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1、与未来同行Awalkintothefuture精与未来同行!A walk into the future!2008年考研英语写作考前预测和串讲(2)资料编辑:王军特别感谢:西安人信培训学校(交大考研)考研英语辅导团队写在前面的话:感谢你们的目光让我有勇气迎接人生一个又一个挑战;感谢你们的笑容让我永远感恩人世间的温暖和宽容;感谢你们的忠诚让我有机会与大家一起分享语言的美丽。我会永远以感恩的情怀去回报我的每一位学生,无论过去、现在还是未来。我希望我所做的一切能够给你带去信心、能够让你在成功中感受幸福和满足!让我们感谢考研,是它让我们彼此有了一次愉快的相逢和约定。再次预祝同学们2008年考研成功!第

2、一部分 写作要点最后提示A: 大原则1) 写作在命题形式上相当灵活,目前总体上已放弃了机械命题,避免考生猜题、押题,每年出题都在求变,考生应该把握解题规律,掌握模式化语言,以不变应万变。 2)写作最重要的是不能跑题,在做题前列出提纲和主干来是很有必要的。3) 机械背诵范文已经不能应对新的试题设计,因此必须掌握不同文章的架构设计和精彩语言表达模式,以此构筑起文章得分“亮点”,得到评卷老师的欣赏。4)应用文部分要掌握模式化语言,其次一定要注重内容表达的全面性和准确性,确保覆盖所有任务点。5) 图表作文的复习不能忽视。懂得如何通过坐标和图表纵横比较、说明事实,并且从表面看到实质,了解变化反映的深层意

3、义。同时考生还应该掌握图表术语,比如“增长、降低、突增至保持稳定”等一批单词和词组的表达。 6) 图画作文的难点在于对图画的描述,侧重考察考生看图说话的能力,如果直接表达不清楚,就要考虑用迂回策略达到目的,但不能偏离主题。其次要点破图画的寓意,分析背后的原因或影响,这是文章的重头戏,所以要培养对图片的敏感和逻辑思维能力。B: 高分法宝 1)语言准确化语言准确化主要表现为两个方面:一是词汇准确化;二是句子准确化。避免写病句,避免直译思维。学生按照汉语思维直译,导致表达错误和不地道、不准确的情况非常严重。2)用词多样化比如说图画作文,我们会用到show, 我们也可以说reveals, indica

4、tes, illustrates等等。再比如“认为”,我们可以说think, 也可以说hold, maintain, insist that。表达“越来越”不要老说more and more,还可以用a growing number of, a considerable number of ,on the rise等。句子的多样化主要为以下五个方面:1)句子开头多样化2)主语多样化3)定语多样化4)短句变长句。5)强调和倒装。3)结构清晰化结构清晰化就是要求考生把主题句写在段首,自然段中,句子与句子之间要注意过渡词汇的使用。分析原因或者列举段落我们提倡“条理原则”,即要经常说首先,其次,然后,

5、最后。比如,首先:to (begin/start) with/ first and foremost/most important of all; 其次:then, furthermore, moreover, whats more, in addition, besides; 最后:last but not least, finally。如果是讲两种人或两种情况,可以on the one hand, on the other hand 或for one thing, for another。4)内容简单化 考研作文是为了考察考生的英语语言表达能力,所以切记不用把内容想得过于复杂,复杂内容用英

6、文表达的难度就会大大提高,所以关键我想说的话通过一定的逻辑联系表达清楚即可。 C: 语言表达技巧1. Challenges, to some extent, are considered to be a test for the young people. ( 简单句中加上插入语 ) 2. To a certain extent, good manners are indispensable to the harmonious relationship among us. ( 简单句前面加上程度状语 ) 3. Seeing such a picture, we cannot help sayi

7、ng ( 简单句前面加上分词短语 ) 4. With confidence and courage, we are able to face various challenges, overcome various difficulties, and even surpass ourselves. ( 排比句型增加句子可读性 )5. A good case in point is those scientists who have given up many things such as comfortable life, decent position, even high salary f

8、or the successful launch of Shen Zhou VI . ( 举例子方法 ) 6. According to a recent survey made by ., 70% of the young people across the country are suffering from the psychological problem. ( 列数据方法 ) 7. With the rise of the peoples living standard in recent years, the desires for the material life is bec

9、oming stronger than before, which makes it possible for the consumption to increase. ( 非限制定语从句的方法 ) 8. The individual growth is usually the first factor to be considered, but it is not the most important one. The most important aspect of the phenomenon has much to do with the future of our nation. I

10、t is in this aspect that we find quality education must be carried out in order to produce the qualified personnels for the society. ( 经典升华段 ) 9. Basically, what really matters is our courage and confidence to face those difficulties. ( 主语从句表达评论或现象 ) 10. There is no denying that automobiles are indi

11、cations of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless, automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. ( 名词性从句引出观点 )11. Only in this way can we achieve the balance between human beings and nature. (倒装句表达)12. With proper measures, this problem can be tackled. ( 介词效果)13. It is knowle

12、dge and opportunity that change our fates. ( 强调句效果)附:考前必备习惯表达王军老师2008考研英语写作核心必备+必背得分句(1) 大作文必备1. Energy crisis is becoming more serious than ever before, especially in the big cities.2. Creating a harmonious society is of far-reaching significance to our nation. 3. To reverse the current situation,

13、honesty should be advocated in the modern society.4. Participating in volunteers activities will greatly enrich our campus life.5. I like to watch TV very much because it is informative, educational and entertaining.6. We consider it necessary to behave ourselves in the public places.7. As far as co

14、llege students are concerned, we should concentrate on study.8. Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to rapid development of the modern society 9. It is true that the opening policy has resulted in a positive effect on Chinas economic development there years.10. Only those who are equipped with t

15、he basic skills to survive in the fierce competition will be more likely to have a promising future. 11. The quality of the products has been considerably improved due to the application of science and technology, which, to some extent, has increased the competitiveness of the domestically made prod

16、ucts. 12. Such social phenomenon can be found everywhere, which in the long run has resulted in the great economic losses. 13. Whats important is to combine what we have learned from books to the social practice.14. The waste problems has arisen along with the improvement of the material life, such

17、as 15. Obviously, we should arouse peoples awareness of developing good living habit of thrift. 16. It is an undeniable fact that ones attitude towards life is closely associated with his future development.17. We should attach great importance to the environmental protection and the global sustaina

18、ble development.18. Understanding oneself correctly plays a vital role in attaining ones goals.19. As for the young, we should have an optimistic and positive attitude towards future.20. To a certain extent, we should attribute the success to our constant efforts and strong determination 21. We shou

19、ld be aware of the importance of broadening our view through practice.22. Sometimes, praise and understanding are we are badly in need of, especially when we are in trouble. 23. We strongly believe that our society will be full of love and harmony as long as we.24. No doubt, the rapid progress in sc

20、ience and technology benefits us a lot in a variety of aspects.25. It is true that on-line education has brought us a lot of benefits and its advantages are obvious and can be listed as follows;To begin with, besides, most importantly, 26. However, people hold different opinions about A. Some argue

21、that.while others maintain that27. On the other hand, the social practice offers us a chance to know more about ourselves.28. Compared with tradition teaching, creative teaching has many unique advantages.29. We can come to the conclusion that30. The extension and application of advanced agricultura

22、l technology have greatly contributed to the development of modern agriculture, which makes it possible for us to improve the life the farmers.31. The major reasons for such a problem can be briefly listed as follows.32. In order to ., some effective measures must be taken to .33. From the perspecti

23、ve of individual growth, both family and society will have a profound influence on them.34. The children in the rural areas have been deprived of the rights to receive education due to poverty. 35. Courage and good preparation will determine whether we can face the new challenges or not. 36. The sta

24、tistics presented here proved that this is a phenomenon which deserves our attention.37. The outer space exploration will enable us to know more about the universe, which will have a positive effect on the peaceful use of the resources on other planets. 38. The frequent communication among us will g

25、reatly contribute to our mutual understanding.39. Taking up part-time job will enrich our campus life.40. It is estimated that the time spent on sports amounts to 10 hours a week.41. The gap does exist between city and countryside.42. Now, we are faced with a serious problem related to the survival

26、of our human beings.43. How to handle this problem? Several factors, I think, must be taken into consideration.44. When it comes to45. With a view to., we should .46. It is hard to imagine what our life would be like without energy.47. The investigation made by WHO revealed that bird flu poses a thr

27、eat to our survival.48. We should launch a worldwide campaign to bring the spread of bird flu under control.49. It can be predicted that the global temperature will continue to rise due to the green house effect.50. More and more people come to realize that honesty is more important in the market ec

28、onomy.51. Those who give love and care to those disabled should be highly praised.52. It is important to translate the book knowledge into ability.53. The peoples opinions aboutvary from person to person.54. Great changes have taken place in our life.55. The shortage of resources is an inevitable re

29、sult of overpopulation.56. According to this table, we can see that China has experienced an alarming increase in population in the past few years.57. Recently, this phenomenon has aroused wide concern.58. It is advisable to attach great importance to language study.58. Reading is beneficial to us i

30、n many respects.59. The private cars make our life comfortable and convenient than before.60. Self-confidence is crucial to our success.(2)图表图画必备1. Lets take a closer look at the two pictures. The one on the left shows that , whereas the one on the right illustrates2. It goes without saying that dra

31、wings aim at revealing a common problem in the world: how to 3. As is described / portrayed / illustrated / shown in the picture, many people nowadays like to.4What does the author really want to tell us ? In my opinion, his real implication is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life ex

32、periences. 5The purpose of the pictures is to warn us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resources. 6The idea conveyed by the cartoon is apparent: the finishing point is just a new starting point. 7I cannot help relating these drawings to reality. They clearly show how human interpersonal relationships have developed.8 The graph shows that the incidence of violent crime has in fact dropped in mos

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