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外研版九年级英语上册Module 3Heroes知识点归纳及练习.docx

1、外研版九年级英语上册Module 3 Heroes知识点归纳及练习外研版九年级英语上册Module 3 Heroes知识点归纳及练习【重点详解】1. including prep. 包含;包括【考点分析-易错点】辨析:including和includedincluding 意为“包括”,必须放在它说明的名词或代词前。included 意为“包括”,但必须放在它说明的名词或代词之后。Everybody laughed, including me.Everybody laughed, me included. 每个人都笑了,包括我。【例题】Many cities in China, _ Beiji

2、ng, have been deeply affected by dirty air. 【A】A. including B. behind C. without D. beyond2. whatever pron. 无论什么eg:Dont trust him, whatever he says.无论他说什么,都别信。【考点】whatever 可作连接代词,意为“无论什么”,引导宾语从句、主语从句。例:They eat whatever they can find. 他们能找到什么就吃什么。【重点】whatever 也可作关系形容词,意为“无论什么样的”。此时whatever必须同被修饰的词一起

3、放在从句前引导从句。eg:I can do whatever work I can find. 我可以做我能找到的任何工作。【难点】引导状语从句时whateverno matter what【例题】These flowers are so special that I would do _ I can do to save them. 【A】A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever3. give up 基本用法:give up意为“放弃(努力)”,是动副短语,如果是代词作宾语,必须放在中间。E.g: He wanted them to give up

4、the plan. 他想让他们放弃这个计划。give up doing sth. 意为“放弃做某事”。【例题】You should _ smoking. Its really bad for your health. (江苏淮安) 【B】A. look upB. give up C. get up D. set up4. attend (1)attend 作动词,意为“出席;参加;上(学)”等。宾语通常是meeting, party等具有“活动”意义的名词attend a meeting 参加会议 attend school 上学 attend university 上大学(2)attend

5、还可以表示“(医生、护士等)照顾;护理”。attend to sth. 意为“致力于某事;专心于某事”E.g: The nurse attends the patient. 护士照顾病人。 If you dont attend to your work, you wont succeed. 如果你不专心工作,就不会成功。【知识拓展】辨析:attend/join/join in/take part in这些动词或词组均含“参加,加入”之意。(1)attend: 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。E.g: During summer vacations some teachers attend se

6、minars at college.暑假里,一些教师在学院里参加研究班。(2)join: 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。E.g: His brother joined the army two years ago. 两年前他哥哥参军。(3)join in:参加(某些活动)E.g: May I join in your discussion? 我可以参加你们的讨论吗? Many people join in the game every year. 每年许多人参加这个游戏活动。(4)take part in: 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用

7、。E.g: A lot of college students took part in the movement last year. 去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。5. amazing /mez/ adj. 惊人的amazing 形容词,意为“令人惊奇的”。是由amaze变化而来的形容词,用于说明事物或人。Eg: She had an amazing talent for dancing. 她在跳舞方面有惊人的天赋。【拓展】amazed 形容词,意为“(感到)惊讶的”,也是由amaze 变化而来的形容词,主语通常是人。eg:I was amazed at the news. 我对这个消息感

8、到很惊讶。【例题】Its _ (amaze) that she is able to solve the problem so quickly. 【amazing】6. as well as 【考点分析】as well as 如果放在句首,意思是“除了之外,还”,相当于besides, 其后习惯上要接动名词。E.g: As well as walking, he likes fishing and shooting. 除散步之外,他还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。as well as“既又;除之外(也)”,常用于肯定句中,连接前后两个成分,强调前者。E.g: He can speak French as w

9、ell as English. 他既会讲英语,又会讲法语。as well as和not only .but also.的区别词组用法as well as连接名词或代词作主语时,强调前面的部分,谓语动词要根据前面的部分而定not only.but also.连接名词或代词作主语时,强调后面的部分,谓语动词要根据后面的部分而定,即“就近一致”原则【例题】Your brother as well as you (be) very kind to me. 你和你哥哥都对我很好。Not only your brother but also you (be) very kind to me.你哥哥和你都对

10、我很好。【is; are】7. realise v. 了解;意识到;实现;明白;变现。(过去式:realised; 过去分词:realised; 现在分词:realising; 第三人称单数:realises)E.g: He didnt realise how late it was. 他并没有意识到已经有多晚了。 You were acting like you didnt realise that. 看起来好象你没意识到那点。【知识拓展】realization n. 实现;领悟;实得。E.g: The idea of law is the realization of justice. 法

11、律理念乃是正义的实现。8. invention n. 发明;发明物【考点分析】魔法记忆一语辨异:Edison is a great inventor, and he invented many important inventions in his life. 爱迪生是个伟大的发明家,他一生中有许多重要的发明。辨析discover和invent一语辨异:Gilbert discovered electricity and Edison invented the electric light bulb.吉尔伯特发现了电,爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 【例题】Paper making is one of

12、the greatest _(invent) of ancient China. 【inventions】 9. At that time, there were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. 当时,医生很少,所以他不得不很辛苦地独自工作。(1) at that time意为“那时候”,at the time也可以表示相同的意思;at a time 意为“一次;每次;一度”。E.g: At the time, he had a hard life. 那时他过着艰苦的生活。 You can just buy one ti

13、cket at a time. 你一次仅能买一张票。(2) on ones own 意为“独立地;独自地”,相当于all by oneself.E.g: He started a company on his own. 他独自创办了一个公司。【考点】辨析of ones own与on ones ownof ones own意为“(某人)自己的”,一般用作定语。 on ones own意为“独自”,一般用作状语,相当于by oneself。 10. useful adj. 有用的,有益的【考点分析】useful 的第一个字母为元音字母u,但其发音为/ju/,即第一个音素为辅音音素,故其前的不定冠词

14、用a。 a useful book 一本有用的书拓展:useful是由use(用途,用法)加后缀ful派生而来的,意为“有用的”。类似的单词还有:care(n. 小心)careful(adj.小心的,仔细的) help(n. 帮助)helpful(adj. 有帮助的)pain(n. 痛)painful(adj.疼痛的)【例题】-What _ useful program it is! -Yeah. It tells us how to play _ violin. 【A】 A. a; the B. an; the C. the; a D. an; 不填 11. manage v. 做成;(尤指

15、)设法完成【考点分析】 manager n. 经理 management n. 管理辨析manage to do sth.与try to do sth.manage to do sth.表示“设法做成了某事”,强调结果,相当于succeed in doing sth.try to do sth.表示“试图做;设法做”,强调动作,不表示成功与否。E.g: How did you manage to get there? 你是怎么设法到达那里的? Well try to improve our teaching methods. 我们将设法改进我们的教学方法。12. operation 【考点分析

16、】(1)operation n. 手术,have an operation意为“做手术”。E.g: This operation is dangerous for the old man. 对这位老人来说这台手术很危险。(2)operation n. 操作E.g: The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。【知识拓展】 相关句型/结构(1)sb. have an operation on sbs+身体的某部位。E.g: She has an operation on her left eye. 她的左眼做了手术。(2)sb. hav

17、e an operation for +疾病名称,意为“某人为了某种病动手术”。相关单词operate v. 操作;运转;经营;动手术 E.g: Its too difficult for him to operate this new machine. 对他来说操作这台机器太难了。13. continue v. (使)继续(过去式:continued; 过去分词:continued; 现在分词:continuing; 第三人称单数:continues)continue sth. 继续某事continue to do sth. 继续做某事(做完一件事继续做另一件事)continue doing

18、 sth. 继续做某事(继续做刚刚做过的那件事)E.g: I hope they continue to fight for peace. 我希望他们继续为和平而战。 Continue reading until you remember it. 一直读直到你记住它。14. die for 为某种目的而牺牲或献出生命。【例题】Why do people die _ wealth? A. of B. from C. for D. in 【C】die from +外因die of +内因die from a traffic accident 死于车祸die of sadness 死于忧伤15. S

19、hes my hero because shes one of the best players in the world. 她是我心目中的英雄,因为她是世界上最好的运动员之一。 【考点分析】这是because引导的原因状语从句,表示直接的原因 但because不能与so连用。E.g: I was ill, so I had to stay at home. Because I was ill, I had to stay at home. 我生病了,所以我不得不待在家里。【知识拓展】辨析:as/because/for/since这四个词都可以用作连词,表“原因、理由”但有区别:(1)as:

20、因为;既然,表示的原因或理由是明显的。语意不如because强。当理由是明显的,或者被认为是已知的时,则以用as 为好。E.g: As he was not well, I decided to go without him. 因为他身体不好,我决定独自去了。 As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为已很晚了,我们很快就回来了。(2)because: 因为,表直接而明确的原因或理由,即必然的困果关系。在这几个词中,它的语意最强。回答以why 引导的特殊疑问句时,只能用because。注意:because 不可以与so 连用。E.g

21、: He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill. 昨天他只得呆在家里,因为他病了。(3)since:“既然”比as 较为正式,说明为人所知的原因。语气比because 稍弱。E.g: Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightening before we hear the thunder. 因为光比声音传播得快,所以我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声。(4)for: “因为”表原因或理由时,用以说明理由,只是解释性的。在这几个词中,它的语意最弱。它少用于口语中,也不用于句首。E.g

22、: I asked her to stay to tea, for I had something to tell her. 我请她留下来喝茶,因为我有事要告诉她。注:这几个词按语意的强弱来排,其顺序为:becausesinceasfor16. wounded adj. 受伤的【考点分析】wounded的名词为wound,意为“伤口”辨析wound, hurt 与injurywound用来指枪伤、刀伤或者武器及相关物品造成的伤害,尤其指战争后留下的伤痕。hurt常指感情上的伤害,有时也指小刀等造成的伤害。injury强调身体部位受的伤,尤其指在意外事故中受的伤。17. take care of

23、 照顾;爱护eg: Taking care of our environment is very important. 爱护我们的环境非常重要。【考点】take care of 的同义词组为look after,意为“照顾,照料”。照顾好某人为:take good care of或look after well.【拓展】take 的相关短语:take off _【脱下;(飞机)起飞】 take away_ 【拿走;减去;使停止】 take pride in._【对感到自豪/满意】 take after_【(行为、性格、外貌)长得像】take out of.从中取出 take exercise

24、锻炼 【例题】When you are swimming, _ your ears. You can use earplugs(耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears. (山东临沂) 【D】A. take after B. take part in C. take off D. take care of语法原因、目的和结果状语从句类型引导词用法及例句原因状语从句because表示原因,可放于主句前,也可放于主句后。E.g: He didnt come here because he was ill. 他没来这儿,因为他病了。目的状语从句so that表

25、示行为的目的。Eg: He went to school without breakfast so that he wouldnt be late. 为了不迟到,他没吃早饭就去上学了。结果状语从句so主句表示原因,从句表示由于该原因而导致的结果。Eg: He worked too hard so he fell ill again. 他工作太努力了,所以又病倒了。【易错点】1. 目的状语从句通常由so that 引导。从句中通常有can, could, may, might等情态动词。E.g: I hurried through my work so that I could be in ti

26、me for wonderful TV programmes. 我匆匆完成我的工作,以便能够及时收看到精彩的电视节目。 2. so that与so一词之差,前者引导目的状语从句,后者引导结果状语从句。从句动词也有区别:目的状语从句表示未来、可能性,而结果状语从句表示已经发生。E.g: We got up early so that we could catch the early bus. 我们早早地起床,以便我们能赶上早班公交车。He wanted to help patients, so he became a doctor. 他想帮助病人,所以他当了医生。【wondered】语法练习1.

27、 I was late for class yesterday _ there was something wrong with my bike. because2. He felt hot _ he took off his coat. so 3. He was sentenced to death _ what he had stolen from the bank. because of4. It is _ hot in the room _ we have to go out for a walk. so; that5. We should go by bus _ we can get

28、 there earlier. so that单元检测一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( )1. Little Albert is only three years old, but he can dress . 【D】A. he B. him C. his D. himself( )2. The man is great doctor and he always looks after sick well.【C】 A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the( )3. I have to study too much _ I dont get enough

29、 sleep.【B】A. but B. so C. or D. because( )4. The teacher advised me to _ for a week since I had a bad cold.【A】A. rest B. thank C. look D. search( )5. Look at the boy. Hes so weak. Im afraid he is _!【B】A. lovely B. dying C. perfect D. quiet( )6. My little brother is _ to go to school.【A】A. old enough

30、 B. young with C. young too D. agree with( )7. His best friend is _, and he comes from _.【C】A. Canada; Canadian B. Canada; CanadaC. Canadian; Canada D. Canadian; Canadian( )8. He couldnt run to catch up with the bus and was late for work.【B】 A. slowly enough B. quickly enough C. enough slowly D. enough quickl

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