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1、职称英语综合类A级补全短文Men Smell of Choose and Women of Onions男人闻出奶酪味,女人溴出洋葱味Little girls may be made of sugar and spice and all things nice, but their armpits smell of onions.小女孩闻起来可能有糖、香料和所有好东西的味道,但是她们的腋下却闻起来像洋葱。And while free of slug or snail odours, mens armpits pack a powerful cheesy whiff.n男人的腋下虽然没有鼻涕虫或

2、者蜗牛的味道,但是却有一股奶酪的气味。Thats the conclusion of research in Switzerland that involved taking armpit sweat samples from 24 men and 25 women after they had spent time in a sauna or ridden an exercise bike for 15 minutes.这是一项来自瑞士的研究理论,研究中的24位男士和25位女士在一段时间的桑拿浴或15分钟的骑车锻炼后,腋下的气味被收集作为样本。The researchs found mark

3、ed differences in the sweat from men and women.研究者发现男人和女人腋下的气味有很大不同Men smell of cheese , and women of grapefruit or onion, says Christian Starkenmann of Firmwnich, a company in Geneva that researches flavors and perfumes for food and cosmetics companyies.男人的闻起来更像奶酪,女人的闻起来更像葡萄柚或洋葱,来自Firmenich公司的Chris

4、tian Starkenmann 说道。Firmenich是一家位于日内瓦,为食物和化妆品研究香味和香水的公司。The team found that the womens armpit sweat contained relatively high levels of an odourless sulphur-containing compound-5 millilitre of sweat versus 0.5 milligrams in men.研究团队发现女人腋下的气味中含有高浓度的无味的含硫化合物-每毫升的气味中有5毫克,而男人腋下的气味中只有0.5毫克。When the resea

5、rchers mixed this compound in the lab with bacteria commonly found in tne armpit , the bugs turned it into a thiol-a previously discovered odour from armpits that is akin to onion.当研究者在实验室中把这种合成物与腋下普遍存在的细菌混合在一起时,小虫子立刻变成硫醇-之前在腋下发现的一种类似洋葱味道的气味。“The more sulphur precursor we added , the more intense wa

6、s the malodour,says Starkenmann, whose teams results appear in chemical sense.“我们加入越多的硫前体,恶臭味就越浓烈”,Starkemann说。他的团队的研究结果出现了Chemical Senses中。Bacterial enzymes turn the otherwise odourless precursor into the malodour.细菌酶把另一种无味的前体转化为恶臭味。The mean, meanwhile, had relatively high levels of an odourless fa

7、tty acid which turned into a cheesy odour when exposed to the same types of bacteria.同时,男人有相对高含量的无味脂肪酸,当它暴露在同一种类型的细菌中时,它又被转化成了奶酪的气味。The balance of oniony to chessy precursors in womens sweat made it smell worse than mens as rated by independent smell assessors.当单独测试气味时,女人气味中的洋葱味对奶酪味的平衡使得这种气味闻起来比男人更遭

8、。Next , the team hope to develop new ingredients for deodorants that fight the smells.接下来,这个团队希望能为除臭剂能发明出新的原料来对抗这种气味。We could make inhibitors that neutralise the precursors, or block the bacterial enzymes that do the conversion, says Starkenmann.我们要用抑制剂来中和这种前体,或者阻挡细菌酶来融合这种前体”,Starkenmann说。Some resea

9、rchers are sceptical that gender is the main deciding factor , arguing that the patterns found in Swiss volunteers might not apply to other populations with different diets and genetic background.一些研究者怀疑性别是主要决定因素质,他们认为在瑞士志愿者身上发现的模式可能不适用于其他有着不同饮食、基因背景的人。Other factors include what you eat, what you wa

10、sh with, what you wear and what genes you inherit, says Tim Jacob of Cardiff University in the UK.“其它的因素包括你吃什么,用什么洗,穿什么,遗传什么样的基因”,来自英国加的夫大学的Tim Jacob说道。Virtual Driver 虚拟驾驶员Driving involves sharp eyes and keen ears , analyzing with a brain, and coordination between hands, feet and brain. 驾驶需要敏锐的视觉与听觉

11、,大脑分析,手、脚、和大脑的协调配合。A man has sharp eyes and keen ears , analyzes through his brain, and maintains coordination between his hands and brain. 人具有敏锐的视觉与听觉能力,能用大脑进行分析,保持手和大脑的配合。He can control a fast-moving car with different parts of his boby. But how does an intelligent car control itself? 人能用人体不同部位来操控

12、一辆快速行驶的汽车,但是智能化的汽车怎样自动驾驶呢?Apparently there isnt anyone in the drivers cab, but there is in fact a virtual driver. This virtual driver has eyes, brains, hands and feet too.显然驾驶室里无人驾驶,但事实上的确存在一个虚拟驾驶员,它有眼睛、大脑和手、脚。The minicameras on each side of the car are its eyes and are responsible for observing the

13、 road conditions ahead of it as well as the traffic to its left and right.汽车两边的小型照相机就是它的眼睛,负责观察前方的路况信息和左右两侧的交通状况。If you open the boot , youcan see the most important part of the automatic driving system: a built-in computer.如果你打开车身后部的行李箱,你就能看到自动驾驶系统中最重要的部件:嵌入式计算机.This is the brain of the car. The br

14、ain of the car is responsible for calculating the speeds objects surrounding the car are moving at, analyzing their position on the road, choosing the right path, and giving orders to the wheel and the control system.它是汽车的大脑,这个大脑负责计算汽车周围物体移动的速度,分析它在路上的位置,选择正确的道路,并对方向盘和操控系统下达指令。In comparison with the

15、 human brain, the virtual drivers best advantage is that it reacts quickly. 与人脑相比,虚拟驾驶员最大的优点是反应快。It completes the processing of the images sent by the cameras within 100 milliseconds. 对照相机发送的图像,能在100毫秒内完成对它的分析和处理。However, it takes the worlds best racecar driver at least one second to react , and thi

16、s doesnt include the time he needs to take action.可是世界上最好的赛车手至少1秒钟才能做出反应,并且这个时间还不包括他采取应对措施的时间。With its rapid reaction and accurate control, the virtual driver can reduce the accident rate on expressway considerably.由于虚拟驾驶员反应迅速、操控准确,所以它能大量减少高速公路上的事故率。In this case, is it possible for us to let it have

17、 the wheel at any time and in any place?在这种情况下,是不是可以不分时间、不分地点都让虚拟驾驶员驾驶汽车呢?Experts say that we cannot do that just yet. With its limited ability to recognize things , the car can now only travel on expressways.Experts专家们认为目前不可以。由于虚拟驾驶员识别物体的能力有限,目前这种智能化汽车只可以在高速公路上行驶。The intelligent car determines its

18、direction by the clear lines that mark the lanes clearly and recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes. 智能汽车按清晰标出的车道线决定自己的行车方向,靠车辆的常规形状识别其它车辆。However , it cannot recognize moving people and bicycles on ordinary roads that have no clear markings on them. 然而,它却不能识别在普通道路上行驶的没有清晰标记的自行车和行人。Th

19、is being the case, people still have high hopes about driverless cars, and think highly intelligent cars are what the ,cars of the future should be like.虽然情况是这样,人们始终认为未来的汽车就应该是高度智能化的汽车。The Value of Motherhood 母性的价值In shopping malls, the assistants try to push you into buying a gift to thank her for

20、her unselfish love. 在商场里,售货员极力地向你推销:“为了感谢母亲无私的爱,为她买束鲜花吧!”When you log onto a website, a small pop-up invites you to book a bouquet for her. 当你登陆到一个网站的时候,一个小的弹出式菜单要你为她订一束花。Commercial warmth and gratitude are the atmosphere being spread around for this special Sunday in May.在5月份这个特别的星期天里,到处洋溢着充满了商业化的热

21、情和感激的气氛。The American version of Mothers Day though up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood. 美国版的母亲节早在1905年就被作为确定母性价值的方式由Anna Jarvis 提出。The popularity of Mothers Day around the world suggestes that Jarvis got all she wanted. “母亲节”在全世界的流行表明了Jarvis 得到了她

22、想要的一切。In fact, she got more-enough to make her horrified.事实上,她得到的还要多,多得使她感到可怕。According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday. 根据美国贺卡公司Hallmark做的一项调查显示,有96%的消费者庆贺这一节日。They buy, among other things, 132 million card.在各种商品之中,卡片的销售量达到1.32亿之

23、多。 Mothers Day is the No 1 holiday for flower purchases. 母亲节的鲜花销售量在所有节日中位居第一。Then there are the various commodities, ranging from jewelry and clothes to cosmetics and washing powder, that take advantage of the promotion opportunities. 此外,还有各种各样其它的商品,从珠宝、衣服到化妆品、洗衣粉,都趁此机会提高销售量。Because of this. Jarvis

24、spent the last 40 years of her life trying to stop Mothers Day. 因此,Jarvis在她生命的最后40年中一直努力阻止如此庆祝母亲节。One protest against the commercialization of Mothers Day even got her arrested-for disturbing the peace, interestingly.然而,有趣的是,她在一次抵制母亲节商业化的抗议中,竟然以破坏和平的名义被捕。But whats more, commercialism changes young p

25、eoples attitude towards motherhood. 进一步讲,商业化改变了年轻人对母亲节的态度。As Ralph Fevre, a reporter at the UK newspaper The Guardian, observe, traditionally “motherhood is something that we do because we think its right.” 正如英国报纸卫报记者Ralph Fevre 评论的一样,传统意义上“选择做母亲是因为我们认为这时正确的”。But in the logic of commercialism, peopl

26、e need something in exchange for their time and energy.但从商业逻辑看来,人们需要一些东西来交换为此而付出的时间和精力。A career serves this purpose better.一份事业更适合这个目标。In addition, women are being encouraged to pursue any career they desire.女性被迫追求她们渴望的事业。So they work hard and play hard. Becoming a mother, however, inevitably handic

27、aps career anticipation.因此,她们努力地工作,拼命地玩儿。然而成为一个母球就不可避免地会影响事业的发展。As a result, motherhood has suffered a huge drop in status since the 1950s.结果,自20世纪50年代以来人们对为母之道的态度变化很大。According to The Guardian, there are twice as many child-free young women as there were a generation ago, 据卫报报道,当今没有孩子的年轻女性是上一代人的两倍。

28、Or, they put off the responsibility of parenting until later in their lives.或者她们吧承担母球的责任推迟到更晚一些。So, Fevre writes that the meaning of celebrating Mothers Day needs to be updated。于是,Fevre写道,庆祝母亲节的意义需要被更新。“ It is to persuade people that parenting is a good idea and to honor people for their attempt to

29、be good people.”它的意义在于说服人们去相信为人父母是一个崇高的信念,并要尊重有意成为善者的人们。The Sandwich Genertion 三明治一代Today people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier. 现在很多人都向往中年,觉得到那个时候就能放松一下了。After their children are grown, they expect to enjoy the life they have worked har

30、d to create. However the reality is often very different.孩子们长大了,中年人期望有时间享受努力工作创造的生活。但是现实却不允许。In middle age, many people discover that they have two ongoing renponsibilities: one is to look after their aging parents, and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life.

31、到了中年,许多人发现自己同时担负两项责任,一是照顾老去的父母,二十帮助刚成年的孩子分担生活的压力。 Around the world, there are millions of people who are ”sandwich” in between the older and the younger generation. 全世界有数百万人像三明治一样夹在两代人中间。Sometimes there may be two or three generations living in the same household-a situation that is common on many A

32、sian countries and in some parts of Europe. 在有些情况下,两代或三代人住在一起,这在许多亚洲国家或一些欧洲国家很常见。In other cases, a couple may be taking care of parents and children, but they do not live with them,在有些家庭中,夫妇俩会照看父母和孩子,但并不与他们居住在一起。There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation. First, people are living longer than they used to. 三明治一代人数的增加有两个重要原因:一是人们的寿命比以前长了。In the early nineteenth century, the average life expectancy for adults in the United States. for example,was about 40, whereas today people live to an average age of 75.

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