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1、第四章 数词连词第四章 数词一、基数词与序数词高考试题传真It is not rare in _ that people _ fifties are going to university for further education. (1999,上海) A. 90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their_ cave that George has discovered in his life time is near the Alps. (1992,上海) A. The hundredth B. The hundred C. H

2、undredth D. A hundredthThe hero of the story is an artist in his _. (1991) A.thirtieth B.thirty C.thirtys D.thirtiesHe looked quite healthy though he was_.(1985,上海) seventy his seventies seventies the age of seventyKeys:D A D B数词是用来表示事物的数量和顺序的词,分为基数词和序数词两种。(一)基数词表示数量的词叫基数词。1-12的基

3、数词是独立单词;13-19的基数词都是以-teen结尾的,要注意thirteen,fifteen,eighteen的拼法稍有不同;20一90的十位数,以后缀-ty结尾,要注意twenty,thirty,fifty,eighty的特殊点。教你巧学巧记:巧记100内的基数词基数词不难记,找清规律很容易,十二以内词各异;十三数到十九去,后加-teen莫忘记。二十、三十至九十,整十之后有-ty;要说“几十几”,中间“-”号别丢弃,hundred是“一百”,请你记住莫大意。1.基数词的读法1)三位数的读法:第一个数字+hundred+and+后面的一位或两位数字。如:107one hundred and

4、 seven;765seven hundred and sixty-five。2)1,000以上的数的读法:先从后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号,第一个逗号前的数字用thousand(千),第二个逗号前的数字用million(百万),用 几十thousand表示 几万,以 几百thousand表示 几十万,用 几十million表示 几千万,用几百million表示 几亿。如:13,789,653thirteen million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-three。教你巧学巧记:读数的诀窍有一首歌诀,

5、可以帮助我们迅速地用英语读出长数字。从右向左三逗开, 一逗千,二逗百万,三逗就是十万万;左右三位分开读,保你又快又喜欢。“从右向左三逗开,”,指从右向左把长数字每三位用逗号分开。如:10,000;225,430;51,000,000,000“一逗千,二逗百万,三逗就是十万万;”指从右向左的第一个逗号表示“千”(thousand);第二个逗号表示“百万”(million);第三个逗号表示“十万万”(billion,即十亿)。 “左右三位分开读,保你又快又喜欢。”指读数时从左向右,每三位三位地按三位数的读法读,遇到有逗号时就分别加上该逗号所表示的那个英语单词。如:457four hundred a

6、nd fifty-seven102one hundred and two800eight hundred3,024three thousand and twenty-four2,007,009two million seven thousand and nine51,000,000,000fifty-one billion400,001four hundred thousand and one2.数词的复数形式大家知道,基数词和序数词一般都以单数形式出现,但在下面几种情况下却要用复数。1)表示几十岁时。如“二十多岁”说twenties,表示的是20岁到29岁。依次类推,thirties表示“三

7、十几岁”,forties表示“四十几岁”,但“十几岁”不可说tens,而要说teens,指13岁至19岁。如:He died in his thirties.She is in her teens.2)表示几十年代时,如:“二十世纪八十年代”写成1980s或1980s,均读作nineteen eighties,指的是1980至1989年这十年间,需注意的是,年代用文字表示时则不可用-s形式。如:.Great changes took place in the l970s.History has entered the eighties.3)表示不确定数目时,这时要在million,thousa

8、nd,hundred等词后加上-s并与of连用,表示大约多至“数以计”,但millions of等前不能再加基数词,却可加some,several等表示不确定数目的修饰语。如:Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun.Some hundreds of new buildings have been put up here this year.4)在分数中,当基数词(表示分子)大于one时,序数词(表示分母)要用复数,两者之间用不用连字符号均可。如:Two thirds of the teachers in

9、 our school are women.She has spent four-fifths of her money.5)当基数词用作可数名词或用于某些固定词组中时,也要用复数。如:How many sevens are there in forty-nine?They arrived by twos and threes.他们三三两两的来了。Wait a minute.Ill be finished in two twos.请等一下,我马上就来3数词和名词单数一起作定语,中间用连字符连接。a seven-year-old girl 一个七岁的女孩 a two-thousand-word

10、article 一篇2千字的文章4当基数词和序数词同时修饰一个名词时,序数词一般放在基数词前;但如果序数词充当描绘性修饰时,则放在基数词后。He is one of the first five students. 他是前五名的学生之一。He won three first prizes. 他获得三次第一名。(二)序数词表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。1.序数词的构成规则1)基数词变为序数词一般是在基数词后加上“th”。例如:fourth,seventh,hundredth2)第一、第二和第三的序数词分别是first,second和third。3)从第四起均是在相应的基数词后加上“th”,但加“th


12、巧学巧记:基数词变序数词歌诀基数词变为序数词绝大多数是直接加-th,但有少数变化是不规则的。虽然不规则的少,但同学们却最容易弄错。如把fifth写成fiveth,把ninth写成nineth。记住下面这首歌诀可以使你们克服诸如此类的错误。基变序,很容易,结尾加上“th”。一二三特殊记,结尾各是t、d、d。八减t,九去e,f来把ve替,y改为“ie”,结尾仍有“th”。若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。2.序数词前不用定冠词的情况1)表示顺序的语气很弱,具有“又一”、“再一”的意思时,其前要用不定冠词,不用定冠词。如:l.He cast the net a second time.2.A thir

13、d bullet passed.2)序数词前己有指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格或every时,不用定冠词。如:l.He made his first set in an old box.2.Berlin in 1929 held a public celebration on Einsteins fiftieth birthday.3)在表示分数的序数词前不用定冠词。如:l.From then on Bashi toured three-fourths of Beijing.2.Two-thirds of the area is covered by trees.4)数词与名词构成复合名词时,

14、不用定冠词。如:l.There is a first-class hotel over there.2.He went to a second-hand bookshop.5)序数词用作副词时,不用定冠词。如:l.Why did the captain first hesitate in letting the boy risk climbing the tree?2.First come,first served.6)在一些由序数词构成的固定词组里不用定冠词。如 first 2.first of al1 3.from first to last二、数词用于编号表示编号,可以用基数词

15、,也可以用序数词,即:事物名词(不加冠词)+基数词;the+序数词十事物名词。如:Lesson Twelve=the Twelfth Lesson 第十二课Part Onethe First Part第一部分World War I=the First World War第一次世界大战如英语编号中数字较长,一般用基数词表示。如:Room 506 第五0六号房间 page 265 第二百六十五页Telephone NO.8297976 电话号码8297976三、小数、分数和百分数的表达方式高考试题传真China is _ larger than the United States. (1990,上

16、海)A. one six B. one sixth C. one sixes D. one sixths_of the land in that district_covered with trees and grass.(2000,上海) A.two fifth;is B.two fifth;are C.two fifths;is D.two fifths;areKeys:B C1.小数点读作point,零读zero或nought。小数点后的数字按个位基数词依次读出。如:3.4three point four,0.2zero(nought)point two,0.03zero point z

17、ero three,3.458three point four five eight2.百分数由基数词后直接加percent(percent)构成。如:20%2Opercent(perdent) 3.分数由基数词 (分子)和序数词 (分母)合成。分子大于l时,表分母的序数词要用复数形式。如: 1/3one/a third 2/3two thirds但1/2一般用a/one half;1/4用a/one quarter或one fourth。教你巧学巧记:巧记分数表达法分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于“1”,分母加“-s”。带分数莫着急,前加整数就可以。分母若是“2”和“4”,half、quar

18、ter可代替。3.表示几分之几 (或百分之几)的人或物时,须在分数 (或百分数)和人或物间加of。若充当主语,谓语动词的数须与of后的名词的数保持一致。如:One third of the students are girls.1/3的学生是女生。Sixty percent of her income wos spent on clothes.她收入的60%花在了服装上。但当表示人口的几分之几 (或百分之几)作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。如:The population in China is very large, and eighty percent of it are farmers.

19、中国的人口众多,其中80%是农民。四、加减乘除的表示法1.加法的表达法如表达“几加几是多少”,可用“What/How much is+基数词and/plus+基数词?”;如表达“几加几等于几”,可用“基数词and+基数词is基数词”。如:What/How much is seven and eight?7加8是多少?Seven and eight is fifiteen. 7加8等于15。2减法的表达法如表达“几减几是多少”,可用“What/How much is+基数词minus+基数词?”;如表达“几减几等于几”,可用“基数词minus+基数词is基数词”。3.乘法的表达法如表达“几乘几是

20、多少”,可用“What/How much is+基数词times+基数词?”;如表达“几乘几等于几”,可用“基数词times+基数词is基数词”。4.除法的表达法如表达“几除以几是多少”,可用“What/How much is+基数词divided by+基数词?”;如表达“几除以几等于几”,可用“基数词divided by+基数词is基数词”。五、数量名词的单复数形式高考试题传真Two_died of cold last winter. (1988) A. hundreds old people B. hundred old peopleC. hundreds old peoples D.

21、hundred old peoplesShortly after the accident, two _ police were sent to the post to keep order. (1992) A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens ofMr. Smith _ me to buy several _ eggs for the dinner party. (1992, 上海) A. asked; dozen B. suggested; dozens of C. had; dozen D. persuaded; dozensKeys:B C

22、A (一)hundred,thousand,million的用法1.当前面有数词以及many,several等词修饰时,这三个词用单数形式,后面直接跟复数名词。如:two hundred students 200名学生several thousand enemies 几千敌人2.当这几个词前面没有数词而后面有of时,则一定要用复数形式,表示数百、 数千等笼统的数目概念。如:hundreds of dollars 数百美元millions of ants 数百万蚂蚁教你巧学巧记:巧用hundred等数词hundred,thousand,million等数词当表示具体数字时后无s和of,应说fiv

23、e hundred,three thousand,或six million等,而表示不明确数字时则说:hundreds of 数百个,thousands of数千个,成千上万,millions of 数百万。但同学们在使用时常会出错,如:two hundreds,five thousands of等,为了避免误用,可记住下面口决:hundred,thousand和million,有时含糊有时清。清时无s和of,糊时s和of跟。(二)score(二十),dozen (打; 十二个)的用法dozen1)当dozen与基数词或many,several等连用时,不加“-s”,所修饰的名词前常省去of。

24、 two dozen books 两打书two (many,several)dozen pencils 两打(几打)铅笔但是,在a dozen of these people,two dozen of them等短语中应加of。这是因为习惯上在these,those,us等词前该用dozen of的缘故。2)some dozen people是“若干打的人(几十个人,许多人)”。scorescore意为“二十”。two score of people中应加of,但three score and ten people,“70人”中不加of。scores of people意为“许多人”。上述这两

25、个词的复数形式与of连用时,表示不确切的数量,意为许多,大量的。如:for dozens of years 好几十年以来scores of years ago 许多年前scores of times 许多次六、时间的表达法1.用数字表达法来表示几点几分时,分钟数在后,并且不可使用quarter,half。如:8:15 eight fifteen(不能说:eight a quarter)10:30 ten thirty(不能说:ten half)2.使用介词past表示“几点过几分”,用to表示“几点差几分”时,分钟数放在介词前。如:11:25 twenty-five past eleven(=

26、eleven twenty-five)6:40 twenty to seven(=six forty)3.past,to前的分钟应小于三十分钟(如果正好是三十分,应用half)。如:5:55 five to six=five fifty-five(不能说:fifty-five past five)5:30 half past five=five thirty(不能说:thirty past five或five half)教你巧学巧记:巧说“时间”同学们可以利用下列口诀来巧记妙学英语中的时间表达法。数字说法时后分,quarter,half不可用。如果出现past,to,分钟在前记心中。past过

27、,差几分to,分钟小于三十分。 说明:解释见上述相应的序号。巩固性练习:1.-Have you seen_workers pass by? -Yes,Ive seen_them.A. woman;hundreds of B. women;hundreds ofC. woman;two hundred of D. women;hundreds2.Having done three experiments without rest,they were_out to go on with_one.A. so tired;a fourth B. so tiring ;the fourthC. too

28、given;the fourth D. too worn;a fourth3.-Whats the date today?-Its _.A. Sunday B. August the ninthC. the first of May D. October fifth4.Hainan is _ island.A. Chinas second largest B. the Chinas second largestC. the second Chinas largest D. Chinas the second largest5.In her _she began to take up writi

29、ng.A. forties B. fourties C. fortieth D fourtieth6._summer olympics was held in Barcelona in SpainA. The Twenty-four B. Twenty-fourC. The Twenty-forth D. Twenty-fourth7.The Sao Paulo fire broke out _February 4th,1974.A. in B. on C. at D. for8.-How many new jobs can you give to the people here?-Three

30、 _ and _.A. hundred; eighty-six B. hundreds; eighty-sixC. hundred; eighty-sixth D. hundreds; eighty-sixth9.-What time did finish your homework yesterday?-_seven oclock _ the afternoon.A. On;in B. At;on C. At;in C. On;at10.“Please turn to _ and look at the text.”A. Page 29 B. the page 29 C. a page 29 D. 29 page11.He lives in _. A. Room 512 B.512 Room C. the 512 Room D. the Room 51212.-How long is the bridge? -700_. A. meter long B. meters lo

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