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1、最新8BU5知识点梳理+配套双基八年级第二学期牛津英语知识点梳理及配套练习学校:实验中学 出卷教师:李林Unit 5 Magazine articles知识点梳理:I 词组1. keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡2. belong to属于3. as soon as一就4. the reception desk前台5. book a room订房6. sound like + n.听上去像7. at once立即;马上8. lead to将带领到9. the location of the fire exit安全出口的位置10. safety first安全第一11.

2、describe sth. to sb.向某人描述某物12. in ones own words用某人自己的话说13. be asleep睡着14. pull at the blankets拽着毛毯15. just then就在那时16. the fire alarm消防警铃17. go off突然作响18. wet some towels弄湿些毛巾19. along the bottom of the door沿着门底部20. lie on the floor躺在地上21. seem like似乎像22. a fire engine消防车23. moments/seconds later过了

3、会儿24. against the rules违反规定25. save ones life救某人的命II. 词性转换1. hear (v.) 听见 hearing (n.) 听力2. see (v.) 看见 sight (n.) 视力3. drama (n.) 戏剧性事件dramatic (adj.) 戏剧性的;激动人心的 dramatically (adv.) 触目地;突然地4. reception (n.) 接待处 receptionist (n.) 接待员5. exclaim (v.) 惊叫;呼喊 exclamation (n.) 感叹;感叹语;感叹词6. manage (v.) 管理m

4、anager (n.) 经理7. person (n.) 人personal (adj.) 个人的;私人的 personally (adv.) 本人;亲自8. locate (v.) 使坐落于;位于location (n.) 位置;场所9. save (v.) 救safe (adj.) 安全的 safely (adv.) 安全地safety (n.) 安全10. five 五fifth 第五11. sense (n.) 感官sensible (adj.) 明智的;理智的12. describe (v.) 描述 description (n.) 描述13. sleep (v.) 睡觉sleepy

5、 (adj.) 困的asleep (adj.) 睡着的14. die (v.) 死dead (adj.) 死的death (n.) 死15. fireman (n.) firemen (pl) 消防员III. 语言点1. John Dancers trouble began as soon as he walked into the Dragon Hotel with his friend, Charlie. as soon as 意为“一就”。可用于引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作发生在从句动作的一瞬间之后。当从句部分是一般现在时时,主句用将来时或祈使句;当从句部分是一般过去时时,主句部分可用

6、一般过去时或过去将来时。2. Ive booked a room here. 本句中,book作动词,意为“预定”。3. Youre welcome to stay, but we dont allow pets in this hotel.a) 本句中,welcome作形容词,意为“受到欢迎的”。b) 动词allow 意为“允许;承认”。比较allow, permit和let:三者均表“允许”。allow语气较弱,有“听任;不加阻止;默许”之意;permit语气较重,强调“认可;批准”;let语气最轻,意指“让”,口语较常用,且无被动语态。4. He takes me everywhere.

7、 Dont you, Charlie? 本句中,Dont you, Charlie? 是Dont you take me everywhere, Charlie?的缩写形式。 以Dont, Cant, Wont等否定形式的助动词引导的疑问句称为反问句。5. It sounds like Yes. sound like意为“听上去像”,后接名词。 sound是系动词,意为“听上去”,后接形容词。6. Im sorry, sir, the clerk repeated, but the hotel rules say a) repeat意为“重做;复述”,一般不能与again一起使用。b) 本句中

8、,say意为“提供信息,指示”。7. He agreed at once that John and Charlie could both be guests. at once意为“立即;马上”,意思与right now/away, immediately和without delay相近。8. He led them personally to their room. leadto意为“将带领到”。9. Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?a) location意为“位置,场所”。通常用the location of. 的结构来表示某物所

9、处的位置。b) the fire exit意为“安全出口”。 exit意为“出口”。反义词为entrance“入口”。10. John tells in his own words what happened next. 本句中,word意为“话”。 in ones own words意为“用某人自己的话”。11. Just then, the fire alarm went off. a) just then意为“就在那时”,意思与just at that moment/time相近。作时间状语时,句子时态常用一般过去时。b) the fire alarm意为“消防警铃”。c) go off

10、是短语动词,意为“突然作响”。go off 还可解释为“变质”或“爆炸”。12. I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door.a) 本句中,wet作动词,意为“弄湿”。反义词为dry“弄干”。b) 本句中,bottom作名词,意为“底部”。13. Moments later, I heard a voice. moments later意为“过了一会儿”,意思与after a short while, seconds/minutes later相近。 later前常可加上一段时间,表示“(时间)过后;过了(时间)”。1

11、4. Its against the rules, he said. 本句中,against意为“相反;反对”。反义词为for“赞成”。IV. 语法代词(Pronouns)人称单复数人称代词物主代词反身代词主格宾格形容词性名词性第一人称单Imemyminemyself复weusouroursourselves第二人称单youyouyouryoursyourself复youyouyouryoursyourselves第三人称单hehimhishishimselfsheherherhersHerselfitititsitsItself复theythemtheirtheirsthemselves一、

12、 人称代词(Personal pronouns)主格用作主语。宾格用作及物动词或介词的宾语。如:I (主格,作主语) called him (宾格,作动词宾语).He (主格,作主语) was playing tennis with us (宾格,作介词宾语).She and I (主格,作主语) went to the Mcdonalds last night.Let the baby sit between you and me (宾格,作介词宾语).二、 物主代词(Possessive pronouns)形容词性物主代词用作定语。后接名词。如:his puppy, my parents,

13、 her diet 名词性物主代词用作主语、宾语或表语。后不接名词。如:A: Is this her T shirt? B: No, hers is red. (作主语) A: May I use your dictionary? B: Ive lost mine. (作宾语) That new flat is ours. (作表语) 句型a/an/this/that/some/no+名词+of+名词性物主代词如:a friend of mine, that dress of hers, some books of ours a, an, the, this, that, some, no等词

14、后不能再用所有格或物主代词。错误用法如:a my book, an her bike, the your desk, some their babies三、反身代词(Reflexive pronouns) 反身代词用作宾语或表语。如:Be careful. You might hurt yourself. (作宾语) Tom will be himself again in a few minutes. (作表语) 反身代词有时作主语或宾语的同位语时,用来加强语气,表“本人”或“亲自”。如:The children made the model planes themselves. 反身代词常

15、用于某些固定搭配中。如:by oneself单独地,独自地,enjoy oneself过得愉快, help yourself/yourselves随意, relax oneself放松自己, all by oneself独自, learn by oneself自学, think to oneself暗暗地想, say to oneself自言自语, leave one by oneself把某人单独留下, teach oneself自学状语从句(Adverbial clauses)I状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。可修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语状语或整个句子。状语从句一般由连词(从属

16、连词)引导,也可由词组引导。从句位于句首或句中时常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用都后隔开。一、 时间状语从句常由when, while, as, before, after, as soon as, since, until等引导。在时间状语从句中要注意时态一致。一般情况下遵从“主将从现”的原则1. when当的时候如:I see some restaurants when I am on the bus.2. while 当时如:He visited a lot of places while he was traveling.3. as 在的同时;一边一边如:he smiled as

17、 he stood up.4. before 在之前如:Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?5. after 在 之后如:He left the classroom after he had finished his homework the other day. 6. as soon as 一 就如:I will write to you as soon as I get home.7. since 自以来到现在(2)东西全如:She has taught in that school since he came to China thr

18、ee years ago.8. until 直到因此不难看出,自制饰品在校园里也大有市场所在。对于那些走在流行前端的女生来说,捕捉新事物便捕捉到了时尚与个性。如:They walked until it was dark.二、 三、 (二)创业优势分析原因状语从句常由because, since, as等引导,也可由for或now that等引导。(二)大学生对DIY手工艺品消费态度分析如:I cant go to see the film because Im quite busy.四、 让步状语从句常由though或although引导。两者意为“虽然”, 不能与but连用。如:Altho

19、ugh they are old, they still work in the fields every day.1、现代文化对大学生饰品消费的影响他们的成功秘诀在于“连锁”二字。凭借“连锁”,他们在女孩们所喜欢的小玩意上玩出了大名堂。小店连锁,优势明显,主要有:Exercises for Unit 5月生活费 人数(频率) 百分比I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内)2、Google网站www。people。com。cn( ) 1. The books _ the library. A. belongs to B. are

20、 belonging to C. belong D. belong to ( ) 2. Dont tell me how to do my work. You _ my mother.一、 消费者分析 A. sounds B. sound C. sounds like D. sound like( ) 3. The music sounds _.附件(二):调查问卷设计 A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. friendly( ) 4. He led all the horses _ the stable. A. in B. on C. with D. to (

21、) 5. She described the beautiful painting _ her friends _her own words. A. to in B. to with C. atin D. at with( ) 6. When the fire alarm _, everyone ran to the playground. A. went on B. went off C. went to D. went out ( ) 7. Im sorry. I didnt hear you. What did you _? A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak

22、( ) 8. Our flat is on the ninth floor, one floor higher than _. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourselves( ) 9. Professor Brown taught _ English last term. Everyone liked him very much. A. their B. they C. themselves D. them( ) 10. _ walked into the room with _. A. Sheus B. She our C. Her us D. Shewe( )

23、 11. This is _ book and _ is on the desk. A. mineyours B. myyours C. mineyour D. myyour( ) 12. Mr Wang is a friend of _. A. him B. he C. his D. himself( ) 13. A: _ are these table tennis bats? B: They are ours. A. What B. Where C. Whose D. Whos( ) 14. He always tells us something interesting _ he is

24、 with us. A. as soon as B. while C. since D. before( ) 15. They left the cinema _ the film was boring. A. so B. and C. because D. just( ) 16. _ Grandpa Wang is over 70, he is strong enough to grow and sell vegetables every day. A. Though B. Since C. So D. Because( ) 17. He _ you as soon as he _ ther

25、e. A. will callgets B. callsgets C. callswill get D. will call will get( ) 18. _! Youre going to fall! A. Look B. Watch out C. Careful D. Dont mind ( ) 19. Come here at once! A. immediately B. later C. after D. ago( ) 20. She booked a table for two at seven oclock. A. thanked B. looked C. arranged D

26、. askedII. Complete the sentences with the given words box in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. She lost her _ in an accident. (see)2. They went to the _ desk as soon as they reached the hotel. (receptionist) 3. He is very busy as the _ of the company. (manage)4. They helped me a lot with my

27、 work and I thanked them _. (person) 5. Can you tell me the _ of the park? (locate)6. The doctor tried his best to _ the little girl. (safe) 7. The headmasters office is on the _ floor. (five) 8. He is _ of the danger of his position. (sense)9. They enjoyed _ at the party last night.(them)10. After

28、a day of hard work, she fell _quickly. (sleep)11. The poor cat was _. (die)12. They are the best _ in the country. (fireman) III. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)1. The little boy described his exciting experience to his mother.(改为否定句)The little boy _ _ his exciting experience to h

29、is mother.2. The guide led all the people to the room.(改为一般疑问句) _ the guide _ all the people to the room?3. The lazy cat lay on the floor. (对划线部分提问)_ did the lazy cat _? 4. The hotel rule says that dogs are not allowed there. (划线提问)_ _ the hotel rule say?5. The dog woke him when he was asleep. (对划线部分提问)_ did the dog _ him?6. John tells in his own words what happened next.(对划线部分提问) _ _ John tell what happened next?7. Mary brushed her teeth soon after she got up. (保持原句意思) Mary brushed her teeth _ _

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