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牛津小学英语2A 全册教案可直接打印 非表格式.docx

1、牛津小学英语2A 全册教案可直接打印 非表格式Unit1Myfamily教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mother、brother、sister、me2、能用This is my 来介绍自己的家庭成员。3、会唱歌曲 My family教学重点目标1、2教学准备:手指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带、录音机教学过程:Period 1Step1 Free talk:T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats your name? (My name is )请学生打开书本至List of characters,用Whos NO.1?等句子和学生复习本册书中

2、的人物,同时引导学生正确运用she和he。Step2 look and Learn 1、准备B部分四个人物的形象指套。T:(手戴Mike的指套)Hello,Im Mike. Welcome to my famiy. Look, this is my father.Hello,Im Mr Brown, Mikes father.2、出示单词father,教学单词读音,先带领学生模仿录音朗读,再开“小火车”操练,以加深学生对单词的印象。3、以相同方法教学mother,brother和sister4、让学生戴上人物手套,分角色进行操练:Hello,Im . Look, this is my fath

3、er/mother/brother/sister.5、先让学生在每幅图下方画一个小方框,然后说单词,如NO.1 mother,每个单词两边,让学生根据听到的单词顺序在方框内标上正确的序号。Step3 Sing a song播放My family,让学生听几遍,初步熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。Step4 Practise 活动手册P3:结合图片带领学生朗读单词,尝试用拼读法,如f-a-t-h-e-r father,以加强学生对单词的认知,再让学生做练习。Step5 Assign homework(1)听录音,读熟B部分单词。(2)运用This is my father,用家里的相片依次练习。(3)鼓励学

4、生平时用所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。板书设计Unit 1 My familyfathermotherbrothersister反思_Period 2Step1 warm up1、greetingT: Good morning.How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentationT show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look,what is this? This is my family photo. Look, my

5、 father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手圈一下。教my family.Ss read one by oneSs say : my family, your family.(出示他们的照片)Step 2 teach: father, mother, me(1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he?S: Father. (给予学生适当的奖励)T: Yes. This is my father。T show the card :father 贴于Bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。Ss read : fath

6、er, father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,)T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片This is my 学生跟读遍。T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father学生手指着照片练说。(2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father?S: No.(若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励)T: This is my mother. 出示卡片mother 贴于Bb上,领读。Ss read : mother, mother, my moth

7、er.T: now, please introduce your mother 教师手指黑板上的句型This is my 让学生明白用此句型说。再让学生手指照片练说: This is my mother, thats your mother.三、consolidationWork in groupsSs introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。板书设计Unit1 My familyHe is my father. She is my mother. Brother sister反思_Period 3Step 1 warm up1、 greetingT: Good morning.How are

8、 you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentationStep2 T: now, lets play a game. OK? Please do an action, and you guess this is a father or a mother?请小朋友上来模仿爸爸或妈妈的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋友猜猜他模仿的是father or mother?Step3教师指着黑板说:T: look, this is me ,Miss Jin.(做手势,让学生理解me 的意思)Ss fo

9、llow me: This is me.卡片出示. 让学生指照片说:This is me.T: my father, my mother and me .This is my family.手指板书。now, please work in pairs,this is my father,this is my mother,this is me. 同桌小朋友互相介绍。Step4抽几组小朋友说(6)在学生介绍的基础上,若发现学生有兄弟、姐妹,教学brother、sisterT: is this your father? Is this your mother? Teach: brother, 这个

10、单词发音较难,lets play a game “louder and lower”.T:Is this your brother?S: No.Step 5Teach : sister.Ss introduce their brother and sister.Step 6 consolidationWork in groupsSs introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。板书设计Unit1 My familyWhos he? He is my father/ brother. Whos she? She is my mother / sister.反思_Period 4 Step 1 war

11、m up1、greetingT: Good morning.How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentation(1)复习黑板上的句子。(2)read after the teacher(3)have a rest: sing a song : the finger family 带上手指套(4)T:一生带上手指套,快速给其他学生看,让小朋友们猜。(注意教育小朋友不要将手指套乱丢)Step 2 consolidation1T: Take it out, put them

12、on your head.2Work in groups . Ss introuduce ,抽几个小组表演。T:please open your book.,turn to page4、 Draw your family个人作品展示。向其他同学介绍你的家人。Hes . Shes .Step3 HomeworkShow the picture to your parents.板书设计Unit1 My familyWhos he? He is my father/ brother. Whos she? She is my mother / sister.反思_Period 5 Step 1 war

13、m up1、 greetingT: Good morning.How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentation(1)复习黑板上的句子。(2)read after the teacherStep2 Learn the song1、 Listen to the song.2、 Read after the teacher.3、 Try to sing with the tape.4、 Work in groups.Sing the song together.5、 小组竞

14、赛。6、 个人展示。Step3T: now, lets play a game. OK? Please do an action, and you guess this is a father or a mother?请小朋友上来模仿爸爸或妈妈的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋友猜猜他模仿的是father or mother?Step4 Make and say1、课前请学生依照头像框的大小画好自己家人的头像。2、明确本题要求,请学生将头像剪好后贴在相应的框里。3、指导学生运用Whos he/she?Hes/Shes在小组间进行对话,再每个小组选一人在集体里交流。CSing a song在学生朗

15、读歌词的基础上,放音乐让学生跟唱歌曲,对容易出错的地方给予指导、练习。Step5 Practise 活动手册P4(1)指导学生在框里画上头像,教师先做示范练习,再请学生小组里练习交流。(2)请个别进行集体交流。D、Assign homework(1)朗读A、B部分至熟练。(2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。反思_Unit2 Whst is your father?教学目标:1、能听懂Whats your ?并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes2、能正确使用Whats your ?Hes/Shes a,语音 语调正确。3、能听懂、会说、初步认

16、读a doctor ,a nurse ,a worter和a cook,发音正确。4、会说歌谣What is she ?教学重点目标1、2教学准备:图片教学过程:Period 1 Step1 Free talk:1、T:Hello,Im Helen. Hes my father. Shes my mother. Hes my brother.请男生扮演Mike,女生扮演Helen,以上面的说话形式进行练习。在此基础上同桌之间进行对话:Whos he/she?Hes/Shes my2、以不同形式的分角色练习,如男生问,女生答,左边两组问,右边两组答等,以提高学生的掌握熟练度。3、请学生拿出自己的

17、家庭照片,师生问答,同桌问答。Step2 Look and learn 1、教师使用实物投影仪呈现这些图片。T: This is my mother. She works here.T: Guess. Whats my mother?Ss: (在教室的引导下回答)Shes a nurse.2、带领学生读准每个单词。在教单词的过程中,教师示范发音,让学生认真听,仔细模仿。3、教师组织学生开展“快速记忆”游戏,操练新授单词。让四名学生走到讲台前,分别手持一张职业类的如片词卡,在其他同学看了几秒钟之后,让四位学生将图片放在背后,打乱他们的位置,教师用Whats he /she? 向全班学生提问。4、

18、Whats he/she?Hes/Shes a结合B部分的图片,让学生同桌进行练习。 l 教学过程:Step3 Practise 活动手册P51、观察每组图中的职业,请学生说一说;2、解释做题要求,请学生听句子答题。Step5 Assign homework(1)听录音,熟练朗读B部分单词。(2)运用Whats he/she?Hes/Shes a进行自我对话。板书设计Unit2 What is your father?a workera doctora cooka nurse反思_Period 2 Step1 warm up1、greeting T: Good morning. Hello,*

19、 This is *. How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down. Step2 presentationT now, boys and girls, look,what is this? This is Helens family photo.Look,what is Helens father ?. 引导学生回答Hes a doctor.Ss read one by one1、teach: nurse ,worker ,cook(1)老师出示图片自问自答:look, guess who

20、is she?S: mother. (给予学生适当的奖励)T: Yes. This is my mother。T show the card nurse领读几遍,注意ur 的发音。Ss read :nurse(一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,) T : look, this is my brother. 出示句型卡片This is my 学生跟读遍。T:Who can follow me ?introduce your brother.然后引出句型Hes a worker.学生手指着照片练说。(2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is he a worker?

21、S: No.(若学生能说出cook,则给予奖励)T: He is a cook. 出示卡片cook ,领读。Ss read :doctor,doctor, hes a doctor./nurse,nurse, shes a nurse./worker,worker, hes a worker/cook,cook, hes a cook.Step3 consolidationL et chant it.学生一面拍手一面说上面四句话。反复进行操练。Step4 Assign homework(1)听录音,熟练朗读B部分单词。(2)运用Whats he/she?Hes/Shes a进行自我对话板书设计

22、Unit2 What is your father?a worker a doctora cook a nurse反思_Period 3Step1 Free talk:1、对照B部分图片,请同桌相互练习。Whos he/ she?Hes/ Shes my father/ mother/ brother/ sister.再以不同形式的分角色练习,如男生问,女生答,左边两组问,右边两组答等,以提高学生的掌握熟练度。Step2 Presentation:教师通过复习第一单元的A部分对话,逐步引入话题。T: (出示本单元的课文图片)Look! Su Hai and Helen are still ta

23、lking about the photos. What are they talking about? Lets listen to the tape.播放课文录音,引出课文内容。Step3 Learn to say1、采用听录音后回答问题的方式,让学生熟悉课文内容,学习句型。T: (指着第一幅图照片中Helen 的父亲) Whats Helens father?Ss: (引导学生回答)Hes a doctor.2、教师采用听录音、集体跟读的方式让学生学习对话,要求模仿语音语调。在教对话过程中,教师要引导学生注意what 和 who 在词义上的区别。3、操练与应用(1)教师让学生通过多种形式朗读课文。(2)在学生基本掌握课文对话的基础上,可让学生根据对话,分角色进行表演。(3)让学生带着家人或朋友的家庭照片,在小组内用Whos he/she? 和What is he/she ? 相互询问照片中的人物以及他们各自的职业。在此对话基础上,再让学生用This is 和 Hes/shes a 向全班同学介绍。Step4 Practise活动手册P6(1)鼓励学生仔细观察插图内容。(2)听录音,学生做题。Step5 Assig

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