道歉(1)当要麻烦别人

7、时:Excuse me, please! I beg your pardon.(2)当做错某事时:Sorry. Im sorry for Im sorrry that(3)回答道歉时的答语: Never mind. Thats OK./Thats all right. Its nothing. It doesnt matter.6.邀请和应答(1)表示邀请的用语: Will you come to my party? Would you like to go for a walk? May I invite you to dinner? How/What about going for a w

8、alk?(2)接受邀请时的答语: Yes, Id love/ike to. Yes.Its very kind of you. That would be nice.(3)拒绝邀请时的答语:No, thank you. Id love/like to, but7.请求和应答(1)表请求的用语:May I ? Can/Could I?Would mind if I smoke here?(2)表肯定的答语:Sure/Certainly. Yes, do please.Thats all right. Of course, you can.(3)表否定时的答语:Im afraid not. Im

9、sorry, but you mustnt/cant.Youd better not.8.祝愿、祝贺和应答(1)祝贺用语:Have a good day/time! Have a good journey/trip.Good luck. Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you!Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Well done!Happy birthday! Congratulations!(2)应答:Thank you. You, too. The same to you.9.提供帮助和应答(1)提供帮助:Can I help

10、you ? Would you like me to help you ?What can I do for you ? Let me help you .(2)肯定回答:Yes, please. Yes , thanks. Thank you for your help.Thank you. That would be nice.(3)否定答语:No, thanks/thank you.Thats very nice of you, but I cant manage it myself.10.约会(1)约会前询问对方有无空闲时间:Are you free this morning/afte

11、rnoon/evening?(2)常用答语:Yes, Ill be free then.No, I wont be free then.But I will be free tomorrow.(3)提出约会时间、地点以征求对方意见的用语:How about tomorrow morning?Shall wemeetat 3:00 at the school gate?(4)常用答语:Yes, thats all right. All right, see you then.11.打电话(1)打电话人常用语:Hello! May I speak to?Is that speaking? (注意:

12、不能用Are you?或Who are you)Can I leave a message ?Ill call back later/again.Ill ring/call him/her up again.(2)接电话人常用语:Hello!This is Tom speaking. (注意:不能用Im Tom)Hello!Who is that? Hold on, please!Tom isnt here right now. Sorry, but Tom is out.Can I take a message for you ?Sorry, Im afraid you have the w

13、rong number.12.就餐(1)主人常用语:What would you like to have ?Would you like something to drinnk ?Help yourself to some chicken ?Would you like some more rice ?(2)客人常用语:Yes, Id like a drink. Id like rice and chhicken.Just a little, please. Can I have some more soup?Its so delicious.Thank you.No, thank you.

14、Ive had enough.Im full , thank you.13.看病(1)医生诊断常用语:Whats the matter? Whats wrong with you ?Do you have a fever? How long have you felt like this?Its nothing serious. Youll be all right/well soon.Take this medicine three times a day.(2)病人叙述病情常用语:I feel terrible/bad. I dont feel well.Ive got a cold/co

15、ugh/headache.Ive got a pain here.There is something wrong with my eyes.It hurts here. I cant sleep售货员常用语:Can/May I help you? What can I do for you?What color/size/kind do you like?What about this one? Heres your change.(2)顾客常用语:I want/would like a pair of shoes.How much is it/are they?

16、 May I try it on?Its too small/big. Sorry, its too expensive.Do you have any other colors/sizes/kinds?Thats fine. Ill take it.Just have a look. Well, Ill think about it.15.问路和应答(1)问路用语:Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the shop?Excuse me, how can I get

17、 to the nearest shop?Excuse me, which bus goes to Peoples Park?(2)应答:Its over there. Its about 500 meters from here.Go down the street until you see the tall building.Turn right/left at the first crossing/corner.You can take bus No.103.Youd better take a taxi.Sorry, I dont know.Im a stranger here.16

18、.谈论天气(1)询问天气情况:Whats the weather like today?How is the weather in Beijing?(2)陈述天气情况:What a cold/hot day today!Its a nice/fine/beautiful day today.Its sunny/couldy/windy/rainy/snowy/foggy.Its getting cool/cold/warm/hot.17.语言交际困难Pardon?/I beg your pardon.Sorry, I cant follow you.Could you speak again/

19、more slowly?I dont know how to say that in English?How do you spell it , please?Im sorry I only know a little English.18.提醒注意Dont forget your raincoat. No smoking.Remember to lock the door. Look out.Its dangerous. Be careful. Dont touch.19.劝告Youd better go to see the doctor.You should listen to and

20、read English every day.You need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary.20.建议Lets go and have a look.What/How about a picnic this Sunday?Why dont you/Why not go to a movie?二.态度1.同意和不同意(1)表示赞同的常用语:Certainly. Sure. Of course. Yes, please.Yes, I think so. All right. OK.Thats a good idea. I agree with you.(

21、2)表示不同意的常用语:No, I dont think so. Im afraid not.I really cant agree with you.(3)表示不完全赞同的常用语:Yes, maybe. You may be right.2.希望和愿望I wish to see you again. I hope to become a doctor.I hope it stays fine. I hope so. I hope not.3.表扬和鼓励(1)表扬和鼓励:Very good! Well done! Wonderful! Excellent!You speak English v

22、ery well. You dress is beautiful.Come on! You can do it!(2)应答:Thank you. OK, Ill try it again.三.情感1.高兴How wonderful/nice! Im happy.Im pleased to know that.2.惊奇Really? Oh, dear! Is that so? What a surprise!How nice to see you! Im surprised.3.忧虑Whats wrong? Whats the matter? Anything wrong?What should

23、 we do? Are you worried about them?4.安慰Dont be afraid. Dont worry. Itll be all right/OK.5.满意Good! Well done! Perfect! Thats fine.Thats better. Thats good enough.Im pleased with your spoken English.6.遗憾Im so sorry. Its a great pity.What a pity! Thats too bad.7.同情Im so sorry about your illness.Im sorry to hear that.8.恐惧Help! How terrible! Im afraid of that dog.

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