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1、人教版五年级英语上册第四单元教案课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit 4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日一次备课二次备课第1 课时 学习内容:Lets try Lets talk A Lets learn学习目标:1、能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会单词:sing,song,dance,draw,cartoon,cook,swim,party并认读dance,cook,draw三个单词及替换句型:What can you do? I can并能在具体语境中应用。2、能够完成lets try部分的练习。3、能够听懂、会说、会表演lets talk的内容。学习重点:能够听、

2、说、读、写本课时的四会单词:sing,song,dance,draw,cartoon,cook,swim,party并认读dance,cook,draw三个单词及替换句型:What can you do?I can的运用。课前准备:教师准备录音机和录音带,教学卡片。教学过程一. Review to understand.(温故知新)Talk in pairs and make similar dialogues in pairs.(小组对话) A: What can you do for our classroom? B: I can clean the floor. How about yo

3、u ?A: I can clean the widown.A: Can you play ping-pong?B:A little.A: Lets play together.二.Warm-up(热身活动) Lets do. (两人一组朗读句子,并对同伴做出评价。)1.Its time for music class. Lets sing and dance.2.Its time for English class. Lets sing an English song.3.Its time for art class. Lets draw pictures.4.Its time for P.E

4、.class. Lets play football.5.Its time for cooking class. Lets cook the meals.6.Lets clean the classroom. Ok.三Presentation(新课呈现)1.Ask and answer.(一问一答引出新词组和新句型)E.g.A: Clean the classroom. I can clean the classroom. What can you do?B: I can sing English songs.A: What can you do?C: I can draw pictures.

5、A: What can you do?D: I can do Kung fu.(2)教师结合学校生活,帮助学生练习:What can you do ? I can句型。请学生说出学过的有关的单词(clean the room,clean the widown)提问:What can you do? 引导学生用I can回答中涉及到单词dance,sing,play football,play the pipa时,教师要适时拿出卡片,带领学生拼读。四.Self check(自学检测).Read the words.Practice new sentences in pairs.(完成课本38页的

6、对话练习,并对同伴做出评价。) 五.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Put the words in the correct order.(连词成句。)1.can I football play(.) 2.your do what father can (?) 3.the he room can clean (.) 4.Sunday have we a will party next (.) 板书设计:教学反思:课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit 4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日一次备课二次备课第2 课时学习内容:Lets learn Do a surve

7、r Lets talk学习目标1.学生能听、说、认、读,写新短语:, sing English songs , play the pipa, do Kung fu, draw cartoons, play ping-pong.2、学生会说句型:What can you do?I can并能在情境中灵活运用。按照Lets try的录音判断两张配图的正误。课前准备:教师准备录音机和录音带。教学过程一.Review to understand.(温故知新)Match.(把词组对应的汉语意思连线。)1.Water the flowers. A: 打扫卧室。 2.Clean the bedroom .

8、B: 做晚饭。3.Cook the dinner. C:洗衣服。4.Wash the clothes. D: 挂画。5.Put up the picture. E: 浇花。二.Warm-up(热身活动)Read the sentences in pairs.(两人一组朗读下面的句子。)1.Good afternoon ,children. Today well learn some kung fu.2Cool. 3. Can you do any kung fu, John?4.Yes, I can. 5.Wonderfull.6.Can you do any kung fu, Oliver?

9、7.No, I can t.8.No problem . I can help you.三Presentation(新课呈现)(1)教师播放Lets try部分的录音,学生做出正确判断。Can Mike do any kung fu?(2)学生自主学习课本第39页的Lets learn,会读这些短语并能利用学过的句型可用不同的单词替换关键词,形成多组对话。教学反思课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit 4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日 一次备课二次备课第3 课时 学习内容:lets spell 学习目标:1、掌握语音:oo在不同单词中的发音及发音规律。2、能够完成le

10、ts spell.部分的练习。一. Review to understand.(温故知新)教师组织“开火车”游戏,学生一人出示单词卡片,指名学生回答其他学生做出评价。二.Warm-up(热身活动)1,说唱单词和短语,看哪组表现最好,小组间 做出评价。2.Lets spell.(拼一拼课本26页)Read,listen and chant.(读一读,听一听,唱一唱。)book, balloon, look, food, football, zoo, good, noodles三Presentation(新课呈现)(1) 学生对照图片学习单词,并注意oo在单词中的发音。(2) 教师指名读单词并能说

11、出汉语意思。(3) 进一步扩展范围:引导学生在理解的基础上完成课本40页的句子Read and write(2) 教师检查学生的完成情况,并做出评价 I make _. You _. I have a_.然后学生小组分角色练习对话。四、Self check(自学检测) 1.Listen,circle and say.( 听一听,圈一圈,说一说。).book room .foot balloon .look cool.good zoo cook too .goodbye afternoon2.Listen,write and say. ( 听一听,写一写,说一说。).I make _ _.You

12、 _ _.I have a _ _3.Choose one sentence from above and write.(从上面的句子中选择一句写一写。)五.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Choose.(把单词发音不同的选出来,并对同伴做出评价。)1.A: book B:cook C:too2.A: look B:good C:cool3.A:book B:noon C:zoo4.A: football B:food C:noodles5.A: yellow B:snow C: now6.A: cow B:wow C: slow五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练)W

13、rite about your family.(写一写你的家庭成员。)This is my family. My mother can _. My father can _. My sister can _. My brother can _. I can _. We are all helpful.板书设计:教学反思:课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日 一次备课二次备课第4课时学习内容:lets learn Write ang say学习目标:1.掌握句型:Can you? Yes,I can.No, I cant.并能在具体的语

14、境中运用;2、能够完成Write and say部分的练习。3、能够听懂、会说、会表演lets learn中的内容。一. Review to understand.(温故知新)1.做正话反说游戏。2.教师提供卡片,学生根据卡片创设情境,看哪组最好,组间互评,并每组推荐成员上台展示。二.Warm-up(热身活动)1.Ask and answer.(一问一答引出新词组和新句型)E.g.A:I can cook.Can you cook? B:Yes,I can.No,Icant. 2.Practice new sentences.(二人一组练习新句型。)三Presentation(新课呈现)Let

15、s learn(1) 教师做动作,学生猜,猜对一个给一朵小红花。学生说:I can. 然后边说边做动作,其他学生再根据他的动作说I can 。(2) 教师出示图片,学生仔细观察后先说出单词或者短语(3) 教师再次提问:What can you do? 学生回答 I can ,然后这个学生继续问下一位同学,以此类推。(4) 教师播放lets learn部分录音,学生跟度单词和句子。(5) 教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写1、2遍。四.Self check(自学检测)Write and read the sentences.(四人一组一问一答完成句子练习短语并互读。)E.g. cook the mea

16、ls Can you cook the meals? No,I some kung fu Can you _? _ , _.2.make a puppetrobot Can you _? _ , _.3.sing the birthday song Can you _? _ , _.4. sing English song Can you _? _ , _.5. speak English Can you _? _ , _五Consolidation.(巩固练习)Interview with your classmates.(采访活动,会做的活动打“”,不会做的打“”。)E

17、.g. Can you ? Yes,I can./ No, I cant.Name五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练)Choose the correct sentences.(圈出对应的句子) .汤姆会游泳。 A.Tom can swim. B.Tom cant swim. .我不会唱歌。 A.I can sing. B.I cant sing. .我会打乒乓球。A.I cant play ping-pong. B.I can play ping-pong. .迈克不会踢足球。A.Mike cant play football. B.Mike cant set the ta

18、ble板书设计:教学反思:课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit 4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日 一次备课二次备课第5课时学习内容:Read and write lets wrap it up学习目标:1、会听、说、认、读,写新单词:swim, speak English,cook, play basketball, play ping-pong2.会在具体的语境中灵活运用句型:Can you? Yes,I can.No, I cant并且会用四会单词询问别人会做某事吗?3.完成Lets check. Lets wrap it up.中的练习。一. Review t

19、o understand.(温故知新) Ask and answer in pairs.(小组一问一答询问对方会做某事吗?)(do some kung fu,make a puppetrobot ,sing the birthday song,sing English song,speak English)E.g. Can you cook? B:Yes,I can.No,Icant.二.Warm-up(热身活动)Lets learn.(课本42页)1.Ask and answer in pairs.( 一问一答引出新单词。)E.g.T:I can play football. Can you

20、 play football? Ss: Yes,I footballplay basketballplay ping-pongT:Look at the pictures.The ducks can swim.T:Sarah is from USA.She can speak English.2.Read the words in pairs.Ask and answer in pairs.(二人小组练习新单词。)(play basketball ,play ping-pong ,swim ,speak English ,cook)Lets check. (课本44页)Lis

21、ten and tick or cross.(听一听,判断正误完成44页的表格。)3.Read the sentences in pairs.(两人一组朗读上面的句子,并对同伴做出评价三Presentation(新课呈现)。会话练习1.教师说:What can you do ? 学生根据实际情况回答,可以是一项也可以是多项。2.学生两人一组对话:3.教师播放Letcheck部分录音两遍,学生根据录音完成表格。(同学们加油了,看谁是最棒的)4.学生可以自由询问你想采访的人,并作好记录,会叙述某人可以干的事情。四.Self check(自学检测) Lets wrap it up. (课本44页)L

22、ook and write. No “the ” with“the ” (看一看,写一写“the ”的用法。)play ping-pong play basketball play football play chessplay the pipa play the erhu play the piano五Consolidation.(巩固练习)Put the words in the correct order.(连词成句。)1do , Kung ,I ,any, cant ,fu,_.2. you, Can, play, pipa, the, _?3. mother, cook, My, c

23、an, meals, the,_.板书设计: 教学反思:课 堂 教 学 设 计 方 案Unit 4 总计6课时 主备人: 投放日期 2020年10月26日一次备课二次备课第6课时学习内容:Story time学习目标:1、理解Read and write.中知识点及语言表达。2、听懂故事内容。一. Review to understand.(温故知新) Read the sentences.(两人一组朗读句子。)1.Mary can clean the bedroom. I cant clean the bedroom.2.John can swim. I cant swim.3.Sarah

24、can speak English. Zhang Peng cant speak English.4.My mother can cook. I cant cook.5.Mike can play basketball. I cant play basketball.二.Warm-up(热身活动)ead and write.(课本43页。)1.listen to the tape and answer questions.(听音回答问题。) What can Robin do?_.2.Finish the exercises.Tick or cross.(完成课本43页的练习。)( )He c

25、an speak English.( )He can play basketball.( )He cant play ping-pong.( )He can swim.( )He can do some Kung fu.三.Presentation(新课呈现)1.Look at the pictures and guess the meanings.(看图片猜故事的意思。)2.listen to the tape and read the story in pairs.(听音并且小组读对话。)3.学生带着问题阅读对话,并将以下句子补充完整:_ is hungry .It find._ .Rat

26、 says he can do_for sanke. Ratcan_ ._and_ .We know the rat is very_ .四Self check(自学检测) Choose.(单项选择。)1.Lily can clean the room,but she_cook. A:can B:cant C:doesnt1.She wants_some noodles.A:have B: has C:to have2.Ill send some flowers_my mother on Mothers Day.A:to B:for C:with4.-Can you help me _the

27、room?-Sure.A:clean B:cleans C:cleaning5.- What can Tom do? -Tom can play _piano and play _football.A:the;the B:the;C: ;the6. _ you play football? Yes, I can. A.Can B.Are 7._can you do? I can sing. A.Where B.What五Consolidation.(巩固练习)Read the story on Page 55 again, fill in the blanks.(读一读课本45页的故事,填空。)1.Im _. Here comes my _ food.2._ you sing? _ , I can sing.3.Let me _. Then I can dance _ you.4.Theres a _ near here.5._ throw me into the lake, please. I _ swim.6._ snake! Now I can _ away.六拓展训练:以“An English party” 为题写一篇小短文,介绍自己能为联欢会做什么_

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