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1、福建省厦门市学年高一英语下册期初考试题准考号_ 班级_ 座号_ 姓名_厦门市翔安第一中学20182018学年第二学期高一年期初考试卷 英 语 科(考试时间: 90 分钟 满分: 150 ) 第卷(110分)第一部分:听力(满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What happened to the woman?A. She got lost in the city. B. Her bike bro

2、ke down. C. She lost her bike.2. What did the boy do last week?A. He reported some news. B. He performed in a TV play. C. He helped the runners.3. When was the personal computer invented?A. In 1969. B. In 1976. C. In 1867.4. When did the man buy his mobile phone? A. Two years ago. B. Three years ago

3、. C. Four years ago.5. When did the man see the fish? A. When he was in the middle of the ocean. B. When he was on the beach. C. When he was swimming to the shore.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第

4、6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where probably is Mary now? A. In Florida. B. In New York. C. In Washington7. What happened to Marys father? A. He died in a fire. B. He was badly hurt. C. He was ill.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. When did the fire happened? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday.9. What do we know ab

5、out Lucy? A. She has come out of hospital. B. She forgot to turn the light off. C. She caused the fire.10. How many people got burnt in the fire? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the woman trying to do? A. Make a request. B. Make an apology. C. Make a complaint.12. What size bag did the

6、 woman receive? A. 32-inch. B. 34-inch. C. 38-inch.13. On what day will the woman leave for Australia? A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is Bettys problem?A. What kind of college to choose. B. What kind of job to choose. C. Which hospital to choose.15. What is Bettys own op

7、inion? A. To go to business school. B. To go to medical school. C. She is not sure.16. Why does Mr Black suggest an arts college to Betty? A. Students dont have to pay. B. Students study all the subjects. C. Students are free to choose a major.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What did the man use to do? A. He

8、disliked watching TV. B. He liked talking about sports programs. C. He never read any books18. Who bought the TV set? A. The man himself. B. The mans son. C. The mans wife.19. What does the man hope to do? A. Have more time to see films. B. Have another TV set. C. Get a degree at 65.20. What can we

9、learn from the talk? A. The old man doesnt read books now. B. The old man is interested in watching TV now. C. A person cant change his ideas when he is 60.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A B C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A“Which one of you did this?” our father asked the three of us with a sharp v

10、oice. My elder brother, sister and I all stared down at the floor, on which was a childs handwriting in chalk. I was frightened, and the only words that came from my mouth were, “Not me, Dad.” It wasnt that I was a bad kid, but the look on my dads face made me feel cold. Father had a way about him w

11、hen I was a child that made me afraid of him, but it gave me my limits to what I could and could not do. He loved all of us and we respected him. I wanted to please him, of course. Maybe thats why I held back the truth that day. He disappeared for minutes and came back with a piece of paper and a pe

12、ncil and said, “I want each of you to write exactly what you see on the floor.” I was not a foolish kid, though. So when my dad compared the handwriting, he still couldnt tell which one of us did it. “Since none of you seemed to have done it, you all get a spanking,” said my father angrily. What?! T

13、he last thing I wanted was a spanking! “I did it,” someone said and I was sure it wasnt me. I looked around and saw my sister come forward. By that time, I had already figured out why my sister took the rap for it. She was my protector, though she was only three years older than me. And she would ra

14、ther take the pain herself than see me suffer. We all joke about it now, including my sister. When I think back to that day, I know I learned the value of a sister who would do anything for me. And Im glad to say that I will do the same for her.21. From the passage, we can learn that the writer _.A.

15、 had a bad habit of telling lies to escape being punishedB. didnt get much love from his strict father C. was not encouraged to draw pictures at home D. was the youngest of the three children in the family22. What effect did the feeling of being afraid of his father have on the writer? A. It helped

16、him learn how to please his father. B. It helped him tell right from wrong. C. It made him lack self-confidence. D. It made him not dare to show his real feelings. 23. From the underlined sentence, we can learn that the writer _. A. refused to do as his father asked B. wrote the words differently on

17、 purpose C. tried his best to write the words beautifullyD. was not as foolish as his family thought 24. By talking about his childhood experience, the writer mainly wants to tell the readers_. . A. about the bad results caused by telling lies B. about the deep love that he had for his father C. abo

18、ut the deep love that his sister had for him D. about his feeling of being afraid of his fatherBSome call it Petra. Others call it Black Peter. But everyone in Germany agrees on one thing Petra or Black Peter is an unusual black swan (天鹅). The story begins when Petra or Black Peter fell in love with

19、 a pedal boat shaped like a swan. This happened at Aesee Lake in Munster City. The black swan had been brought to the lake last year. It was an attraction, as the swans in Germany are white. Soon the bird started circling the white pedal boat. It would stare long at it and make soft noises. It would

20、 also hoot (鸣叫) angrily at whoever came near the boat, fearing they would harm it. Biologists say this is how swans in love behave. As the lake froze in winter, the black swan refused to do what it is supposed to do migrate to where rivers and lakes are not frozen, so it could find food. There was n

21、o way the pedal boat could fly with it. If the swan had remained on the frozen lake, death would have been its only end. Luckily, officials of the local zoo made space for the black swan and its beloved pedal boat in a sheltered pond. Winter has ended and the couple are back on Aesee Lake. The numbe

22、r of people who want to have a picnic on the lake has risen greatly. In this German city when people think of charming love stories, they now think of the black swan. But the biologists are worried. Swans are known to choose only one partner in their lifetime. But they hope that this Australian bird

23、 falls in love again with a real swan so it can have a family life.25. The black swan was brought to Aesee Lake for the purpose of _. A. offering it a better and more comfortable life B. attracting more picnicking people to the lake C. letting Germans know about another kind of swanD. helping it fin

24、d a suitable partner 26. Which of the following is NOT something that a swan in love will do? A. Staring at the partner for a long time. B. Making soft noises. C. Getting angry more easily.D. Protecting the partner from any possible danger.27. When cold winter comes, the usual thing for swans to do

25、is to _. A. find enough food for the winter B. stay in a warm sheltered place C. turn to humans for help D. fly to an area with warmer weather 28. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Australian black swan settles in Germany. B. Black swan falls in love with a pedal boat.C. The fate of a black swa

26、n worries German people. D. A love story between two swans. CKids often ask Scout Bassett if she wishes she had two normal legs. Bassett, who is 18, answers, “I have never known anything different. If I hadnt lost a leg, I wouldnt have the opportunities today! Missing a leg teaches you to enjoy litt

27、le things like being able to walk and run.” Scout was left at an orphanage (孤儿院) before her first birthday. She suffered from terrible burns at 2; her right leg was badly damaged, and doctors cut it off above the knee. When she was old enough, she was put to work, and felt hungry all the time. She h

28、ad to do work with a fake leg. She says, “It didnt feel very good, and it even fell off sometimes.” Then, at seven, she was adopted by a family in Michigan. She got a better leg for everyday activities, but she still couldnt play soccer or basketball. At 14, she got a high-tech leg made for sports a

29、nd put it to the test right away in a race for disabled athletes. “I can still remember how I felt because this was my first race,” she says. Scout was waiting nervously when athlete Sarah Reinertsen, the first woman amputee (截肢者) to finish the Ironman triathlon in Hawaii, came up and gave her some

30、tips. Sarah Reinertsens encouragement changed her. She lost that first race, but gained the confidence that she needed to compete. If Sarah could do it, she could too. Now living in California, Scout runs competitively and also finds time to share her story. “Everything you need is inside your heart

31、. Take small steps. As time goes by, the steps will get bigger and you will reach your dream,” she says.29. What Scout Bassett said in the first paragraph tells us that she _. A. feels sorry for not having two normal legs like other peopleB. doesnt think healthy people can enjoy small things in lifeC. has learned some important lessons from dealing with her disability D. wishes that she could one day have normal legs like others30. When Scout stayed in the orphanage, she _.A. was the only disabled child thereB. had to have her right leg removedC. had to give some of her

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