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1、中国古代文化与社会英文综合教程原文翻译答案汉译英练习之一:1、唐装是中国的传统服饰。从字面上看,唐装就是唐朝的服装,但是现代版的唐装与此没有任何关系,它 起源于清朝的满族服饰。 2001年APEC会议上各国政要身着唐装亮相,从那时起,这款新型服饰才流行起来并在国内外大受欢迎。唐装结合了中国的传统因素和西方的剪裁艺术。服装的基本造型是中式领子,对 襟,手工盘扣,为了外型更美观,肩部加了衬垫。2、上世纪70年代末,为了控制人口增长,中国开始实行计划生育政策。如今全国独生子女数量已超 2亿。 他们的出现给家庭成员的关系带来了许多变化。与有兄弟姐妹的孩子相比,独生子女有某些缺点,他们被 称为惯坏了的“

2、小皇帝”。但同时,他们也有一定的优势,如自尊心、独立性和自我意识较强。他们不应被 视为“问题孩子”,他们是中国的未来和希望。3.黄河,长5464千米,是中国的第二长河,世界第五长河。若把中国比作昂首挺立的雄鸡,黄河便是雄鸡心脏的动脉(artery)。在中国古代史上,黄河被称为中华民族的“母亲” ,她哺育了千千万万中华儿女。黄河流域是中华民族的“摇篮(cradle )”,也是中国文化发祥地。在古代,这里曾经草木茂密,植物丰盛, 我们的祖先便在这块广大的土地上劳动生息。4.木偶戏可以说是中国最古老的民间艺术( folk art )形式之一,其历史可追溯到 2000多年前。到了宋代(Song Dyn

3、 asty),所有社会阶层似乎都喜欢上了木偶戏。中国的民间艺术家们使用包括木头、布、线在 内的各种原材料来制作木偶 (puppet )。表演木偶戏时,对话有时还伴着民歌和舞蹈。 其主题一般来自于儿童故事、寓言、神话和传说。5.相传有一年天下闹瘟疫,八仙( The Eight Immortals )想到东海瀛洲采药解除人间的瘟疫。八位仙人约定八月十五在崂山山顶会面。会面后,各自拿出自己的宝物( charm),倚物渡海。面对烟波浩淼的大海,徐徐清风扑面而来。八位仙人说说笑笑向大海彼岸漂去。之后民间流传谚语“八仙过海,各显神通” ,比喻人们做某件事情或竞赛时,各自都有一套办法或本领。6.中国的筷子为

4、人类文明做出了巨大贡献。诺贝尔奖获得者李政道先生曾说: “中国人早在春秋战国时代就发明了筷子。如此简单的两根东西,却高妙绝伦地应用了物理学上的杠杆 (leverage)原理。”根据日本学者的研究,人在用筷子夹食物时,有 80多个关节和50条肌肉在运动,并且与脑神经 (cranial nerves) 有关。因此,用筷子吃饭可以训练大脑。7.中国汉字是从图画、符号逐渐演变形成的,汉字的书写和发展过程导致了书法艺术( Ch in ese art ofcalligraphy )的产生。不同于西方的油画,中国的传统绘画有独特的表现形式。 由于最早的绘画和写字均使用同样的工具,并且都是以线条为主,故有“书

5、画同源”之说。人物画、山水画和花鸟画均为传统绘画的重要画种。中国传统绘画中一般都有题诗或题字,诗、书、画因而汇合成一个艺术整体,给人以更加丰 厚的美学内涵。8.中国农历七月初七的七夕节相当于西方国家的情人节。 牛郎织女的悲情故事赋予了这个节日浓郁的浪漫气息。传说这对被银河分开的恋人只能每年这个晚上在鹊桥上相会一次。过去,女孩会举行仪式乞求织女 以获得智慧、巧手和美满婚姻。然而这些古老的传统和习惯正在逐渐消失。9.中国的龙崇拜有五千年以上的历史。 封建(feudal )时代,龙就成为了皇权(imperial power)的象征,中国的历代帝王都自称“真龙天子” ,并认为他们和龙一样神圣不可侵犯。

6、而今天,所有的中国人都以自己是“龙的传人”而自豪。龙在中国文化中占据着重要的地位,起着重大的影响。它是国家的象征、民族 的象征、文化的象征,也是一个伟大的祖国迅速崛起的象征。10.面子” (face/ mianzi )是中国传统文化里的一个重要概念。它在中国人的人际关系中起着非常重要 的作用。中国人长期以来受提倡和谐”的儒家思想( Con fucian thoughts/ideas )的影响。对于他们来说,“有面子”是与他人维持和谐人际关系的重要方式。 “没面子”或者说“丢脸”是指一个人在公开场合犯了令人尴尬的错误。而“挽回面子”则是指一个人恢复了自己的名誉。参考译文1.Tan gzhua n

7、g is a traditi onal Chin ese coat. Literally, it means Chin ese clothes in the Tang Dyn asty, but the moder n vers ion bears no relati on ship with the clothes of the Tang Dyn asty. It evolves from a ki nd of Man chu cloth ing. Because it was worn by leaders from differe nt coun tries in APEC in 200

8、1, it became famous. From then on, this new kind of clothing has enjoyed a great popularity among Chin ese people and overseas. Tan gzhua ng comb ines traditi onal Chin ese eleme nts and western cutting methods. Its basic style includes a Mandarin collar, front opening and han d-made Chin ese kno ts

9、. Shoulder pads are in serted for better fit.2.Since the end of the 1970s, China has carried out a n ati onal family pla nning policy of “ onecouple, one child ” , in order to check population growth. At present, the number of single childrenhas grow n to more tha n 2 billi on n ati on wide. Their e

10、merge nee has brought about many cha nges inrelationships among family members. Compared to kids with siblings, single children have certainshortcomings, which have earned them the name of spoiled/ pampered “little emperors ” . Butmeanwhile they have certain advantages, such as greater emphasis on s

11、elf-esteem, stronger senseof independence and individuality.Instead of being referred to as “problem children ”,theyshould be treasured as China s Future.3.The Yellow River, 5464 kilometers in length, is the second Iongest river in China and the fifthIongest in the world. If China is compared to a r

12、ooster which holds up its head to stand upright, Yellow River is the rooster s heart artery. Known in ancient history as the “ mother ” of theChinese nation, the Yellow River has given life to hundreds of millions of Chinese. It s alsocalled the “ cradle ” of the nation and the birthplace of its civ

13、ilization. In ancient times,the Yellow River was covered with luxuriant trees and grass, a region with an abundance of plantlife where Chin ese an cestors lived and worked.4.Puppetry is perhaps one of the oldest forms of folk art in Chin a. Its history can be datedback to more tha n 2,000 years ago.

14、 By the Song Dyn asty, it seemed that puppetry had bee n enjoyedby all social classes. Folk artists in China use various kinds of materials to make puppets,including wood, cloth and wire. In performances, dialogues are carried out accompanied sometimes by folk songs and dan ces. The subject matter i

15、s derived mainly from childre ns stories, fables, myths and lege nds.5.Accord ing to lege nd, one year there was a plague in the world. The Eight Immortals decided to go to Yin gzhou in the East Sea to collect some herbal medici ne to cure people. They agreedto meet on the top of Laosha n Mountain o

16、n August 15. After gett ing together at the appo in ted time, each one brought along his own unique charms which could protect them in crossing the sea. Facing a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters and fresh breeze, the Eight Immortals set out across the sea, chatting and laughing all the way. Fro

17、m then on, this proverb was spoken: “The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess. ” It means that when people do something together or compete with each other, each displays his or her own ways and skills.6.Chin ese chopsticks have greatly con tributed towards huma

18、 n civilizati on. Mr. Lee Tsun g-dao,a Nobel laureate, once said: As early as the Warri ng States Period Chin ese inven ted chopsticks. Although the two sticks are so simple, the leverage principle in physics has been perfectly applied. According to research by Japanese scholars, people use more tha

19、n 80 joints and 50 muscles, which are related to cran ial n erves, to eat food with chopsticks. Therefore, using chopsticks can exercise the brain.7.Chin ese characters evolved from pictures and sig ns, and the Chin ese art of calligraphy developednaturally from its unique writing system. Differing

20、from western oil painting Chinese traditionalpainting possesses unique art forms. Since similar tools were used for the earliest painting asfor writing and lines were mainly used in it, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. Chinese paintings usually integrate poetry or calligraphy

21、 with themes that include figures,Ian dscapes, flowers, birds and other ani mals, which provides great aesthetic content.8.Falli ng on the seve nth of the seve nth lunar mon th, the Double Seve nth Festival in China iswhat Valentine s Day to the western countries. The tragic story about the cowherd

22、and the weaving maid en dows the festival with the meaning of great roma nee. In the lege nd, the two lovers who are separated by the Milky Way can only meet at the Magpie Bridge once in a year on this ni ght.In bygo ne days, girls would con duct a cere mony to beg the weavi ng maid for wisdom, dext

23、erity and a satisfying marriage in the future. Yet these ancient traditions and customs are gradually dying out.9.The worship of Chin ese drago n has a history that is Ion ger tha n 5,000 years .In the feudal era, the dragon became a symbol of imperial power; and all the Chinese emperors of differen

24、tdynasties claimed themselves to be Sons of the Divine Dragons that should not be offended. Today, all the Chin ese people are proud of being the Desce ndants of Drag on s. The drag on has an importa nt positi on and in flue nee in Chin ese culture for it is a symbol of the whole coun try, a symbol

25、ofChin ese people, a symbol of Chin ese culture, and a symbol of the rapid developme nt of our great motherla nd.10.“ Face” is an important concept in traditional Chinese culture. It plays a significant rolein the in ter-pers onal relati on ship betwee n Chin ese people. For Chin ese, who are in flu

26、e need fora long time by Confucian ideas that advocate “ harmony”, “ having face ” is an important wayof keep ing harm onious relati on ship with others. “ No face ” or “ losing face ” means that some onehas made an embarrassing mistake in public, while “ saving face ” means that the person restores

27、his/her reputatio n.汉译英练习之二:1.关于中国茶文化有一个传说: 茶是炎帝神农偶然发现的。 一天,他在树下烧水,突然间发现远处有一只野兔。于是他就去追那只野兔,但没追着。回来的时候,他发现一些树叶掉进了他烧开的水中,水已变淡黄。神农追赶野兔而累出一身汗,口干舌燥,尝了一口泛黄的开水,顿时口舌生津,精神一振。由此,泡 茶的传统就流传下来了。2.春节是一年中最重要的节日。 中国人庆祝春节的方式可能略有不同, 但愿望几乎是相同的, 他们希望家人和朋友来年健康、幸运。春节打扫房屋是个非常古老的习俗,甚至可以追溯到几千年前。灰尘在传统上与“旧”联系在一起,所以打扫房屋和扫除灰尘意味

28、着辞“旧”迎“新” 。春节前几天,各家各户都打扫房屋,扫地,清洗日用品,清除蛛网和疏浚沟渠。人们兴高采烈做所有这些事情,希望来年好运。3.传统的中式婚礼中,新娘要蒙着红盖头,在伴娘的伴随下,由新郎手持的大红绸牵着, 慢慢地登上花轿。在新娘乘花轿去男方家的途中,颠花轿是必不可少的热闹场面。轿夫一起左摇右摆使花轿不稳,新娘坐 在里面也是左摇右晃。有时,新郎就会向众人替新娘抱拳施礼求饶,众人则欢笑不止。这实际上是为了增 添成婚之日的喜庆气氛。4.普通话(Mandarin)是中国的官方用语,以北京语音和不同的北方方言为基础。 主要在中国北部和西南部使用。因为大部分的普通话出现在北方, 因此也被中国人成

29、为 “北方话”。说东北方言和西南方言的人之间的沟通因为语音不同可能存在困难, 而使用作为标准语言的普通话则能消除这样的困难。 新中国成立以来,政府一直大力推广普通话。5.唐朝(Tang Dynasty )被历史学家认为是中国文明最辉煌的时期。唐朝的首都在长安。在与印度和中东(the Middle East )的交流中,在他们的促进下,唐朝在许多领域里得到了长足的发展。唐朝是文学和艺术的黄金时期。唐朝通过科举制度 (civil service examinations )在全国选出优秀的儒家文人 (Confucianliterati )为政府效力,而唐朝的政府体系在儒学官僚( Confucian

30、 bureaucratic )的支持下也日臻完善。 公元8世纪中期,唐朝势力开始衰落。6.面子是某个人在他人眼中的社会地位和名声。 中国人一生都用语言和行动维护和提升面子。 可以小到谁先上电梯,也可以大到百万美元的合同授予。没有面子也就没有了影响力。即使是无意中让别人没面子, 也是极其严重的冒犯(dishonor ),可能意味着断绝关系。中国人不会公开批评、忽视或取笑他人,即使是 开玩笑。点评别人的成绩时,也是先说优点,再讲不足7.在中国,喝茶是一种仪式 (ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste) 的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣

31、之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以 进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这 里不仅是为了喝茶。也是为了议论当地的新闻或对政治话题进行激烈的 (furious) 争论。8.据最近的一项网上调查显示, 55%勺中国青年认为自己对生活缺乏热情, 71%勺人认为他们承受着巨大的压力。焦虑普遍存在于当今的中国年轻人中。名车、豪宅和优越的生活( live a privileged life )是人们追求的目标。然而,与高昂的房价、教育支出和医疗费用相比,他们的工资过低且增长缓慢,看不到脱离困境的希望,焦虑因此而产生

32、。9.传统中国绘画是一门独特的艺术, 无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。 传统的日本绘画可能算是例外,但是不要忘了,它是深受中国文化影响的。中国绘画采用毛笔( brush )蘸墨汁或颜色,灵巧地挥洒(wield )在纸上。画家用深、浅、浓、淡的点和线构成一幅图画。在优秀画家的手里,毛笔和 墨汁不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。10.二十四节气(solar terms )的划分起源于黄河流域一带( Yellow River area ),是中国古代历法(calendar )特有的重要组成部分和独特创造。在古代中国,人们常用二十四节气来表示季节更替和气候 变化状况。节气的制定是我们祖先在长期的农业生产实践中,逐步认识气象变化规律的结果。长期以来,甚至直到今天,二十四节气在中国的农牧业生产( agricultural and an imal husba ndry production )中一直起着重要的作用。参考译文:1.Lege nd has it that tea was discovered by Empe

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