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1、吸血鬼日记台词第一季第一集Elena: Dear diary, I couldn t have been more wrongI thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; pretend like it would all be OK Stefan: I had a planI wanted to change who I was; create a life as someone new, someone without the past Elena: Without the painElena& Stefan : someone

2、aliveElena: But it s not that easyThe bad things stay with youStefan: They follow youYou can t escape them, as much as you want toElena: All you can do is be ready for the goodSo when it comes, you invite it in, because you need itI need it埃琳娜:亲爱的日记 我真是大错特错。本以为可以微笑应付自如 假装一切都可以好起来 斯特凡:我本来有个计划想改变自己塑造全

3、新的自我 没有过去 埃琳娜:没有痛苦 埃琳娜 & 斯特凡:充满活力 埃琳娜:但并非易事困难总是追随你斯特凡:不愿离去无论多么渴望 都无法摆脱 埃琳娜:唯一能做的就是为美好的明天做好准备当它降临时 能欣然接受 因为我们需要它 我需要它第五集Elena: I tried I want so much to make things right,But every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful What you don t know can hurt you埃琳娜:我竭尽全力我想让事情变得顺利 本能告诉我万事需谨慎 未知的一切都有可能伤

4、害你第二十二集Damon : a failed and feeble attempt at doing the right thing达蒙:失败一次就无法尝试去做正确的事。第二季第九集Rose: Because if we want to survive,We need to not care about anyoneDamon : Caring gets you dead,huh?Rose: It might just be time to turn the switch off on your emotionsDamon : I will if you will箩兹:我们要想活着就不能在乎

5、任何人 达蒙:在乎就会送命吗 箩兹:是时候遏制情感了 达蒙:等你关了我就关第十五集Stefan: Why would I want to do that ? Hmm ?Lexi: Because once you can hurt,you can love 斯特凡:我为什么要这么做? 嗯? 莱西:因为当你感觉到痛楚 你就能去爱了第十八集Damon : I don t mind being the bad guy I ll make all the life and death decisions while you re busy worrying about collateral dam a

6、geI ll even let her hate me for itBut the end of the day,I ll be the one to keep her alive 达蒙:我不介意做个混蛋在你担心其他有的没的损害时 我会决定所有生死 我甚至可以让她恨我但最后 我才能保证她活着第十九集Katerina : True love is not real unless it s returned Do you agree?Elijah : I do not believe in love,KaterinaKaterina : That is too sad for me to acce

7、pt,my lord Life is too cruelIf we cease to believe in love,why would we want to live卡特琳娜:真爱是需要有回应的你同意吗?伊利亚:我不相信爱 卡特琳娜 卡特琳娜:这真让我难过 大人生活太残酷了如果我们不相信爱还能为什么而活呢第三季第六集Tylor : Justdont hate meEverything I like about me is you泰勒:只是。别讨厌我我最喜欢自己的地方 就是有你第七集Mason: Were all aloneWe watch the people we left behind

8、and we regret for our decisions That s itaLook,I can t change what happened to me,But maybe I can change what happens to TylerI don t need revenge,DamonI need redemption梅森:我们都很孤单眼看着被自己抛弃的人并为自己所做的决定后悔 就这样瞧 我无法改变自己的遭遇 可是或许我能够改变泰勒的遭遇 达蒙,我不需要复仇 我需要救赎第十五集Elijah : Elena, today I did things I abhor to prot

9、ect the one thing I value most, My familyIf anyone can understand it, it s youYour compassion is a gift, ElenaCarry it with you, as I will carry my regretAlways and forever, Elijah以利亚:埃琳娜 今天我做了些令人憎恶的事 为保护我最珍视的东西我的家庭只有你能理解我埃琳娜 你那颗怜悯之心是天赐的 请一直心怀怜悯 正如我将一直心怀愧疚 直到永远 以利亚Elijah : All my talk of virtue, whe

10、n it suits my needs, I kill, maim, and torment以利亚:我总是在谈论美德 但要达到目的时 我会杀人放火在所不惜第十六集Matt : And Damon ?Elena: Damon just sort of snuck up on meHe got under my skin, and no matter what I do, I justI can t shake himMatt : Once you fall in love with someone, I don t know ifI don t know if you can ever shak

11、e em马特:那达蒙呢? 埃琳娜:达蒙可以说是慢慢走进我心底的 他总让我心烦 不管我做什么 都摆脱不了他 马特:一旦爱上了某人 就完全摆脱不了Damon : I watched you go over the edge, and I didn tdo anything to stop you Stefan: You couldn t haveDamon : Sure, I could haveBut I just didn t want toBut I want to nowWhenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you backEve

12、ry second, every day till you don t need meStefan: Why ?Damon : Cause right nowYou re all I got达蒙:看着你往坑里去 却没阻止斯特凡:你阻止不了 达蒙:怎么不能 只是不想 但现在我要管 只要你过了头 我就拉你回来 每时每刻 直到你真不需要为止 斯特凡:为什么 达蒙:因为现在 除了你 我一无所有第十七集Stefan: They think all the wood burned Damon : I sold my rage Phew You should have seen me Stefan: We

13、have a weapon Damon : Games back on, brother Lets go kill some originals斯特凡:他们以为所有木头都被烧了 达蒙:我生气的戏很逼真呢真该让你瞧瞧 斯特凡:我们现在有武器了 达蒙:游戏开始了 兄弟我们去杀掉几个初代吸血鬼吧第二十二集Damon : Our life is one big proverbial coin toss达蒙:我们的人生就如同一场壮观的选择游戏Matt : So youre just going to let her call the shots ? Stefan: I m letting her mak

14、e her own decisions Matt : Even if they re wrong ?Stefan: Nothing wrong with free will, MattTrust meYou don t realize that till you lose it马特:你就这样任由她发号施令? 斯特凡:我这是让她自己做出选择 马特:即使她的选择是错的 也无所谓? 斯特凡:马特 能够跟随自由意愿 总是好的相信我直到身不由己 你才会意识到自由意愿的可贵Tyler : So let me protect you Caroline : I will go anywhere with yo

15、uAnd if we have to spend the rest of our lives running I will run with you泰勒:让我来保护你吧 卡罗琳:我会追随你到天涯海角如果我们的余生将要在逃亡中度过 我也将与你同行Elena: After the accidentI kind of felt like I didn t knowHow to live anymore Like I didn t want to But then being with Stefan Somehow I figured it out And that s love should be

16、You should love the person That makes you glad that you re alive Matt : So then whats the problem Elena: The problem is DamonIWhen I m with him It just consumes me And I know I can t love them both I know that it s wrong, but i When I choose one, then I ll lose the other And I don t want to lose any

17、one else 埃琳娜:在车祸之后我觉得我已经不知道 该如何活下去 我感觉自己不想活了 但是和斯特凡在一起 我却想通了 爱情就该如此 你爱那个人 从而让你庆幸自己仍活着 马特:那还有什么问题? 埃琳娜:问题是达蒙 我。当我和他在一起的时候 却让我能够尽情尽兴 我知道我不能同时爱着他们俩 我知道这样做是错的 可是我。 当我选择其中一个 我就会失去另一个 而我不想再失去任何人Damon : SoSince I m possibly a dead man Can I ask you a question Elena: Yeah, of course Damon:If it was just dow

18、n to him and meAnd you had to make a choice who got the good-bye Who would it beElena: I love him, DamonHe came into my life at a time when I needed someoneAnd I fell for him instantlyAnd no matter what I feel for you, II never un-fell for himDamon : Hey, I get itIt s StefanIt s always going to be S

19、tefanElena:I cant think about always All I can think about is right nowAnd I care about you, DamonWhich is why I have to let you goI mean, maybe if you and I had met firstDamon : Maybe达蒙:那么。既然我可能变成真正的死人我可以问你个问题么埃琳娜:当然可以达蒙:如果只剩我和他让你选择和我们其中的一个道别你会选谁埃琳娜:我爱他 达蒙当我孤独无依的时候 他出现在我的生命里 那一瞬间就爱上了他 无论我对你有着什么样的感觉

20、 我 我对他的爱 从未止息达蒙:嘿 我懂了你爱斯特凡你永远都会选斯特凡埃琳娜:我现在无法想到永远我能想到的 只有眼前达蒙 我在乎你所以我必须放开你 如果最初相遇的是你和我 达蒙:或许Elena: What is it that I wantDamon : You want a love that consumes youYou want passionAnd adventureAnd even a little dangerElena: So, what do you wantDamon : I want you to get everything you re looking for埃琳娜:

21、我想要的是什么 达蒙:你想要能够让你尽情享受的爱你想要激情想要冒险甚至愿意求险埃琳娜:那么 你想要什么 达蒙:我希望你能够得到自己在寻找的一切第四季第十二集Rebekeh: No feelings,no attachments丽贝卡:没有感情,就没有纠葛。第十五集Elena: You re mean to the people that you care about Matt: That s some mess-eudp logic埃琳娜:对在乎的人总是很刻薄。 马特:还真是奇怪的逻辑。第十六集t haveDamon : Humanity means nothing when you donA

22、nyone to care about,Stefan达蒙:当你没有人可以在乎时人性毫无价值 斯特凡Hayley : Why d you paint it? Klaus : Painting is a metaphor for controlEvery choice is mineThe canvas,the colorAs a child,I had neither a sense of the world Nor my place in it,but art taught me That one s vision can be achieved With sheer force of wil

23、l The same is true of lifes wayProvided one refuses to let anything stand in one Hayley : So this is your thingShow a girl a few mediocre paintings Whine about your childhoodAnd I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets ? Klaus : I felt I had many charmsBut,uh,regardless,I m enjoying myselfHayley : And

24、 you do whatever you enjoy海莉:你为什么要画画呢 克劳斯:画画就好比控制能力我可以决定一切 画布 颜色 我小时候 既没有对世界的概念 有没有对住所的概念 但艺术却教会我 一个人的愿望可以通过 绝对的意志力来实现 生活也是一样 提供一个不让任何事阻挡道路的方式 海莉:这就是你的绝招么抱怨你的童年然后我大受感动 把心底秘密都倾诉出来 克劳斯:我觉得我很有魅力 但不管怎样 我过得很愉快 海莉:而你会做任何你喜欢的事第十七集Stefan: Even when I was at my worst,Elena didn t give up on me So we can t gi

25、ve up on her斯特凡:就算当我最糟的时候埃琳娜也没放弃过我所以我们不能放弃她第二十三集Damon : I wanted to apologizeElena:GoodDamon : Let me finishI said I wanted to,And then realized I m not sorryElena: You would rather die than be humanAnd you expected me to be ok with that Damon : I didn t say you were supposed to be ok with itI just

26、said I m not sorryBut youknow what Ireally am ? SelfishBecause Imade bad choices that hurt youYes,I would rather have died than be humanI d rather die right now than spend a handful of years with you Only to lose you when I m too old and sick and miserableAnd you re still youI d rather die right now

27、Than spend my last,final years rememberingHow I good I had it and how happy IwasBecause that s who I am,ElenaAnd I m not gonna changeAnd there s no apologize in therwldoThat encompasses all the reasons that I m wrong for youElena: FineThen I m not sorry eitherI m not sorry that I met youI m not sorr

28、y that knowing youHas made me question everythingAnd that in death you re the oneThat made me feel most aliveYou ve been a terrible personYou made all the wrong choicesAnd of all the choices that I have madeThis will prove to be the worst oneBut I am not sorry that I m love with youI love you,DamonI

29、 love you达蒙:我想过道歉。 埃琳娜:很好。达蒙:让我说完 我说了我想过然后意识到我没有歉意 埃琳娜:你宁愿死也不做人类还以为我不会介意吗达蒙:我没说你不会介意我只是说我没有歉意但你知道我是什么样的 是吧 自私 因为我总是做出错误的选择伤害你 是的 我宁愿死也不要做人 我宁愿现在死 也不愿和你只度过短暂时光 失去你的时候我已老朽 而你青春依旧我宁愿现在死 也不愿在以后 有限的日子里去回忆 我有多好 我有多快乐 那才是我 埃琳娜 我是不会改变的 世上也没有哪种道歉 会说明我为了你而做错了埃琳娜:好吧 那我也不感到抱歉 不后悔我认识了你 也不后悔了解你 让我对所有事质疑 还有你才是那个 让

30、我感觉活着的人 你做人的确不怎么样 做了所有错的选择 我做的所有选择里 这次会是最糟的 但我不会为爱上你而道歉 我爱你 达蒙 我爱你Stefan: Hey,DamonDamon : YeahStefan: I m not happy about ElenaBut I m not not happy for you either I just want you to know that Damon : Thanks ,brother斯特凡:达蒙达蒙:怎么了斯特凡:关于埃琳娜我不高兴但我也不会不为你高兴 我只想让你知道达蒙:谢了,兄弟Lexi : LookI k now you think I M

31、joking,but you wan leaving You just graduated for the millionth timeIt s time to start living your lifeStefan: What if Elena was the one ?Lexi : She was,And she will always be an epic loveContrary to popular belief,There are actually multiple ones,Especially for a vampireThe only way to find another is to let goAnd move onStefan: Ne

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