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本文(五年级上册英语同步拓展M2 Unit 3 Moving home讲义 牛津上海版一起.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

五年级上册英语同步拓展M2 Unit 3 Moving home讲义 牛津上海版一起.docx

1、五年级上册英语同步拓展M2 Unit 3 Moving home讲义 牛津上海版一起授课日期2016/11/时 间15:00-17:00主 题M2U3重点词汇和There be 句型复习学习目标1. 掌握M2U3重点词汇用法2. 掌握there be句型的主谓一致和疑问句提问。教学内容 教学建议:1.课后作业检查,错题部分让学生互补讲解,老师做补充;2.师生互动,老师也参与其中指导,提升学生参与课堂的积极性。3.建议用时不超过30分钟。1.上次课后巩固作业复习;2.互动探索老师带领读,读出节奏感,引起学生的兴趣。然后让学生对上次预习思考的描述学校的句子进行修改。T: Lets chant. T

2、here are books on the tables. 一堆书在桌,There are children on the chairs. 孩子椅子坐,There are pencils in our hands. 铅笔手中握。And theres a teacher over there. 老师远处过。There are words on the blackboard. 字在板,There are pictures on the walls. 画在墙,But the cute animal in my pocket is the best thing of all. 袋中小宠才最棒!补充:关

3、于there be的名言:Where there is a will there is a way.有志者事竟成。【知识梳理1】There be 句型句子结构和基本概念及与have/has的区别基本概念:表示在某处存在某物/人句子结构: There be + 某物/人 + 地点状语。区别:have/has表示某人拥有某物。【例题精讲】教学建议: 老师先举例,引导学生再模仿几句,准备巩固练习,同时提醒一下什么情况用is,什么情况用are. 先不用加地点状语。为下个知识点做铺垫。例1. There is a boy on the grass.例2.There is a dog behind the

4、 boy.【知识梳理2】There is 和there are就近原则:不管句子中有几个名词,靠近be动词的名词的数决定be动词的单复数形式-靠近be动词的名词是单数形式或者不可数名词就用is,是名词复数就用are.【巩固练习】教学建议: 1. 引导学生看下图,发现图片中的单数和复数名词,以此为基础引导孩子说出并写下相应的句子。 2. 最后再复述总结,温习知识点。 _【知识梳理3】There be句型的否定句教学建议:用时10分钟左右 1. 直接否定 be 动词,在be动词后加not,可以缩写。 2. 陈述句的some变any. 其中 not any=no, not any 强调一个也没有。

5、3. 肯定句中两个及两个以上的名词用and连接,否定句中用or连接这些名词。【例题精讲】例1. There is a knife in the kitchen. 厨房的桌子上有一把小刀。There isnt a knife in the kitchen.=There is no knife in the kitchen.例2. There are some apples on the tree. 树上有些苹果。There arent any apples on the tree.=There are no books on the tree.例3. There is some bread on

6、 the table. 桌上有些面包。There isnt any bread on the table.=There are no bread on the table.例4. There are some flowers and a butterfly near the river. 河边有些花和一只蝴蝶。There arent any flowers or a butterfly near the river.=There are no flowers or a butterfly near the river.【巩固练习】教学建议:规定3分钟内完成练习。对下列句子仿照【例题精讲】进行否

7、定改写1.There is a woman near the house._ 2.There are many beautiful flowers in the garden._ 3.There are some books and a desk in the room._ Keys:1. There isnt a woman near the house.2. There arent any beautiful flowers in the garden.3. There arent any books or a shelf in the room.【知识梳理4】There be 句型的一般

8、疑问句教学建议: 1. 引导学生回顾已知的一般疑问句知识,再引导迁移到此句型中,发现总结规律。 2. 奖励总结最好的学生做一回小老师,为大家讲解,老师在一旁必要时辅助。 3.引导学生看下图提问。There be 句型的一般疑问句是将be动词提前,并且句中如果有some要变any.肯定回答:Yes, there is/are.否定回答:No, there isnt/arent. 小口诀: be提前,some变any, 其他不变。【例题精讲】例1. -Is there a soccer in this picture? 这幅图片上有一个足球吗?-Yes, there is.-No, there i

9、snt.例2. -Are there any trees behind the children? 孩子们的后面有些树吗?-Yes, there are.-No, there arent.【巩固练习】模仿【例题精讲】,根据上图写出更多句子。【知识梳理5】There be 句型特殊疑问句-对主语提问教学建议: 1. 翻译句子,将中文意思板书出来,对提问部分进行划线,让学生自己思考如何提问。 2. 提醒学生 there be在句子中需要省略。特殊的提问方式: 主语是物:Whats + 地点状语? 主语是人:Whos + 地点状语?需注意:不管句子中的主语是不是单数,提问都是用单数形式。【例题精讲】

10、教学建议: 1:通过提问大伞下有什么切入话题。 2:对人和物进行区别和指导。 3:鼓励学生根据图片说话,编个小故事或者小对话。进行角色扮演练习。例1. There are two children under the umbrella.- Whos under the big umbrella?例2. There is a book in her hand.-Whats in her hand?【巩固练习】教学建议:鼓励孩子将小故事或者小对话写在此处。_【知识梳理6】There be 句型特殊疑问句-对数量提问教学建议:1. 从图片中寻找可数的名词进行陈述,再对数量划线提问,引导回顾对可数名词

11、用how many提问的知识点。让学生想出一些不可数名词,进行there be句型的陈述,然后对数量进行提问,互相在探讨中学习how much提问的知识点。 2. 提醒学生 there be在句子中不要省略。对可数名词: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 地点状语?(需要和学生强调many后面要用are)对不可数名词: How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语?【例题精讲】例1. There are ten girls in my class. 我的班上有10个女生。How many girls are there in your clas

12、s?例2. There is a girl in bed. 床上有个小女孩。How many girls are there in bed?例3. How many girls are there in the field? 田野里有几个女孩? -There is one.【巩固练习】教学建议:鼓励学生把想到的不可数名词用there be句型陈述和对数量提问,并将其写在此部分。_【知识梳理7】There be 句型特殊疑问句-对地点状语提问教学建议: 1. 翻译句子,将中文意思板书出来,对提问部分进行划线,让学生自己思考如何提问。 2. 用时10分钟左右。Where is the +名词单数/

13、不可数名词?Where are the + 名词复数?【例题精讲】例1. There are two children under the umbrella. 大伞下有两个小孩。-Where are the two children?例2.There is a book in her hand.她的手里有本书。-Where is the book?【巩固练习】对句子划线部分进行提问。1.There is a shelf in the living room._ 2.There are some cats in my house._ 3. There are knives in the kitc

14、hen._ 4. There are some big trees behind our school._ Keys:1. Where is the shelf? 2. Where are the cats?3. Where are the knives?4. Where are the big trees?【知识梳理7】同步重点词汇复习1. north /n:/ n. 北方,北部与the连用,如:cold winds from the north来自北方的冷风。例句He lives to the north of here. 他住在这里以北的地方。 拓展延伸(l)north还可以作副词,意为

15、“在北方,向北方”。 例句He drives north. 他向北驶去。批注:首先看到这幅图片,是表示方向。对的,那么我们来思考一下四个方向的名词是:north,south,east,west 常和the连用。2. study /stdi/ n. 书房study在本单元作名词,意为“书房”。例句There are many books in the study. 书房里有许多书。拓展延伸study还可以作动词,意为“学习;研究”。例句He wants tostudy Chinese with me. 他想和我一起学习中文。批注:我们首先想一下,在家学习一般是在哪里?是在书房。对的,那么学习应该

16、是study. 那么书房跟学习是同一个单词:study 3. move /mu:v/ v. 搬动 (1) 使移动,搬动;开动例句That chair is in the way, move it please. 那把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。(2) 使感动(+to)例句They were much moved by her story. 他们被她的故事深深打动。4. a lot of = lots of 许多,大量既可以修饰不可数名词,又可以修饰可数名词。例句There are alotof boys in the playground. 操场上有许多男孩子。批注:在看新的单词之前,我们首先来看

17、右边这幅图片,这么多同学应该怎么说,所以那这个词组是:lots of students = a lot of students那它又相当于词组:plenty of5. wild goose 大雁这是一个合成词,由wild (野生的)和goose(鹅)构成。其复数形式为:wild geese,同goose变复数一样。名词变复数通过只变内部元音字母的单词还有:manmen womanwomen toothteeth footfeet批注:我们都知道,家养的鹅是goose,那么,跟鹅长得很像的是:duck 那天鹅应该是:swan我们可以这样记忆:wild goose野生的鹅就是大雁。6. chang

18、e /teind/ v. 变化例句I want to change my job. 我想换我的工作。拓展延伸change也可以作名词“变化”的意思。如:a change in the weather天气的变化【巩固练习】根据句子意思和已给首字母填写单词。1. Beijing is in the N_ of China, and Shanghai is in the S_ of China.2. The chair is in my way, please m_ it away.3. There are many c_ in my city. Its getting more and more

19、beautiful.4. There are a lot of g_ on the farm.5. Nowadays we can see many w_ drivers drive cars.6. We saw a movie last night. It was a sad but beautiful love story. I was m_.7. I have a s_ in my new house. I can study in it in the future.Keys: 1. North, south 2. Move 3. changes 4. Geese 5. Women 6.

20、 Moved 7. Study教学建议:此部分必须由班级学员合作完成,建议用时15分钟左右。建议步骤为:1) 在规定的时间内学员独立完成测试;2) 老师给出答案,学员相互批改;3) 在规定的时间内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;4) 老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)1. 用 there be 的正确形式填空(1) _ _ many people in the swimming pool.(2) _ _ any eggs in the fridge?(3) _ _ plenty milk and biscuits in th

21、e cupboard.(4) What _ in the box? A watch?(5) How much water _ _ in the teapot? (6) How many subjects _ _ in that school?(7) _ _ any pears left. We need to buy some.(8) _ _enough time? Sorry, I dont know.2. 按要求改写句子1). There are many ducks on the river. (改写成否定句)_2).There are a great many eggs in the

22、large basket, (改写成一般疑问句)_3). There is a cup of coffee on my desk. (对划线部分提问)_4). Are there any snacks and drinks in the supermarket? (一句拆成两句)_Keys:1. (1) There are (2) Are there (3) There is (4) is(5) is there (6) are there (7) There arent (8) Is there2. 1 ) There arent any ducks on the river.2) Are

23、there a great many eggs in the large basket?3) How much coffee is there on your desk?4) Are there any snacks in the supermarket?5) Are there any drinks in the supermarket?“我的总结”包含2个方面:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反思和总结;2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈现。我的总结(参考):1. There be 一般疑问be提前;2. be取决于临近的名词单复数;3. 特殊疑问

24、问东西,不管单复数,终是Whats + 地点?4. 问数量,可数How many,不可数How much;5. 否定be 后加not, some变any.符合本节课讲的内容都可以。注重学生总结的正确与否。不正确的要及时纠正。教学建议:规定学生能够在30分钟左右完成。A、英语翻译。 1.房间里一个女孩也没有. _ _ _ girls in the room. 2.一年有几个月? _ _ months _ _ in a year? 3.冰箱里有没有鸡蛋. _ _ _ eggs in the fridge. 4. 今晚公园里将有一个聚会. _ _ _ a party in the park toni

25、ght.5.我们教室里有一位老师和许多学生.(1)There is _ _ and _ _ in our classroom.(2) There are _ _ and _ _ in our classroom. 6.文具盒里有一块橡皮和几支铅笔.(1) There is _ _ and _ _ in the pencil-case.(2) There are _ _ and _ _ in the pencil-case. 1.there are no; many ;are there; 3. are there any; 4.there will be; 5.(1) a teacher;many students;(2)many students;a teacher;6.(1)an eraser; some pencils;(2)some pencils;an eraserB、阅读训练 Like a GentlemanJack is a seven-year-old boy. He likes eating cakes very much. Jack has a five-year-old sister. Her name is Mary.One day, Jacks mother gives him a nice cake and a knife,

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