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1、大学商务英语复习要点docUnit 1重点词汇conjure v.想象operation,公司neighborhood n.街区,街道,居民区 financial adj.资金的,金融的anticipate v.预测 resource n,财力,资源 profit n,利润revenue n.收入, 收益 legitimate adj.合法的pursue v.追求distinguish v,区分,区别开 agency n,部门,机构run v.管理,经营 institution,团体 distinct adj.不同的manufacturing n,生产,制造 enterta

2、inment n.娱乐enterprise wholesaler n.批发商 retailer n,零售商capitalistic adj.资本主义的 survive v,继续生存,存活 identify v.辨认,确认 spot v.识出,找到promising adj,有希望的 entrepreneur n.企业家 characteristic n.特征,特点 assume v,承担resourcefulness n.足智多谋,善于随机应变 uncertainty n.不确定性stereotype v.对 抱有成见self-reliant adj.自信的,依赖自己的 consen

3、sus n,共识acumen n.敏锐,洞察力innovation n.仓ij新indefinitely adv.无限期地,长期地 stockholder n.股东charity n.慈善机构特殊词组commercial and industrial activities 商业与工业活动 financial resources 财政资源legitimate right 合法权利industrial business 工业企业commercial business 商业企业wholesaler 批发商retailer零仲商consumer choice 消费选择consumer needs 消费

4、需求entrepreneur 企业家customer relations 客户关系business plan 商业计划business climate 商业环境stockholder 股东industrial activity 工业活动重要翻译“1.Does it conjure up images of successful corporations, such as General Motors and IBM? Or of less successful operations, such as Enron and Kmart?你的脑海里是否会浮现出成功的公司形象,如通用汽车公司和国际商用

5、机器公司?或者 是稍逊一等的企业,像安然和凯马特?2.Neither a snowblower shop in Florida nor a beach umbrella store in Alaska is likely to do very well.佛罗里达州的吹雪机商店或阿拉斯加州的沙滩遮阳伞商店都不可能销传得很好。3.Although today s entrepreneurs may be male, they are just as likely to be female.虽然现在的企业家绝大多数可能是男性,但也同样可能是女性。课后翻译汉译英(1) The accident bro

6、ke out yesterday,but neither I nor the manager was told about it.(但我和经理 都未被告知此事). Either you or your secretary has to finish the work todayf 今天你或者秘书一定要把这工.作完 成),otherwise, it will leave a negative impact on the overall performance of our firm.(3)You ought to submit your identification card to acquir

7、e the document. However, either the original or the copy was ok (原件或夏印件都可以).(4)Children in the only-child families have become rather self-centered. For example, neither my wife nor 1 can persuade our son to change his idea (我太太和我自己都无法说服我们儿了改 变其想法).(5)We are sorry to say that neither your product no

8、r your service meets our standards (你们的 产品和服务都没有达到我们的标准).英译汉1)Entrepreneurs are those people who accept the opportunities and risks involved in creating and operating businesses.企业家就是那些在创立和经营企业过程中,能够抓住机遇、承担风险的 人。2)The stockholders share in the company * s profits and elect a board of directors to ov

9、ersee the professional managers who run the company.股东们分享公司利润并选举一个董事会,以监督 经营公司的职业经理人。3)It is universally acknowledged that business makes a positive contribution to the well-being of society.众所周知,商业活动为社会的福祉作出了积极的贡献。4)Business is the activating element the engine of growth and productivity in the bus

10、iness system. It includes all the commercial and industrial activities that provide goods and services to maintain and improve our quality of life. Business combines human, material, technological, and financial resources for profit.5)In our modern society, someone must accept the challenge and risk

11、 to bring human resources, materials and capital together before a gallon of milk can be marketed or an automobile produced. This job rests with the businessperson.其他重点take a great leap forward: make/achieve a rapid progress 大踏步跃进,飞跃a leap in the dark 盲目的冒险行动by leaps and bounds 突飞猛进look before you l

12、eap 三思而后行with leaps and bounds 飞跃地,迅速地leap at 急切地抓住(机会等)1 n become/do by doinge.g.She became a millionaire by smuggling in the 1980s.The businessman has accumulated a lot of money by exporting tibroad. 2n turn oute.g.The factory plans to turn out 300,000 air conditioners this year.It took the auto p

13、lant about thirty hours to turn out a car.3、turn Intoe.g.Hollywood discovered her and turned her into a star.Jack Welch turned GE from a traditional giant into a modern multinational.4 make Possiblee.g.The use of computers has made it possible for more people to work from home.5、usher in迎接,开创e.g.It

14、will surely usher in a new phase of development if all the countries and regions pull together in times of trouble to overcome difficulties.Some say the computer has ushered in a new era.The Viennese usually usher in the new year with a concert of music by Strauss.6 find oneself with/ine.g.The poor

15、man found himself with little money left approaching the end of that month.It was too late when she found herself in a dilemma.7、 Entrepreneurial Era:创业时代8、 Captains of Industry:实业巨头9、 aggressive risk-taking:雄心勃勃的冒险经营10x spectacular:惊人的,引人注目的11、 wares:商品,货物,物品12、 surplus goods:剩余产品,剩余货物13、 pent-up d

16、emand:被抑制的需求14、 practitioners:从业者,实践者15、 brewed:酿造16、 exploring:开发,开拓课文翻译Fundamentals of BusinessBy Charles W.L. HillWhat do you think of when you hear the word business? Does it conjure up images of successful corporations, such as General Motors and IBM? Or of less successful operations, such as E

17、nron and K-mart? Are you reminded of smaller firms, such as your local supermarket or car-repair shop? Or do you think of even smaller one-person operations, such as the dry cleaner around the corner of your neighborhood?Business is defined as all the commercial and industrial activities that provid

18、e goods and services to maintain and improve our quality of life. Business combines human, material, technological, and financial resources for profit. This profit is achieved by anticipating and satisfying the needs and wants of people throughout the world and used to reward the owners of businesse

19、s for taking the risks involved in investing their money and time.The prospect of earning profits the difference between a business s revenues and expenses 一 is what encourages people to open and expand businesses. The legitimate right to pursue profits distinguishes a business from those organizati

20、ons, such as most universities, hospitals, and government agencies, which run in much the same way but which generally don t seek profits.Institution of BusinessIt is formed by industries and business firms. An industry is a distinct group of productive firms concerned with a particular business suc

21、h as automobile manufacturing or providing entertainment. A business firm is an enterprise owned and organized to buy, sell, manufacture, or provide products or services to society for a profit. This is a broad definition and includes all sizes and types of firms. More specifically, there are two ba

22、sic types of business firms: industrial and commercial. Industrial businesses include firms that are engaged in producing things. Commercial businesses, however, refer to firms engaged in marketing, such as wholesalers and retailers.Consumer Choice and Demand In a capitalistic system, businesses exi

23、st in order to earn profits for owners who are free to set them up. But consumers also have freedom of choice. In choosing how to pursue profits, businesses must take into account what consumers want and need. No matter how efficient a business is, it won t survive if there is no demand for its good

24、s or services. Neither a snowblower shop in Florida nor a beach-umbrella store in Alaska is likely to do very well.Opportunity and EnterprisesBut if enterprises can identify either unmet consumer needs or better ways of satisfying these needs, they can be successful. In other words, someone who can

25、spot a promising opportunity and then develop a good plan for capitalizing on it can succeed. The opportunity always involves goods or services that consumers want, especially if no one else is supplying them or if existing businesses are doing so inefficiently or incompletely.Entrepreneurs and Thei

26、r CharacteristicsEntrepreneurs are people who assume the risk of business ownership with a primary goal of growth and expansion. Many successful entrepreneurs share characteristics that set them apart from most other business owners, for example, resourcefulness and a concern for good customer relat

27、ions. Most of them also have a strong desire to be their own bosses. Many express a need to gain control over my life or “build for the family and believe that building successful businesses will help them do it. They can also deal with uncertainty and risk.Yesterday, s entrepreneurs were often ster

28、eotyped as the boss self-reliant, male, and able to make quick, firm decisions. Today s entrepreneurs are seen more often as an open-minded leader who relies on networks, business plans, and consensus. Although today s entrepreneurs may be male, they are just as likely to be female. Past and present

29、 entrepreneurs also have different views on such topics as how to succeed, how to automate business, and when to rely on experience in the trade and basic business acumen.Quality of LifeBusinesses produce most of the goods and services we consume and employ most working people. They create most new

30、innovations and provide a vast range of opportunities for new businesses, which serve as their suppliers.A healthy business climate also contributes directly to quality of life and standard of living. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to keep produc

31、tion, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to support governments at all levels. Many businesses support charities and provide community leadership. (731 words)商务基本常识当你听到工商这个词的时

32、候会想到什么呢?你的脑海里是否会浮现出成功的公司形象, 像通用汽车公司和国际商业机器公司?或者是稍逊一点的企业,像安然和凯马特?你是否还 想起了一些相对较小的企业,如当地的超市或是汽车修配?你是否甚至会想到更小的私人 企业,像你居住地附近的干洗店等?工商活动就是为维持和提高人们的生活质量而提供商品和服务的所有商业和工业活动。 T.商活动将人、材料、技术和财政资源结合起来创造利润,通过预测和满足全世界人们的需 求和欲望来获得利润。利润是企业所有者投入资金和时间所冒风险的I报。期望赢取利润企业收益和开支的差额是激励企业家创建并扩大企业的动力。 是否拥有迫求利润的合法权利是区分企业和其他非营利性组织的标志。那些非营利性组织, 如大部分大学、医院和政府机构的运作形式虽然都相似,但不以营利为目的。工商机构它由工业和商业企业组成。一种工业就是某一专业领域范困内的制造商的集 合,如汽车制造业或者娱乐业。而商业企业是以营利为目的而组建起来的,从事商品和服务 的购买、销售和制造并向社会

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