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本文(JJ冀教版 小学六年级英语 下册第二学期春季教学设计 电子教案下学期 下半年 全册优质教案l.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

JJ冀教版 小学六年级英语 下册第二学期春季教学设计 电子教案下学期 下半年 全册优质教案l.docx

1、JJ冀教版 小学六年级英语 下册第二学期春季教学设计 电子教案下学期 下半年 全册优质教案lUnit 1 SportsLesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball一. Teaching Objectives and Demands:1. Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2. Student can understand read say and practice the drill:_is my favourite sport.3. Student can

2、 understand read and say the following sports names: badminton, ping-pong, soccer and basketball.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: the sports nameThe difficult point: Practice the dialogue.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation o

3、f time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1. Greetings2. Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1. Review clothes the Ss have mastered: jeans, skirt, blouse, boots, hat, pants, sweater, scarf, shoes, socks, jacket and glasses.2. Review locations and the structure “Lets go to th

4、e _(location) to _(verb)_(noun).” With an object prompt drill.Object Phrasepot Lets go to the kitchen to make supper.soap Lets go to the bathroom to wash hands.clothes Lets go to the shop to buy Lets go to the library to read a book.Step 3.Key concepts: basketball, ping-pong, sport, runners,

5、shorts, T-shirt1. Introduce:a. Introduce “basketball” and “ping-pong” with real equipment. To introduce “sport” use phrases such as ping-pong /Basketball is a sport.What is ping-pong /basketball?a sport.We play ping-pong and basketball.We play sport.b.Introduce “runners” “shorts” and “T-shirt” with

6、real clothes.2. Student book :a. Review the story so far.Li Ming has come to Canada to stay with Jennys family. He has learned many things about Canada.Look at the pictures in the student book.b. Note the word “need” in this lesson.c. Note the word “store”. Its a shop.d. Play the audiotape as the Ss

7、 follow along their books.3. Practice:a. Play “Go Fish ” with the new vocabulary and any other vocabulary. 六.Students activity:1. Sing the English song “The Monday song”.2. Questionand-answer drill with pictures of clothes.3. Object prompt drill to review “Lets go to the _to _.”4. Discuss the story

8、in the student book.5. Imitation.6. Game “Go Fishing 七.Blackboard:Lesson 1 ping-pong and Basketball Lets go to the _(location)to _(V.) _(N.)Sports: badminton ping-pong soccer basketball runners Teaching summing-up:Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop一、教材分析:本课选自于冀教版小学英语第七册教材At the Sports Shop。这是一个会话课,内容围绕李明和J

9、enny在体育用品店买东西展开。本课重点句型是Do you want or? 并涉及指示代词this, that,these,those以及单词有T-shirt和ping-pong ball.通过本课学习,学生能运用所学句型并综合以前所学,运用英语进行购物交流。二、学生分析:六年级的学生已经有了一定的听、说、读、写能力,也接触过服装、水果、食品等的购物对话。学生对于体育用品、运动服以及购物情境比较感兴趣,乐于参与。因此本课最重要的是创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣,在孩子共同参与、体验教学活动中培养其综合语言运用能力。三、教学目标:1、知识与技能:(1)能够熟练使用选择疑问句Do you want

10、this or that?询问对方在两者中的选择,能准确理解or的意思;(2)适当拓展运动服类单词和球类运动器材;(3)能理解课文内容,能能在教师创设的情境中,联系生活实际进行购物场景的会话与表演。2、过程与方法:创设生活化的语言情境,充分利用多媒体丰富情境,通过两两说、小组活动等形式,让学生掌握本课重点内容,多角度全方位的培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力,在拓展提升环节,放手让学生小组合作表演,为学生提供更多的交流的机会。3、情感态度与价值观:通过本节课的学习,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生沟通交流及小组合作的能力。四、教学重点难点:1、重点:熟练使用选择疑问句Do you want

11、 or?询问对方在两者中的选择 。2、难点:these/those的发音及其运用;能联系新旧知识在情境中交流表演,实现语言的综合运用。五、教学方法:情境教学法、交际法六、教学用具:CAI, PPT,book,sport clothes, balls七、教学策略及设计理念:1、以 “新课标”为主要理论基础,灵活运用多媒体网络环境,创设贴近学生生活的语言环境,以语言运用为中心,培养学生综合语言能力。2、让每一个学生都能在轻松的氛围中快乐学习,面向全体学生,通过师生互动,生生互动,情境表演,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让全班同学都能得到锻炼的机会,活学活用,最终有所提高。3、加大英语信息量的输入。利用多

12、媒体技术和丰富的实物,给学生创设真实、多样化的学习情景,使学生达到量的积累,这样才能更好地输出。八、教学过程: 1. GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms Yang.T: Lets say a chant, OK?2. Say a chantSs伴随鼓点节奏说Chant:This is near, that is far.This is my ear, that is a star.I have these, you have those.These are my knees, those are your

13、toes.This, that, these, those,Near, far, now we know.T: Good job! Sit down, please!【设计思路:配乐歌谣热身,歌谣内容又是本文设计到的指示代词,为后面的学习做了铺垫。】3. Memory game(和一生打招呼)Hello, Tom! Hows the weather today?S: Its a day.T: Yes. And look at the picture. It is a sunny day. Some people go to the park. They are enjoying sunshin

14、e and beautiful flowers. Now lets play a game. First, please look at the picture carefully, try to remember the colours of their clothes and the flowers. After 5 seconds, I will challenge your memory. Are you ready? Go!学生仔细观察并记忆图片信息。T:OK. Times up! This woman is wearingThat woman is wearing Who reme

15、mbers it?(PPT出示This woman is wearing a _ dress. That woman is wearing a _ dress. )S: This woman is wearing a yellow dress. That woman is wearing a red dress. T: Wonderful! You have a good memory. Heres a prize for you! (奖励的代金券,将在后续情境中用到)T:How about this man and that man?(PPT出示This man is wearing a _

16、 shirt. That man is wearing a _ shirt. )S:This man is wearing a blue shirt. That man is wearing a White shirt. T: Great! (奖励) And what colour are the flowers?(PPT出示These flowers are_. Those flowers are _. )S:These flowers are yellow. Those flowers are red.T: Excellent! (奖励) And what are the people d

17、oing?S: These people are talking. Those people are playing.(如果不能完整说出,及时提示These people are Those people are)【设计思路:利用游戏的形式复习指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。对课后习题进行了整合处理,增加了趣味性。】 T: Yes. And they are very happy. Today, I am very happy. Can you guess why?预设学生猜测:Did you get a present. T: No, I didnt.T: Ple

18、ase look at my clothes. I am wearingSs: Sports clothes.T: Yes. Where are my clothes from? You cant get it. Let me tell you- they are from my shop. (PPT展示sports shop图片) Lets look! I have a new sports shop. It is Sunshine Sports Shop. Is it nice?Ss: Yes.T: Yes, it is big and nice. Please look! My shop

19、 opens! (PPT展示开业,配乐) Welcome to my shop! Now, guess: Whats in my shop?预设学生猜测:T-shirt, coat, shorts, shoes, basketball, football, ping-pong ballsT: Yes, I have a lot of clothes, they are-(PPT展示以clothes为中心展开的单词)学生读出:T-shirts, coats, trousers, shorts, shoes, socks, caps.T: I also have sports equipment,

20、 please look! They are-(PPT展示图片)学生看图说出:basketball, football, ping-pong balls, volleyball, shuttlecocks, tennis balls, and Yo-yo balls.预设学生会把羽毛球说出badminton, 可利用实物与动作:Look! This is a shuttlecock, and this is a badminton racket. If I want to play badminton, I need a shuttlecock.【设计思路:创设贴近学生生活的语言情境,猜测环节

21、激活了学生已有的知识,复习和拓展的单词为后面的语言输出做了铺垫 。】 1.开业酬宾情境中展示商品,用or句型提出建议T: My shop is new, so I have many new clothes and sports equipment. (出示新品到货背景图片) Do you want to have a look?Ss: Yes!T: OK, Ill show you! Lets look! (PPT配乐展示新品图片:coats,T-shirts, basketballs shoes,) So many new things on sale. What do you want

22、to buy?板书: Lesson 2 At the Sports ShopDo you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt ? I like this one. want these those I want those.Lesson 3 Lets Play!一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and prac

23、tice the words heavy and light.3.Student can understand read say and follow the following directions: catch, hit and throw.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogue.The difficult point: Four skills the verbs.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards an

24、d one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an English song. Step 2. Revision1. Review learn and teach with a game. Ask for two volunteers. Whisper to them that you want to be a teacher and the other to be a student. Ask the cl

25、ass to guess what the volunteers are acting out.Use questions such as:Who is the teacher?Who is the student?What is the teacher doing?(Teaching)What is the student doing?(learning)Step 3.Key concepts:light-heavy catch hit throw 1. Introduce:a.Demonstrate “heavy” and “light” with real heavy and light

26、 objects, such as a stone and a feather.b.Use a ping-pong ball to demonstrate “throw”“catch”and “hit”. Perform the actions with the ball as the teacher say the words.2.Student book :a.Review the story so far.Li Ming and Jenny went to the store to buy some clothes and some student book.Where are they

27、 now?What are they doing?What happens?b.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3.Practice: Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about teaching each other a sport or sports. 六.Students activity:1.Daily dialogue with each other.2.Game: Whisper.3.Imitat

28、ion.4.Discuss the story in the student book. 5.Group work :A dialogue about teaching sports. 七.Blackboard:Lesson 3 Lets Play! heavy light throw catch hitTeaching summing-up:Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun?一、教材分析本课是冀教版小学英语(新版)六年级下册第一单元第四课。本单元以运动为主题,讲述了李明在加拿大和好朋友珍妮、丹尼一起参加体育锻炼时发生的一连串趣事儿。通过前三课的学习,学生学会了一些描述运动项


30、借助学生感兴趣的评价方法,鼓励和促使学生积极地参与课堂活动。体现“英语学习活动化,英语活动交际化”的新课程理念。四、教学目标1. 知识目标与能力目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词:bought, taught, thought, player, fun, each other。(2)能够对比区分一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。能在真实的语境中运用动词过去式表述自己曾经做过什么,并用简单的语句写下来。(3)能在老师的指导下听懂录音材料,并做出正确判断。(4)能唱本课的英文歌曲What Did You Do?2. 情感态度目标:(1)能够乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,表达中不怕出错。(2)能在英语歌

31、曲的演唱中体会学习英语的乐趣。(3)积极参与各种课堂学习活动,能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,交流分享,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。3. 学习策略目标:(1)在进行听力练习前,能够快速阅读题目,为顺利完成听力练习做好铺垫。(2)能在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考,主动探究,善于对比发现一般现在时和一般过去时的规律,运用两种时态进行英语表达。(3)在小组活动中遇到困难时能够主动向同学请教。五、教学准备1. 板书;2. 课件;3. 活动用纸。六、板书设计七、教学过程I. Greeting师生互致问候。设计意图:通过师生间简短的问候,迅速营造轻松、愉悦的氛围,拉近师生距离,让师生适应彼此的语音语调和语言节奏,以良好的精神状态进入课堂学习。II. Warming-upT: Im very happy to see you. How are you today?S: T: Hows the weather?S: T: Its snowy and cold. But I like cold days, because I can ski. I often ski, Wha

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