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1、学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编1242019高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(124)阅读理解训练 (2019山东省威海市二模)British planning experts are heading to China to advise on building cities that do not damage the environment. They will address mayors on the need to avoid US. Model by building dense(稠密的) cities with lowcarbon buildings and good public tr

2、ansport. Their visit follows a report warning that the roadbased US. Model could make climate change impossible to control.Europes denselypopulated cities, with strong public transport links, are held up as an example for China to follow. By good planning and spending a little more, livable new citi

3、es could be built with lowcarbon infrastructure(基础设施). In China many institutions are taking the climate more seriously than before and the traveling group from Britains Town and Country Planning Association will meet officials from the Chinese governments economic research agency in a workshop on l

4、owcarbon buildings.They will also meet officers in fastgrowing Shenyang, which has more than six million inhabitants(居民). On another day they will present their ideas at the National Academy. Several of Chinas major cities suffer heavy traffic jams. Some of their leaders are now looking for new idea

5、s to make cities more denselypopulated, while the mayors of some fastgrowing cities are hoping to build in a less energyconsuming way.China also suffers a crisis of agricultural land, so highdensity planning has many benefits. Kate Henderson said “As more and more people across the world move from r

6、ural to urban areas we must guarantee our cities grow stably.” This means delivering schools, parks and public transport alongside employment areas and housing. “We look forward to sharing our thinking on how Garden City principles can be appliedboth to creating new cities and to renewing existing o

7、nes.”文章大意:英国设计专家将来中国为我们建设环保而密集型的城市提供建议。8Why does the writer mention US. Model in the passage?ATo show the advantages of Europes Model.BTo enrich our knowledge about City Model.CTo tell us its disadvantages and give us a warning.DTo convey American experts views on city planning.答案:C细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话“.

8、warning that the roadbased US. Model could make climate change impossible to control.”可知。9What is unique for Europes denselypopulated cities?AThe roadbased Model is good for the environment.BIt can speed up the growth of the newlybuilt cities.CIts inhabitants enjoy the convenience of the wide roads.

9、DIts designs focus on lowcarbon buildings and public transport.答案:D推理判断题。由第二段前两句话“Europes denselypopulated cities, with strong public transport links, are held up as an example for China to follow. By good planning and spending a little more, livable new cities could be built with lowcarbon infrastr

10、ucture(基础设施)”可知。10What does the underlined word “they” in Para 3 refer to?ABritish planning experts.BMayors from Chinas major cities.COfficers from Shenyang.DLeaders from Chinese institutions.答案:A猜测词义题。由所在句后动作“will present their ideas at the National Academy(将会在国家研究院展示他们的理念)可知,他们指的是英国设计专家。该题因为看不懂画线句

11、后的动作,所以易误选B、C项。11What is the best way to make Chinese cities grow stably?ABy saving more agricultural lands.BBy building apartments near working areas.CBy persuading people to move to rural parts.DBy building environmentfriendly dense cities.答案:D推理判断题。由文章大意可知。阅读理解训练 (2019江西省上饶市三模)Certainly, a wellro

12、unded education is the foundation from which all of us spring forth. I am grateful to the many incredible teachers who have inspired me to do greater things, and have fired my enthusiasm for everlasting learning!I have also been honored to have the most amazing teachers in all of my childrens lives.

13、 These are extraordinary people who not only teach our children, but love them, challenge them, and provide an environment where a child learns how to learn.But, sometimes I wonder if the outline of our educational plan is lacking something. I watched the movie Easy A with my older daughter. The mai

14、n characters parents were loving, supportive, and built great confidence in their daughter and developed her ability to handle her own problems. There was a scene where the mother was speaking to the younger child and he announced that he received an “ A” on his spelling test. She replied, “ Thats g

15、reat, honey, but everything has spell check these days. ”It was funnybut TRUE!I dont mean that we shouldnt teach our children how to spell, but maybe some of our time should be spent educating them about the dangers of posting things on Facebook. Maybe we might want to spend time showing them how re

16、al life worksthe credit card isnt free moneyyou will have to pay it back at sometime. Oh, and get thisthey charge you for borrowing that money. Perhaps, we should spend some time on interpersonal relationships. I worry that our kids do not know how to relate to one another.Choosing a career is a dau

17、nting task. My daughter is in her second year in college and has changed her major twice. Its not that she didnt know what she wanted to do. What she “wanted to do”and the degree she chose did not match.I have learned many college students do not know what they want to do because they havent seen wh

18、at it looks like in the real world. Being a journalist in the real world looks very different from writing stories. Maybe if we spent some time exposing them to real life experiencemaybe two or three courses in areas of interest in high school that give them a “ feel” for what that particular field

19、would look like, they might be better prepared. I do not know the solution, but it seems that it should at least be a topic of discussion.文章大意:本文是关于教育的文章。文章主要论述了现在的课程与现实生活脱节,作者呼吁应该为孩子们开设为真正的生活准备的课程。12Why does the author mention the movie Easy A? ATo prove the importance of book learning. BTo show th

20、e parents ignorance of spelling. CTo lead to the topic he is going to talk about. DTo share with the readers his feeling about the movie.答案:C细节理解题。根据题干关键词the movie Easy A找到文章对应段落是第三段,其中的第一句话But, sometimes I wonder if the outline of our educational plan is lacking something判断是为了引出话题。故选C。13The author

21、believes that_. Astudents need to focus on the skills in learning Bparents and school should be consistent in education Chis daughter is smart enough to make her own choice Dcourses in areas of interest in high schools will benefit students答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Maybe if we spent some time exposing them

22、to real life experiencemaybe two or three courses in areas of interest in high school that give them a “feel” for what that particular field would look like, they might be better prepared.可知在高中开设孩子感兴趣的课程将会让学生们受益。故选D。14The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 6 probably means _.Aspecific Bdiscoura

23、gingCrewarding Dregular答案:B词义猜测题。specific专门的;discouraging令人泄气的;rewarding奖赏的;regular有规则的。根据该段下文的My daughter is in her second year in college and has changed her major twice. Its not that she didnt know what she wanted to do. What she “wanted to do”and the degree she chose did not match可知该单词的意思是令人沮丧的、

24、泄气的。故选B。15What is mainly discussed in the passage?ASchools should prepare students for the real life.BWhat students learn in school should be practiced in life.CLife experience is of greater importance than school education.DStudents should spend more time discussing practical problems.答案:A主旨大意题。通读全

25、文,并根据文章最后一段可知作者主要讨论的是应让孩子学些自己感兴趣并为真正的生活做准备的课程。故选A。阅读理解训练 (2019北京)The Boy Made It!One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine.In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area.Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off

26、the path.Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didnt have food, water, a phone, or other supplies.He was getting colder by the minute.Nicholas had no idea where he was.He tried not to panic.He thought about all of the survival shows he had watched on TV.It was time to put the tips he h

27、ad learned to use.He decided to stop skiing.There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put.The first thing he did was to find shelter from the freezing wind and snow.If he didnt,his body temperature would get very low,which could quickly kill him.Using his skis,Nicholas built a sn

28、ow cave.He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle.Then he piled branches on top of himself,like a blanket,to stay as warm as he could.By that evening,Nicholas was really hungry.He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldnt lose too much water.Not kn

29、owing how much longer he could last,Nicholas did the only thing he couldhe huddled(蜷缩)in his cave and slept.The next day,Nicholas went out to look for help,but he couldnt find anyone.He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave,because without shelter,he could die that night.On Tuesday,Nicho

30、las went out again to find help.He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him.After two days stuck in the snow,Nicholas was saved.Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV.He had often watched Grylls survival show Man vs. Wild.Thats where he learned

31、the tips that saved his life.In each episode(一期节目)of Man vs. Wild,Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.When Grylls heard about Nicholas amazing deeds,he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay aliv

32、e.文章大意:本文讲的是一个小男孩在暴风雪中迷路,他不畏艰难,利用在电视中学到的野外生存知识逃脱困境的故事。1What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon?AHe got lost. BHe broke his skis.CHe hurt his eyes. DHe caught a cold.答案:A细节理解题。根据第一段第四句,“Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone!”可知答案。说明Nicholas迷路了。故选A。2How did Nicholas keep himself warm?AHe found a shelter. BHe lighted some branches.CHe kept on skiing. DHe built a snow cave.

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