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1、七年级英语教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?设计思路本节课通过三个任务的完成引导学生运用be from和live谈论人们的国籍及居住城市,在完成任务的过程中,综合运用目标语言,并通过与他人的合作交流,相互学习和帮助,在思想和能力上得到提升。任务一:我们的笔友来自哪里这个任务让学生填写调查表,了解全班同学的笔友分别来自哪个国家以及居住在哪个城市,同时让学生认识和了解一些国家和城市相关地理文化知识,拓展学生的视野, 激发他们的兴趣。在完成任务的过程中运用wherefrom和wherelive引导的特殊疑问句,

2、综合运用目标语言, 询问并回答人们的国籍和住处。任务二:这是我的笔友通过学生阅读笔友来信了解笔友的国籍和住所, 根据调查表找出笔友的照片, 结合来信, 全面认识自己的笔友, 并向他人介绍自己的笔友, 在交流中循环目标语言和重点词汇。任务三;圣诞的问候传递友谊让学生给笔友制作圣诞卡,并通过笔友来信写一封简短的回信。通过为笔友制作圣诞卡片,把这个单元的目标语言落实到笔头上,并给学生提供了一个综合运用语言进行交流和了解世界文化,传播中国文化的舞台。总之,这节课是本单元的第一课时,这三个任务的设计从基础开始层层递进,让学生在了解笔友的基础上, 通过制作圣诞卡片传递友情, 学会同各国中学生进行交流, 增

3、强对世界各国人民的了解,让中国学生朋友遍天下, 让中国北京走向世界。 Teaching Plan(First Period)TopicUnit 13 Where is your pen pal from?教学目标语言目标 与笔友交换个人信息 用where询问国籍和住处并回答能力目标 培养学生的交际能力 培养学生的合作学习能力 培养学生的写作能力 培养学生的观察能力跨学科学习 地理: 了解世界 了解一些地区的人文风俗语言结构 wherefrom引导的特殊疑问句 wherelive引导的特殊疑问句 what引导的特殊疑问句语言功能 谈论国籍, 民族及其语言 询问并回答人们的住处学习策略与思维技巧

4、通过谈论笔友的国籍和城市,增强对世界的了解。 运用所学词汇和目标语言, 联系实际,找出自己笔友的照片 通过介绍, 并为笔友制作卡片,培养他们的交际能力重点词汇Canada, Japan, the United States, Brazil, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Mexico, China, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand任务型活动 Teaching ProceduresTask 1:Where are our pen pals from?Purpose Let the students practice the

5、use of where questions with from and where questions with live by asking about the countries and cities of their pen pals.Let them practice speaking and writing the words about countries and cities.Sentence structuresWhere is your pen pal from?Where is StepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPreparat

6、ion WorkStep 1Introduce the countries and some cities.Get to know some names of countries and cities. Learn the target language.Step 2Let them work in pairs to practice the target language.Work in pairs, asking each other where their pen pals are from and where they live. Fill in the chart at the sa

7、me time.Hand out the chart.Step 3Check the answers of the chart.Stand up and talk one by one about where the pen pals from and where they live.Step 3Teach them an English songLearn the English song and practice the vocabularyTask 2: Introduce your pen palPurpose Check their understanding of the targ

8、et language and the vocabulary by reading letter and answering the questions.Practice the target language by introducing their pen pals. Sentence structures This is my pen pal. He is fromHe lives inStep 1Hand out the letters and ask the students to read them. Then answer the following questions in t

9、he letters.Read the letter and answer the questions.Prepare the letters from the pen palsStep 2Ask them to find their pen pals photos according to their countries and cities in chart 1.Find their pen pals photos and know more about their friends. Step 3Let them work in groups and introduce their pen

10、 pals to their group mates.Work in groups and introduce their pen pals according to their letters. Step 4Let some students come to the front and introduce their pen pals to the class.Listen to their classmates introductions and take notes. Task 3: Make friends with our pen pal by sending Christmas c

11、ards.Purpose Give the students an opportunity to practice the target language in this unit by writing and reading their short letter.Step 1Let them make their cards in groups and writing short letters to their friends.Make Christmas cards in groups and reply to letters from their pen pals letters.Ha

12、nd out the paper for them to make cardsStep 2Let them choose their best-designed card in each group.Choose the best card of each group.Step 3Give them the opportunity to show their cards and read their short letters.Let five students go to the front and read their short letter and show their cards.A

13、ssignmentWrite a letter and introduce Beijing to their pen pals. (Invite their pen pals to come to Beijing in 2008.)Uint 2 Where is your post office?教材分析问路与指路是常用的生活用语之一,几乎所有的基础英语教程中都会涉及这项内容,JEFC将这项内容编排在初二(上)第六单元,由此可知,本单元的重要性。教学内容词汇.Names of places:post office、library、market.Description adjectives:cl

14、ean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy.其它:enjoy、visit、beginning、tour、through、walk、 front of、between、behind、across from.其它:take a walk、.句型.掌握there be句型。.初步认识if句型.掌握指路时所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn leftright、take the .turning.日常交际用语.掌握问路常用语:Excuse me.Is there.?Where is.?.了解问路的其它用语:Excuse me.Which is the way to.?Ca

15、n you tell me the way to.?教学重点.词汇.句型:there be句型.问路与指路的基本用语教学难点.设计一些学生能够主动参与的活动,让学生能够对所学的知识进行操练与扩展。课时划分考虑到所教学生的实际情况以及本单元在本册书中的“前沿”位置,我将本单元细划分为5个课时(不包括self-check)。第一课时: Section A 1a-1c第二课时: Section A 2a-2c第三课时: Section A 3a-4第四课时: Section B 1a-2c第五课时: section B 3a-3b主要策略1. 教学策略.提倡循序渐进的教学过程,使学生在认识新知识时有

16、一个心理适应的过程。.倡导“任务型”教学过程,让学生“做中学”,“学”是前提,“做”是目的。.因人因材施教。2. 学习策略.倡导合作学习的理念,课堂中使学生有尽可能多的合作机会。.强调家庭作业的重要性,提倡学生的自主学习,家庭作业的形式尽可能的多样化,比如让学生准备下节课的一些课堂道具。 教学目标1. 知识目标:.谈论问路与指路.学会方位介词next to、in front of、betweenand、across、behind.学会形容词new、old、busy、quiet、clean 、dirty、big、small2. 语言技能 .能围绕“问路与指路”的交际用语进行交际。 *能用一些形容

17、词准确地描述和表达自己的观点。 .能用简单的图表、地图、句子等描述和传递信息3.情感目标 .通过运用简单的问路和引路的交际用语,学会相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。 .通过运用问路和引路的交际用语,帮助各个层次的同学树立自信心,敢于用英语进交际。4.文化意识.了解中西方问路与引路方式的不同教学过程The first period(Section A 1a-1c)Warm-UpAsk students “Where does this neighborhood”(show Ss the picture on the screen).Word-TeachDirect Ssattention to t

18、he picture on the screen and ask Ss “Whats this?”,present the names of the places on the board.Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.Refer to 1a and 1b in Section A on p7.Target language-TeachHave Ss look at the picture on the screen again and ask“IsAr

19、e there .?”,present Ss the answers “Yes,there isare.” “No,there isnt arent.”.On the board,write the models.Have Ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together, the group questionsYesnowherepost officelibraryhotelrestaurantbanksupermarketpay phoneparkHomeworkDraw one of the place

20、s with color pens.Complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a.板书设计-Is there a.? post office-Yes,there is. Its on.street. libraryNo,there arent. .street. bankNo,there arent. supermaket park pay phoneThe second period(Section A 2a-2c)Warm-UpReview the target language taught last les

21、son by asking Ss“IsAre there.?”such as “Is there a post office?”.Word-Teach.Show a stick-figure picture on the screen.Center street .Point to the park,say“where is the park?”get the response”Its on Center Street”from Ss,tell Ss we can use other prepositions to describe the location of the park,prese

22、nt the new prepositions.Put the prepositions on the board, Page 8 in the book.Check the answers by asking Ss “where is.?”.Activity 1: CompetitionFocus Ssattention to the picture on the screen.Choose 4 Ss from different group,give each of them 2 minutes to describe the location of a place to see the

23、can say the most different descriptions of one place in the limited time.Target language-TeachModel a dialog on the board, the desk and imagine each card as a real place, their front.HomeworkDraw the places between your 1a,at least 5 different dialogues.板书设计-Where is.? next to-Its. in front of-Where

24、 are.? across from-They are. behind betweenThe third period(Section A 3a-4)Warm-Up.Show a stick-figure picture on the screen.Ask Ss the locations of the places in the picture. Green Street Bridge Street .Point to the boy,say“This is Paul, the same way present turn leftright、take the.turning.Refer to

25、 3a,3b on Page 9.Practice.Have Ss take out their picture of their route from their the screen,say“Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to your use different ways of asking for directions.Elicit the questions from Ss.(take notes while Ss are saying)Activity: A short play set in a streetHave Ss put their

26、 pictures or models of the places on the desk and -the desk as a real place.Desigh the classroom into a neighborhood.Organize Ss into groups, roles of a passer-by and a police officer. HomeworkDraw a picture of your ideal neighborhood.Write down the route from your a police officer and a passer-by.F

27、inish off the exercises on Page 5 in Pink Book.Copy the words on Page 9 in the book,twice each.板书设计-Excuse me.Is there.? go straight Where is .? turn left Which is the way to .? turn right Can you tell me the way to .? take the.turningThe fourth period(Section B 1a-2c)Warm-upDraw a stick-figure pict

28、ure on the screen, places.Point to two parks ,one big,one small,but the W.C is dirty,etc.Refer to 1a,2a, in Section B.Target language-Teach.Refer to 2a in section B.Check the answers in 2b by asking one student to draw the map of Michaels neighborhood on the board.Use there-be clause to describe the

29、 existence of one of the places, the board.Expain that there-be clause can describe the existence of items,present the negative and interrogative forms of there-be clause.To reinforce the understanding, the classroom.Activity: Guess Game.Organize Ss into groups of 4, of a place using there-be clause

30、 without mention its name.Put an example on the board. “The place is scary at night,its old and big, there are many trees next to it,there isnt a it.”, each group is reday, dirtyThere isnt. new oldIs there .? quiet busyThere are .There arent.Are there.?The fifth period(Section B 3a-4b)Warm-upAsk Ss “Do you from a tour guide if we want to can you from a tour guide?”elicit answers from Ss.(take notes as Ss answering)While-Reading.Have Ss look at the lists of the items on the board and find the information about in 3a section B.Have one student put

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