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1、人教版英语中考题型突破三阅读填空题型三阅读填空话题1咨询建议Passage 1(2020青岛改编)Youve been learning words since you were a tiny baby. What should you do when you come to a word and you think you dont know what it means? 1. _First, sound it out. Then say it to yourself. 2. _ Sometimes you know a word in your head but you dont know

2、 what it looks like in print. So if you match up what you know and what you readyou have the word!Use context(语境). If this doesnt work, take the next step: look at the contextthe other words and sentences around it. Read this sentence: When it rained, the dog looked for shelter in the doorway. 3. _

3、Rain and in the doorway might give you helpful information.4. _ If the context doesnt help, look at the parts of the word. Does it have any parts you know? These can help you understand what it means. If you dont know the meaning of miner, try looking at parts of the word.Look it up. If the three st

4、eps above dont work, you can look it upeither in a book or online. Nobody knows the meaning of every word. 5. _A. Use word parts.B. Look at the words.C. It might sound like a word you know.D. Following some easy steps can help you.E. If the word shelter is new, look at the words around it.F. However

5、, good readers know how to understand words they dont know. Passage 2(2020哈尔滨改编)Teens are not as healthy as they used to be. They are putting on weight. A recent research shows 97% of the teens need more exercise. 1. _ First, exercise can help your mind. People who get plenty of physical activity mi

6、ght worry less and sleep better at night. You may even learn better in school. 2. _ Physical activity can make your body strong. It can also keep you at a healthy weight. But how can teens be encouraged to do more exercise? Here are some good suggestions. 3. _ Doctors call watching TV or playing vid

7、eo games screen time. You should have no more than two hours of screen time a day. Then you will enjoy your life more.4. _ Interest is the best teacher. You can choose the traditional sports, such as basketball, soccer, or baseball. Those are all great sports and if you like them, play them.Exercise

8、 with others together. Find a friend or a family member to exercise with you. 5. _All in all, its necessary for teens to do more exercise.A. Second, exercise helps your body.B. Step away from the screen.C. You will have more fun and its not easy for you to give up.D. Exercise helps in two ways.E. Fi

9、nd a sport you are interested in.F. Running is a good way to keep your body healthy.Passage 3(2020烟台改编)In summer, the high heat always makes you feel uncomfortable. 1. _ Actually, to stay cool and comfortable, you can try lots of natural ways, including water, fans, cool drinks, and more. Here lets

10、see how to use water to cool down.2. _ Your body will feel cooler if you do that. Try drinking at least eight bottles of water every day, adding orange, lemon, or tomato pieces to your water makes it more refreshing.Freeze a handkerchief(手帕) and put it on your neck, forehead, arms or legs. 3. _ When

11、 the handkerchief heats up, simply wet it and put it back in the fridge. You can also put an icepack behind your head.Run cold water over your wrists(手腕). Wet your wrists and other parts with cool water for 10 seconds each. This will lower your temperature for a little bit. 4. _ This can be especial

12、ly helpful for cooling down right before you go to bed.Fill your bathtub(浴缸) with cool water and get in. Once you are used to the temperature, let some water out and refill it with cold water. Keep doing this until you feel cool enough. 5. _With the right ways, you can avoid the heat while saving mo

13、ney by turning off the air conditioning.A. Drink water more often.B. Take a cool shower, if you prefer.C. Placing it on your body can help you beat the heat.D. It may be easier to drink more if your water has a taste.E. Your body will stay cool for a long time after you get out.F. Have you imagined

14、spending summer without air conditioning? Passage 4Talent usually refers to inborn(天生的) skills that everyone is born with. 1. _ Its good to try, identify(识别) and practice that skill.Revisit your childhood. A good way to understand where your talents lie is to go back to your childhood. 2. _ This is

15、often the time when you had plans that werent limited by what people tend to think of as “reality”Consider what you do when you forget time. One of the main things you can do is to focus on what you love to do so much that you have a tendency(趋势) to forget everything else for a while. 3. _ You might

16、 have to research a bit deeper into the things you enjoy to discover what makes you feel satisfied.4. _ Sometimes, when youre having difficulty seeing clearly, its good to get an outside opinion. Your friends and family members will offer you some opinions into the areas they think youre talented in

17、.Try new things. Especially if youre not sure what your talents might be, you should get out and try new things. Besides, notice and enjoy the talents of other people. 5. _A. Ask others for better advice. B. Consider what you loved to do as a child. C. Its true that having a talent can help you in l

18、ife. D. You should notice your talents as soon as possible.E. Not all talents are going to be very easy to understand. F. You should look into others talents when searching for yours. Passage 5Changing your study habits and your methods to your classes can make a big difference. 1. _ The following t

19、ips are important to you.Use notebooks properly.2. _ Take your time with these notes: mark key points your teachers pointed out and record questions for the next class. This method will help you keep information you might forget within days.The importance of nutrition(营养), and especially sleep can b

20、e very important.3. _ Try to get enough sleep as many nights as possible, and try to keep the same sleeping time every night, even on weekends.Know when you work best.There is plenty of research showing advantages for both night studying and early morning studying. 4. _ If you work late at night, ma

21、ke sure to give yourself time to sleep in every morning. Not everyone is a morning person, and that is perfectly okay.Make good use of your learning style.Find out your learning style, then match your study skills with that style. 5. _ If none of the three primary learning styles feel like a great f

22、it, you might benefit(获益) from a study method that connects two different styles.A. Your time is up to you.B. Work as hard as you can.C. But how do you change your habits and methods?D. Try a few methods to find what works best for you.E. Bring one notebook to class and write down everything you can

23、.F. Your ability to remember drops a lot if you dont have enough sleep.Passage 6Do you want to go outside and ride a bike? 1. _ Many adults never got the chance to learn and many kids want to learn. It needs preparation, technique, and a little falling, but anyone can learn how to ride a bicycle.Fin

24、d a proper place. When youre learning, you want to find a place thats comfortable and far from traffic. A good place to start can be your big yard. 2. _Wear riding clothing. They can protect you from injury, so they are advised for all riders. Longsleeved(长袖的) shirts and long pants help protect agai

25、nst falls. Avoid wearing long skirts. 3. _ Avoid opentoed shoes. These leave your feet exposed(露出) to the bike and ground. Put on a helmet(头盔). A helmet is advised for beginners and experienced bike riders alike. You never know when an accident will happen. 4. _ A helmet is measured to fit the head.

26、 It will also have straps that keep your helmet tight while still letting you move your mouth.5. _ Riding is possible at night but we dont suggest beginners to do that. Youll be spending a lot of time learning to balance. This means that youll have a hard time seeing other dangers. At night, drivers

27、 also have a more difficult time seeing you. If you have to go out at night, wear lightcolored clothing and be careful.A. Go out during the day.B. It protects you from serious injury.C. These may result in your falling down.D. Are you trying to teach someone else?E. Choosing a good bike is important

28、 to you.F. Those who dont have space at home can practice in a park.话题2事物介绍Passage 7素材选自ACTIVE SKILLS FOR READING Book 2音乐的留存方式Much of the music we listen to today is a mixture(混合物) of styles from different countries and ages. 1. _ The young learn these traditional songs from their elders through pr

29、acticing and repeating.Researchers and music fans see music as an important part of history. They fear that traditional and older types of music are slowly disappearing. 2. _Another reason is that the young may not find such music very attractive, so once the older pass away, the music may die out w

30、ith them. There is a growing effort to preserve(保留) music in its many forms. Some researchers create “field recordings” to catch live performances. 3. _ Researchers also write the old music down by listening to old recordings. 4. _ Some collectors extremely love their music, and will spend a lot of

31、time and money looking for things that have not been produced or sold for many years. Their efforts help to record music.Now, modern technology makes it much easier to preserve music. 5. _ Also the Internet lets us share these recordings and find people with similar interests.Soon, losing a piece of music may be a thing of the past.A. Smart phones can be used to record music.B. Music and art are important to make life colorful.C. Traditional, or folk music is collected over decades. D. Collecting music is anothe

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