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1、W 英语阅读可当作阅读题来看 部分内容自己打字+翻译如有错误请见谅1.Whydopeopletake“selfies” 人们为什么自拍?Researchers at Syracuse University in New York tried to answer that question. They came up with some surprising answers.纽约雪城大学的研究人员试图解答这一问题。他们得出了一些令人惊讶的答案。People who post selfies and use editing software to make themselves look bett

2、er show behavior connected to narcissism ,the Syracuse researchers said.雪城大学的研究人员表示,发自拍并使用美图软件修图的人表现出了与自恋相关的行为。Narcissists are people who think very highly of themselves ,especially how they look.自恋者是指对自己评价非常高的人,尤其是在外表方面。Ji Won Kim ,a doctoral student at the universitys S.I.New house School of Publi

3、c Communications ,worked on the study. JiWonKim是雪城大学萨缪尔纽豪斯公共传播学院的博士生,她从事了这项研究。She said because social media can be superficial ,it is a good place for people to work towards satisfying their own vanity.她说,因为社交媒体非常肤浅,它是人们“努力满足自己虚荣心”的好地方。By superficial , she means social media is mostly used by people

4、 to share unimportant information about their lives - not deeply personal issues.她说的肤浅是指社交媒体主要被人们用于分享生活中一些不重要的信息,而不是深刻的个人问题。There are other reasons , besides narcissism that people postselfies.除了自恋之外,人们发自拍还有其它原因。People who post group selfies show a need for popularity and a need to belong to a group

5、 ,the Syracuse University research found.雪城大学的这项研究发现,发集体自拍的人表现出了对人气的需求和对属于某个集体的需要。Other findings from the study include:这项研究获得的其它研究结果还包括:There are no major differences on how often men and women post selfies and how often they use editing software. 男性和女性发自拍的频率以及使用美图软件的频率并没有很大的区别。But men who post sel

6、fies showed more of a need to be seen as popular than women who posted selfies.但是发自拍的男性比女性更多地表现出希望被视为受欢迎的需求。The Newhouse Schools Associate Professor Makana Chock worked on the study . She said selfies should not be seen as completely negative.纽豪斯公共传播学院的副教授MakanaChock从事了这项研究。她说,自拍不应该完全被视为消极的。She said

7、 some people feel peerpressure to post selfies. And some follow the popular belief that if there is no picture of an event or experience , it did not really happen.她说,有些人受到“同侪压力”才发自拍。还有一些人效仿了普遍观点,认为无图无真相。Chock said posting selfies on social media is not all that different from what people have done

8、for many years.Chock表示,在社交媒体上发自拍跟人们多年来的所作所为并无区别。On trips and special events , our parents and grandparents used cameras instead of phones to take photos . Before social media , people would bring back photos to show friends and family. You had no choice but to look at them.在旅行和特别活动中,我们的父母和祖父母使用相机拍照而

9、不是手机。在社交媒体之前,人们会带回照片来展示亲朋好友。你别无选择,只能看照片。If you are a nice person , you commented about how nice everyone in the photos looked , especially children and the person showing the photos. That was the old way of clicking like.如果你是一个友好的人,你会说照片中每个人都很好看,尤其是儿童以及展示照片的人。这就是老版的点赞。On social media , it is a diffe

10、rent experience. People can decide not to look at photos of their friends and family - even if they click like or even love under the Facebook selfie.在社交媒体上就是另一种的体验。人们可以选择不看亲朋好友的照片,即使他们在Facebook网站的自拍下点了“喜欢”甚至“超爱。”Using social media to post photos is pretty new. Facebook did not start until 2004 .Ins

11、tagram started in 2010.使用社交媒体发布照片是非常新鲜的事物。直到2004年才有Facebook,直到2010年才有Instagram。It was not until 2013 that the Oxford English language dictionary added the term selfies. It defined selfie as a photograph that one has taken of oneself . 直到2013年,牛津英语词典才添加了自拍一词,并定义自拍为“给自己拍的照片。”Here is how the Syracuse r

12、esearchers did their study.以下是雪城大学研究人员的研究办法。They questioned 260 people , aged 18 to 65 ,and almost evenly divided between men and women.他们调查了260位年龄在18岁到65岁的人士,并且男女人数几乎相同。To determine narcissism ,people were asked if they agreed with personality traits connected to narcissism . 为了查明自恋,人们被问及是否认同一些跟自恋相

13、关的个性品质。For example , people were asked if they agreed with statements suc as, I like to be the center of attention and I like having authority over people.例如,人们被问及是否认同一些类似“我喜欢成为关注焦点”或“我喜欢对人有威信”这类表态。To determine if those in the study had a need to be seen as popular ,people were asked if they agreed

14、with these statements:Its important that people think Im popular and I often do things just to be popular with people at school.要查明研究中的这些调查对象是否存在被视为受欢迎的需求,研究人员会问他们是否认同这类表态:“人们认为我受欢迎是很重要的”以及“我做事只是为了取悦学校里的人。”ImBruceAlpert.布鲁斯阿尔伯特报道。2.越来越多人想要移民(2018年新闻)Arecentstudyfoundthatmorethan750millionpeople woul

15、d movepermanentlytoanothercountryiftheyhadthechance.最近一项调查发现,如果有机会,超过7.5亿人将会永久迁往另一个国家Inotherwords,15percentoftheworldspopulationwantstomigrate.换句话说,全球15%的人口都希望移民。TheGallupcompanycarriedoutthestudy.Researchersspoketocloseto500,000peoplein152countries.盖洛普公司进行了这项调查,研究人员同152个国家近50万人进行了交流。They found that

16、 the desire to migrate rose between 2015 and2017.他们发现,移民愿望在2015年到2017年之间有所上升。But the reasons people want to move from their home countries remain the same ,said Gallup official Jon Clifton .They want to flee a crisis , or they are seeking better economic opportunities.但是盖洛普公司官员琼恩克里夫顿(JonClifton)表示,人

17、们想要离开祖国的原因维持不变,他们想要逃离危机,或是在寻求更好的经济机会。Starvation and disaster also continue to drive people from their homes ,Gallup found.盖洛普公司发现,饥饿和灾难也继续迫使人们离开家园。Where do people want to leave? One of the top 10 countries people want to leave is Syria .人们想要逃离哪里? 人们最想离开的10个国家之一是叙利亚。Gallup researchersfound that at le

18、ast 50 percent of Syrians want to migrate permanently and leave the war therebehind.盖洛普公司的研究人员发现,至少50%的叙利亚人希望永久移民,并将战争抛在身后。PeopleinseveralplacesinLatinAmericaarealsoshowinggrowingdesirestomigrate,Gallupfound.盖洛普公司发现,拉丁美洲几个地区的人们也越来越渴望移民。Gallup official Jon Clifton gave Venezuela as an example. Even t

19、hough the country is rich in oil, it has fallen into a crisis ,Clifton said.盖洛普公司官员克里夫顿举出了委内瑞拉这个例子。克里夫顿表示,即使这个国家石油资源丰富,但是它也已经陷入了危机之中。TheUnitedNationsestimatesthataround2 million Venezuelans lefttheircountryin2018.据联合国估计,2018年约有200万委内瑞拉人离开了他们的祖国。The desire to leave for another country also increased

20、in a number of areas known for sending migrants. These include sub-Saharan Africa ,the Caribbean ,the Middle East and North Africa.在一些著名的移民地区,前往另一个国家的意愿也在上升,其中包括撒哈拉以南非洲、加勒比地区、中东和北非。One reason is that parts of Africa have had to deal with a spread of the deadly Ebolavirus.原因之一是这部分非洲地区不得不面对致命的埃博拉病毒的传播

21、。In Europe ,people in Albania had the highest rates of wanting to leave . Gallupreportsthat60percentofAlbanianswanttomigrate.在欧洲,阿尔巴尼亚人想要移民的比例最高。盖洛普公司报告称,60%的阿尔巴尼亚人想要移民。Clifton saidmanyAlbanianswereunhappyabouttheamount ofmoneytheycouldearn,andhowlittleitcouldbuy.克里夫顿表示,很多阿尔巴尼亚人对赚钱少、消费高不满。Other Balk

22、an countries also showed high rates of migration desires.其它巴尔干国家也表现出了很高的移民愿望。Clifton said the trend there was especially troubling ,because it affected the youngest and most educated part of thepopulation.克里夫顿表示,那里的趋势特别令人不安,因为它影响到了最年轻和教育程度最高的人口。Separately,Gallup noted that in all regions of Asia the

23、 percentage of adults who would like to move to another country permanently has remained flat.另外,盖洛普公司指出,亚洲所有地区“希望永久移民到另一个国家的成年人比例维持不变。”Wheredopeoplewanttogo?人们想移民到哪里?The Gallup survey found that people who want to migrate hope to go to wealthy countries that observe the rule of law.盖洛普调查发现,想要移民的人都希

24、望前往遵循法治的富裕国家。Gallup has been doing the survey for the last 13 years , Clifton said.克里夫顿表示,盖洛普公司过去13年一直在做这项调查During that time ,the United States has always been the first choice for people who want to migrate. 在此期间,美国一直是移民者的首选。This year is no different ,he said ,even though U.S. President Donald Trum

25、p hastakenmeasuresandspokenoutagainstmigrants.今年也不例外,即使美国总统川普已经采取措施并公开发言反对移民。Peoplestillseethatthisisoneofthebesteconomicopportunitiesforthemintheworld,CliftonsaidoftheUnitedStates.Manypeoplearoundtheworldalsohavefamilymembersinthecountryalready.克里夫顿谈到美国时表示:“人们仍然认为这是世界上最好的经济机会之一。”世界各地很多人也已经有家人在美国。Th

26、eGallupsurveyfoundthatoneinfivepossiblemigrantssaidtheUnitedStateswouldbetheirfirstchoiceforanewhome.盖洛普调查发现,20%的潜在移民表示,美国将成为他们新家的首选。ThesurveyalsofoundthatoneinsixAmericanswouldlike tomigratesomewhereelsethehighestnumbersofar.该调查还发现,六分之一的美国人希望移民到其它地区,这是迄今为止最高的数字。ImKellyJeanKelly. 凯莉吉恩凯莉报道。3.卡梅伦呼吁女性移





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