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7B 英语四导四学稿二Unit 34.docx

1、7B 英语四导四学稿二Unit 34文津中学七年级英语四导四学稿课题7B Unit 3 Welcome to SunshineTown Welcome to the unit课型新授时间2013.3主备严惠莲审核李娟【导预疑学】 订正栏一、 预学导航(一) 学习目标1.掌握单词和短语:mine nothing, wait a minute, tin, , order, pizza, take sb. to sp.2.学会用英语表达在不同的场所开展的活动(二) 学习重点将地点和活动联系起来并能建议到不同的地方活动二、预学作业(一)基础性作业 翻译下列短语:1.我的一个老朋友 _ 2. 去超市_3

2、.一罐狗食 _ 4.带他们去购物中心_5.等一会儿 _ 6.点一份比萨_7.喜爱看电影 _ 8.欢迎来到阳光镇_9.一群交流学生 _ 10. 去电影院 _(二)理解性作业根据所给中文提示用单词的适当形式填空:1. I cant find my Walkman. _(也许) I left it in the classroom.2. There is _(没有什么东西) in the fridge.3. You can buy a _ (听) of coke.4. Are they _ (交流) 学生from the UK?5. Would you like to _ (点) a pizza ?

3、三、预学成果同学们,在完成上述预学任务以后请你思考下列问题。1. an old friend of mine 意为“我的一个老朋友”,这个结构是双重所有格。你能写出双重所有格是怎么构成的吗? 名词+ _ + _ 请翻译:他是我妹妹的一个老师。 四、预学质疑 预学之后你有什么不懂的单词、短语、句型或其他问题,请记录下来:_【导问研学】任务一:听Eddie和Hobo之间的对话回答问题1.Who is coming to see Eddie? _2.Is there anything in the fridge? _3.Do they have enough money to buy a tin o

4、f dog food? _4.What can they order with the money? _任务二:周末的时候,同学们喜欢做什么呢?(一) 将全班同学分成四个小组,进行抢答,尽可能多的说出活动场所的名称。(二) 小组活动,选择小组成员周末喜欢去的地方和做的事情。订正栏(三) 模仿课文中的对话,对小组成员喜欢去的地方进行汇报。【导法慧学】1. 你是如何掌握本课中短语an old friend of mine的? _2. 学法交流:(讨论适合交流学生在北京所做的活动有哪些句型)_【导评促学】 (一)翻译句子(每句2分,共10分)1. 你的钱够买一听狗食吗? _2. 我可以点一份比萨和两

5、听可乐吗? _3. 我们邀请他们和我们共进晚餐好吗?_4. 冰箱里也许没有食物了。_5. 让我们带他们去超市吧!_(二)完形填空(每空1分,共10分)A group of exchange students _1_ France are in Rainbow Town for a visit. They are very _2_to visit this great modern town. This new town is only fifty minutes from the centre of Suzhou_3_ bus. There are _4_ tall buildings her

6、e. Most people in the town live in tall building. Many children like to live in tall buildings because they can be _5_ their friends. Chen Fang lives in a flat on the tenth floor. She is not very good at English. Wang Mei lives in a _6_ on the eleventh floor. She is very good at English and she is v

7、ery glad to help others with their lessons. So Chen Fang does not have to go _7_ if she needs help with her English. There is one theatre and three _8_ malls in the town. In one of the shopping malls, there are lots of souvenirs. Most souvenirs are not very expensive. There are also many _9_ here. T

8、he exchange students go to some of the restaurants and _10_ the delicious food.( )1. A. to B. from C. opposite D. about( )2. A. excited B. excite C. exciting D. interesting( )3. A. on B. in C. by D. of( )4. A. lot of B. a lot C. a lots of D. many( )5. A. next to B. near to C. close to D. friendly to

9、( )6. A. flat B. balcony C. bathroom D. kitchen( )7. A. little far B. lot far C. farther D. far( )8. A. buying B. shopping C. shopper D. buy( )9. A. meals B. restaurants C. shops D. hotel( )10. A. not enjoy B. not like C. enjoy D. enjoying评价表翻译句子完形填空文津中学七年级英语四导四学稿课题7B Unit 3 Welcome toSunshine Town

10、Reading课型新授时间2013.3主备严惠莲审核李娟【导预疑学】 订正栏一、 预学导航(一) 学习目标1. 掌握单词和短语:quiet, air, fresh, local, jogging, underground, famous, Western, opera, theatre, miss, forward, look forward to, soon2. 了解并掌握有关生活方式和活动的词汇:stay in a quiet town, by underground, try some Chinese food, enjoy Beijing opera,.3. 学习介绍城市各种功能的角度

11、和方法:城市规模、地理位置、居住环境、购物、饮食、人文风貌等。(二) 学习重点 :掌握有关生活方式和活动的词汇,学习从不同的角度来描写城市风貌。二、预学作业(一)基础性作业 A翻译下列短语:1. 品尝一些中式食品_2. 呆在一个安静的小镇_3.离北京市中心不远_4. 当地人_5. 为你的家人和朋友买精美的礼物_ 6. 乘地铁_7. 参观我们当地的剧院_ 8 . 许多中国餐馆_9. 了解更多有关中国艺术_10.欣赏京剧_11.错过那里的京剧演出_12.盼望看到你_B用所给词的适当形式填空:1. There are lots of things _ (do) in Sunshine Town.2.

12、 There are some _ (west) restaurants on this street.3. It _ (be) 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing to Sunshine Town by underground.4. You can enjoy Beijing_(戏剧) in our school.5. The air in the city is very _(新鲜的).6. Dont _(错过) the early bus tomorrow.(二)理解性作业 根据课文内容,回答下列问题。1.Where is Sunshine Tow

13、n? 2.Are there any nice shops in the town? 3.Are most things expensive or cheap in the shops in the town?4. Where can we try Chinese food? _ 5. What can we do if we want to know more about Chinese art?_三、预学成果同学们,在完成上述预学任务以后请你思考下列问题。1. A be+距离+ far from B表示_ 尝试翻译以下句子:学校离公交车站100米远。_2. 短语 look forward

14、to后面用动词的_形式,意思是_,to 后面还可以接名词,代词。请翻译:我们正盼望着举办一个盛大的聚会。_四、预学质疑 订正栏预学之后你有什么不懂的单词、短语、句型或其他问题,请记录下来:_【导问研学】任务一:你对Sunshine Town有多了解?(一) 分组讨论:课文是从哪些方面介绍Sunshine Town的?(二) 小组活动:每个小组选择一个方面,并加以研究总结。(三) 课堂表演:每组选一名代表,分别对Sunshine Town某一方面的生活加以介绍。任务二:你能介绍一下你的家乡吗?(一)对比课文描述Sunshine Town生活的诸多方面,列出家乡生活的特点。(二)选取家乡生活的某一

15、方面,进行拓展描述。【导法慧学】 你从哪些方面了解了Sunshine Town?请写出来。_【导评促学】 (一)翻译句子(每句2分,共10分)1. 在阳光镇有许多可以做的事情。 _2. 所有的孩子们都盼望着看那部电影。_3. 北京也因北京烤鸭而有名。 _4. 为什么不参观下我们当地的歌剧院并欣赏下京剧呢?_5. 乘地铁从这里到达市中心只要半个小时。_(二)阅读理解(每题2分,共10分)When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic (交通)drive on the left

16、. Before you cross(穿过)a street, you must look to the right first and then to the left.In tbe morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous(危险的)then.When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember t

17、he traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. Its very interesting.( )1. In England the traffic drives _ .

18、A. on the right B. in the front C. on the left D. In the middle( )2.When you cross the street, you must look to _.A. the right B. the left C. the front D. the back( )3. In the morning and in the evening the street are very busy because_ . A. people go to work B. people come from work C. both A and B

19、 D. the weather is not very hot( )4. It is _ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.A. dangerous B. easy C. interesting D. funny( )5 The big buses with two floors in English are _ in Chinese.A地铁 B.长途货车 C. 单层公共汽车 D.双层公共汽车评价表翻译句子阅读理解文津中学七年级英语四导四学稿课题7B Unit 3 Welcome toSunshine Town Gra

20、mmar课型新授时间2013.3主备严惠莲审核李娟订正栏【导预疑学】 一、 预学导航(一)学习目标1.学会正确使用名词所有格s的表达方式。2.掌握形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词的用法。3.灵活运用所有格s或物主代词来交谈物品的所属关系。(二)学习重点正确运用所有格s或物主代词来交谈物品的所属关系。二、预学作业(一)基础性作业认真预习课文,用正确的物主代词填空。1. I think these books are _, Peter. They are not my books. They are not _.2. Please give this to Susan. It is _ pen.3

21、. We are working hard on _ project. 4. I cant find my ruler. Can I borrow _?5. Mr Chen loves _ new car very much.(二)理解性作业用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Hobo is _(Eddie) dog. Do you like _(it).2. Are those _(they) bikes? No, they are _(we).3. March 8th is _(woman) Day.4. They are those _(student) schoolbags.5. This

22、 is _(Daniel and Millie) room.6. This book is my _(mother).7. Its three _(hour) drive from Nanjing to Shanghai.8. _(we) classroom is bigger than _(they).三、预学成果1. 名词所有格构成方法: 1)一般在原有名词词尾加s,如:这个男孩的名字_ 2) 如果原有名词是复数,词尾带有-s, 则只加一个,如:这对双胞胎的房间_ 如果表示两人共有的概念,就在_加_。 试试翻译:Jack和 Tom 的电脑_ 如果表示两人分别拥有的概念, 就分别在_加_。 试试翻译:Jack和 Tom 的夹克衫_ 3)凡是不能加s的名词,都可以用of构成短语表示所有关系,如:我家的一张照片_4)双重所有格 吉姆的一个朋友_ 我的一个老同学_订正栏2. 名词性物主代词就相当于_物主代词+ _

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