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初中英语Unit3Is this your pencil教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、初中英语Unit3 Is this your pencil教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Period1 New words and phrasesSept 1. Learn to read the new words of this unit1. Learn to read the wordsGet the students to try to read the new words in this unit according to the phonetics given in the vocabulary list and underl

2、ine the difficulties they meet.(培养学生根据音标学习单词的能力,学生刚学过音标,通过自学读单词,练习同时标出自己不会读的单词,形成自主学习的习惯。)2. Work in groupsThen give students a few minutes to deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in groups according to the phonetic symbols. As for some difficult words, teachers should help studen

3、ts correct pronunciation. (七年级学生对音标掌握不是很熟练,让学生注意一些难单词的发音,然后通过小组对难单词进行讨论,进行组内互帮互助解决初步解决疑难,确有不会的可向老师寻求帮助。) 3. Solve the problems with the help of the teacher1) Get individual students to read the new words to the class, the others listen.2) If the students make mistakes while reading the words, the te

4、acher let the students correct pronunciations first . 3) If most of the students cant read the words correctly, the teacher corrects the mistakes.4) Let the students read the difficult words.(小组合作后,让不同层次的个别学生起来读,便于老师掌握学生的读单词情况。)4. Listen to the tape and read after itGet the students to read the word

5、s after the tape . Then give them a few more minutes to read all the words quickly to consolidate the pronunciation.(听录音,模仿发音,纠正自己的发音。)5. Check in groupsLast, students work in groups of four. Group leaders check the members and give some help to ensure their members can read all the new words accura

6、tely and fluently. (兵教兵,兵练兵,巩固所学) (设计意图:七年级的学生刚接触音标的学习,因此单词的学习环节,坚持从个体同伴小组老师整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组合作学习的能力。在此环节,可以培养学生根据音标读单词的能力,同时在两两合作和小组合作中也培养了学生的合作精神,最后由教师来纠正部分难发的音,可以帮助学生顺利的读出本单元的的单词。)Step 2 Learn to remember words in this unitT: Now Ill show you some ways to help you remember the words. And let us h

7、ave a competition-The wall is coming.(作为七年级的学生,喜欢比较活跃的课堂气氛,记单词环节,为了激发学生的积极性,采用竞争比赛的形式,借助墙来了这个游戏,比赛记单词。)1. Remember the words by looking at pictures pencil pencil box This is an English dictionary .Is this your bag?dictionary bag eraser teacher ring watch computer game ID card library lost and found

8、e-mail You can e-mail Ann at ann74. (设计意图:通过展示图片,学习新词,直观形象,先让学生猜测词义,记忆更加深刻,使其轻松地把英语和汉语对应起来,记忆起来比较容易。)2. Remember the words by comparing their similar meanings.主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词I me my mine you you your yourshe him his his she her her hers Chant: A: Is this your pen? B: No,it isnt. Its his.A: Is th

9、is his pen? B: No,it isnt. Its hers.A: Is this her pen? B: No,it isnt. Its mine.(设计意图:利用图表的形式将新旧词列出来,黑色为已学过的词汇,红色为本单元新词汇,以旧带新,通过图表帮助学生系统地掌握单词,最后通过一个chant的形式,来学习单词在语境中的运用,并学会归纳总结。)3. Remember the words by matching their Chinese. Let students remember the phrases first, then read the short conversatio

10、n and try to get familiar with the pharses.1). excuse me 劳驾,请原谅2). thank you for 为而感谢3). Youre welcome. 不客气4). ask for 请求,要求,询问5). must 必须6). a set of 一套,一副7). What about? 怎么样?.好吗?Conversation:A: Excuse me. Is this set of keys yours?B: Yes,it is. Thank you for your help.A: You are welcome. What abou

11、t the book?A:It must be Janes.(设计意图:学生自学短语,并记住短语的汉意,然后通过一个简单对话,了解本单元短语在语境中的用法,培养学生在语境中学习新词的能力,体现词不离句,句不离篇的教学理念。)4. Remember the words by complex words 1). school + bag = schoolbag2). note + book = notebook3). class + room = classroom4). base + ball = baseball(设计意图:本单元的词汇多是与学生的学习用品有关,使用多种形式帮助学生记忆,根据单

12、词的特点进行分类减轻了记忆难度,加深了印象,便于学生掌握。)Step 3 Consolidation of words 1. Give the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first. Then get them to work in pairs to spell the words or write down the words with the Chinese given. Underline the words they havent grasped.2. The teacher can also give so

13、me important words and get the students to try to have a short dictation. Check the answers in pairs and correct the mistakes.3. Let us play a game. 4. We have learned the words of Unit3. Now let students have a check. T:Please write the school things you know. The more ,the better.(设计意图:通过之前的学习,让学生

14、系统的回忆本节课所学的单词,并采用合作的方式让学生巩固所学,接着老师提出几个较难的单词,对所学的单词作出必要的点拨,最后借助于课本Self Check part1的表格,既考查了生词,又对教材进行了有机整合。)Step 4 Read the story and try to translate it.T: Youve done a good job. Now Ill give you a story of myself. Please read the story and underline the new words. Then translate the story into Chines

15、e in groups.A forgetable boyTom is a forgetable boy. He always forgets his pencil box, books, and homework. One day he can not find his keys in the classroom. He and his friend go to lost and found. “Excuse me. Are the set of keys yours?”. They ask. “ No, they arent. They are his. Mine arent here.”

16、Tom feels very sad, because he can not go home.Then he decides(决定) to make a change.In order not to forget the things. He asks his teacher for help. His teacher gives him a notebook to write the things that he will do in a day. But one day, he even losts his notebook. But he does not notice(注意) it.

17、When he goes to school, he finds that he forgets his books, earser, dictionary, watch, IDcard and pencil at home. And his teacher gets very angry. Then he calls his mother and tells his mother to take his schoolbag to school. When his mother take the things to school, he finds that he just put his c

18、omputer game and baseball in his bag. But where are the others things? Nobody knows.(设计意图:教师把一个单元的生词编成一段小短文,让学生通过语篇学习单词,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。)Step 5 Retell the story according to the mind mapT: I can see you have understood the story well. Now lets try to retell it

19、 according to the mind map. First listen to me. Ss listen carefully. Then they try to retell in groups. Check the retelling. (设计意图:本课是学习关学习用品的词汇,用知识树的形式呈现既直观又实用,能很好的帮助学生把故事串成一个整体,这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力。)Step 6 当堂检测一按要求写出下列单词。 1.pencil(复数)_ 2.dictionary(复数)复数)_ 4.schoolbag(复数)_ 5.notebo

20、ok(复数)_ 6.ring(复数)_7.library(复数)_ 8.thanks(动词)_9.he(名词性物主代词)_10.her(名词性物主代词)_11.I(名词性物主代词)_ 12.they(宾格)_13.I(宾格)_复数)_二词组互译1. 一串钥匙 _ 2.为而感谢 _3. 请求,要求,询问 _ 4.不客气 _ 5. excuse me_ 6.What about _ 7.失物招领 _ 8.callat _puter game _ 10.ID card _三根据首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. There is an e_ in my bag.2 P

21、lease call me a_13867753421.3.I borrow (从借)s_ books in the l_.4.This pencil is not m_. Its his.5.-Thank you for your h_.-Youre w_.6.Miss Wang is an English t_.(设计意图:练习是由易到难,步步深入进行设计的,通过习题的检测,考查学生对单词掌握情况,使学生学会在语境中理解并使用单词,练习三结合课本内容,提前将难点突破,也是对教材的一种有机整合。)Step7 Homework请向大家介绍你的文具,越多越好。参考句型:This is That

22、is These areThose are(设计意图:本节课时本单元的第一课时,用二单元的句型来练习,承上启下,既对本课所学新词的概括,又达到学以致用的目的。) 参考答案一按要求写出下列单词。 1.pencils 2.dictionaries 3.boxes 4.schoolbags5.notebooks 6.rings 7.libraries 8.thank 9.his 10.hers 11.mine 12.them 14.watches二词组互译1. a set of 2. thank for 3. askfor 4. Youre welcome.5. 劳驾:请原谅 6.怎么样

23、? 7.lost and found 8.给某人打电话 9.电脑游戏 10.身份证 三根据首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. eraser 2. at 3. some, library4. mine 5. help, welcome 6. teacher学情分析我校的学生从小学三年级就开始学习英语,进入七年级的学生已经对英语熟悉四年了。中学生心理学研究指出,初中阶段的学生具有好动,注意力易分散的特点,因而抓住学生特点,积极采用形象生动,形式多样的教学方法和学生广泛的积极主动参与的学习方式,定能激发学生兴趣,有效地培养学生能力,促进学生个性发展。因此在本课的设计中,我采用了游戏等各种


25、一练”教学模式贯穿而成。自我感觉这堂课教学目标的实现较为顺利,达到了预期的效果,具体分析如下:Sept 1. Learn to read the new words of this unit1. Learn to read the words 培养学生根据音标学习单词的能力,学生刚学过音标,通过自学读单词,练习同时标出自己不会读的单词,形成自主学习的习惯。2. Work in groups 七年级学生对音标掌握不是很熟练,让学生注意一些难单词的发音,然后通过小组对难单词进行讨论,进行组内互帮互助解决初步解决疑难,确有不会的可向老师寻求帮助。3. Solve the problems with

26、the help of the teacher小组合作后,让不同层次的个别学生起来读,便于老师掌握学生的读单词情况。4. Listen to the tape and read after it听录音,模仿发音,纠正自己的发音。5. Check in groups 兵教兵,兵练兵,巩固所学,大部分学生基本完成任务。Step 2 Learn to remember words in this unit作为七年级的学生,喜欢比较活跃的课堂气氛,记单词环节,为了激发学生的积极性,采用竞争比赛的形式,借助墙来了这个游戏,比赛记单词。1. Remember the words by looking at

27、 pictures通过展示图片,学习新词,直观形象,先让学生猜测词义,记忆更加深刻,使其轻松地把英语和汉语对应起来,记忆起来比较容易。2. Remember the words by comparing their similar meanings.利用图表的形式将新旧词列出来,黑色为已学过的词汇,红色为本单元新词汇,以旧带新,通过图表帮助学生系统地掌握单词,最后通过一个chant的形式,来学习单词在语境中的运用,并学会归纳总结。3. Remember the words by matching their Chinese.学生自学短语,并记住短语的汉意,然后通过一个简单对话,了解本单元短语在

28、语境中的用法,培养学生在语境中学习新词的能力,体现词不离句,句不离篇的教学理念。4. Remember the words by complex words 本单元的词汇多是与学生的学习用品有关,使用多种形式帮助学生记忆,根据单词的特点进行分类减轻了记忆难度,加深了印象,便于学生掌握。大多数同学通过提前预习可以顺利进行单词的拼读Step 3 Consolidation of words 通过之前的学习,让学生系统的回忆本节课所学的单词,并采用合作的方式让学生巩固所学,接着老师提出几个较难的单词,对所学的单词作出必要的点拨,最后借助于课本Self Check part1的表格,既考查了生词,又对

29、教材进行了有机整合。 Step 4 Read the story and try to translate it.教师把一个单元的生词编成一段小短文,让学生通过语篇学习单词,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。大部分同学能够读懂文章并且正确翻译,个别同学在组长的带领与帮助下可以完成本次任务。Step 5 Retell the story according to the mind map本课是学习关学习用品的词汇,用知识树的形式呈现既直观又实用,能很好的帮助学生把故事串成一个整体,这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中

30、理解和记忆单词的能力。复述课文对于学生来说是本课时的难点,很多学生第一遍的时候跟不上,但是借助思维导图有一半的学生可以对课文进行简单的复述。Step 6 当堂检测练习题的设置也是分层次的,由简入难。有65%的同学能够达到全对,更多的问题出在难点单词的拼写及用法上。课下还需进行更多的练习加以巩固。教材分析本节课课题出自七年级英语上册第三单元。在此之前学生已经学习了生活之中最为常见的日常用语,这为过渡到本节的学习起着铺垫作用。本节内容是这一单元的第一课时,占据着首要的地位,通过本节课的学习,今后的学习打下基础。本课时重点是学会使用下列词汇造句子:pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, bo

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