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1、多部电影电视剧经典本土化台词Engagement orders.战斗命令。Simmer down, big guy. We got plenty of time.别急If they get their hands on those boxes, its gonna get hot up here. 这里就成为危险地带了。A bazillion different businesses, real estate, hotels, casinos.赌场Whos in charge of his super-deluxe, invite-only opening bash. 盛大开业典礼Youre

2、an ass. Bad timing, I know. 工作上的事推不开You are my home; it doesnt matter where I am. I love you back.You are still a little far away. 心不在焉That severs you right.Our goal is to have the most energy-efficient resort in this part of the world. 能源高效的度假村As you know, this island rests in close proximity to th

3、e volcanic corridor, so weve constructed our own geothermal plant allowing us to use heat for power. 火山地带 地热发电站Top-of-the-line surveillance.一流的监控措施Exotic spots异国风光 but this is pretty decent for us civilian folk.平民老百姓 难得享受一次Did you copy? 收到 Affirmative收到It just went a little sideways. 发生了一些意外。Anythin

4、g you could have done? 你也无能为力吧I just got a closer look than I usually get.Not to put ideas in your head, but you know Im proud or you whether youre saving the world or sweeping a floor. 不是想劝你做什么Rag up my ass过不去Hit me with injunctions.发放禁令Absolutely. On my way. 这就办May I suggest an electrical fence fo

5、r these darkies?用不用电网阻止这些穷鬼You could be booked for a snorkeling tour; we are not exactly up and running yet. 要潜水的话可以找你,我们的装备不全。Do tell. 是吗A favor for your fellow Yankees? 帮帮美国老乡的忙If youre gonna hit me in that soft spot of mine, I guess so.净挑我的弱点下手,只能同意了One Yankee to another; Im gonna overcharge ya.

6、美国人之间要额外收费的Thanks for the heads-up. 提前告知He talks? Not if he can get away with it. Trophy husband. 纯属摆设Grunt步兵 jarhead海军陆战队 Force Recon特种侦察兵Just a regular S.F. ranger. Explosives. Engineer. I blew shit up. 就是个普通额突击队员,摆弄炸药的Powder monkey? 搞爆破的Lets get you all geared up.装备一下None of this was on any of th

7、e maps until your fancy resort showed up.Until the first day you tot bored. Pester纠缠Ill get right on it.Now that the damage is done.You got an opinion? or your just gonna kick my ass?See, unlike some, I dont pick on women half my size. 我这人不大矮小的娘们You constantly ignore my recommendation to justIts all

8、 being worked out. 说会得以解决的Ladies and gentlemen, you honor me by being the firs official guests of our magnificent new experience.Where you will never have to ask yourself, “why shouldnt I have it all?”Well, nothing but a wasted opportunity. This fabulous island was flawed by inefficiency, archaic th

9、inking and a subsequent lack of employment for the local population. 低效陈旧的观念Ive been known to moonlight. 我也有兼职Pop flare. I throw it up at the end for old times sake. “爆花”最后燃放 为了纪念过去Nobody else gets it, but I dont give a shit. 别人不理解但我不在乎Her boss was being an asshole, and somehow Im the bad guy.Dont t

10、ake it personal, all right?他也是不得已Be all macho for her, right? 你要有男人的大度Im not the kind of guy to be giving a lot of advice. But if I were you, Id polish off those kneepads head back up there and tell her how sorry I was. 放下架子Couple young things like you, I can guarantee you, the make-up sex would be

11、well worth it. 你们这样的年轻夫妇,床头吵架床尾和的感觉是最好的Solar energy from the sun, hydroelectric form the ocean, geothermal from the earth, and the harnessing of wind.潮汐,地热 风能Wish you a very enjoyable vacation. Heres to it!These hicks wouldnt know a thermodynamic converter from a hot fart. 笨蛋,热力转化Mingling with guest

12、s.与宾客交往Where theres smoke, theres usually fire.无风不起浪But if thats the case, why has Nate fallen right off our radar.Sighted solo.The one your internship requires you turn in?Im just doing polish. Its basically done.Itll be on your desk first thing in the morning.So youd better get twice as much work

13、done today, or you will regret it. I guess nows as good a time as any to order dinner. With the triplets returning to riot,Who told you that little piece of advice.闲言碎语In a fake relationship. Call me crazy.Good luck on your suicide mission.A man is a good thing to come home for, but even better thin

14、g to come home with. Eating takeout.They just gogopeople off my back about sad.You couldnt ask for a better rebound.回报You havent gotten back out there and had your summer fling.抛Classiest guy.He swept me off my feet, so charming.Im going to go home without a pay cheque, fuck you.The freshman spouses

15、 luncheon. 新生交流宴会Theres some private family stuff, and I trust you.家庭隐私Thats not really in Serenas job description.You marriage could wind up in “a million little pieces”.小心你的婚姻像“岁月如沙”里一样I know Im not your favorite person right now。I figured youd be back to get some clean clothes at some point. .估计

16、I was totally freaking out before疯了We would totally blow it off,搞砸A great exposure for him曝光机会I can literally feel my heart thump when I see him. That sounds major听起来很重要What songs hed think work best thematically.哪首歌作主旋律最好Whos gonna be justifiably furious.名正言顺地发飙 I know his idea is kind of out of th

17、e box, but if you pull this off,出格,完成Shes totally cool about tonight.没意见I have a reputation.贱女孩chapin girls.Just so happens everyones problems are well within my area of expertise.Im not coming over.我不打算过去了I cant say Im not disappointed, though.I actually dont think I can. But travel safe.Ive writte

18、n a satirical commentary about fame, glamour and our societys obsession with the shiny new thing. 我写了篇对于名誉、诱惑还有整个社会沉迷于新事物的讽刺评议Im surprised. This isnt horrible.A young up-and-comer whos trying to steal the queens thunder by being outrageous and sexy. 她想通过惊世骇俗还有性感抢老皇后的风头。Dont get too cocky.自以为是 We sti

19、ll have your subpar acting to deal with.烂演技Everyone off book so I can block.背好剧本,排演I am so stupid for not thinking of you earlier.Early drafts of his work.底稿 Get her onboard说服她加入If you need any pointers.指点When girls are together, sometimes their cycles sync up. 连生理期都同步Sounds like kind of a yawn.听着就想

20、打呵欠Besides of the added satisfaction of knowing my father would have to suffer if I were ever caught.A little bit of danger is what makes life worth living.It was kind of thrilling.刺激Even though the two of us arent exactly on speaking terms.关系不友好Theres no way I would step on that particular land min

21、e.I cant seem to escape unidentified friendThis ones a little edgier than I thought ,but i like it 大胆I like the ecru myself我喜欢米色font字体cruel残酷的,让人难受的 I now feel compelled to give a speech.more talent than money could ever buyhorny womens studies majorsmy heart still set on.push so hardWe blow

22、off the formal visit craI can hardly contain my joy.Embezzlement and fraud挪用公款及欺诈Mortal sin can only be absolved through the sacred ast of confession世上的罪恶只有通过庄严的忏悔才能得到宽恕Desperately in need of a little unburdening急切地需要倾诉I have sinnedI succumbed to屈服于 inebriation, performed at a speakeasy and surrende

23、red my virtue to a self-absorbed ass. The only good news is that hes a total pig who will act like it never happenedlosing my virginity 处女,处女的flogging, fasting,How about some food for thought instead?一些警世恒言怎么样?Try avoiding those who might cause you to stray.I did mention that, but youve be

24、en distracted.I totally didnt mean to pryFirst day. I have lots of tables.We should make this our regular spot This is the last place Id expect to find youWould you consider avoiding me over breakfast?How much I enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo?chastity贞操

25、豪华轿车Form this moment forward, the events of last night will never be mentioned again. Is that clear?Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear which I have been replaying over and over.Never stopped me before.Speak of the devil and he doth appear, wearing his trademark scarf注册商标 披肩Im a loya

26、l guy, once I commit to something, I stick with it.Ill get the syrup糖汁Since when does drunk and disorderly get this much attention?Everybodys making such a big deal out of this This is not something to be cavalier about.这不能漫不经心地对待Remain calm and give them nothing but a united front as we fight thisI

27、 may a little haste with the whole break upIt was in the heat of the moment, but youd have to be willing to really work for So you have any idea what the problem could be?Hard drives.Encryptionsand safeties youve undoubtedly placed on your files. 文件上的密码和安全设置I wont give you a thingCardiac emergency.

28、心脏病发Shut down the engine and get out of the car.Theres no limit to the size and intricacy of the possibilities.复杂性This footage was shot in our labs. 画面,摄制 It is the basis for the technology we will be studying during the semester. Its origins, its foundations, and its possible future applications.Pe

29、ntagon五角大楼You investors are here,债主Their knocking doesnt sound like the hey, lets all grab a latte kind of knocking.I wasnt expecting breakfast, but I didnt think youd run out. 急着要走Work emergency. Lay out 购物Just lock up when you leave What the hells going on?I know how your mind works.我知道你在想什么Need a

30、 lift. 要人帮忙吗? He tailed me into the library. 跟着我Decode your fathers code 解密 Reunite you with your father directly.Cardinals headed your way. 目标I apologize for being so brusque on the phone and for my tardiness. 唐突和营救迟缓 What is this about?I am currently working to form a reasonable hypothesis to answ

31、er that question.我很想打个合理的比方来回答你的那个问题。The mansions perimeter was breached by men with hostile intent. 一些不怀好意的人恶意入侵了公寓的防御带My program for that scenario was specific. 昨晚突袭你父亲家的那些人 there are the same men who assaulted the graiman home last night.In which to elude the car following us.甩掉 Dont suppose you know how to fix a thrown rod, do you? 破车Im not that vain. 自负 Busted car 报废 Army ranger. 突击队员 probably kick my ass.我可不是你的对手 Ill get you your money, but you gotta be reasonable.我会还钱给你 How am I supposed to come up

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