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1、全国高考英语完形填空选编精校版2013全国高考英语完形填空选编(精校版) 胡刚宝A (2013 安徽卷)If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a _36_ reason, such as your job or your studies?_37_ perhaps youre interested in the _38_ ,films or music of a different country and you know how mu

2、ch it will help to have a _39_ of the language.Most people learn best using a variety of _40_, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They _41_ an environment where you can practice under the _42_ of someone whos good at the language. We all lead _43_ lives and learning a la

3、nguage takes _44_. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a _45_. It doesnt matter if you havent got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes _46_.Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “Im too _47_,” they say. Y

4、es, children do learn languages more _48_ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _49_. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. Ive also heard people _50_ about the mistakes they make when _51_. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes _52_ youre muc

5、h less likely to make them again.Learning a new language is never _53_. But with some work and devotion, youll make progress. And youll be _54_ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in _55_ own language. Good luck!36.A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical3

6、7. A. After B. So C. Though D. Or38.A literature B. transport C.agriculture D. medicine39.A view B. knowledge C. form D. database40.A paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers41.A. protect B. change C. respect D. provide42.A. control B. command C. guidance D. pressure43.A. busy B. happy C. si

7、mple D. normal44.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place45.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project46.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more47.A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired48.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly49.A. age B. speed C. distance D. school50.A. worry B. he

8、sitate C. think D. quarrel51.A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning52.A. if B. and C. but D. before53.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy54.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed55.A. their B. his C. our D, your36-40CDABC 41-45DCABC 46-50BABAA 51-55DBDBAB(2013 湖南卷)When I was

9、8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase 36 and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “Im leaving.” “If you want to 37 , thats all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I 38 my sui

10、tcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again. “Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your 39 back. You didnt wear anything when you arrived.” This really angered me. I tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland 40 , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once yo

11、u close that door, dont expect to come back.” I was so 41 that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch. 42 I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. I ran to 43 behind a big tree in our

12、yard at once. After a while, I was 44 the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly. “Whos there?” I heard. “Its Billy! Let me in!” The voice behind the 45 answered, “Billy doesnt live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was co

13、ming, I begged, “Aw, cmon, Mom! Im 46 your son. Let me in!” The door inched open and Moms smiling face appeared. “Did you change your 47 about running away?” she asked. “Whats for supper?” I answered. (277 words)36. A. packed B. returned C. cleaned D. repaired37. A. drop out B. go by C. move around

14、D. run away38. A. pressed B. shook C. threw D. pulled39. A. bag B. clothes C. sandwiches D. suitcase40. A. explained B. suggested C. continued D. shouted41. A. angry B. sorry C. frightened D. ashamed42. A. Certainly B. Naturally C. Suddenly D. Possibly43. A. play B. bide C. rest D. wave44. A. sure B

15、. proud C. eager D. curious45. A. house B. tree C. door D. yard46. A. also B. still C. even D. already47. A. conclusion B. promise C. concern D. decision36-40ADCBD 41-45 ACBAC 46-7 BDC (2013全国卷 大纲版Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, But people in t

16、he streets 36 him, especially those who are 37 .For those people, he is Gloves Greenberg. How did he get that 38 ?He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But hes 39 _. His briefcase always has some gloves。In winter, Mr.Greenberg does not 40 like other New

17、Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and 41 the street. He looks around at 42 .He stops when he 43 someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he 44 ,looking for more people with cold 45 .On winter days, Mr.Greenberg 46 gloves. During the rest of the year, he 47 gloves. People who have heard

18、about him 48 him gloves, and he has many in his apartment. Mr. Greenberg 49 doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and 50 his behavior. But people who dont know him are sometimes 51 him. They dont realize that he just wants to make them 52 .It runs in the 53 .Michaels father al

19、ways helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the 54 .A pair of gloves may be a 55 thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.36.A.know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after37. A. old B. busy C. kind D.poor38. A.job B. name C. chance D. message

20、39.A.calm B.different C.crazy D.curious40.A.act B.sound C.feel D.dress41.A.cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off42. A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights43.A.helps B .chooses C.greets D.sees44.A.holds up B.hangs out C.moves on D.turns around45.A.hands B. ears C.faces D.

21、 eyes46. A. searches for B. stores up away D. puts on47. A. borrows B. sells C.returns D. buys48. A. call B. send C. lend D. show49. A. delayed B. remembered C. began D. enjoyed50.A.understand B.dislike D.excuse51.A.sorry for B.satisfied with C.proud of D.surprised B.ric

22、h C.special C.neighborhood D.company54.A.honor B.pain C.same D.cold55.A.small B.useful C.delightful Dcomforting36.【答案】A【解析】街上的人都知道他。A了解,知道. 的情况;B向.学习;C为.加油;D照顾。故选A。37.【答案】D【解析】根据第六段话Many New Yorkers know him可知,尤其是穷人们,对他很熟悉。故选D。38.【答案】B【解析】那些穷人叫他“Gloves”Greenberg,它是怎样获得这个称号的

23、呢?故选B。39.【答案】B【解析】他看起来和其他人一样,穿西装提公文箱,但和别人不一样。根据but可知表转折,故选B。40.【答案】A【解析】Mr. Greenberg不像其他纽约人一样,其他人是看看人行道,然后就穿过马路。而act表示“行为”,故选A。41.【答案】C【解析】who look引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为other New Yorkers,其他纽约人的做法是看一下人行道,接着驶过马路。A穿过;B沿着开;D远离;故选C。42.【答案】B【解析】根据下一句可知,Mr. Greenberg环顾四周,看有没有没戴手套的人,故选B。43.【答案】D【解析】当看到有人没戴手套时,他就会

24、停下来。故选D。44.【答案】C【解析】根据looking for more people可知,Mr. Greenberg继续前行,寻找没带手套的人。短语hold up举起,支撑,耽搁;hang out闲逛;move on继续前进;turn around转身,好转。故选C。45.【答案】A【解析】他沿街发放手套,他寻找的肯定是手冻僵的人,故选A。46.【答案】C【解析】search for搜寻,寻找;store up储存;give away分发;put on穿上。在冬天里,他发放手套,故选C。47.【答案】D【解析】他冬天发手套,过了冬天就买手套,以备冬天发放。故选D。48.【答案】B【解析】

25、send sb sth寄给某人某物,认识他的人都会给他寄去手套,结果,他的公寓里就有了很多手套,故选B。49.【答案】C【解析】他是21年前开始做这件事的,begin doing开始做,故选C。50.【答案】A【解析】根据下一句可知,知道他的人,都理解他的行为。A理解;B不喜欢;C研究;D原谅。故选A。51.【答案】根据上一句可知,不知道他的人,会不理解他所做的事情。A为感到遗憾;B对感到满意;C为感到自豪;D对感到惊讶。故选D。52.【答案】D【解析】那些不理解的人没意识到他只是让他们那些穷人快乐,根据最末一段it made everyone happier可知,此处填happy。故选D。5

26、3.【答案】B【解析】乐于助人的精神在Mr. Greenberg的家庭相传,根据下一句可知,父亲对他有很深的影响。故选B。54.【答案】C【解析】他的父亲相信,乐于助人让每个人更快乐,他也这样认为,故选C。55.【答案】A【解析】一双手套或许微不足道,但是在冬天就会有很多不同了。本句表转折让步,突出Mr. Greenberg的无私奉献精神,故选A。D(2013四川卷)Look, its Baldy! A boy shouted in my direction across the playground. Even though I was used to regular insults(侮辱)

27、 because of the 11 on my hed, it was 12 horrible to hear. I sighed as I headed back to the class.When I was just 20 months old, I suffered serious 13 after a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. I was 14 to hospital and had to say there for weeks while the doctors 15 to save my life. Hollys very 16

28、 to be alive, they told Mum and Dad. But shell be 17 with scars on her head, and of course her hair wont grow there.As a child, I cared much about my scars, so I 18 wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home. 19 I didnt, people would call me horrible names like Baldy. Although my friends were al

29、ways comforting me ,they never 20 understood how it felt.Then through the hospital I was 21 to a childrens burns camp, where children like me can get any help. There, I 22 14-year-old Stephanie, whose burns are a lot more serious than mine. But she is so 23 that she never lets anyone put her down. Y

30、ou shouldnt 24 what people say about what you look like because were not different from anyone else, Holly, she 25 me. And you dont need to wear a scarf because y0ou look great 26 it! For the first time in my life I could speak to someone whod been through something 27 . So weeks later, at my 13th b

31、irthday party, 28 by her bravery, I gave up my scarf and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to 29 away behind my scarf.Now, I am 30 of what I look like and much happier, because I have realized it is your personality(个性)that decides who you truly are.11. A. hat B. scarf C. scars D. cuts12. A. still B. just C. never D. seldom13. A. hunger B

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