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1、BEC听力口语常用固定搭配总结1.Cash award 现金奖励A: How about cash award to push the sales?B: We can consider that. But how much should we offer?A:用现金奖励来推动销售怎么样?B:可以考虑,但给多少呢?2.Close the deal 完成交易A: We need to close the deal as soon as possible.B: I understand. We need cash.A:我们得尽快完成交易。B:我明白,我们需要现金。3.Cold calls 电话推销A

2、: Do we make cold calls?B: We dont. Its not very effective.A:我们做电话推销吗?B:不做,电话推销不是很有效。4.Collection of payment 回款A: What is the term of collection of payment?B: Thirty day net.A:回款的期限是多长时间?B:30天不加息。5.Customer visit 客户参观A: There will be a customer visit next Wednesday.B: We will get prepared.A:下周三有客户来参

3、观。B:我们会做好准备的。1.Discount 折扣A: The customer is asking for a discount. How much is the limit?B: Dont go over ten percent.A:客户在要求打折,多少是上限?B:不要超过10%。2.Good deal 划算、好交易A: I just bought a new Toyota Camry for $19,000.B: That is a good deal.A:我刚刚花一万九千美元买了辆丰田佳美车。B:(这个价钱)很划算。3.Mark up 毛利A: Did you do a nice m

4、ark up for the last quotation?B: I sure did, 25%.A:你上一个报价的毛利高吗?B:当然,25%。4.On sale 促销、打折、减价A: Is this car on sale?B: No. The Chrysler 300 is on sale this week.A:这款车是在促销吗?B:没有,这周促销的车型是克莱斯勒300。5.ROA (Return on asset) 资本利润A: Did you calculate the ROA?B: Yes. Its 18%.A:你算过资本利润了吗?B:是的,18%。1.ROS (Return on

5、 sales) 销售利润A: How about return on sales?B: 12%.A:销售利润是多少?B:12%。2.Sales agreement 销售协议A: We had the price agreement with the customer now. How about the sales agreement?B: That was signed as well.A:我们现在与客户有价格协议了,那么销售协议呢?B:也签了。 3.Sales show 销售展A: There is a sales show next Sunday. Would you like to t

6、ake a look?B: Why not? Im always interested in new cars.A:下周日有一次销售展,你能来看吗?B:为什么不呢?我对新车很感兴趣。4.Salesman 推销员A: What makes a good salesman?B: A good salesman wins the trust of the customer.A:怎样做一个好销售员?B:好的销售员要能赢得顾客的信任。5.Seal the deal 成交A: Its been three months. We are still not able to seal the deal.B:

7、The customer is backing off. We need to find out why.A:已经三个月了,我们还不能成交。B:客户在退缩,我们得找找原因1.Assembly line 装配线A: How many workers are on assembly line?B: Thirty nine total.A:装配线上有多少工人?B:一共39名。2.Bar code 条形码A: Bar code is so popular these days.B: I know. Walt-Mart wont be able to do business without bar co

8、de.A:现在条形码很流行。B:我知道,如果没有条形码,沃尔玛现在就做不成生意了。3.Capital asset 资本性资产A: What is capital asset?B: Any item which depreciates over time.A:什么是资本性资产?B:指那些随着时间的推移会贬值的资产。 4.Cost reduction 降成本A: We made a lot of efforts on the cost reduction.B: Any realized savings?A:我们做了许多降成本的努力。B:有哪些实现的节约吗?5.Innovations 改革创新A:

9、Is there any way to encourage innovations on the shop floor?B: Yes. We have incentive plans for innovations.A:在工厂里有什么方法可以鼓励创新吗?B:有,我们有创新的鼓励政策。1.Labor head count 人工数A: What is the labor head count in this plant?B: Two hundred and fifty seven.A:这个工厂的人工数是多少?B:257人。2.Plant layout 工厂布置A: Have we finished

10、 the plant layout for this program?B: The manufacturing did the layout.A:我们完成了这个项目的工厂布置吗?B:制造工程部做了工厂布置。3.Shipping 运送,发送A: Do we charge for shipping and handling?B: We do. $3 per work order.A:我们要收取运费和处理费吗?B:收,每个单子收3美元。4.Vendor reduction 减少供应商A: We are managing too many vendors.B: Vendor reduction is

11、one of the major initiatives this year.A:我们的供应商太多了。B:减少供应商是我们今年的主要措施之一。 5.Work cell 工作单元A: Are we still using work cells?B: This is a low volume production industry. We still use work cells.A:我们还在使用工作单元吗?B:这是一种低产量产品,我们还使用工作单元的形式。1.Bending 弯曲A: What kind of parts do you usually need to bend?B: Tubula

12、r parts or stampings.A:什么样的零件一般需要进行弯曲加工?B:管状零件或冲压件。2.Cycle time 工作周期A: What is the cycle time of the injection molding machine?B: Three minutes.A:这台注塑机的工作周期是多少?B:三分钟。3.Sampling 抽样A: There are certain rules for sampling, right?B: Right. Youll get scrap without following the rules.A:抽样有一定的规则,是吗?B:是的,不

13、遵循这些规则就会出废品。4.Broaching 拉削A: Can you use broaching to make a gear?B: Why not?A:你能用拉削技术制作齿轮吗?B:为什么不能。5.Casting 铸造A: What is the best process to make complex metal parts?B: Casting. No matter if the part is large or small.A:制造复杂金属件的最好工艺是什么?B:铸造,零件大小都没有关系。 1.Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM) 计算机辅助制造A:

14、Is CAM used in China?B: Yes,it has been uesd in China for almost twenty years.A:在中国有使用CAM的吗?B:有啊,在中国使用已经将近20年了。2.Hot working 热加工A: What are the hot working processes?B: Hot forging, rolling, extrusion, etc.A:热加工工艺有哪些?B:热锻、滚轧、热压等等。3.Spot weld 点焊A: Can you spot weld a tube to a sheet metal?B: Yes, you

15、 can, with a special shaped electrode.A:你能把一个钢管点焊到钢板上吗?B:可以,用一种特殊形状的电极。4.Turning 车削A: Do we do any turning in our plant?B: No. We are a chipless machining.A:我们工厂有车削加工吗?B:没有,我们是无屑加工。5.Compression molding 压塑成型A: What is compression molding?B: You take a plastic or composite sheet, heat it up, and pres

16、s it into a mold to make a part.A:压塑成型是什么?B:把一块塑料或复合材料板材加热,压进模具来制作零件的方法。1.Advertised index 广告目录A: In the magazine, how do you find an advertisement for a company?B: There is an advertised index on the back of the magazine.A:在杂志上怎样能找到一个公司的广告呢?B:杂志后面有广告索引。2.Agent fee 佣金A: But we need to pay them for a

17、n agent fee.B: Thats what they do for living.A:但是,我们还得付他们佣金。B:他们也得赚钱生活啊。3.Bidder 投标人A: Who is the highest bidder?B: XYZ Company.A:谁是最高投标人?B:XYZ公司。4.Breach of contract 违约A: What do you mean by breach of contract?B: Anything against the contract.A:你说违约是什么意思?B:指任何违反合同的行为。5.Business tax 营业税A: How much d

18、o we pay for Buiness Tax?B: Ten percent.A:我们要付多少营业税?B:10%。1.Change of order 改订单A: How do you process a change of order?B: Youd better look at the contract and make sure the order is changeable.A:更改订单的程序是怎样的?B:你最好看看合同,确认订单是可以更改的。2.Cost and benefit analysis 成本和收益分析A: Do you know how to do a cost and b

19、enefit analysis?B: A little. Colin is an expert. Ask him.A:你知道怎么做成本和收益分析吗?B:知道一点,柯林是这方面的专家,去问他。3.Destination charge 发运费A: How much do we pay for destination charge?B: $300 per car.A:我们付多少发运费?B:每辆车300美元。4.Operation tax 营业税A: Do we have to pay operation tax?B: Yes, we do. It is ten percent.A:我们要付营业税吗?

20、B:是的,10%。5.Estimated costs 预估成本A: What are the estimated costs for this program?B: About forty million dollars.A:这个项目的预估成本是多少?B:大约是四千万美元。1.Proposal 企划书A: When is the proposal due?B: Its due Thursday next week.A:企划书什么时候必须出?B:定的是下周四。2.Quotation 报价A: Have we got the quotation ready?B: It is ready. We j

21、ust need the management to review.A:我们的报价准备好了吗?B:准备好了,就等管理层审核了。3.RFQ (Request for quote)询价A: Did you receive the RFQ for the new program?B: Yes. We did. The deadline for quotation is only two weeks from now.A:你收到新项目的询价单了吗?B:是的,还有两周就到了报价期限了。4.Supplier base 供应商体系A: I feel that we do not have a mature

22、supplier base.B: That is true. We need to help our suppliers grow.A:我觉得我们的供应商体系不是很成熟。B:是的,我们得帮助我们的供应商发展。5.Win the bid 中标A: Mark, we won the bid!B: Really? We need to celebrate.A:马克,我们中标了!B:真的吗?那得庆祝一下了。1.Facelift 翻版A: What is the KT program?B: Its just a facelift of the KS car.A:KT项目是什么?B:只是KS车的翻版。2.

23、Immerging market 潜在市场A: Where do you see the immerging market in the world?B: Id say China and East Europe.A:你认为世界上哪里是潜在的市场?B:我认为是中国和东欧。3.Marketing research 市场调查A: Do we do marketing research before planning for a new car?B: We do. It is necessary to make the right decision.A:计划新车型之前我们做不做市场调查啊?B:做,这

24、对做出正确的决定是很必要的。4.Potential market growth 潜在市场增长A: Which segment has the potential market growth?B: Small cars.A:哪种车型会有潜在的市场增长?B:小型车。5.Volume increase 增产A: When can we expect volume increase?B: This year, we should have 10% increase.A:什么时候会增产?B:今年,我们应该会有10%的增长。1.Asset 财富,资产,重要资源,重要人才A: Mike is really

25、an asset of our company.B: I agree. We need to have an retain plan for him.A:迈克真是我们公司的重要人才。B:我同意,我们要有个留住他的计划。2.Business card 名片A: May I have your business card?B: Sure, my pleasure.A:可以给我一张你的名片吗?B:当然,我很荣幸。3.Company culture 企业文化A: What forms company culture?B: Values, beliefs and behaviors inherent i

26、n a company.A:企业文化由什么因素构成?B:企业文化就是一个公司的价值观、信仰和固有的行为方式。4.Job offer 工作聘任,聘任书A: How many job offers have you got?B: I got only two offers. Not like you, offers are lining up.A:你拿到多少工作聘任书了?B:只有两个,不像你,聘任书排长队了。5.Job fair 招聘会A: How did you find our company?B: I met your HR representative at a job fair.A:你是

27、怎么发现我们公司的?B:我在一次招聘会上见到了你们的人事代表。1.Notice 通知A: If you want to resign, how long of a notice you need to give the company?B: Four weeks of notice.A:要是想辞职,要提前多少时间告诉公司?B:提前四周。2.Pay raise 涨工资,工资增长比例A: How much was your pay raise last year?B: Im sorry. I cant tell you.A:去年你工资涨了多少?B:对不起,我不能告诉你。3.Resume/CV(Cu

28、rriculum Vita) 简历/履历书A: Do you have a resume?B: Yes, Ill send you an electronic copy right away.A:你有简历吗?B:有的,我立刻给你发一封电子版的。4.Promotion 提升A: Did you get a promotion, Amy?B: Yes.A: Congratulation!B: Thank you!A:艾米,你升职了吗?B:是的。A:祝贺你了!B:谢谢! 5.Resign,resignation 辞职A: I heard that Lily resigned.B: Relly? Its a big loss of our company.A:我听说莉莉辞职了。B:真的吗?那真是我们公司的一大损失。1.Assembly 总成A: What is an assembly exactly?B: Assembly is a component made of more than one part.A:总成到底是什么?B:总成是由一个以上零件组成的部件。2.A-Surface A级表面A: What about A-Surface?B: A-Surface is the surface of a product that a custome

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