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1、新世纪大学英语综合教程4cloze部分地汉语意思及问题详解标准文档Unit 1Man has a blood tie with nature and nobody can liveoutside nature. Nature provides us with everything weneed: the air we breathe, the water we drink, and thefood we eat.For quite a long time after man began to live inthe realm ofnature,he livedin fear ofitsdest

2、ructiveforces. He used to regard nature with itselementalforces as somethinghostileto him. And even theforestwas something wildand frighteningtohim.Veryoften,he was unable to obtainthe merest daily necessitiesthough he worked together with othersstubbornlyandcollectivelywithhisimperfecttools.Through

3、hisinteraction with nature, man changed it gradually. Hecut down forest, cultivated land,transferred variousspecies of plants and animals to different climaticconditions,changed the shapeandclimateofhisenvironmentandtransformedplantsandanimals.Hesubdued and disciplined electricity and compelled itto

4、 serve the interests of society.Nonetheless,withtheconstantexpansionof文案大全标准文档agriculture and industry, man has robbed nature toomuch of itsirreplaceableresources, polluted his ownlivingenvironmentand caused about95% ofthe speciesthat have existed over the past 600 million years tobecome extinctand

5、stillmany otherstobe endangered.The previousdynamic balancebetween man and natureison thevergeof breaking down. Man is now faced withtheproblemofhow to stop,or atleasttomoderatethedestructive effect of technology on nature.The crisis of theecologicalsituation has become aglobalproblem.The solutionto

6、theproblemdepends onrationalandwiseorganizationbothofproductionitselfand careforMotherNature.This can only be donebyallhumanity,ratherthanbyindividuals,enterprises or separate countries.1realm2elemental3obtain4stubbornly5transferred6transformed7subdued8expansion9irreplaceable10extinct11dynamic12verg

7、e13moderate 14 ecological 15 rationalUnit 2Technology is a hot issue nowadays. The defenders文案大全标准文档of technology stressitsadvantageswhilethe opponentsemphasizeitsdisadvantages.Neithersidehasevertaken the time to look at theoppositepoint of view.Thedefendersoftechnologyholdthatwithtechnology,peoples

8、livingconditionshavebeengreatlyimproved . For example, theboom inproductivityhas made goods better and cheaper. Therefore, thingsthatwereonceluxuries,suchasjettravelandlong-distance phone calls, have become necessities.Medical technology, in particular, hasbenefitedus alot, especially in prolonging

9、life expectancy.On the otherhand,theopponentsoftechnologyarguethattechnologymakeslifeobviouslyworse.Telemarketing,trafficjams,and identitytheftareallphenomena thatmake peopleconsciouslyunhappy.Inaddition,manypeoplebelievetechnologydisruptsrelationships andfracturescommunity.EversincetheIndustrialRev

10、olution,therelationshipbetween happinessand technologyhas beenan eternalsubjectfor socialcriticsand philosophers,though economists and social scientists have seldomtouched on the topic. However, in 1974 the economist文案大全标准文档Richard Easterlindid groundbreakingworkontherelationshipbetween prosperityan

11、d well-being.Inhisfamous paper entitledDoes Economic Growth ImprovetheHuman Lot?, Easterlin showed that there was no realcorrelationbetween a nations income level and itscitizens happiness in the developed countries.In fact, technology is neither goodnor bad. Itdepends on what we want to do with it.

12、 Therefore, theresponsibility belongsexclusivelyto humans who haveto acquirea socialconscience,torespecthuman beings,nature and its balances.1 emphasize 2 opposite 3 improved 4 luxuries 5 benefited6 obviously 7 consciously 8 fractures 9 eternal 10groundbreaking 11 entitled 12 correlation 13 depends

13、14 exclusivelyUnit 4Most people have work to do. With work, they can enjoytheir lives. However, people who did physical labor were looked down upon in the past. Many people were compelled to take manual labor because it was an文案大全标准文档absolutenecessityfor them to earn a living and tosupporttheir families. By contrast, people who didmentalwork wer

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