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1、论文版式修订终稿A Survey of EFL Learners Reading StrategiesByZhang SanA thesissubmitted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department ofBaoji University of Arts and Sciences in partial fulfillment ofthe requirement for the degree ofBACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAGEBaoji, ShaanxiMay, 2013A Survey of EFL

2、 Learners Reading Strategies Zhang SanAbstract: This paper intends to analyse the English language learners Considering that most of the reading strategies are proposed by foreign scholars of this field for ESL learners rather than for EFL learners, a survey is conducted as to whether Chinese EFL le

3、arners really apply these strategies and how well the students at college use them.(有删节) In spite of the fact that many Chinese scholars like Liu Yichun, Yao Ximing and Song Desheng have made a considerable amount of research on reading from many different perspectives, their studies are almost all

4、based on the reading strategies proposed by foreign scholars of this field for ESL learners rather than for EFL learners. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a survey as to whether Chinese EFL learners really apply these strategies and how well the students at college use them. The students survey

5、ed are selected at random from among the Grade 2001 students of the Foreign Languages Department, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, and classified into two groupsthe successful and the less successfulaccording to their performances on the TEM-4 test of the year 2002.And after reading, they summ

6、arize what they have been reading and think about their first impressions. The paper concludes that EFL learners ought to have as much extended reading as possible and read regularly. Great efforts must be made to enrich and enhance their fundamental linguistic knowledge and skills, and to better un

7、derstand the world. The EFL learners should have the ability to recognize errors or contradictions in text, to distinguish important ideas from unimportant ones,to keep a balance between different strategies and to use different strategies with different kinds of texts. More importantly, to ensure t

8、he success in improving reading comprehension, the readers should read often and regularly.Key words: EFL learners; reading strategies; cognitive strategies; the successful readers, the less successful readers外语学习者阅读策略研究张 三【内容提要】:(前有删节)本研究随意抽取宝鸡文理学院外语系英语专业2001级学生为调查对象,根据他们在2002年英语专业四级考试中的成绩将其分为成功者和不


10、的好处。因此,有效的读者同时也是积极主动的读者,有清晰的阅读目的,在阅读前、阅读中或阅读后都能使用一系列的阅读策略。阅读前,先把目光放在标题、副标题和小标题上,以此来引发相关的思想、记忆和联想。阅读时,试图创造与作者对话的气氛,尽力明确作者的意图。阅读后,对所读作品做出小结,回忆起初阅读时的印象,起到建立新图式、新概念的目的。此外,外语学习者还要尽可能多地开展延伸性阅读(extended reading),丰富和提高语言基本知识与能力,增进对世界的了解和认识,具备批判性阅读的能力;不要过分依赖某种策略,而应该在各种策略之间寻求平衡,并能针对不同材料使用不同的策略;要善于使用元认知策略对外语学习

11、,特别是阅读进行计划、监控和评估;经常性阅读和定期阅读是阅读理解力提高的重要保证。【关键词】:EFL学习者;阅读策略;认知策略;成功者;不成功者CONTENTSI. Introduction . .1II. Major reading models and theories 4有删节IV. A Survey.234.1 Subjects .23 4.2 Instrument .23 4.3 Data collection .23 4.3.1 The successful vs. the less successful .24 4.3.2 The students use of reading

12、strategies .26 4.3.4 The rates of errors in the quiz on reading comprehension .29V. Data analysis and discussion .315.1 The use of the strategies by all the students 315.2 Differences in using the strategies by both groups 325.3 Error analysis .355.4 Discussion .38VI. Conclusion .41References .44Ack

13、nowledgements.47提交论文终稿时,以上为论文封面以及摘要建立一个文夹。Naturalism in Sister Carrie : An AnalysisI. Introduction Naturalism, as a literary genre, plays an essential part in American literature. The fundamental naturalist doctrine is presented in Emile Zolas 1880 essay “le roman experimental”. In it, Zola claims t

14、hat the naturalist writer should subject believable characters and events to experimental conditions. In other words, take the known and introduce it into the unknown. He calls that the literary artist “must operate with characters, passions, human and social data as the chemist and the physicist wo

15、rk on inert bodies, as the physiologist work on living bodies” (Zhang, 2000: 425), which the French initiated and began to develop naturalism, Americans are credited with bringing it to fruition. Thus, guided by Zola, American naturalistic writers thought that since human beings are, in Emile Zolas

16、phrase, “human beasts”, characters could be studied through their relationships to their surroundings (Zhang & Ma, 1998: 88). The naturalists believed in studying human beings as though they were “products” that are to be studied impartially, without moralizing about their natures. Some sentences ar

17、e purposefully deleted. All in all, by the shaping of Carrie Meeber, Douet, Hurstwood, as well as the whole story, Dreiser well shows his literary trend and well plays his role as a naturalist.II. The specific period the story be fallenIts natural to discuss the cultural and economic background in w

18、hich the novel Sister Carrie is set in, together with a brief presentaion of American dream in the 19th century. All these two sections lay a basic foundation and sound, solid framework for turther analysis of the novel Sister Carrie per se.2.1 The culture and economical background of Carries timesD

19、reiser firstly insisted that the culture that Carrie reflects is grounded in economic conditions. The year Dreiser assigns to Carries migration in 1889, and her search for labor in the closest major city reflects a national trend. In 1890, one year after Dreiser imagines Carries arrival in Chicago,

20、women made up seventeen percent of the national labor force, with women between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four forming the largest proportion of this group. From the founding of the U.S. through the early nineteenth century, the economy had been primarily agricultural, with the individual house

21、hold the center of production. The transition from an agricultural economy centered in the family to an industrial order characterized by managerial capitalism depended on the development of factories throughout the nineteenth century. Factories demanded centralized labor, large groups of unrelated

22、people leaving the home and working under one roof. With this shift, work necessarily moved outside the home. Among thousands of rural Americans who rushed to cities to find jobs and to build themselves new lives and identities, Carrie also capture the excitement of that experience. She moved out of

23、 her hometown heading for Chicago. 2.2 American dream in the 19th centuryDuring the industrial revolution of the 19th century, in big cities, there were colorful theatres, restaurants, supermarkets and dancing rooms emerging furiously, where people could hardly reject these charming temptations. It

24、was a world of prices. Chicago as well as New York best represented the overall characteristics of American capitalism and high-developed economy from being fueled by production to being driven by consumption. While Chicago was the city that most people of middle class and western Americans dreaming

25、 for, Carrie was among the people, who believed they can find their happiness in Chicago. She embodies popular aspirations and the notion of the “American dream” defined later by James Truslow (1878-1949) was.2.2.1 American dream in the first half of 19th centuryContent and words are purposefully de

26、leted.2.2.1 American dream in the second half of 19th century Content and words are purposefully deleted.Finally, the mythology of American dream is sure that Carrie rises from rags to riches. Carrie may represent a broad principle of American culture-its quest for economic domination of the world,

27、she might be seen as an allegory for American ideals, often wavering and compromised in geopolitical application, and serving a variety of self-interested pressure groups.III. The human nature in a naturalists eyeAmong the forces that sweep and play throughout the universe, untutored man is but a wi

28、sp in the wind. Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason. (Dreiser, 2000:59)3.1 Instrumentality-for the fulfillment of the everlasting desireDreiser set himself to pro

29、ject the American values for what he had found them to be-materialistic to the core. Living in such a society with such a value system, the human individual is obsessed with a never-ending, yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his desires. Dreiser further proclaimed that to a populace firmly i

30、n the grip of material existence, the desire for something more is a destructive energy that can never be exhausted; it is a doom. Hurstwood, whose success as manager of a high class- drinking establishment is not sufficient, fixes his further ambition on Carrie, and is ruined in the end. But the de

31、sire for something more, the longing for fulfillment, is also hope, and therefore innocence, a sort of redemption. Carrie, at the top of her profession, is left looking for something more, but as we understand she will never find it- she has unfulfilled the closest thing to grace in Dreisers theology.3.2 Human bestiality-the indifference in peoples relationshipsDreiser, who has been influenced by Spencer and Darwins theory, reaches a kind of new theory called bio-so

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