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本文(山东德州届高考英语一轮复习完形填空加强训练46.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、山东德州届高考英语一轮复习完形填空加强训练46 山东德州2014届高考英语一轮复习完形填空加强训练461.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项。It was a terrible night for Lubeck and lightning flashed through the darkness over his bedroom. Before the 80-year-old 1 _ worker could count one thousand one, he was shaken by a blast of thunder. It was 11 p

2、.m. The storm had moved 2 _ over his two-story wood home. Then he heard the smoke 3 _ ringing. Lubeck rushed 4 _ barefoot to investigate. The flames from a fire, most likely caused by lightning, exploded out. Lubeck fled back upstairs to call 911. But the phone didnt 5 _. and when Lubeck tried to go

3、 down outsides, he was stopped by a wall of flames.Lubeck realized he was 6 _ . His young granddaughters, who lived with him, were 7 _ for the night. His house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be 8 .Up a hill about a third of a mil

4、e away lived Lubecks 9 _ neighbors, Wentworth and his wife. When it occurred to him that the sound was more like a smoke detector, Wentworth jumped out of bed, grabbed a wireless phone and a flashlight, and 10 _ down the hillside toward the noise.Wentworth called out,Is anyone there? as he 11 _ the

5、house. Then he heard, Help me! Im trapped! coming from Lubecks balcony(阳台).Inside the house, windows broke up all around him. After one more 12 _ inside the house,he gave up and there was no 13 _ to get to him. Suddenly, he noticed a ladder. He dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down j

6、ust as the second floor of the house collapsed. Within the year, Lubeck and his family 14 _ the house at the site of the fire. Wentworth and Lubeck dont run into each other 15 _ , but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help, Wentworth will be there.1. A excitedBtiredCretiredD .relaxed2. A direct

7、lyBslightlyC-slowlyD smoothly3. A packet BalarmCboxD chimney4. A forwardsBupstairsCtowardsD downstairs5. A workBuseCcallD make6. A rescuedBshockedCbeatenD trapped7. A presentBawayCaliveD active 8. A helpfulBcarelessCfruitlessD regretful9. A farthestBclosestCkindestD deepest10. A headedBhandedCescape

8、dD landed11. A gotBarrivedCapproachedD walked12. A thoughtBexperimentCchanceD attempt13. A keyBideaCway D doubt14. A remindedBrebuiltCrepeated D recalled15. A rarelyBoccasionallyCcommonly D regularly2.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Checking out at the store, the young lady cashier su

9、ggested to the older man that he should bring his own grocery bags, because plastic bags werent good for the environment. The man 36 and explained, “We didnt have this 37 thing back in my earlier days.” The clerk responded, “Thats our 38 today. Your generation did not 39 enough to save our environme

10、nt for 40 generations. ” She was 41 our generation did not have the green thing in its day. Back then, we 42 milk bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be 43 and refilled, so it could use the same 44 over and over. So they 45 were recycled. But we did not ha

11、ve the green thing back in our day. We 46 to the grocery store and did not climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two 47 . But she was right. We did not have the green thing in our day. Back then, we had one TV in the house not a TV in every 48 , and the TV had a small screen 49

12、 of a handkerchief, not as big as the state of Montana. We did not fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to 50 the lawn, but used a push mower(割草机) that ran on human power. We exercised by 51 so we didnt need to go a health club to 52 on treadmills(踏车) that operate on electricity. But shes right,

13、 we did not have the green thing back then.We 53 from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with 54 instead of buying a new pen. But we did not have the green thing back then.But isnt it 55 that the current gene

14、ration laments(哀叹)how wasteful we older folks were just because we did not have the green thing back then?36. A. apologizedB. imagined C. hesitated D. nodded37. A. useful B. greenC. cheapD. important38. A. purposeB. chanceC. doubtD. problem39. A. spare B. protectC. careD. collect40. A. youngB. newC.

15、 futureD. whole41. A. skillfulB. honestC. smartD. right42. A. returnedB. devotedC. threwD. offered43. A. producedB. washedC. soldD. broken44. A. bottlesB. bagsC. materialsD. machines45. A. probablyB. reallyC. quicklyD. finally46. A. droveB. flewC. rushedD. walked47. A. housesB. factoriesC. blocksD.

16、towns48. A. handB. familyC. villageD. room49. A. colorB. shapeC. sizeD. cover50. A. waterB. cutC. plantD. change51. A. studyingB. ridingC. travelingD. working52. A. runB. standC. dependD. relax53. A. escapedB. drankC. pumpedD. suffered54. A. inkB. oilC. waterD. color55. A. luckyB. necessaryC. sadD.

17、terrible3.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。I ran in a race over the weekend and re-1earned a valuable lessonDuring the middle of the run, I turned a corner and faced a 36 running trackthe kind that doesnt seem to end. When I started the race, the thought of 37 the finish line motivated

18、meBut when 1 was halfway through,out of breath,imagining the finish line didnt provide me with any 38 Instead of focusing on 39 and reaching my goal,I tried to forget all about the finish line and conquering the long running track aheadI 40 my head and looked about three steps in front of me. Every

19、three steps became a _41 “finish line. Forget about everything else,I told myself over and over 42 just those next three steps 43 I knew it,I had reached the end of the long running track and was 44_ another corner So what does this mean in the real world?A11 the experts 45 you to dream bigMaking yo

20、ur goals 46 ,they say,will help you persist(顽强地坚持)in the face of difficultiesBut many times,this thinking doesnt 47 Big goals can become double-edged swordThey can motivate you to take action,but they can also create 48 :Im in the battle for my life,struggling in the battlefield,and you want me to f

21、ocus on winning the war? I dont think soHow about focusing on how to 49 the next 24 hours? Theres a fine line of course. If you only focus on whats right in front of you and 50 the bigger picture, your work may start to seem pointlessSo what we need is to achieve a(n) 51 . People usually say if your

22、e 52 of heights,the rule is not to look downDuring my race, I had a new 53 :dont look upI focused on my next few 54 and knew if I did this over and over and overId 55 reach the finish lineAnd Im happy to report I did finish the race36Asingle Bwrong Cnarrow D1ong37Acrossing Bfollowing Cmoving Dpullin

23、g 38Aexperience Benergy Cinformation Dprotection 39A. success Beffort Cpoints Dcauses40Aheld Braised Cshook Ddropped41Afinal Bnew Cmain Dfine42APut on BHold on CFocus on D. Rely on43AAfter BSince CBefore DUntil 44Aturning Bkeeping C1eaving Dmaking45Aencourage Bforce Crequest Dforbid46Atrue Bbig Cint

24、eresting Deasy47Ahelp Bexist Cstay Dappear48Astress Bwork Ccharacters Dopportunities49Aspend Benjoy C. fill Dsurvive50Acatch Bsee Cignore Dimagine51Apurpose Bbalance Cgoal Deffect 52Aaware Bafraid Ctired Dunsure53Aproblem Badventure Cway Drule54Araces Bsteps Cjobs Dideas55Aeventually Bimpossibly Cna

25、turally D. frequently4.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There was once a great war between two countries. The war had been going on for some time and the soldiers were starting to feel 36 the long battle. On a hot afternoon, a man was 37 past a small group of soldiers digging a huge pit

26、 (坑). The group leader was shouting orders and threatening 38 if the work was not completed within the hour. The man riding the horse 39 and asked,“Sir, why are you only shouting orders? Why cannot you help them yourself?” The group leader looked at him and replied, “What do you 40? Im the leader. T

27、he men do as I 41 them to.” He then added, “If you feel so strongly about helping them, you are 42 to do so yourself!” The man got down from the 43 and started walking up to the soldiers at work. The group leader was simply 44! The man took up the 45 and started helping the soldiers and worked with

28、them till the job was 46! Before leaving, the man 47 the soldiers on their work, and 48 the group leader. He said, “Next time your 49 prevents you from supporting your people, you should inform your 50authorities, and I will provide a more permanent 51 .” The group leader was now completely surprise

29、d. Only now he looked 52 at the man and realized the man was the army general! The army general exhibited some of the key 53 that are important for a true leader. There are 54 people who are ready to really help get the work done. They 55 the status of the leader but not the state of the leader.36.

30、A. astonished at B. tired of C. frightened of D. embarrassed at37. A. walking B. running C. driving D. riding38. A. illness B. battle C. punishment D. death39. A. stopped B. waited C. stayed D. doubted40. A. remember B. mean C. express D. imagine41. A. remind B. tell C. beg D. invite42. A. sure B. lucky C. ready D. welcome43. A. horse B. plane C. car D. bike44. A. encouraged B. moved C. shocked D. worried45. A. tools B. guns C. clothes D.

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