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1、八年级下册unit567导学案Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?(主备人:程庄一中 鲍敬敬)课时:section A 1a-2c(第一课时)【Teaching aim】1.能正确运用过去进行时进行提问和叙述。2.初步掌握when引导的时间状语从句。【Teaching procedure】一 导学 (Preparation and Presentation)板书课题并出示学习目标1.用课本里的主题图通过提问引导学生看图说话。例如,教师可逐层询问:Look at picture A: What is the girl doing?

2、 Where is she? Is she at school or at home? How do you know?2.引导学生读1a 指示语,使学生明确插图都是发生在过去的事情。二 自学 (Practice)1.完成 1a.2.读1b 翻译词组: do my homework . go to work .wait for the bus . walk home .3.播放1b听力,核对答案。4.再次播放录音,要求学生完成以下问题:How was the weather yesterday?Where was the girl?How was the rainstorm yesterday

3、?Why is the boy glad he didnt decide to play basketball?Why did the man still get wet when he had an umbrella?Why did many people take hours to get home?5.通过多媒体将1b听力材料呈现给学生,将部分重要单词空出来,让学生填空。6再次播放录音,让学生跟读,仿读。.三 合学 (Production)1. 小组给1b听力材料配音,并选出最佳配音小组。2.小组表演1c对话,可要求学生自编一些细节,并选出最佳表演小组。3.用过去进行时描述下列表格:ti

4、meMr. whiteMrs. whitesandy10:00working in the gardencleaning the kitchenwatching TV11:00reading newspapercooking lunchdoing homework2:30washing his cardoing the laundryreading books4.小组讨论周末的这个时间点,大家都在做什么,完成表格,并选出代表作出汇报:NameWhere were you?What were you doing at this time last Sunday?四、 测学 (Progress)、

5、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.She (play) computer games at 8:00 last night.2.He (have) dinner at that time.3.The students (be) on the street at this time yesterday.4.We (wait) for the bus at the time of the rainstorm.5.what you (do) when the rainstorm came?、按要求改写句子1. We were at the bus stop at that time.(对划线部分提问) w

6、ere you at that time?2.The boy was walking home at the time of the rainstorm.(同上) at the time of the rainstorm?3.Tom was playing basketball at 6:00.(改为一般疑问句) Tom playing basketball at 6:00?4.Lily studied for the math test yesterday.(用at 3:00 yesterday改写)Lily for the math test at 3:00 yesterday.课时:Se

7、ction A 2a-2d (第二课时) 【Teaching Aims】1、 掌握重点词汇:alarm, go off, begin, heavily, suddenly, pick up.2、 能正确运用和区分一般过去时和过去进行时3、 掌握句型:What were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?While Linda was sleeping , Jenny was helping Mary with her homework

8、.【Teaching Procedure】一、 导学(preparation and presentation)1.复习过去进行时和when引导的从句。2.引导学生描述2a主题图,并引出新单词和词组。二、 自学(practice)1.听2a录音,完成排序。2.要求学生浏览2a中的句子,并对要填的内容进行预测,再次播放听力完成2b.三、 合学(Production)1.小组共同翻译词组:miss look for .go off .wake up begin to .take a hot shower .2.小组讨论,判断正误:The boy didnt wake up until 7:30 b

9、ecause his alarm didnt work.He arrived at school at 8:00.He still didnt catch the bus although he ran to the bus stop.While he was waiting for the bus, it suddenly started to rain heavily.While he was busy looking for the umbrella in his schoolbag, a car came and got water all over him.3.每组选出一名学生给2a

10、听力配音,选出最佳配音员。4.小组合作把2a编排成记者和男孩的对话,选出最佳编排小组。5.读2d,翻译:pick up answer havetake a shower . 当你打电话时,我正在洗澡. . 你睡觉的时候,我给Jerry打了电话,她帮了我。 . 6.小组讨论完成表格,并选出代表汇报。What was Linda doing?Where was she?7:008:009:007.播放2d录音,学生跟读仿读,两人一组分角色朗读,并表演对话。四、 测学(Progress)、单项选择( ) 1.My alarm didnt .so I wake up late. A .take off

11、 B. go off C. put off D. get off( ) 2. We are waiting Tom the bus stop.A. at ; for B. for; for C. for; at D. at; at ( ) 3. He was playing tennis . A. now B. yesterdayC. tomorrow D. at that time( ) 4.I ran to the train station, unluckily I the train.A. got on B. missed C. took D. got in( ) 5. What yo

12、u at 5:00 last night.A. are; doingB. did; do C. was; doing D. were; doing、补全对话.以下是警察询问犯罪嫌疑人的对话,A= policeman, B= murder请补充完整。A: What were you doing at 9:00 in the morning in the boys house?B: Oh, _ .A: Breakfast? When did you left his house?B: Oh,10:00A: What was the boy doing when you left his house

13、? B: .A: What program was he watching?B: How was your life ?A: But I know the play ended at 9:30.B: Oh, maybe I was wrong, Yes, I remember . A: But his girlfriend said she didnt talk with her on the telephone. She said .课时:section A 3a-3c(第三课时)【Teaching aim】1.掌握重点单词:storm, wind, light, report, area,

14、 wood, beat, against, rise, fallen, apart.2.正确区分when 和while 引导的时间状语从句。3.了解3a文章大意。 【Teaching procedure】、导学 (Preparation and Presentation)通过多媒体展示暴风雨图片,引出话题并学习新单词。或者引导学生根据课文标题和插图预测文章内容,例如:教师可逐层询问:What can you see in the photo?Can you see fallen trees in the photo?What will a storm bring to us?How can a

15、 storm bring people closer?、自学 (Practice)1.快速阅读3a,回答以下问题:Did neighbors stay inside or clean up outside?How was the neighborhood after the storm?Where was the rubbish?2.再次读3a,回答3a问题。、合学 (Production)1小组合作,.从课文中找出以下词组并翻译:make sure beat against . have fun with .fall asleep .In a mess . die down . break

16、apart .fallen trees . broken windows .2.再次阅读3a,,指导学生完成3b.然后让学生朗读所完成的句子,从课文中找出可以表达相同或相近意思的句子。3.听录音,模仿语音语调。选出最佳配音员。4.指导学生以故事接龙的形式复述课文内容。5.教师根据3c鼓励学生依据下表展开讨论:Things that can bring people closer togetherEvent 1Event 2How it can bring people closer together?How we can help each other when we meet with th

17、is difficulty四、 测学 (Progress)单项选择( )1.She is worried about her son and she couldnt fall .A. asleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. sleep( )2. trees and windows were everywhere after the earthquake.A. fall; break B. fallen ;broken C. falling ;breaking D. fallen ;breaking ( )3.The rain against the windows an

18、d the doorsA. beating B. beat C. hit D. hitting( ) 4. is hard to finish the work in such a short time.A. That B. It C. This D. one( ) 5 The wind began to . A. slow B. die down C. slowly D. hard、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.外面没有光线,就像是在午夜。 no light outside, it midnight.2.本的爸爸正在把一块块的木材放在窗台下,而他的妈妈正在确保手电和广播正常工作。Bens dad

19、 pieces of wood over the windows his mom was the flashlights and radio were working.3.晚饭后,他们想要玩扑克牌游戏,但是外面发生这么严重的暴风雨,他们很难玩的开心.After dinner, they tried to , but it was hard to a serious storm happening outside.4.尽管暴风雨把很多东西撕碎了,但是却让家人和邻居越来越紧密地团结在了一起。 The storm many things , it brought families and neigh

20、bors together.课时:Section A Grammar focus-4c (第四课时)【Teaching aim】1.熟练掌握过去进行时的结构与表意功能,特别是现在分词的构成。2.掌握when和while的区别。【Teaching procedure】一、导学 (Preparation and Presentation)1.引导学生复习现在进行时和过去进行时的区别,以及现在分词的构成。二、自学 (Practice)1.要求学生朗读grammar focus中的例句,找出所包含的两个重要知识点:过去进行时和when, while的用法。2.读下列句子,注意画线单词,尝试归纳when

21、和while 的区别。It was snowing when we arrived at the station.I was cleaning the kitchen when he left the house.While she was typing, someone knocked at the door.He bought a drink while Tom was playing the piano.While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was playing the piano.When既指时间点,也指时间段。While只表示时间段。因此,when引导的时

22、间状语从句中的动词可以是瞬间性动词,也可以是延续性动词。While从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。注意:如果强调从句和主句中的动词同时发生,两句都用过去进行时,则多用while引导从句。 3.完成4a,请学生在黑板上展示他们的句子。并找出4a中的瞬间动词有: 。延续性动词有: 。4.完成4b.三、合学 (Production)1. 根据4b短文两人一组,进行口语问答,例如:What was the writer doing while his brother was listening to the radio?What was the writer doing when the radio n

23、ews talked about a car accident near their home?2. 两人一组完成表格4c,教师将学生回答中的谓语动词原形填在表格里,并要求学生描述表格。Student AStudent BStudent CStudent D9:00a.mtakedoread11:30 a.mplayclean4:oo a.m9:00 a.m3.when and while game:一部分纸条上写上过去时的句子,例如:You left the room. You turned on the radio.另一部分纸条上写上现在进行时的句子,例如:You are cleaning

24、 room. You are talking on the phone.每次请两名学生从两部分纸条中各抽取一个,同时表演纸条上的动作,请其它学生猜其动作,并使用when和while 描述。四、测学 (Progress)一、 用when和while填空1.The telephone rang he was watching TV.2.I was having lunch it began to rain.3.My sister was listening to the radio I was sleeping.4. the teacher came in, the students were t

25、alking loudly.5. it was snowing, we got home.二、选词并用正确形式填空see to read for train happy on hurry loud before behind inMany people were waiting for the train. Some were newspapers, and some were saying goodbye to their friends. Dr. Wang, Mr. Li and Mr. Green were talking so and excitedly that they did n

26、ot know the was going to leave. Then the guard called , “The train is going to leave . up, please.” The three men heard the guard and two of them jumped the train quickly it moved. One was left .It was Dr. Wang. He looked very sad. The guard came to him and said, “Dont feel sad, the next train will

27、come ten minutes.” “I know,” Dr. Wang said. “But it is my train. My friends only came to see me off.”课时:section B 1a-1d(第五课时)【Teaching aim】1.进一步学习一般过去时和过去进行时的搭配使用。 2.培养学生听力技能。 【Teaching procedure】一、导学 (Preparation and Presentation)1.复习2.教师给出范例描述一次做事迟到的经历,例如:Last Friday, on my way to school. I was ri

28、ding when I heard someone was crying. A little girl was crying by the side of the street. I stopped and walked to her. The little girl told me that she lost her way. I decided to help her. Finally ,when we saw.3.教师通过提问启发学生描述自己一次迟到的经历,例如:When and where was that? What happened to you ? what were they

29、doing when you arrived?What did your teacher say to you? 然后请学生串联成一个完整的故事。二、自学 (Practice)1. 读1b中的三个问题,并要求学生对听力内容进行预测。2.播放录音,完成1b的三个问题。3.阅读1c中的句子,猜测事件发生的先后顺序,播放录音,完成排序。4.再次播放录音,回答问题如下:What did she do when she get to the bus stop?What did she do when she realized her bag was at home?What did she see wh

30、ile she was running back home?What did she want to do when she saw the dog?5.再次听录音,学生跟读,仿读,并进行角色扮演,选出最佳表演者。三、合学 (Production)1. 完成1d句子接龙游戏,要求学生轮流进行。2.场景模拟训练:每组选择一个场景:学生失踪,邻居被盗,路上出车祸,行人财物被抢等。每组选出一名学生做警察,其成员接受盘问,例如,警察可询问:Where were you at 7:00? What were you doing at 7:00? 并每组选出一名成员进行记录,最终由记录员汇报调查情况。五、 测学 (Progress)一、找出合适的答语1.What were you doing when your brother came into the room? ( ).2.Were you scared when you saw the black cat? ( ).

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