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1、学年高三英语二模汇编阅读理解C精校Word版含答案2019-2020学年高三英语二模汇编阅读理解COne【虹口区】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the inform

2、ation given in the passage you have just read.(C)There arent many actors around the world who have enough self-confidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe that was why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said shed be happy to be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dino

3、saur. Of course he turned her down and it was probably a good thing. Its difficult to imagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, her decision doesnt seem to have done her career any harm. She has gone on to make a string of hits, including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The E

4、nglish Patient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat.Success in the United States has not been so easy for other foreign stars. Gerald Depardieu is a good example. Since his first film in 1967, his filmography (影片集锦) lists 172 acting credits. But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. W

5、hile some of his films have been popular in the US, they have usually been French films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card, directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictab

6、le but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts (分配同一类型角色) its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While some reviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieus performance.While Monsieur Depardieu hasnt received the recognition he would have liked in the United States, one Mex

7、ican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in 2000 and a year later in Ytu mama tambien. Since then he has appeared with hometown hero, Brad Pitt in Babel and, under the direction of top producer and director, Jim Jarmusch, he starred

8、 in Limits of Control. He hasnt picked up an Oscar yet, but he was nominated for a BAFTA (英国电影电视艺术学院奖) in 2005 for his performance as the South American hero revolutionary Che Guevara, in Motorcycle Diaries. In the same year he played American music icon Elvis Presley in The King.56. It can be infer

9、red from the passage that Juliette Binoche _.A. very much wanted to be in Jurassic ParkB. didnt want to be in Jurassic ParkC. really wanted to play a dinosaur in Jurassic ParkD. was hesitant whether she could play a dinosaur well57. According to the writer, Gerald Depardieus most popular films _.A.

10、have been made in HollywoodB. have only been seen in EuropeC. have been made in France, but seen in other countries, tooD have been made in Hollywood, but well received in France58. The last sentence in Para 2 “others shredded both the film and Depardieus performance” means others thought Depardieus

11、 performance and the film were _.A. complex B. interesting C. terrible D. impressive59. The writers purpose in writing this article is to suggest that _.A. Foreign actors generally do well in the United StatesB. American actors are able to earn more money than foreign actorsC. Foreign actors are pla

12、ying an irreplaceable role in the United StatesD. a successful career in Europe or Latin America doesnt guarantee success in the USA【答案】56.B 57.C 58.C 59.DTwo【黄浦区】( C )Scientists in Antarctica have recorded, for the first time, unusually warm water beneath a glacier (冰川) the size of Florida that is

13、already melting and contributing to a rise in sea levels.The researchers, working on the Thwaites Glacier, recorded water temperatures at the base of the ice of more than 2, above the normal freezing point. Critically, the measurements were taken at the glaciers grounding line, the area where it tra

14、nsforms from resting wholly on bedrock to spreading out on the sea as ice shelves. It is unclear how fast the glacier is getting worse: Studies have forecast its total collapse in a century or in a few decades. The presence of warm water in the grounding line may support estimates at the faster rang

15、e.That is worthy of attention because the Thwaites, along with the Pine Island Glacier and several smaller glaciers, acts as a brake on part of the much larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which if melted, would raise the worlds oceans by more than a meter over centuries, an amount that would put many

16、coastal cities underwater.“Warm waters in this part of the world, as remote as they may seem, should serve as a warning to all of us about the potential terrible changes to the planet brought about by climate change,” said David Holland, director of New York Universitys Environmental Fluid Dynamics

17、Laboratory.Glaciologists have previously raised alarm over the presence of warm water melting the Thwaites from below. This is the first time, though, that warm waters have been measured at the glaciers grounding line.To observe activity beneath the glacier, Dr. Hollands team drilled a hole about 30

18、 centimeters wide and 600 meters deep from the surface to the bottom and then placed equipment that measures water temperature and ocean turbulence, or the mixing of freshwater from the glacier and salty ocean water. Collecting the data took about 96 hours in subzero weather. Warm waters beneath the

19、 Thwaites are actively melting it, the team found.While scientists may not yet be able to definitively predict how soon glaciers like the Thwaites will melt, human-caused climate change is a key factor. The biggest predictor of “how much ice we will lose and how quickly we will lose it,” Dr. Holland

20、 said, “is human action.”63. What does warm water found in the glaciers grounding line indicate? A. Sea levels should be remeasured. B. It may take a century for the glacier to melt. C. The grounding line is getting shorter. D. The glacier might disappear sooner.64. The Thwaites and other glaciers a

21、re important because _. A. they hold back ice B. they are extremely large C. they are located at bedrocks D. they are collapsing65. What can be inferred from the passage about the researchers viewpoints? A. We can predict how much ice can be kept. B. Human beings are to blame for the loss of ice. C.

22、 Glaciers serve a more important purpose than expected. D. More data needs to be collected to support the estimates.66. What is the passage mainly about? A. The efforts made to avoid the presence of warm water. B. The alarm voiced on the worsening situation of glaciers. C. The tools employed to meas

23、ure the temperature of Antarctica. D. The prediction based on a scientific study of the grounding line.【答案】63-66: DABBThree【浦东新区】(C)Changing the GameOn a warm September evening in London, The Arch climbing wall, just south of the River Thames, is packed. Scores of people wander around on the thick c

24、rash pads, chatting, waiting their turn and offering the odd shout of encouragement to those clinging on to the colourful climbing walls.Rock climbing was once classified as an “extreme sport”. But indoor centres like The Arch, which offer climbing without the need for rocks, are bringing it into th

25、e mainstream. The British Mountaineering Council estimates there are at least 248 public climbing walls in Britain, a number that has risen by 30% since 2010. In 2020 the sports governing bodies are hoping to see an even bigger increase in interest. Along with skateboarding, surfing and karate(空手道),

26、 rock climbing will be making its first appearance as an Olympic sport at the summer games in Tokyo.The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is frank about the ambition to appeal to a younger crowd who may be less familiar with longer-standing sports such as athletics and weightlifting. The crowd a

27、t the Arch is exactly what the IOC has in mind: mostly young professional letting off steam after work, who see climbing as a more engaging ans sociable alternative to jogging on running machines or pumping iron in a gym. Between them, the new sports will mean another 18 events and 474 athletes at t

28、he Tokyo games.Officially, all four sports are delighted with their new status. But with the exception of karate, all of them have counter-cultural, anti-establishment roots. Some stars have wondered whether accepting the Olympic torch means going against their beliefs. Owen Wright, a famous surfer,

29、 has said that surfing is more art form than sport, and therefore not suitable for the games though he has since gone back on his word, and hopes to represent Australia in Tokyo.Adam Ondra, a Czech who is one of the worlds climbers, said he might steer clear of the games because of the format. The e

30、ventual Olympic champion will have to master all the three disciplines including bouldering (climbing without a rope, low to the ground, with a focus on hard, gymnastic moves), lead climbing (roped climbing up a tall wall of increasing difficulty) and speed climbing. Bouldering and lead climbing fea

31、ture new routes in each stage of a competition, in an effort to imitate the variety of real rock. But speed climbing takes place on a standard, unvarying course. Because of this, said Mr. Ondra, “speed is a kind of artificial discipline . and this is against the soul of climbing.”Skateboarders, also

32、 notably rebellious, can be strikingly young. Sky Brown is set to become Britains youngest Olympian and has settled down to training. By the time of the Tokyo games, she will have turned 12.60. Which of the following statements is true about rock climbing?A. It originated in The Arch, a sports centre on the River Thames.B. It has evolved from a mainstream sport into an extreme sport.C. Spectators encouragement contributes to its rapid expansion.D. The increase in climbing walls

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