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1、六级翻译及仔细阅读例题一围绕“思维意识是编织大师,它创造了我们内在性格与外部环境”这一主题,詹姆斯爱伦思考的人一书深入地探索了自助类读物的真谛。 【参考译文】With its theme that “Mind is the master weaver,” creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the book As a Man Thinking by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.例题二爱伦的贡献

2、在于,他拿出“我们并不是机器人,所以能控制自己的思想”这一公认的假设,并揭示了其错误所在。 【参考译文】Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.例题三因为我们大都相信意识是独立于物质存在的,所以我们认为能够将思想隐藏、并使之失去效力;这使得我们能够这样想却那样做。【参考译文】Because most of us believe

3、 that mind is separate from matter, we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless; this allows us to think one way and act another. 例题四但爱伦认为,潜意识和意识产生的作用一样大。 【参考译文】However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind.例题五 而且,尽管我们或许可以单凭意识来维系“控制”这种错觉

4、,现实中我们还是不断要面对一个问题:“我为什么不能让自己做这个或实现那个?” 【参考译文】And while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that? 例题六由于愿望和意志会因为那些与愿望不一致的思想的出现而遭到破坏,爱伦做出如下总结:“所以我们所吸引的不是我们所想

5、,而是我们本身所是。”【参考译文】Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire, Allen concluded: “We do not attract what we want, but what we are.”例题七 成功降临是因为作为一个人你本身就是这种外部成功的体现;你不是“获得”成功,而是“变得”成功。【参考译文】Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external ac

6、hievement; you dont “ get” success but become it. 例题八 “意识”和“物质”之间没有间隔。【参考译文】There is no gap between mind and matter.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:一朵雪花的体态是轻盈的,宛如六枚小银针,千针万线,给南开大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。但是,正如童话世界也有缺陷一样,文史楼北墙边一株年轻的龙柏(cypress),由于一夜风雪吹压,已经倾侧成30度斜角了。远处走来几个身背照相机的年轻人。其中那位穿黑呢大衣的姑娘真美,一双亮晶晶杏核儿大眼,似湖?似星?谁也说不清,只惹得路人不时侧目朝她张望。

7、这群市大学生摄影协会会员准备捕捉大自然恩赐的美妙镜头,心情舒畅地说笑着,渐渐地走近这棵倾斜的龙柏。参考翻译:Snowflakes are light, each having six tiny silverneedles.Like thousands of needles and threads,theyworked together to weave a well-fitted caystal outfitfor the campus of Nankai University.However,nothing is perfect, not even in a fairyland. The y

8、oungdragon cypress at the north wall of the Literature and History Building was bent over at a 30degree angle after the nights snowstorm.Several students carne from a distance, each carrying a camera. Among them was a girl in ablack wool overcoat was a real beauty.Her almond-shaped eyes are like poo

9、ls of clear water orbright stars in the sky,which was hard to tell. But she herself was certainly eye-catching!Thesemembers of College Photographers Association of the city had come out to capture thebeautiful scenery endowed by nature. Laughing and talking merrily, they were approaching theleaning

10、cypress.考点分析:1.一朵雪花的体态是轻盈的,宛如六枚小银针,千针万线,给南开大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。分析:“千针万线,给南开大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。”用了拟人手法,译文中用they worked together to weave awell-fitted caystal outfit for the campus of NankaiUniversity即可传达原文的神韵。2. 远处走来几个身背照相机的年轻人。分析;本句采用“主谓+伴随状语”结构,译为: Several students carne from a distance, each carrying acame

11、ra.请将下面这段话翻译成英文:二十岁的时候:一听到名人就激动不已,就欢呼雀跃,就奋不顾身往前冲。 三十岁的时候:一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就.不知道什么滋味,特别是年轻的,漂亮的,女的名人。 二十岁的时候:和某个人晚上一起去看了场电影,不经意中拉了一次手,结果幸福了整整一个夏天。 三十岁的时候:坐在香格里(Shangri-La Hotel)拉酒店的旋转餐厅陪客户吃自助餐,在缓缓的转动之中,莫名其妙地一阵空虚,突然间对一切感到索然无味. 参考答案:At the age of twenty,upon hearing a celebrity,Iwould rush forwar

12、d,with wild excitement andecstasy.After thirty,upon hearing the names ofcelebrities,I feel lost,vexed,burning with anger,and Idont know what it is,especially the names of thosefamous females,who are young and pretty.At the age of twenty,one evening,I went to see a film with a young man.In the darkne

13、ss,anincidental touch of hands filled me with joy all that summer.In my thirties,when I sit in therotating restaurant of Shangri-La Hotel,accompanying clinets to have a buffet,an indescribableemptiness suddenly seizes me in the slow rotating and I find everything dull and dry 考点解析:二十岁的时候:和某个人晚上一起去看了

14、场电影,不经意中拉了一次手,结果幸福了整整一个夏天。分析:不经意中拉了一次手:汉语中的动词句译为名词词组“anincidental touch of hands”作译文中的主语,符合英语的表达习惯。2013年12月六级考试仔细阅读模拟训练(1)On the last shopping day before Christmas, stores across the United States were busy but not jam-packed as shoppers scrambled for last-minute gifts, even though some refused to a

15、dmit it. At Bostons Copley Mall, a small crowd gathered outside the main entrance of luxury department store Neiman Marcus, but no one waiting for the store to open would admit to being a last-minute shopper. Im really here to use a gift certificate and get something for myself and maybe someone els

16、e with whats left over, said Matt Doran, who lives in Boston and had been waiting since 8:30 a.m. for the stores 10 a.m. opening. Ilya Polykoff, who moved to Boston from Russia, said he was waiting because I had the day off and I wanted to get some perfume. But he insisted that he was really shoppin

17、g early because for him Christmas comes in January. The Orthodox Christmas will be celebrated on Jan. 7.There are lots of men out there today, said Karen McDonald, a spokes-woman for mall operator Taubman Centers, after returning from the Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights, Michigan. There is panic o

18、ut there but people seem to be in good spirits, she said, adding that most shopping traffic peaked around midday. According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, December 24 was the sixth busiest holiday shopping day in 1997, while 44 percent of holiday sales were recorded in the Decembe

19、r 15 to December 24 period. Ed Nally, manager of the Swatch Store known mostly for its brightly colored plastic watches, described the atmosphere as festive rather than crazed. He did say, however, that Dec. 21 was the turning point date, after which shoppers started. The closer to Christmas, the cr

20、azier they get, Nally said. They become more agitated, less patient. He said red-hot items this year were phones, beepers and the new digital swatch watch that costs $ 70 and came onto the market a week before Christmas.52. The best title for this passage is _.A) Last-Minute Christmas Shoppers Fill

21、U.S. StoresB) Digital Watches Are the Red hot Items This YearC) The Excuse of the Last-Minute ShoppersD) Christmas, the Best Shopping Season53. From the passage we can infer that people would not admit to be a last-minute shopper because _.A) they wanted to use a gift certificateB) Christmas would b

22、e celebrated on Jan. 7thC) they did not want gifts recipients to know that they bought them gifts on the last dayD) they bought gifts during the shopping season lasting from December 15th to December 24th54. Which of the following statement is true?A) Most customers came to the mall early in the mor

23、ning.B) Shop assistants were most busy at noon.C) There were more shoppers in the mall from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m.D) Less people went shopping around midday.55. Which of the following statement is NOT true?A) More people went shopping on Dee. 20th than on Dec. 22nd according to Ed Nally.B) On Dec. 24th,

24、 people were crowded outside Bostons Copley Mall, but they were happy.C) Dec. 24th was the sixth busiest holiday shopping day in 1997.D) One can buy brightly colored plastic watches in Swatch Store.56. The word festive in paragraph 2 can not be understood as _.A) cheery B) fetish C) joyous D) merry

25、答案:52-56 ACBAB 解析:52.主旨题。第一段开始便提到,尽管是圣诞节前最后一天,人们却拒绝承认是last-minute shoppers。第一段首句即本文的中心句,后面描述的现象以及采访顾客的对答都是对本文论点的论证。其中,第一段第二句“but no one waiting for the store to open would admit to being a last-minute shopper”更是点睛之笔.因此,正确答案为A项。53.因果推断题。人们拒绝承认是last-minute shoppers是因为担心收到礼物的人认为该礼物是最后一刻才购买的,难免会让人失望。选项C

26、文中并没有提及,但是按人之常情以及排除法可以断定正确答案为C项,其中,选项A是被采访的人不愿意承认的托词,选项B只是对来自俄罗斯的Polykoff说是如此。54.细节判断题。由第二段第二句“most shopping traffic peaked around midday”可以判断选项A、选项C、选项D选项错误。因此,正确答案为B项。2013年12月六级考试仔细阅读模拟训练(2)The radical transformation of the Soviet society had a profound impact on womens lives. Marxists had traditi

27、onally believed that both capitalism and the middle-class husbands exploited women. The Russian Revolution of 1917 immediately proclaimed complete equality of rights for women. In the 1920s divorce and abortion were made easily available, and women were urged to work outside the home and liberate th

28、emselves sexually. After Stalin came to power, sexual and familial liberation was played down, and the most lasting changes for women involved work and education.These changes were truly revolutionary. Young women were constantly told that they had to be equal to men, that they could and should do e

29、verything men could do. Peasant women in Russia had long experienced the equality of backbreaking physical labor in the countryside, and they continued to enjoy that equality on collective farms. With the advent of the five-year-plans, millions of women also began to toil in factories and in heavy c

30、onstruction, building dams, roads and steel mills in summer heat and winter frost. Most of the opportunities open to men through education were also open to women. Determined women pursued their studies and entered the ranks of the better-paid specialists in industry and science. Medicine practicall

31、y became a womans profession. By 1950, 75 percent of doctors in the Soviet Union were women.Thus Stalinist society gave woman great opportunities but demanded great sacrifices as well. The vast majority of women simply had to work outside the home. Wages were so law that it was almost impossible for

32、 a family or couple to live only on the husbands earnings. Moreover, the fun-time working woman had a heavy burden of household tasks in her off hours, for most Soviet men in the 1930s still considered the home and the children the womans responsibility. Men continued to monopolize the best jobs. Finally, rapid change and economic hardship led to many broken families, creating fu

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