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1、中级口译考试历届真题常用句型1. 我非常感谢. : Thank you very much for.2. 热情友好的欢迎辞 : gracious speech of welcome3. 之一 : be one of4. 访问.是. : A visit to.has.5. 多年梦寐以求的愿望 : has long been my dream6. .给予我一次.的机会. : (The visit will) give me (an excellent) opportunity to .7. 我为.,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。 : I wish to say again that I am

2、 so delighted and privileged to.8. (我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。 note: 注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。 : Im deeply grateful for everything youve done for me since my arrival in China.9. (我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。 note:(1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译 : Im very glad to have the opportuni

3、ty to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in Chinas automobile industries.10. .多年来一直盼望. note:主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。 : have been looking forward to .for many years11. 我很感激. note:出现“感激”,首先反应就是appreciate及其同族词。 : I appreciate.12. 你若不在意的话,. : If you dont mind.13. 去.走走 : tour around.14. 浦江商务旅游

4、公司 note:注意其中的旅游的选词 : Pu Jiang Business Travel Company15. 国家旅游局 note:局不一定要用bureau : the Chinese National Tourist Administration16. 经.批准的. : .approved by.17. 在华. : .in China18. 以.为主要服务对象 : provide services mainly to.19. 公司的宗旨是. : We operate under the principal of .20. 促进,改善,发展 : promote, improve, deve

5、lop21. .及其周边地区 : .and its surrounding areas22. 提供全方位的服务 note:注意这里的“全方位”的翻译 : offer an all-round service to.23. 竭诚 : do ones best24. 坦诚相待 : .in an honest partnership25. 商务 : business activities26. 我们很高兴. : Itgives us great pleasure to.27. 再次接待. note: 学习这种比较特殊的说法 : to play host to . once again29. 学校的全

6、体师生员工 : the faculty, students and staff of the university30. 向.表示热烈欢迎 : .wish to extend ones warm welcome to .31. 格林博士和夫人 : Dr. and Mrs. Green32. 我相信. : I am convinced that.33. 这次对.的访问 note: 注意“这次”的翻译 : current visit to.34. .必将为. : .will surely.35. 作出(重要)贡献 : make an important contribution to.36. 祝大

7、家. note: 注意大家的翻译 : wish you all.37. 友好合作关系 note: 注意语序的安排 : the friendly relations and cooperations38. 我怀着非常愉快的心情(出席本届年会). note: 除句型外注意,在出席前添加的小词, 以及年会的翻译. : It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.39. 值此.之际,. : On the occasion of.40. 我为能有机会., 向.致以深深的谢意. : I would like

8、to express my deep appreciation to . for this opportunity to.41. 就.问题进行发言 : to address the meeting on the topic of.42. .为.提供了(理想的)场所 : .provides us with an ideal arena where we will.43. 我愿借此机会,就全世界范围内的环境保护问题,发表自己的一些看法,与各位一起商讨. note: 重点是后半句语言的组织.先翻译了商讨后,怎样将发表.看法衔接上去. : I wish to take this opportunity

9、 to discuss with you my thoughts on the issue of world-wide environmental protection.44. 在这举国同庆的夜晚,. : On the occasion of this evening of national celebration.45. 各位来宾 : all the guests46. 光临我们的春节联欢晚会 note: 光临的翻译,和春节联欢晚会的n种翻译方法 : come to this party to celebrate our Spring Festival47. (在座)各位 : all pre

10、sent here48. 轻松,欢快的 : most relaxing and delightful49. 春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时. note: 良辰佳时的翻译,以及一年中的处理 : The Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition.50. 我愿(希望). : I hope.51. 外国来宾 note: 宾不一定就是guest : overseas visitors(guests)52. 尽情品尝中国的传统美酒和佳肴 : have a good time enjoying

11、 to ones hearts content the finest traditional Chinese cuisine and wine53. 彼此沟通,增进友谊 note: 除了前者,还要注意增进的择词 : to get to know each other and to increase our friendship54. 最后,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成,吉祥如意. note: 除了注意最后那祝福词的翻译外,要关注光临和句首最后的翻译 : In closing, Id like to thank you again for your presence

12、and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the new year.55. 热情的迎接和款待 note: 热情的.多个词可以表示这个意思 : warm reception and hospitality56. The past five days in China,. : 在中国度过的这五天57. 令人愉快,难以忘怀! note: 难以忘怀的口译确实被固定了下来 : be truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable58. 我特

13、别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署. note: 句子最后一部分的口译方式是值得学习的,此外特别,称颂都应该学到条件反射的程度. : Particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.59. 我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯! note: 好句子,背出来. : May I ask all of you present here t

14、o join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.60. 中美合资企业 : a Sino-American joint venture61. I have to say that. : 我认为.62. business management : 经营管理63. 由于., 所以. note: 用了due to.后要学会将to 后内容都转化为名词性形式 : ., due to.64. 直率 : direct and straightforwar

15、d65. I cant say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. note: 尤其是句首: I cant say.的参考翻译 : 我无法断言,我们的经营方式一定在他们之上.66. 优点和弊端 note: 翻出来后,还要注意,.的优点和弊端,用什么介词 : strong and weak points in.67. 近年来,. : In recent years, .68. business executives : 经理人员69. 毕竟,. : After all, .70. .已认识到. : .have recognized.

16、71. 更具人情味的. : the more humane way of .72. 管理方式 note: 方式何必去翻译出来 : management73. .在.中(上)存在差异 : there are differences in . between/among.74. 现状 : current situation75. 基于., . : Considering the fact that.,.76. 轿车目前在中国的占有率为每580人一辆车. note: 使用恰当句型后,占有率不一定要翻出来,注意目前的快速反应 : There is only one car for every 580

17、Chinese at present77. 具有极大的诱惑力 : be extremely attractive78. (中国已将关税)从(23%)降到了(17%). : .cut .from. to.79. 创造条件 : create conditions80. .and in turn for the inevitable opening of its auto market to the outside world. note: in turn for 的翻译 : 进而敞开其汽车市场大门(创造了条件)81. (IBM上海公司的)正式开张典礼 : official launch of IB

18、M of Shanghai82. 各位如此钟情IBM的产品,这对我们的业务来说是一个好兆头. note: 钟情和好兆头各自怎么说. : Its a sign of good business that you show so much interest in IBM products.83. ., 我感到万分荣幸. : I regard it as a great honor that.84. .期待者. : be looking forward to.85. 在.地位 : .position in.86. 富有(中国民族文化)特色的. : .that is characteristic of

19、 Chinese national culture.87. 安排了.的旅游路线 : offer you.tour program88. 各位 note: 出现在句首 : 如: 各位将要.You will.89. 景点和名胜 : scenic spots and historical sites90. 雄伟的古建筑群 : magnificent ancient architectural complexes91. 游览,参观 : visit92. 真正的 : authentic93. 观赏 : appreciate94. 中国烹调 : Chinese cuisine95. 欣赏,品尝 : enj

20、oy96. 地方风味小吃 : local delicacies97. 我国人民传统的热情好客将使得各位这次访问愉快而难忘. note: 添东西 : The traditional warmth and hospitality with which the Chinese people entertain our guests will make your visit a pleasant and memorable experience.98. .拥有. : .has.99. ., 占(人口总数的六分之一). : ., constituting one-sixth of her total p

21、opulation100 劳动妇女 : working women101. 取得(杰出的)成就 : make outstanding achievements in the fields of.102. 各行各业的(年轻妇女) : young women in all professions103. .迫切希望. : be eagerly seeking.104. .有权. : .have the right to.105. 参加 : participate in106. .,因此(在社会和家庭中享有经济独立和平等地位). note: 注意,因此的选词链接,享有和平等地位也是翻译点 : .,

22、there by gaining economic independence and equal status in the society and at home.107. Right now,. : 现在,.108. sheersize : 庞大的体形109. zoo attractions : 动物园园景110. .不难区分 : .are not difficult to tell apart111. ., whereas. : 这句型可以用作对比列举112. curve down in the middle : 中间向下113. 我代表我们代表团的全体成员,. : On behalf

23、all the members of my delegation, I.114. During our stay,. note: stay要翻的好听点 : 在我们逗留期间,.115. impress sb. deeply : 给.留下很深刻的印象116. 欢迎各位参加对外汉语学习班 note: 学习班竟然可以不去翻译出来,用个词代替就是了: Welcome to the Program of Chinese as a Foreign language.117. 近年来,世界各地学汉语者与日俱增.note: 主要是与日俱增. : a worldwide interest in Chinese i

24、s increasing at an accelerating tempo118. 从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了. note: 句子主要关注于,句首的表达,以及最后一部分怎样用词组和上文衔接,在出现说历史时长的时候. : In a sense,.,with its earliest writings dating back nearly for thousand years.119. 随着.,. : With. , .120. 我将适时介绍.note: 适时的翻译,当然,介绍不一定就是introduce, discuss 也不错 : I will d

25、iscuss in due time.121. (汉语)对(中华民族的文化和思维)所产生的影响. note:还要注意一下思维的翻译: the influence of the Chinese language on the cultural and intellectual development of the Chinese nation122. 对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多,文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了. note: 对于.来说,早该出现了,当指语言的使用人数时候怎么表达 : Considering that Chinese has the largest numbe

26、r of speakers in the world and the greatest depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.123. 受到/接受完整的中等教育note: 完整的在这里怎么表达?受到接受在这里和教育搭配应该用什么词? : receive a full secondary education124. 显然这一现象已经影响了全民科学和文化水平的提高,与现代社会格格不入. note: 现象不一定就是phenomenon,全民,格格不入 : This fact has obviously affected the

27、improvement of general scientific an cultural levels and is fully incompatible with a modernized society.125. 因此,中国在努力发展经济的同时必须努力控制人口数量,并且提高人口素质. note: 三星句型.在.的同时,动-名转换. : Therefore, Chinas efforts to develop the economy must be accompanied by equally vigorous efforts to control the population and i

28、mprove its quality.126. 人口增长也是中国普及中等教育比较缓慢的一个重要原因. note: 原因不一定就是reason,重要也不一定就是important,注意这里的特殊句型. : Population increase is also a major factor behind Chinas relative slowness in establishing universal secondary school education.127. 有人认为. : Some people hold the view that.128. 然而,更多人认为. note:认为的翻译种

29、种,全扫描 : However, more people are of the opinion that.129. 深圳应该当好内地与香港之间的桥梁. note: 太常用的句型了,不会是失败. : Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and mainland.130. 借助.的优势 : make use of the advantages of.131. .发展成为. : develop into.132. 国际商务 : international commercial port133.

30、 今天,我们聚会在一起,. : Today, we meet here to .134. 广泛领域 : a wide range of areas135. .反映了. : .reflects.136. 共同愿望 : shared desire137. 对.产生积极影响 : have a positive impact on.138. 我深信. : I am deeply convinced that.139. 携手合作 : work together for.140. 本着.原则 : in the principal of .141. 会议的圆满结束 : a successful conclusion of this meeting142. 牢记以下几点 : keep certain points in mind143. 组建.(企业) : set up.144. Now, let me go on to the legal aspect of a joint venture. note: 注意aspect翻成什么好 : 下面我接着谈谈合资企业的法律问题145. .,.,都要记住这一点. : .with this in mind.146. You have to understand the e

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