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1、动感英语笔记动感英语笔记.(中央-6正在播的)ACTIONENGLISH 1MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 sound engineer, a person who make sound better 录音师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Rumo(u)r has it that 据说 ;人们都说例句:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy. 人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。 Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer. 人们都说那个录音师很难相处. Rumour has it

2、 that Jeans getting married again.人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。 Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet.谣传内阁将改组。 Rumour has it that he is going to resign. 据说他将辞职。 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 The BeachMy name is Richard.So what else do you need to know?Stuffabout my family or where Im from.None of that

3、matters.Not once you cross the ocean and cut yourself loose.Looking for something more beautiful something more exciting and yet, I admit something more dangerous.After 18 hours in the back of an airplane three dumb movies, two plastic meals, six beers and absolutely no sleep, I finally touched down

4、 in Bangkok.Hey, how about you? You want to go to the waterfall? Cheap for you, come on.Hey, you need somewhere to stay?Ill be fine. Ill find my own place, thanks.What do you want, man?And this is it. Bangkok, good time city, gateway to southeast Asia.Where dollar and Deutschmarks.Get turned into co

5、unterfeit watches and genuine scars.Its a good time, boys? Girls? This is where the hungry come to feed. You wanna drink snake blood?Wait a minute. Did you say snake blood?Oh yeah.No, thanks.What is wrong with snake blood?I just dont like the idea.Or maybe you scared? Afraid of something new?No, I j

6、ust dont like the idea, thats all.Ha ha! Like every tourist. You are all the same just like America.So never refuse an invitation.Never resist the unfamiliar.Never fall to be polite.Gentlemen, that was excellent.Never outstay your welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience.And if h

7、urts its probably worth it.重点词句: None of that matters. 无关紧要。 You matter to me. 你对我很重要。matter to you 对你重要. not matter to you.对你不重要例句:1.Your opinion really matters to me.你的意见对我很重要2.You matter to me .你对我很重要.It doesnt matter .不要紧.counterfeit watches genuine scars.(片中)counterfeit 假的。counterfeit money 假币g

8、enuine 真的 true真的(爱情) ,true love ;real真的 (友情)real friendsgenuinetrue real 反义词:counterfeit Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts its probably worth it.(片中) 只要你敞开心扉,即便是受到痛苦,也是值得的。be worth doing。deserving of ; giving satisfaction值得 worth 值得例句:1.Tibet is definitely worth se

9、eing.*绝对值得一去。2.This car isnt worth the money you paid for it.你买的那部车不值那么多钱.You are not worth helping你不值得帮忙。 It is worth buying .它值得购买。This book is worth reading.这本书值得一看。 Tibet is definitely worth seeing.绝对值的一看。 ACTION ENGLISH 2MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 cartoon (also animated cartoon), a film made by phot

10、ographing a series of drawings卡通;动画片 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Oh, Come on!说明:用强调的语气时,表示不相信。用平白的语调时,表示快点。连续说两遍的时候,表示加油。 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 Entrapment Who do we like for this? 凭以往的经验,这会是谁干的? Who do you like for 凭以往的经验,会 例句:Who do you like for the best actress at tomorrows Oscars?凭以往的经验,你觉得明天的奥斯卡最佳女主角会

11、是谁? Who do you like for the soccer game tomorrow night, Brazil or Germany?凭以往的经验,你觉得明天晚上的足球赛是巴西赢还是德国赢? Oh, Gee! 表示没想到,感到惊讶! 同义词:Gosh! Oh my God! Oh, no! 表示发牢骚、抱怨。 Oh, oops! 在犯了个小错误的时候说。 Go ahead.请便。例句:Do you mind if I smoke here?No, go ahead. 我可以抽烟吗?没问题,请便吧。 Can I use the bathroom ?Go ahead.我能用一下卫生间

12、吗?当然,请便吧。 ACTION ENGLISH3MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 action movie (also action film) 动作片action!开拍!action cutting连续动作剪辑 action photography 动作摄影 action properties动作道具action shot动作镜头 action still 电影剧照 action-stopping shot 动作停顿镜头AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 You just cant get over(you cant forget) 很难忘记例句:The French soc

13、cer fans cant get over the World Cup 2002. (法国的球迷很难从2002年世界杯中的失利的阴影中走出来。)dwell on , stop thinking about 不要再想例句:We shouldnt dwell on someones past. 我们不该总抓住一个人的过去不放。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 -High CrimeYou have a warrant for the arrest of someone named Ron Chapman. My husband is Tom Dubick. What the hel

14、l is going on? Im an attorney. I have the right to know the charges. Murder? Yes. If convicted, hell get the death penalty. 重点词句: get down 蹲下 趴下freeze 不许动duck 把头低下去What the hell is going on? 究竟出了什么事?have the right to 有权例句:Ihave the right to stay here as long as I want.(我有权住在这个地方想多久就多久。)You have the

15、right to keep silent.(你有权保持沉默。) ACTION ENGLISH 4MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 preview, 预告片AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 play chicken 错开 例句:When you drive youd better not play chicken with bigger cars.你开车的时候最好避开大车Dont be a baby! 不要发牢骚不要抱怨。Hes such a baby.总发牢骚的人。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 After two years of training. You

16、believe that a $45000 airplane. Is there for your amusement? No, sir. I was just trying to keep my edge major. And when you did the outside loop last week. What did you think that was?Honing your skills? Thats not training, macaully. Thats a stunt. And I personally consider it to be reckless and irr

17、esponsible. 重点词句: keep my edge (stay sharp)保持最好的状态 反义词:lose your edge例句:I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.(为了我英语一直好下去,我不得不每天念。) David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesnt practice every day, hell lose his edge. (贝克汉姆是位伟大球员,如果他不每天练球的话他就会失去他的战斗力。)honing 提高例句:

18、Owning my own computer gives me the chance to hone my computer skills. (有了自己的电脑,我的电脑技能就会大幅度提高。) Janes new job requires her to talk to lots of people. Shes really honing her peoples skills.因为珍的工作每天都要与人打交道,所以她的谈话技能越来越棒.ACTION ENGLISH 5MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Screen adaptation 改编AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Take y

19、our pick 随你挑 例句:We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick. ( 因为我们钱很多所以我们可以挑任意一个DVD。) CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 “If we ever get in this war and something happens to me. I cant tell you how good it makes me feel to know that someone as sweet as you will be there to nurs

20、e me back to health.” “Good! But were not in the war yet.” “Okay, that was a bad line.” “Hi! Im Red, Red . Strange.” “Your last names Strange?” “Yeah, shes all yours, soldier.” “No, its Winkle.” “Red is such a ladies man!” “Do you always stutter?” “No, only when Im” “Shes totally buying it.” “Nervou

21、s?”“Yeah.” “Why cant I get something like that?” 重点词句: That was bad line 向异性示爱的话说的不太好例句:I didnt give her my phone number because she use the terrible lines. (我没有给那个姑娘我的电话,因为她不太招我待见。)Im not good at meeting girls because I dont have any pick up lines.(我不太会跟女孩子约会,因为我不太会讲那些花言巧语。)ladies man 非常有女人缘的男性例句:M

22、y cousin always has 2 or more women interested in him. Hes a real ladies man!(我的表弟身边总是有若干个女性对他感兴趣所以他是个非常有女人缘的男性)My brother is a good looking guy and a smooth talker. Really hes kind of a ladies man.(我的哥哥长的不错而且也很会讲话,他挺有女人缘。)Shes totally buying it (buy=believe) 她一点都不相信对方例句:He said he could help me get

23、 a job at his company but I dont buy it. He doesnt have that much influence.(他跟我说他能在他的公司帮我找到一份工作,我才不相信他的话呢。)She told me she loved me but I dont buy it. I saw her at dinner with her ex-boyfriend last night.(她跟我讲她爱我,那天晚上我还看见她和她的前男友在一起吃饭。) ACTION ENGLISH 6MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 log keeper 场记AMERICAN SLA

24、NG 美国俚语 Its up to you. 由你来决定,由你说了算!例句:You can have any sweater you want . Its up to you. The colors up to you.(你想穿什么毛衣,你自己定,颜色由你来选。)CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 “No, Betty, get up.” “Whats going on, Red?” “Youve got to stand up, please.” “What do you mean get up?” “Just stand up.” “Betty.” “Red, come on,

25、 Weve got a dinner reservation.” “Can I get a minute?” 重点词句: What do you mean?你什么意思?例句:What do you mean we have no more milk. I just bought some yesterday.(我们的牛奶又没了,你什么意思,我昨天刚买的。)Can I get a minute?能不能等我一下?例句:Gush, I think I hurt myself. Can I get a minute?我受伤了,能等我一下吗? Hey, Michael, you walk too fas

26、t. Im tired. Can I get a minute?我太累了,你能等我一会吗? Just a minute. 等我一下(在打电话的时候用)Whats the matter?你怎么了?例句:Why are you crying? Whats the matter?(你干嘛哭?出什么事了?)You are acting strangely. Whats the matter with you?你最近怎么行为怪怪的,出什么事了吗? Whats got into you? Whats going on? 出什么事了?propose 求婚 例句:How did you propose to

27、your wife?(你当初是怎么向你老婆求婚的?)get engaged to 订婚get married to 结婚 ACTION ENGLISH 7MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 crew剧组AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 busting my ass让难堪/ 努力工作例句: I wish the directors just would stop, you know, busting my ass because I already have lots of problems.我真的希望导演别再为难我,我的麻烦事已经够多了。 Every day I work, I

28、bust my ass so my family can live well.(在单位我总是非常卖力的干,因为我想要家里的日子好过起来。)smooth 对什么东西很擅长例句:Hes very smooth with women because he has dates every weekend. (他对异性真又一套,每个周末他都不会闲着。) 可以把复杂的事弄简单的人,比较有本事的人 例句:Somebody is smooth. (谁很厉害。) 很容易说服别人的人 例句:Hes has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good t

29、alker. (他非常有说服力,有礼貌, 有感染力,真的非常不一样。) CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 “The Navys gonna sneak us about 400 miles off the Japanese coast and well launch from the carrier there.” “Has that ever even been done before? Taking Army bombers off a Navy carrier?”“No.” “Okey.” “Any other questions?”“Well sir, is it eve

30、n possible to land a B-25 on an aircraft carrier deck?”“That wont matter. As soon as were airborne the carrier will head straight back for Hawaii.“But if the carriers head home where do we land?”“I have a phrase I want you to memorize.”“Wo shi yige Meiguo ren. It means I am an American. in Chinese.”重点词句: sneak 潜入例句:If I come home late. I sneak into my house so I dont wake anyone up. (如果我回家晚了,我会静悄悄的进去,不被任何人察觉。)head 去什么地方例句:Im so tired. Im heading home.(我很累了,我回家了。)Are you heading to class later?(过一会你去上

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