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Task 6.docx

1、Task 6Task 6 social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞speci

2、al dance,如字舞和字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance)。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee。 In this lecture, the professor mainly talk about social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group. There are two way to b

3、enefits themself, first of all, the professor mentioned when a deer is eating grass, it must alert the wolf and beer to avoid to be eaten, the deer cannot focus on eating so that cannot eat more grasses. But if a group of deer take turn to eat in the grassland, some are defending the predator, the o

4、ther could eat safely. Secondly, honey bee would like to share the food source through a special dance like zero or eight, so that the whole bees will benefit from that dancing one. Task 1 描述Mistery, science fiction,biography三类书中你最不喜欢哪类?why? Gorky has said that book is the ladder of human advance, f

5、or me, the mistery book is my dislike book among those books. I dislike mistery book mainly because i cannot gain knowledge and benefits through mistery book. For example, hally poorter, my mom buy me those book when i was a kid. But i dont like those book because it contains noting helps for my stu

6、dy and view, a lots of unreal things, such as magic and monster, make me bored,i do not mean that is a bad book, but just no help for children. So i dislike the mistery book most.Task 2 你喜欢一个人旅行还是和家人一起 Travel and reading book are both the meaningful things for young man. For me, i like to travel wit

7、h contrary to travel alone,travel with family can create the best memory. For example, my family and i have been to Miami in two thousand years. We have eating american food together, feeling different culture, and taking photos, certainly we have been to beach in Miami. My parents have to

8、ok a picture when i was swimming in the blue sea, that picture has locked all my best memory there, i can recall the happy trip with my family in Miami.Task 3 Task 3 文章内容: 学校出公告要建一个housing office for off-campus.对话: 女生同意觉得很好.原因:1)是on-campus的dorm已经overcrowded了.2)是新生不熟悉本地环境.这个office正好帮助他们.问总结女生观点。 In t

9、he reading passage, the school propose to create a housing office for off-campus,because the school believe that The girl in the listening passage thinks that was a good idea for two reasons, first of all, she mentioned that the on-campus dorm is overcrowded for students, , that plan could solve thi

10、s problem. Secondly, she said the freshman are not familiar with the campus, they will take a lots of time to find them. This office could help freshman to adapt the campus life quickly.Task 4Task 4 business class讲lateral view(侧面观点).就是从一个新的观点来看问题. 对话里的教授举了一个例子:一个经营宾馆的人老遭到顾客抱怨说等电梯时间太长.然后经理先去找了电梯生产商,发

11、现解决问题成本太高.然后他的员工给他提意见说可以在电梯前装个电视,顾客就不觉得无聊了.问题让你用这个例子来说明lateral view.In the reading passage, the professor introduce term called lateral view, it means we might be consider something through a new view.The professor take a real example for that term, a manager of a hotel always receive some complains

12、 from the guest who think it takes too long time to wait the elevator,and to solver that problem will take too much money, one of the stuff said suggest him to install a TV in front of the elevator in order to let guests expend the waiting time. The plans is good ,and because of the lateral view, th

13、e manager both solve the problem and save the money. Task 5 一个女生的笔记本电脑坏了,修不好.里面有期末考试的复习文件.两个建议:一个选择是rent电脑.但是她觉得太贵了不值.另一个选择是和roommate共用,就是需要arrange the schedule.问你推荐哪个建议? The girl faced a problem in the conversation that there are some breakdown with her laptop, her laptop is very important because

14、she must review the final exam through that laptop. The man offered two solutions for her, one is rent another laptop, the other one is to share the computer with her roommate. personally , i think the first one is better because i could schedule my time for final test freely, and also i could prepa

15、re the exam carefully, in contrary to solution B, i think we all will be affect by each other, and that is bad for exam, because we all dont want to see a bad outcome.Task 6 讲irrigation 伊尔给神(灌溉系统)的缺点:一是水量不好控制经常多,这样就促进了disease的生长.所以要小心设计.二是有些水盐分多,灌溉了之后土就不方便长农作物了.问题总结缺点。 The professor introduced two d

16、isadvantages of irrigation system, and he took two example to further explain his points. First of all, it always make a lots of water which cannot control by people, so that the water facilitate the disease in the farmland. Secondly , there are a lots of salinity in the water, it is bad for plants

17、to grow, Task 4 Diffusion effects- when information is shared between the 2 groups involved in the research, this will make the research outcome become ineffective/useless or this will defeat the original purpose/objective of the research. The professor provides example of Group A and B in an office

18、 environment; Group A is told to perform stretching exercise to improve their health condition. Group B is told to continue on their existing work/ behavior. When one member is Group A leaked/told a member in Group B that he actually feels good about stretching exercise at workplace. Group B member

19、will follow. The results of the research is not reliable since Group B follows the same advise as Group A. Task 2你是否同意,现在的学生要比以前更加work harder in study? Personally, i think current students are difentitly work harder than them in the past, the most reason i feel that way is that it is more harder to

20、find a job after you have graduated from a university. I will tell you my real example, my parents were graduated from a locial university in our hometown, and they have find a good job after graduation, but for me, i must to attend a top university in china if i want to find the same job as my pare

21、nts. I must to study harder than my parents and to attend a top university.Task 4The professor in the reading passage talks about egocentric thinking among children, which means children think other people will see or understand the world in the same way like them The professor takes an example to f

22、urther demonstrate that, A child was lead in a room with a small house in itThe child was standing in front of the house, which has a red doorThe researcher went to the other side of the houseWhen he asked the child : what am I watching?, the child answered: A red door which was exactly the thing th

23、at child was watching egocentric thinking could be observed here. Task 2 Some students prefer studying with other students to prepare for an exam. Others prefer studying alone to prepare for an exam. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response. To study and to prepa

24、re exam is an own thing for a student, i prefer to prepare an exam alone. The main reason i feel that way is study together is not an efficient way for exam, that will disturb each other and west the time. For example, i attended a physics study group last semester, there is one guy named kevin, he

25、has prepare nothing for this group, he ask me every question, even some questions are very simple, that i wested so much time and gained nothing through that group. Thats why i prefer to study alone.Task 3 【学生倡议】:一个女生Jessica 在校报上写倡议信,建议学校的radio station应该多放音乐,少播announcements,以吸引更多学生听。 【学生态度】:男生反对此倡议。

26、理由1、很多commercial radio stations播music,有的电台甚至whole day都play music。想听音乐的学生可以去听那些电台的节目。学生都有自己喜欢的音乐台。学生不会因为学校的多放音乐,就不去听他们爱听的音乐台的节目了。理由2、通过收听学校的announcements,学生们可随时了解学校的最新信息。 A girl in the reading passage wright a letter to suggest the school radio station to play more music, not to play a lots of announ

27、cements, she believes that could attract more student get interests in radio station. The man in the lessoning material disagree with this suggestion for 2 reasons. First of all, there are so many commercial radio stations play music, some of them almost play music whole day. The students who want t

28、o lesson music could find those radio stations. Plus, students all have there own favorite music stations, they wont change there favorite even the school radio station play music. Secondly, the students could obtain many useful information if the school radio stations play announcements, thats real

29、ly helpful.Task 4 【名词解释】:人在面对一个problem的时候,有两种选择:一是去do nothing,二是去采取行动take action。人们一般会do nothing,因为taking action很可能带来negative effects。 【教授举例】:教授举了自己的例子。自己几周前开车去赶飞机,一路都挺顺的smoothly,但后来遇见了traffic jam,堵了半个小时,基本一动不动。这时,他想到了an alternative road,只不过那条路有点绕远。最终,教授还是决定在现在这条路行继续等待,因为他都已经等了很久了。如果去另一条路,万一那条路也堵车呢?

30、最后教授missed他的flight。 The professor in the reading passage introduce a term called , it means people usually have two options when facing problem. Either to take action or do nothing. People always choose to do nothing because taking action might bring some negative effects. For example, the professor

31、 mentioned, few week ago, he drave to airport smoothly, but he met a traffic jam and wait for 30 minutes, he thought an alternative road which could also arrive the airport but a little bit far. Finally , he choose to do nothing because he thought he had waited for a long time and he might meet the

32、traffic jam if he choose the second way. At last, he missed his flight. Could be observed easily here. Task 6 【讲课要点】:Different types of birds fly in groups because they have different needs: Need 1、birds fly together to avoid predators。举例:chichi鸟和wood鸟fly together。In a multispecies flock,a chichi鸟wi

33、ll not be attacked easily。chichi鸟负责放哨。当它发现危险,it will make a loud noise to alarm others。Need 2、Increased numbers offer better chances of finding food。Wood鸟只负责寻找食物。 The professor in the lecture introduce two ways of different types of birds fly in groups, the reason why the birds doing that is because

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