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1、教案第七章Chapter SevernChina raises financial status at G20BEIJING - After a mere four-and-a-half hours, world leaders at the G20 summit in London decided to devote about US$1 trillion to supporting world economic growth and trade, an outcome that surprised many analysts with its scale.But in that scant

2、 time, China had a chance to showcase its growing importance in the world economy. China said it would contribute US$40 billion to the International Monetary Funds (IMF) increased financing capacity. Thats only a small portion of the total, but it could take Chinas IMF voting rights to 3.997 percent

3、 from 3.807 percent.Chinas new voting share would still far behind that of the United States, which is first with about 17 percent.However, since many countries voting shares in the IMF are well under 1 percent, any incremental change gives a member just a little extra say in the workings of the mul

4、tilateral organization. And so the potential change is a small step toward Chinas goal of having more influence on how the IMF, and the world financial system, operates.HIGHER FINANCIAL STATUSFullcoverage:G20 Financial SummitRelated readings:China: G20 summit boosts confidenceG20 London SummitG20 le

5、aders eye more IMF funds, tighter rulesG20 to give $1 trillion to IMF, World BankEconomists said Chinas proposed contribution of US$40 billion was in line with its current development level and would mean a more influential voice for Beijing in international financial institutions and in shaping the

6、 world economic order.Chinas promise of extra funding was a contribution to the world economy and showcased the countrys clout, said Zhao Jinping, an economist with the State Councils (cabinets) Development Research Center.Tang Min, deputy secretary general of the China Development Research Foundati

7、on, said the countrys voting rights and quota of contributions to multilateral bodies still fell short of its status as the worlds third-biggest economy.He said China would further step up its contributions, and influence, as its economic power grew and reforms of the international financial system

8、went forward.Zhao said it was part of a long-term trend for developing countries like China to have more influence in decision-making at international financial institutions, noting that the obsolete mechanism and structure of world financial organizations failed to reflect an evolving world economy

9、.British special G20 envoy Mark Malloch-Brown was quoted in the China Securities Journal on Thursday as saying that an overhaul of the world financial system should start with international financial institutions and reforming the IMF meant Chinas voice must be bigger.The G20 leaders statement was a

10、 positive signal in that it gave a timetable for reforming the IMF and the World Bank, said Zhang Bin, an expert with the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think tank.Zhao said Chinas obligations to international financial institutions

11、should reflect not just the countrys size but also the fact that China is still a developing country.He urged China to expand its influence by actively joining multilateral or regional dialogues and offering more proposals on international issues.It should be a step-by-step process for China to shou

12、lder more responsibility. It cant be accomplished in just one move, said Zhao.LONG ROAD TO REFORMBe it a turning point, as US President Barack Obama stated, or a new world order, as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown claimed, the G20 summit was a major step in reshaping the global financial system,

13、 but there was still far to go, Chinese economists said.China should seek to expand its IMF quota and voting rights further after the summit. Although the statement give a timetable for reform, it remains unclear whether the goal can be achieved because that would affect the interests of the United

14、States and the European Union, said Mei Xinyu, a researcher at Chinas Ministry of Commerce.Fullcoverage:G20 Financial SummitRelated readings:China: G20 summit boosts confidenceG20 London SummitG20 leaders eye more IMF funds, tighter rulesG20 to give $1 trillion to IMF, World BankThe G20 statement re

15、ads in part: We commit to implementing the package of IMF quota and voice reforms agreed in April 2009 and call on the IMF to complete the next review of quotas by January 2011.On the one hand, China could count on the IMF restructuring, and on the other hand, it may start again somewhere else. For

16、instance, it can push forward the establishment of the 120-billion-US-dollar reserve pool agreed by several East Asian countries, Mei said.Leaders of the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China, Japan and the Republic of Korea agreed last month to speed up the creation of

17、 a foreign-exchange reserve pool of 120 billion US dollars to address liquidity shortages.Mei described the pool as an Asian Monetary Fund, saying it could partly replace the IMF in Asia and help increase use of the Chinese currency in international trade.Another government economist, Wang Xiaoguang

18、, said the agreement served as a foundation for more concrete policies to tackle the global downturn and this would be good for global stability and Chinas own economic recovery.Wang added that it was unrealistic to change the global financial order immediately, because it would cause conflicts amon

19、g major economies.They will rework the current system rather than introduce a new one, he said.Zhuang Jian, an economist at the Asian Development Bank, said the biggest challenge was how to implement those commitments. China should closely monitor the implementation of the agreement and decide wheth

20、er its short-term objectives could be realized.Chinas appeals will be discussed after the summit, he said, referring to financial market reform and the position of emerging countries in the international financial system.I think the country will have a bigger say in the global financial system. But

21、the G20 summit is just a forum, and if the global economy worsens, the agreement might end up as nothing more than words, he said.Chinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peace 2003/08/18 China unswervingly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. The fundamental goals of this policy are to prese

22、rve Chinas independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, create a favorable international environment for Chinas reform and opening up and modernization construction, maintain world peace and propel common development. The main content of this policy includes:1. China has all along adhered to

23、 the principle of independence. With regard to all the international affairs, China will, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world, determine its stand and policy in the light of the merits and demerits of the matter, without yielding to any outside

24、 pressure. China does not form an alliance with any big power or group of big powers. Nor does China establish military groups with other countries, or engage in arms race and military expansion.2. China opposes hegemonism and preserves world peace. China believes that all countries, big or small, s

25、trong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. Countries should resolve their disputes and conflicts peacefully through consultations and not resort to the use or threat of force. Nor should they interfere in others internal affairs under any pretext. China never impo

26、ses its social system and ideology on others, nor allows other countries to impose theirs on it.3. China actively facilitates the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fair and rational. China holds that the new order should give expression to the demands of the d

27、evelopment of history and progress of the times and reflect the universal aspirations and common interests of the peoples of all the countries in the world. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the universally recognized norms governing international relations should serve as the basis fo

28、r setting up the new international political and economic order.4. China is ready to establish and develop friendly relations of cooperation with all the countries on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each others

29、internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.It is an important component of Chinas foreign policy to actively develop good-neighborly relations of friendship with the surrounding countries. China has resolved problems left over by history with the overwhelming majority of

30、 neighboring countries. And Chinas mutually beneficial cooperation with its neighbors has witnessed a vigorous development.It is the fundamental standing point of Chinas foreign policy to strengthen its solidarity and cooperation with numerous developing countries. China and these countries share co

31、mmon historic experiences and are faced with the common tasks of preserving national independence and achieving economic development. Therefore, their cooperation has a solid foundation and a broad prospect.China sets store by improving and developing its relations with developed countries. It advoc

32、ates that countries should surmount their differences in social system and ideology, respect one another, seek common ground and shelve differences and enhance their mutually beneficial cooperation. Their disputes should be appropriately solved through dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect.5. China pursues a policy of all-dimensional opening up to the outside. It is ready to develop, on the basis of equality and mut

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